Sindbad~EG File Manager
from . import base
import collections
import tuned.consts as consts
from .decorators import *
import os
import re
import tuned.logs
from tuned.utils.commands import commands
log = tuned.logs.get()
cmd = commands()
class Service():
def __init__(self, start = None, enable = None, cfg_file = None, runlevel = None):
self.enable = enable
self.start = start
self.cfg_file = cfg_file
self.runlevel = runlevel
class InitHandler():
def runlevel_get(self):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(["runlevel"])
return out.split()[-1] if retcode == 0 else None
def daemon_reload(self):
cmd.execute(["telinit", "q"])
def cfg_install(self, name, cfg_file):
def cfg_uninstall(self, name, cfg_file):
def cfg_verify(self, name, cfg_file):
return None
# no enable/disable
class SysVBasicHandler(InitHandler):
def start(self, name):
cmd.execute(["service", name, "start"])
def stop(self, name):
cmd.execute(["service", name, "stop"])
def enable(self, name, runlevel):
raise NotImplementedError()
def disable(self, name, runlevel):
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_running(self, name):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(["service", name, "status"], no_errors = [0])
return retcode == 0
def is_enabled(self, name, runlevel):
raise NotImplementedError()
class SysVHandler(SysVBasicHandler):
def enable(self, name, runlevel):
cmd.execute(["chkconfig", "--level", runlevel, name, "on"])
def disable(self, name, runlevel):
cmd.execute(["chkconfig", "--level", runlevel, name, "off"])
def is_enabled(self, name, runlevel):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(["chkconfig", "--list", name])
return out.split("%s:" % str(runlevel))[1][:2] == "on" if retcode == 0 else None
class SysVRCHandler(SysVBasicHandler):
def enable(self, name, runlevel):
cmd.execute(["sysv-rc-conf", "--level", runlevel, name, "on"])
def disable(self, name, runlevel):
cmd.execute(["sysv-rc-conf", "--level", runlevel, name, "off"])
def is_enabled(self, name, runlevel):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(["sysv-rc-conf", "--list", name])
return out.split("%s:" % str(runlevel))[1][:2] == "on" if retcode == 0 else None
class OpenRCHandler(InitHandler):
def runlevel_get(self):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(["rc-status", "-r"])
return out.strip() if retcode == 0 else None
def start(self, name):
cmd.execute(["rc-service", name, "start"])
def stop(self, name):
cmd.execute(["rc-service", name, "stop"])
def enable(self, name, runlevel):
cmd.execute(["rc-update", "add", name, runlevel])
def disable(self, name, runlevel):
cmd.execute(["rc-update", "del", name, runlevel])
def is_running(self, name):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(["rc-service", name, "status"], no_errors = [0])
return retcode == 0
def is_enabled(self, name, runlevel):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(["rc-update", "show", runlevel])
return bool("\b" + re.escape(name) + r"\b", out))
class SystemdHandler(InitHandler):
# runlevel not used
def runlevel_get(self):
return ""
def start(self, name):
cmd.execute(["systemctl", "restart", name])
def stop(self, name):
cmd.execute(["systemctl", "stop", name])
def enable(self, name, runlevel):
cmd.execute(["systemctl", "enable", name])
def disable(self, name, runlevel):
cmd.execute(["systemctl", "disable", name])
def is_running(self, name):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(["systemctl", "is-active", name], no_errors = [0])
return retcode == 0
def is_enabled(self, name, runlevel):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(["systemctl", "is-enabled", name], no_errors = [0])
status = out.strip()
return True if status == "enabled" else False if status =="disabled" else None
def cfg_install(self, name, cfg_file):"installing service configuration overlay file '%s' for service '%s'" % (cfg_file, name))
if not os.path.exists(cfg_file):
log.error("Unable to find service configuration '%s'" % cfg_file)
dirpath = consts.SERVICE_SYSTEMD_CFG_PATH % name
os.makedirs(dirpath, consts.DEF_SERVICE_CFG_DIR_MODE)
except OSError as e:
log.error("Unable to create directory '%s': %s" % (dirpath, e))
cmd.copy(cfg_file, dirpath)
def cfg_uninstall(self, name, cfg_file):"uninstalling service configuration overlay file '%s' for service '%s'" % (cfg_file, name))
dirpath = consts.SERVICE_SYSTEMD_CFG_PATH % name
path = "%s/%s" % (dirpath, os.path.basename(cfg_file))
# remove the service dir if empty, do not check for errors
except (FileNotFoundError, OSError):
def cfg_verify(self, name, cfg_file):
if cfg_file is None:
return None
path = "%s/%s" % (consts.SERVICE_SYSTEMD_CFG_PATH % name, os.path.basename(cfg_file))
if not os.path.exists(cfg_file):
log.error("Unable to find service '%s' configuration '%s'" % (name, cfg_file))
return False
if not os.path.exists(path):
log.error("Service '%s' configuration not installed in '%s'" % (name, path))
return False
sha256sum1 = cmd.sha256sum(cfg_file)
sha256sum2 = cmd.sha256sum(path)
return sha256sum1 == sha256sum2
class ServicePlugin(base.Plugin):
Plug-in for handling sysvinit, sysv-rc, openrc and systemd services.
The syntax is as follows:
Supported service-handling `_commands_` are `start`, `stop`, `enable`
and `disable`. The optional `file:__file__` directive installs an overlay
configuration file `__file__`. Multiple commands must be comma (`,`)
or semicolon (`;`) separated. If the directives conflict, the last
one is used.
The service plugin supports configuration overlays only for systemd.
In other init systems, this directive is ignored. The configuration
overlay files are copied to `/etc/systemd/system/__service_name__.service.d/`
directories. Upon profile unloading, the directory is removed if it is empty.
With systemd, the `start` command is implemented by `restart` in order
to allow loading of the service configuration file overlay.
NOTE: With non-systemd init systems, the plug-in operates on the
current runlevel only.
.Start and enable the `sendmail` service with an overlay file
The internal variable `${i:PROFILE_DIR}` points to the directory
from which the profile is loaded.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ServicePlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._has_dynamic_options = True
self._init_handler = self._detect_init_system()
def _check_cmd(self, command):
(retcode, out) = cmd.execute(command, no_errors = [0])
return retcode == 0
def _detect_init_system(self):
if self._check_cmd(["systemctl", "status"]):
log.debug("detected systemd")
return SystemdHandler()
elif self._check_cmd(["chkconfig"]):
log.debug("detected generic sysvinit")
return SysVHandler()
elif self._check_cmd(["update-rc.d", "-h"]):
log.debug("detected sysv-rc")
return SysVRCHandler()
elif self._check_cmd(["rc-update", "-h"]):
log.debug("detected openrc")
return OpenRCHandler()
raise exceptions.NotSupportedPluginException("Unable to detect your init system, disabling the plugin.")
def _parse_service_options(self, name, val):
l = re.split(r"\s*[,;]\s*", val)
service = Service()
for i in l:
if i == "enable":
service.enable = True
elif i == "disable":
service.enable = False
elif i == "start":
service.start = True
elif i == "stop":
service.start = False
elif i[:5] == "file:":
service.cfg_file = i[5:]
log.error("service '%s': invalid service option: '%s'" % (name, i))
return service
def _instance_init(self, instance):
instance._has_dynamic_tuning = False
instance._has_static_tuning = True
self._services = collections.OrderedDict([(option[8:], self._parse_service_options(option[8:],
self._variables.expand(value))) for option, value in instance.options.items()
if option[:8] == "service." and len(option) > 8])
instance._services_original = {}
def _instance_cleanup(self, instance):
def _process_service(self, name, start, enable, runlevel):
if start:
elif start is not None:
if enable:
self._init_handler.enable(name, runlevel)
elif enable is not None:
self._init_handler.disable(name, runlevel)
def _instance_apply_static(self, instance):
runlevel = self._init_handler.runlevel_get()
if runlevel is None:
log.error("Cannot detect runlevel")
for service in self._services.items():
is_enabled = self._init_handler.is_enabled(service[0], runlevel)
is_running = self._init_handler.is_running(service[0])
instance._services_original[service[0]] = Service(is_running, is_enabled, service[1].cfg_file, runlevel)
if service[1].cfg_file:
self._init_handler.cfg_install(service[0], service[1].cfg_file)
self._process_service(service[0], service[1].start, service[1].enable, runlevel)
def _instance_verify_static(self, instance, ignore_missing, devices):
runlevel = self._init_handler.runlevel_get()
if runlevel is None:
log.error(consts.STR_VERIFY_PROFILE_FAIL % "cannot detect runlevel")
return False
ret = True
for service in self._services.items():
ret_cfg_verify = self._init_handler.cfg_verify(service[0], service[1].cfg_file)
if ret_cfg_verify: % "service '%s' configuration '%s' matches" % (service[0], service[1].cfg_file))
elif ret_cfg_verify is not None:
log.error(consts.STR_VERIFY_PROFILE_FAIL % "service '%s' configuration '%s' differs" % (service[0], service[1].cfg_file))
ret = False
else: % "service '%s' configuration '%s'" % (service[0], service[1].cfg_file))
is_enabled = self._init_handler.is_enabled(service[0], runlevel)
is_running = self._init_handler.is_running(service[0])
if self._verify_value("%s running" % service[0], service[1].start, is_running, ignore_missing) is False:
ret = False
if self._verify_value("%s enabled" % service[0], service[1].enable, is_enabled, ignore_missing) is False:
ret = False
return ret
def _instance_unapply_static(self, instance, rollback = consts.ROLLBACK_SOFT):
for name, value in list(instance._services_original.items()):
if value.cfg_file:
self._init_handler.cfg_uninstall(name, value.cfg_file)
self._process_service(name, value.start, value.enable, value.runlevel)
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists