Sindbad~EG File Manager
from . import base
from .decorators import *
import tuned.logs
from tuned.utils.commands import commands
import os
import errno
import re
log = tuned.logs.get()
class VideoPlugin(base.Plugin):
Sets various powersave levels on video cards. Currently, only the
Radeon cards are supported. The powersave level can be specified
by using the [option]`radeon_powersave` option. Supported values are:
* `default`
* `auto`
* `low`
* `mid`
* `high`
* `dynpm`
* `dpm-battery`
* `dpm-balanced`
* `dpm-perfomance`
For additional detail, see
link:[KMS Power Management Options].
NOTE: This plug-in is experimental and the option might change in future releases.
.To set the powersave level for the Radeon video card to high
def _init_devices(self):
self._devices_supported = True
self._free_devices = set()
self._assigned_devices = set()
# FIXME: this is a blind shot, needs testing
for device in self._hardware_inventory.get_devices("drm").match_sys_name("card*").match_property("DEVTYPE", "drm_minor"):
self._cmd = commands()
def _get_device_objects(self, devices):
return [self._hardware_inventory.get_device("drm", x) for x in devices]
def _get_config_options(self):
return {
"radeon_powersave" : None,
def _instance_init(self, instance):
instance._has_dynamic_tuning = False
instance._has_static_tuning = True
def _instance_cleanup(self, instance):
def _radeon_powersave_files(self, device):
return {
"method" : "/sys/class/drm/%s/device/power_method" % device,
"profile": "/sys/class/drm/%s/device/power_profile" % device,
"dpm_state": "/sys/class/drm/%s/device/power_dpm_state" % device
@command_set("radeon_powersave", per_device=True)
def _set_radeon_powersave(self, value, device, sim, remove):
sys_files = self._radeon_powersave_files(device)
va = str(re.sub(r"(\s*:\s*)|(\s+)|(\s*;\s*)|(\s*,\s*)", " ", value)).split()
if not os.path.exists(sys_files["method"]):
if not sim:
log.warn("radeon_powersave is not supported on '%s'" % device)
return None
for v in va:
if v in ["default", "auto", "low", "mid", "high"]:
if not sim:
if (self._cmd.write_to_file(sys_files["method"], "profile", \
no_error = [errno.ENOENT] if remove else False) and
self._cmd.write_to_file(sys_files["profile"], v, \
no_error = [errno.ENOENT] if remove else False)):
return v
elif v == "dynpm":
if not sim:
if (self._cmd.write_to_file(sys_files["method"], "dynpm", \
no_error = [errno.ENOENT] if remove else False)):
return "dynpm"
# new DPM profiles, recommended to use if supported
elif v in ["dpm-battery", "dpm-balanced", "dpm-performance"]:
if not sim:
state = v[len("dpm-"):]
if (self._cmd.write_to_file(sys_files["method"], "dpm", \
no_error = [errno.ENOENT] if remove else False) and
self._cmd.write_to_file(sys_files["dpm_state"], state, \
no_error = [errno.ENOENT] if remove else False)):
return v
if not sim:
log.warn("Invalid option for radeon_powersave.")
return None
return None
def _get_radeon_powersave(self, device, ignore_missing = False):
sys_files = self._radeon_powersave_files(device)
method = self._cmd.read_file(sys_files["method"], no_error=ignore_missing).strip()
if method == "profile":
return self._cmd.read_file(sys_files["profile"]).strip()
elif method == "dynpm":
return method
elif method == "dpm":
return "dpm-" + self._cmd.read_file(sys_files["dpm_state"]).strip()
return None
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists