Sindbad~EG File Manager
"""Supporting definitions for the Python regression tests."""
if __name__ != '':
raise ImportError(' must be imported from the test package')
import contextlib
import errno
import fnmatch
import functools
import gc
import socket
import stat
import sys
import os
import platform
import shutil
import warnings
import unittest
import importlib
import UserDict
import re
import time
import struct
import sysconfig
import types
import thread
except ImportError:
thread = None
__all__ = ["Error", "TestFailed", "TestDidNotRun", "ResourceDenied", "import_module",
"verbose", "use_resources", "max_memuse", "record_original_stdout",
"get_original_stdout", "unload", "unlink", "rmtree", "forget",
"is_resource_enabled", "requires", "requires_mac_ver",
"find_unused_port", "bind_port",
"fcmp", "have_unicode", "is_jython", "TESTFN", "HOST", "FUZZ",
"SAVEDCWD", "temp_cwd", "findfile", "sortdict", "check_syntax_error",
"open_urlresource", "check_warnings", "check_py3k_warnings",
"CleanImport", "EnvironmentVarGuard", "captured_output",
"captured_stdout", "TransientResource", "transient_internet",
"run_with_locale", "set_memlimit", "bigmemtest", "bigaddrspacetest",
"BasicTestRunner", "run_unittest", "run_doctest", "threading_setup",
"threading_cleanup", "reap_threads", "start_threads", "cpython_only",
"check_impl_detail", "get_attribute", "py3k_bytes",
"import_fresh_module", "threading_cleanup", "reap_children",
"strip_python_stderr", "IPV6_ENABLED", "run_with_tz",
SHORT_TIMEOUT = 30.0 # Added to make backporting from 3.x easier
class Error(Exception):
"""Base class for regression test exceptions."""
class TestFailed(Error):
"""Test failed."""
class TestDidNotRun(Error):
"""Test did not run any subtests."""
class ResourceDenied(unittest.SkipTest):
"""Test skipped because it requested a disallowed resource.
This is raised when a test calls requires() for a resource that
has not been enabled. It is used to distinguish between expected
and unexpected skips.
def _ignore_deprecated_imports(ignore=True):
"""Context manager to suppress package and module deprecation
warnings when importing them.
If ignore is False, this context manager has no effect."""
if ignore:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+ (module|package)",
def import_module(name, deprecated=False):
"""Import and return the module to be tested, raising SkipTest if
it is not available.
If deprecated is True, any module or package deprecation messages
will be suppressed."""
with _ignore_deprecated_imports(deprecated):
return importlib.import_module(name)
except ImportError, msg:
raise unittest.SkipTest(str(msg))
def _save_and_remove_module(name, orig_modules):
"""Helper function to save and remove a module from sys.modules
Raise ImportError if the module can't be imported."""
# try to import the module and raise an error if it can't be imported
if name not in sys.modules:
del sys.modules[name]
for modname in list(sys.modules):
if modname == name or modname.startswith(name + '.'):
orig_modules[modname] = sys.modules[modname]
del sys.modules[modname]
def _save_and_block_module(name, orig_modules):
"""Helper function to save and block a module in sys.modules
Return True if the module was in sys.modules, False otherwise."""
saved = True
orig_modules[name] = sys.modules[name]
except KeyError:
saved = False
sys.modules[name] = None
return saved
def import_fresh_module(name, fresh=(), blocked=(), deprecated=False):
"""Imports and returns a module, deliberately bypassing the sys.modules cache
and importing a fresh copy of the module. Once the import is complete,
the sys.modules cache is restored to its original state.
Modules named in fresh are also imported anew if needed by the import.
If one of these modules can't be imported, None is returned.
Importing of modules named in blocked is prevented while the fresh import
takes place.
If deprecated is True, any module or package deprecation messages
will be suppressed."""
# NOTE: test_heapq, test_json, and test_warnings include extra sanity
# checks to make sure that this utility function is working as expected
with _ignore_deprecated_imports(deprecated):
# Keep track of modules saved for later restoration as well
# as those which just need a blocking entry removed
orig_modules = {}
names_to_remove = []
_save_and_remove_module(name, orig_modules)
for fresh_name in fresh:
_save_and_remove_module(fresh_name, orig_modules)
for blocked_name in blocked:
if not _save_and_block_module(blocked_name, orig_modules):
fresh_module = importlib.import_module(name)
except ImportError:
fresh_module = None
for orig_name, module in orig_modules.items():
sys.modules[orig_name] = module
for name_to_remove in names_to_remove:
del sys.modules[name_to_remove]
return fresh_module
def get_attribute(obj, name):
"""Get an attribute, raising SkipTest if AttributeError is raised."""
attribute = getattr(obj, name)
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
msg = "module %r has no attribute %r" % (obj.__name__, name)
elif isinstance(obj, types.ClassType):
msg = "class %s has no attribute %r" % (obj.__name__, name)
elif isinstance(obj, types.InstanceType):
msg = "%s instance has no attribute %r" % (obj.__class__.__name__, name)
elif isinstance(obj, type):
msg = "type object %r has no attribute %r" % (obj.__name__, name)
msg = "%r object has no attribute %r" % (type(obj).__name__, name)
raise unittest.SkipTest(msg)
return attribute
verbose = 1 # Flag set to 0 by
use_resources = None # Flag set to [] by
max_memuse = 0 # Disable bigmem tests (they will still be run with
# small sizes, to make sure they work.)
real_max_memuse = 0
failfast = False
# _original_stdout is meant to hold stdout at the time regrtest began.
# This may be "the real" stdout, or IDLE's emulation of stdout, or whatever.
# The point is to have some flavor of stdout the user can actually see.
_original_stdout = None
def record_original_stdout(stdout):
global _original_stdout
_original_stdout = stdout
def get_original_stdout():
return _original_stdout or sys.stdout
def unload(name):
del sys.modules[name]
except KeyError:
def _force_run(path, func, *args):
return func(*args)
except EnvironmentError as err:
if verbose >= 2:
print('%s: %s' % (err.__class__.__name__, err))
print('re-run %s%r' % (func.__name__, args))
os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU)
return func(*args)
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
def _waitfor(func, pathname, waitall=False):
# Perform the operation
# Now setup the wait loop
if waitall:
dirname = pathname
dirname, name = os.path.split(pathname)
dirname = dirname or '.'
# Check for `pathname` to be removed from the filesystem.
# The exponential backoff of the timeout amounts to a total
# of ~1 second after which the deletion is probably an error
# anyway.
# Testing on an i7@4.3GHz shows that usually only 1 iteration is
# required when contention occurs.
timeout = 0.001
while timeout < 1.0:
# Note we are only testing for the existence of the file(s) in
# the contents of the directory regardless of any security or
# access rights. If we have made it this far, we have sufficient
# permissions to do that much using Python's equivalent of the
# Windows API FindFirstFile.
# Other Windows APIs can fail or give incorrect results when
# dealing with files that are pending deletion.
L = os.listdir(dirname)
if not (L if waitall else name in L):
# Increase the timeout and try again
timeout *= 2
warnings.warn('tests may fail, delete still pending for ' + pathname,
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=4)
def _unlink(filename):
_waitfor(os.unlink, filename)
def _rmdir(dirname):
_waitfor(os.rmdir, dirname)
def _rmtree(path):
def _rmtree_inner(path):
for name in _force_run(path, os.listdir, path):
fullname = os.path.join(path, name)
if os.path.isdir(fullname):
_waitfor(_rmtree_inner, fullname, waitall=True)
_force_run(fullname, os.rmdir, fullname)
_force_run(fullname, os.unlink, fullname)
_waitfor(_rmtree_inner, path, waitall=True)
_waitfor(lambda p: _force_run(p, os.rmdir, p), path)
_unlink = os.unlink
_rmdir = os.rmdir
def _rmtree(path):
except EnvironmentError:
def _rmtree_inner(path):
for name in _force_run(path, os.listdir, path):
fullname = os.path.join(path, name)
mode = os.lstat(fullname).st_mode
except EnvironmentError:
mode = 0
if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
_force_run(path, os.rmdir, fullname)
_force_run(path, os.unlink, fullname)
def unlink(filename):
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR):
def rmdir(dirname):
except OSError as error:
# The directory need not exist.
if error.errno != errno.ENOENT:
def rmtree(path):
except OSError, e:
# Unix returns ENOENT, Windows returns ESRCH.
if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESRCH):
def forget(modname):
'''"Forget" a module was ever imported by removing it from sys.modules and
deleting any .pyc and .pyo files.'''
for dirname in sys.path:
unlink(os.path.join(dirname, modname + os.extsep + 'pyc'))
# Deleting the .pyo file cannot be within the 'try' for the .pyc since
# the chance exists that there is no .pyc (and thus the 'try' statement
# is exited) but there is a .pyo file.
unlink(os.path.join(dirname, modname + os.extsep + 'pyo'))
# Check whether a gui is actually available
def _is_gui_available():
if hasattr(_is_gui_available, 'result'):
return _is_gui_available.result
reason = None
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
# if Python is running as a service (such as the buildbot service),
# gui interaction may be disallowed
import ctypes
import ctypes.wintypes
WSF_VISIBLE = 0x0001
class USEROBJECTFLAGS(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [("fInherit", ctypes.wintypes.BOOL),
("fReserved", ctypes.wintypes.BOOL),
("dwFlags", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD)]
dll = ctypes.windll.user32
h = dll.GetProcessWindowStation()
if not h:
raise ctypes.WinError()
needed = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD()
res = dll.GetUserObjectInformationW(h,
if not res:
raise ctypes.WinError()
if not bool(uof.dwFlags & WSF_VISIBLE):
reason = "gui not available (WSF_VISIBLE flag not set)"
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
# The Aqua Tk implementations on OS X can abort the process if
# being called in an environment where a window server connection
# cannot be made, for instance when invoked by a buildbot or ssh
# process not running under the same user id as the current console
# user. To avoid that, raise an exception if the window manager
# connection is not available.
from ctypes import cdll, c_int, pointer, Structure
from ctypes.util import find_library
app_services = cdll.LoadLibrary(find_library("ApplicationServices"))
if app_services.CGMainDisplayID() == 0:
reason = "gui tests cannot run without OS X window manager"
class ProcessSerialNumber(Structure):
_fields_ = [("highLongOfPSN", c_int),
("lowLongOfPSN", c_int)]
psn = ProcessSerialNumber()
psn_p = pointer(psn)
if ( (app_services.GetCurrentProcess(psn_p) < 0) or
(app_services.SetFrontProcess(psn_p) < 0) ):
reason = "cannot run without OS X gui process"
# check on every platform whether tkinter can actually do anything
if not reason:
from Tkinter import Tk
root = Tk()
except Exception as e:
err_string = str(e)
if len(err_string) > 50:
err_string = err_string[:50] + ' [...]'
reason = 'Tk unavailable due to {}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__,
_is_gui_available.reason = reason
_is_gui_available.result = not reason
return _is_gui_available.result
def is_resource_enabled(resource):
"""Test whether a resource is enabled.
Known resources are set by If not running under,
all resources are assumed enabled unless use_resources has been set.
return use_resources is None or resource in use_resources
def requires(resource, msg=None):
"""Raise ResourceDenied if the specified resource is not available."""
if not is_resource_enabled(resource):
if msg is None:
msg = "Use of the `%s' resource not enabled" % resource
raise ResourceDenied(msg)
if resource == 'gui' and not _is_gui_available():
raise ResourceDenied(_is_gui_available.reason)
def requires_mac_ver(*min_version):
"""Decorator raising SkipTest if the OS is Mac OS X and the OS X
version if less than min_version.
For example, @requires_mac_ver(10, 5) raises SkipTest if the OS X version
is lesser than 10.5.
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
version_txt = platform.mac_ver()[0]
version = tuple(map(int, version_txt.split('.')))
except ValueError:
if version < min_version:
min_version_txt = '.'.join(map(str, min_version))
raise unittest.SkipTest(
"Mac OS X %s or higher required, not %s"
% (min_version_txt, version_txt))
return func(*args, **kw)
wrapper.min_version = min_version
return wrapper
return decorator
# Don't use "localhost", since resolving it uses the DNS under recent
# Windows versions (see issue #18792).
HOST = ""
HOSTv6 = "::1"
def find_unused_port(family=socket.AF_INET, socktype=socket.SOCK_STREAM):
"""Returns an unused port that should be suitable for binding. This is
achieved by creating a temporary socket with the same family and type as
the 'sock' parameter (default is AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM), and binding it to
the specified host address (defaults to with the port set to 0,
eliciting an unused ephemeral port from the OS. The temporary socket is
then closed and deleted, and the ephemeral port is returned.
Either this method or bind_port() should be used for any tests where a
server socket needs to be bound to a particular port for the duration of
the test. Which one to use depends on whether the calling code is creating
a python socket, or if an unused port needs to be provided in a constructor
or passed to an external program (i.e. the -accept argument to openssl's
s_server mode). Always prefer bind_port() over find_unused_port() where
possible. Hard coded ports should *NEVER* be used. As soon as a server
socket is bound to a hard coded port, the ability to run multiple instances
of the test simultaneously on the same host is compromised, which makes the
test a ticking time bomb in a buildbot environment. On Unix buildbots, this
may simply manifest as a failed test, which can be recovered from without
intervention in most cases, but on Windows, the entire python process can
completely and utterly wedge, requiring someone to log in to the buildbot
and manually kill the affected process.
(This is easy to reproduce on Windows, unfortunately, and can be traced to
the SO_REUSEADDR socket option having different semantics on Windows versus
Unix/Linux. On Unix, you can't have two AF_INET SOCK_STREAM sockets bind,
listen and then accept connections on identical host/ports. An EADDRINUSE
socket.error will be raised at some point (depending on the platform and
the order bind and listen were called on each socket).
However, on Windows, if SO_REUSEADDR is set on the sockets, no EADDRINUSE
will ever be raised when attempting to bind two identical host/ports. When
accept() is called on each socket, the second caller's process will steal
the port from the first caller, leaving them both in an awkwardly wedged
state where they'll no longer respond to any signals or graceful kills, and
must be forcibly killed via OpenProcess()/TerminateProcess().
The solution on Windows is to use the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE socket option
instead of SO_REUSEADDR, which effectively affords the same semantics as
SO_REUSEADDR on Unix. Given the propensity of Unix developers in the Open
Source world compared to Windows ones, this is a common mistake. A quick
look over OpenSSL's 0.9.8g source shows that they use SO_REUSEADDR when
openssl.exe is called with the 's_server' option, for example. See for more info. The following site also
has a very thorough description about the implications of both REUSEADDR
XXX: although this approach is a vast improvement on previous attempts to
elicit unused ports, it rests heavily on the assumption that the ephemeral
port returned to us by the OS won't immediately be dished back out to some
other process when we close and delete our temporary socket but before our
calling code has a chance to bind the returned port. We can deal with this
issue if/when we come across it."""
tempsock = socket.socket(family, socktype)
port = bind_port(tempsock)
del tempsock
return port
def bind_port(sock, host=HOST):
"""Bind the socket to a free port and return the port number. Relies on
ephemeral ports in order to ensure we are using an unbound port. This is
important as many tests may be running simultaneously, especially in a
buildbot environment. This method raises an exception if the
is AF_INET and sock.type is SOCK_STREAM, *and* the socket has SO_REUSEADDR
or SO_REUSEPORT set on it. Tests should *never* set these socket options
for TCP/IP sockets. The only case for setting these options is testing
multicasting via multiple UDP sockets.
Additionally, if the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE socket option is available (i.e.
on Windows), it will be set on the socket. This will prevent anyone else
from bind()'ing to our host/port for the duration of the test.
if == socket.AF_INET and sock.type == socket.SOCK_STREAM:
if hasattr(socket, 'SO_REUSEADDR'):
if sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR) == 1:
raise TestFailed("tests should never set the SO_REUSEADDR " \
"socket option on TCP/IP sockets!")
if hasattr(socket, 'SO_REUSEPORT'):
if sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT) == 1:
raise TestFailed("tests should never set the SO_REUSEPORT " \
"socket option on TCP/IP sockets!")
except EnvironmentError:
# Python's socket module was compiled using modern headers
# thus defining SO_REUSEPORT but this process is running
# under an older kernel that does not support SO_REUSEPORT.
if hasattr(socket, 'SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE'):
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, 1)
sock.bind((host, 0))
port = sock.getsockname()[1]
return port
def _is_ipv6_enabled():
"""Check whether IPv6 is enabled on this host."""
if socket.has_ipv6:
sock = None
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind((HOSTv6, 0))
return True
except socket.error:
if sock:
return False
IPV6_ENABLED = _is_ipv6_enabled()
def system_must_validate_cert(f):
"""Skip the test on TLS certificate validation failures."""
def dec(*args, **kwargs):
f(*args, **kwargs)
except IOError as e:
raise unittest.SkipTest("system does not contain "
"necessary certificates")
return dec
FUZZ = 1e-6
def fcmp(x, y): # fuzzy comparison function
if isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(y, float):
fuzz = (abs(x) + abs(y)) * FUZZ
if abs(x-y) <= fuzz:
return 0
elif type(x) == type(y) and isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))):
outcome = fcmp(x[i], y[i])
if outcome != 0:
return outcome
return (len(x) > len(y)) - (len(x) < len(y))
return (x > y) - (x < y)
# A constant likely larger than the underlying OS pipe buffer size, to
# make writes blocking.
# Windows limit seems to be around 512 B, and many Unix kernels have a
# 64 KiB pipe buffer size or 16 * PAGE_SIZE: take a few megs to be sure.
# (see issue #17835 for a discussion of this number).
PIPE_MAX_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024 + 1
# A constant likely larger than the underlying OS socket buffer size, to make
# writes blocking.
# The socket buffer sizes can usually be tuned system-wide (e.g. through sysctl
# on Linux), or on a per-socket basis (SO_SNDBUF/SO_RCVBUF). See issue #18643
# for a discussion of this number).
SOCK_MAX_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024 + 1
is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java')
have_unicode = True
except NameError:
have_unicode = False
requires_unicode = unittest.skipUnless(have_unicode, 'no unicode support')
def u(s):
return unicode(s, 'unicode-escape')
# FS_NONASCII: non-ASCII Unicode character encodable by
# sys.getfilesystemencoding(), or None if there is no such character.
if have_unicode:
for character in (
# First try printable and common characters to have a readable filename.
# For each character, the encoding list are just example of encodings able
# to encode the character (the list is not exhaustive).
# U+00E6 (Latin Small Letter Ae): cp1252, iso-8859-1
# U+0130 (Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Above): cp1254, iso8859_3
# U+0141 (Latin Capital Letter L With Stroke): cp1250, cp1257
# U+03C6 (Greek Small Letter Phi): cp1253
# U+041A (Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka): cp1251
# U+05D0 (Hebrew Letter Alef): Encodable to cp424
# U+060C (Arabic Comma): cp864, cp1006, iso8859_6, mac_arabic
# U+062A (Arabic Letter Teh): cp720
# U+0E01 (Thai Character Ko Kai): cp874
# Then try more "special" characters. "special" because they may be
# interpreted or displayed differently depending on the exact locale
# encoding and the font.
# U+00A0 (No-Break Space)
# U+20AC (Euro Sign)
# In Windows, 'mbcs' is used, and encode() returns '?'
# for characters missing in the ANSI codepage
if character.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())\
!= character:
raise UnicodeError
except UnicodeError:
FS_NONASCII = character
# Filename used for testing
if == 'java':
# Jython disallows @ in module names
TESTFN = '$test'
elif == 'riscos':
TESTFN = 'testfile'
TESTFN = '@test'
# Unicode name only used if TEST_FN_ENCODING exists for the platform.
if have_unicode:
# Assuming sys.getfilesystemencoding()!=sys.getdefaultencoding()
# TESTFN_UNICODE is a filename that can be encoded using the
# file system encoding, but *not* with the default (ascii) encoding
if isinstance('', unicode):
# python -U
# XXX perhaps unicode() should accept Unicode strings?
TESTFN_UNICODE = "@test-\xe0\xf2"
# 2 latin characters.
TESTFN_UNICODE = unicode("@test-\xe0\xf2", "latin-1")
TESTFN_ENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
# TESTFN_UNENCODABLE is a filename that should *not* be
# able to be encoded by *either* the default or filesystem encoding.
# This test really only makes sense on Windows NT platforms
# which have special Unicode support in posixmodule.
if (not hasattr(sys, "getwindowsversion") or
sys.getwindowsversion()[3] < 2): # 0=win32s or 1=9x/ME
# Japanese characters (I think - from bug 846133)
TESTFN_UNENCODABLE = eval('u"@test-\u5171\u6709\u3055\u308c\u308b"')
# XXX - Note - should be using TESTFN_ENCODING here - but for
# Windows, "mbcs" currently always operates as if in
# errors=ignore' mode - hence we get '?' characters rather than
# the exception. 'Latin1' operates as we expect - ie, fails.
# See [ 850997 ] mbcs encoding ignores errors
except UnicodeEncodeError:
print \
'WARNING: The filename %r CAN be encoded by the filesystem. ' \
'Unicode filename tests may not be effective' \
# Disambiguate TESTFN for parallel testing, while letting it remain a valid
# module name.
TESTFN = "{}_{}_tmp".format(TESTFN, os.getpid())
# Define the URL of a dedicated HTTP server for the network tests.
# The URL must use clear-text HTTP: no redirection to encrypted HTTPS.
# Save the initial cwd
SAVEDCWD = os.getcwd()
def temp_dir(path=None, quiet=False):
"""Return a context manager that creates a temporary directory.
path: the directory to create temporarily. If omitted or None,
defaults to creating a temporary directory using tempfile.mkdtemp.
quiet: if False (the default), the context manager raises an exception
on error. Otherwise, if the path is specified and cannot be
created, only a warning is issued.
dir_created = False
if path is None:
import tempfile
path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
dir_created = True
path = os.path.realpath(path)
if (have_unicode and isinstance(path, unicode) and
not os.path.supports_unicode_filenames):
path = path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'ascii')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
if not quiet:
raise unittest.SkipTest('unable to encode the cwd name with '
'the filesystem encoding.')
dir_created = True
except OSError:
if not quiet:
warnings.warn('tests may fail, unable to create temp dir: ' + path,
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
if dir_created:
pid = os.getpid()
yield path
# In case the process forks, let only the parent remove the
# directory. The child has a diffent process id. (bpo-30028)
if dir_created and pid == os.getpid():
def change_cwd(path, quiet=False):
"""Return a context manager that changes the current working directory.
path: the directory to use as the temporary current working directory.
quiet: if False (the default), the context manager raises an exception
on error. Otherwise, it issues only a warning and keeps the current
working directory the same.
saved_dir = os.getcwd()
except OSError:
if not quiet:
warnings.warn('tests may fail, unable to change CWD to: ' + path,
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
yield os.getcwd()
def temp_cwd(name='tempcwd', quiet=False):
Context manager that temporarily creates and changes the CWD.
The function temporarily changes the current working directory
after creating a temporary directory in the current directory with
name *name*. If *name* is None, the temporary directory is
created using tempfile.mkdtemp.
If *quiet* is False (default) and it is not possible to
create or change the CWD, an error is raised. If *quiet* is True,
only a warning is raised and the original CWD is used.
with temp_dir(path=name, quiet=quiet) as temp_path:
with change_cwd(temp_path, quiet=quiet) as cwd_dir:
yield cwd_dir
# TEST_HOME_DIR refers to the top level directory of the "test" package
# that contains Python's regression test suite
TEST_SUPPORT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# TEST_DATA_DIR is used as a target download location for remote resources
TEST_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(TEST_HOME_DIR, "data")
def findfile(file, subdir=None):
"""Try to find a file on sys.path and the working directory. If it is not
found the argument passed to the function is returned (this does not
necessarily signal failure; could still be the legitimate path)."""
if os.path.isabs(file):
return file
if subdir is not None:
file = os.path.join(subdir, file)
path = [TEST_HOME_DIR] + sys.path
for dn in path:
fn = os.path.join(dn, file)
if os.path.exists(fn): return fn
return file
def sortdict(dict):
"Like repr(dict), but in sorted order."
items = dict.items()
reprpairs = ["%r: %r" % pair for pair in items]
withcommas = ", ".join(reprpairs)
return "{%s}" % withcommas
def make_bad_fd():
Create an invalid file descriptor by opening and closing a file and return
its fd.
file = open(TESTFN, "wb")
return file.fileno()
def check_syntax_error(testcase, statement, errtext='', lineno=None, offset=None):
with testcase.assertRaisesRegexp(SyntaxError, errtext) as cm:
compile(statement, '<test string>', 'exec')
err = cm.exception
if lineno is not None:
testcase.assertEqual(err.lineno, lineno)
if offset is not None:
testcase.assertEqual(err.offset, offset)
def open_urlresource(url, check=None):
import urlparse, urllib2
filename = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')[-1] # '/': it's URL!
fn = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, filename)
def check_valid_file(fn):
f = open(fn)
if check is None:
return f
elif check(f):
return f
if os.path.exists(fn):
f = check_valid_file(fn)
if f is not None:
return f
# Verify the requirement before downloading the file
print >> get_original_stdout(), '\tfetching %s ...' % url
f = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=15)
with open(fn, "wb") as out:
s =
while s:
s =
f = check_valid_file(fn)
if f is not None:
return f
raise TestFailed('invalid resource "%s"' % fn)
class WarningsRecorder(object):
"""Convenience wrapper for the warnings list returned on
entry to the warnings.catch_warnings() context manager.
def __init__(self, warnings_list):
self._warnings = warnings_list
self._last = 0
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if len(self._warnings) > self._last:
return getattr(self._warnings[-1], attr)
elif attr in warnings.WarningMessage._WARNING_DETAILS:
return None
raise AttributeError("%r has no attribute %r" % (self, attr))
def warnings(self):
return self._warnings[self._last:]
def reset(self):
self._last = len(self._warnings)
def _filterwarnings(filters, quiet=False):
"""Catch the warnings, then check if all the expected
warnings have been raised and re-raise unexpected warnings.
If 'quiet' is True, only re-raise the unexpected warnings.
# Clear the warning registry of the calling module
# in order to re-raise the warnings.
frame = sys._getframe(2)
registry = frame.f_globals.get('__warningregistry__')
if registry:
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
# Set filter "always" to record all warnings. Because
# test_warnings swap the module, we need to look up in
# the sys.modules dictionary.
yield WarningsRecorder(w)
# Filter the recorded warnings
reraise = [warning.message for warning in w]
missing = []
for msg, cat in filters:
seen = False
for exc in reraise[:]:
message = str(exc)
# Filter out the matching messages
if (re.match(msg, message, re.I) and
issubclass(exc.__class__, cat)):
seen = True
if not seen and not quiet:
# This filter caught nothing
missing.append((msg, cat.__name__))
if reraise:
raise AssertionError("unhandled warning %r" % reraise[0])
if missing:
raise AssertionError("filter (%r, %s) did not catch any warning" %
def check_warnings(*filters, **kwargs):
"""Context manager to silence warnings.
Accept 2-tuples as positional arguments:
("message regexp", WarningCategory)
Optional argument:
- if 'quiet' is True, it does not fail if a filter catches nothing
(default True without argument,
default False if some filters are defined)
Without argument, it defaults to:
check_warnings(("", Warning), quiet=True)
quiet = kwargs.get('quiet')
if not filters:
filters = (("", Warning),)
# Preserve backward compatibility
if quiet is None:
quiet = True
return _filterwarnings(filters, quiet)
def check_py3k_warnings(*filters, **kwargs):
"""Context manager to silence py3k warnings.
Accept 2-tuples as positional arguments:
("message regexp", WarningCategory)
Optional argument:
- if 'quiet' is True, it does not fail if a filter catches nothing
(default False)
Without argument, it defaults to:
check_py3k_warnings(("", DeprecationWarning), quiet=False)
if sys.py3kwarning:
if not filters:
filters = (("", DeprecationWarning),)
# It should not raise any py3k warning
filters = ()
return _filterwarnings(filters, kwargs.get('quiet'))
class CleanImport(object):
"""Context manager to force import to return a new module reference.
This is useful for testing module-level behaviours, such as
the emission of a DeprecationWarning on import.
Use like this:
with CleanImport("foo"):
importlib.import_module("foo") # new reference
def __init__(self, *module_names):
self.original_modules = sys.modules.copy()
for module_name in module_names:
if module_name in sys.modules:
module = sys.modules[module_name]
# It is possible that module_name is just an alias for
# another module (e.g. stub for modules renamed in 3.x).
# In that case, we also need delete the real module to clear
# the import cache.
if module.__name__ != module_name:
del sys.modules[module.__name__]
del sys.modules[module_name]
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
class EnvironmentVarGuard(UserDict.DictMixin):
"""Class to help protect the environment variable properly. Can be used as
a context manager."""
def __init__(self):
self._environ = os.environ
self._changed = {}
def __getitem__(self, envvar):
return self._environ[envvar]
def __setitem__(self, envvar, value):
# Remember the initial value on the first access
if envvar not in self._changed:
self._changed[envvar] = self._environ.get(envvar)
self._environ[envvar] = value
def __delitem__(self, envvar):
# Remember the initial value on the first access
if envvar not in self._changed:
self._changed[envvar] = self._environ.get(envvar)
if envvar in self._environ:
del self._environ[envvar]
def keys(self):
return self._environ.keys()
def set(self, envvar, value):
self[envvar] = value
def unset(self, envvar):
del self[envvar]
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
for (k, v) in self._changed.items():
if v is None:
if k in self._environ:
del self._environ[k]
self._environ[k] = v
os.environ = self._environ
class DirsOnSysPath(object):
"""Context manager to temporarily add directories to sys.path.
This makes a copy of sys.path, appends any directories given
as positional arguments, then reverts sys.path to the copied
settings when the context ends.
Note that *all* sys.path modifications in the body of the
context manager, including replacement of the object,
will be reverted at the end of the block.
def __init__(self, *paths):
self.original_value = sys.path[:]
self.original_object = sys.path
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
sys.path = self.original_object
sys.path[:] = self.original_value
class TransientResource(object):
"""Raise ResourceDenied if an exception is raised while the context manager
is in effect that matches the specified exception and attributes."""
def __init__(self, exc, **kwargs):
self.exc = exc
self.attrs = kwargs
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type_=None, value=None, traceback=None):
"""If type_ is a subclass of self.exc and value has attributes matching
self.attrs, raise ResourceDenied. Otherwise let the exception
propagate (if any)."""
if type_ is not None and issubclass(self.exc, type_):
for attr, attr_value in self.attrs.iteritems():
if not hasattr(value, attr):
if getattr(value, attr) != attr_value:
raise ResourceDenied("an optional resource is not available")
def transient_internet(resource_name, timeout=30.0, errnos=()):
"""Return a context manager that raises ResourceDenied when various issues
with the Internet connection manifest themselves as exceptions."""
default_errnos = [
('ECONNRESET', 104),
('ETIMEDOUT', 110),
# socket.create_connection() fails randomly with
default_gai_errnos = [
('EAI_AGAIN', -3),
('EAI_FAIL', -4),
('EAI_NONAME', -2),
('EAI_NODATA', -5),
# Windows defines EAI_NODATA as 11001 but idiotic getaddrinfo()
# implementation actually returns WSANO_DATA i.e. 11004.
('WSANO_DATA', 11004),
denied = ResourceDenied("Resource '%s' is not available" % resource_name)
captured_errnos = errnos
gai_errnos = []
if not captured_errnos:
captured_errnos = [getattr(errno, name, num)
for (name, num) in default_errnos]
gai_errnos = [getattr(socket, name, num)
for (name, num) in default_gai_errnos]
def filter_error(err):
n = getattr(err, 'errno', None)
if (isinstance(err, socket.timeout) or
(isinstance(err, socket.gaierror) and n in gai_errnos) or
n in captured_errnos):
if not verbose:
sys.stderr.write(denied.args[0] + "\n")
raise denied
old_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
if timeout is not None:
except IOError as err:
# urllib can wrap original socket errors multiple times (!), we must
# unwrap to get at the original error.
while True:
a = err.args
if len(a) >= 1 and isinstance(a[0], IOError):
err = a[0]
# The error can also be wrapped as args[1]:
# except socket.error as msg:
# raise IOError('socket error', msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
elif len(a) >= 2 and isinstance(a[1], IOError):
err = a[1]
# XXX should we catch generic exceptions and look for their
# __cause__ or __context__?
def captured_output(stream_name):
"""Return a context manager used by captured_stdout and captured_stdin
that temporarily replaces the sys stream *stream_name* with a StringIO."""
import StringIO
orig_stdout = getattr(sys, stream_name)
setattr(sys, stream_name, StringIO.StringIO())
yield getattr(sys, stream_name)
setattr(sys, stream_name, orig_stdout)
def captured_stdout():
"""Capture the output of sys.stdout:
with captured_stdout() as s:
print "hello"
self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), "hello")
return captured_output("stdout")
def captured_stderr():
return captured_output("stderr")
def captured_stdin():
return captured_output("stdin")
def gc_collect():
"""Force as many objects as possible to be collected.
In non-CPython implementations of Python, this is needed because timely
deallocation is not guaranteed by the garbage collector. (Even in CPython
this can be the case in case of reference cycles.) This means that __del__
methods may be called later than expected and weakrefs may remain alive for
longer than expected. This function tries its best to force all garbage
objects to disappear.
if is_jython:
_header = '2P'
if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
_header = '2P' + _header
_vheader = _header + 'P'
def calcobjsize(fmt):
return struct.calcsize(_header + fmt + '0P')
def calcvobjsize(fmt):
return struct.calcsize(_vheader + fmt + '0P')
def check_sizeof(test, o, size):
import _testcapi
result = sys.getsizeof(o)
# add GC header size
if ((type(o) == type) and (o.__flags__ & _TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) or\
((type(o) != type) and (type(o).__flags__ & _TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC))):
size += _testcapi.SIZEOF_PYGC_HEAD
msg = 'wrong size for %s: got %d, expected %d' \
% (type(o), result, size)
test.assertEqual(result, size, msg)
# Decorator for running a function in a different locale, correctly resetting
# it afterwards.
def run_with_locale(catstr, *locales):
def decorator(func):
def inner(*args, **kwds):
import locale
category = getattr(locale, catstr)
orig_locale = locale.setlocale(category)
except AttributeError:
# if the test author gives us an invalid category string
# cannot retrieve original locale, so do nothing
locale = orig_locale = None
for loc in locales:
locale.setlocale(category, loc)
# now run the function, resetting the locale on exceptions
return func(*args, **kwds)
if locale and orig_locale:
locale.setlocale(category, orig_locale)
inner.func_name = func.func_name
inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
return inner
return decorator
# Decorator for running a function in a specific timezone, correctly
# resetting it afterwards.
def run_with_tz(tz):
def decorator(func):
def inner(*args, **kwds):
tzset = time.tzset
except AttributeError:
raise unittest.SkipTest("tzset required")
if 'TZ' in os.environ:
orig_tz = os.environ['TZ']
orig_tz = None
os.environ['TZ'] = tz
# now run the function, resetting the tz on exceptions
return func(*args, **kwds)
if orig_tz is None:
del os.environ['TZ']
os.environ['TZ'] = orig_tz
inner.__name__ = func.__name__
inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
return inner
return decorator
# Big-memory-test support. Separate from 'resources' because memory use should be configurable.
# Some handy shorthands. Note that these are used for byte-limits as well
# as size-limits, in the various bigmem tests
_1M = 1024*1024
_1G = 1024 * _1M
_2G = 2 * _1G
_4G = 4 * _1G
MAX_Py_ssize_t = sys.maxsize
def set_memlimit(limit):
global max_memuse
global real_max_memuse
sizes = {
'k': 1024,
'm': _1M,
'g': _1G,
't': 1024*_1G,
m = re.match(r'(\d+(\.\d+)?) (K|M|G|T)b?$', limit,
if m is None:
raise ValueError('Invalid memory limit %r' % (limit,))
memlimit = int(float( * sizes[])
real_max_memuse = memlimit
if memlimit > MAX_Py_ssize_t:
memlimit = MAX_Py_ssize_t
if memlimit < _2G - 1:
raise ValueError('Memory limit %r too low to be useful' % (limit,))
max_memuse = memlimit
def bigmemtest(minsize, memuse, overhead=5*_1M):
"""Decorator for bigmem tests.
'minsize' is the minimum useful size for the test (in arbitrary,
test-interpreted units.) 'memuse' is the number of 'bytes per size' for
the test, or a good estimate of it. 'overhead' specifies fixed overhead,
independent of the testsize, and defaults to 5Mb.
The decorator tries to guess a good value for 'size' and passes it to
the decorated test function. If minsize * memuse is more than the
allowed memory use (as defined by max_memuse), the test is skipped.
Otherwise, minsize is adjusted upward to use up to max_memuse.
def decorator(f):
def wrapper(self):
if not max_memuse:
# If max_memuse is 0 (the default),
# we still want to run the tests with size set to a few kb,
# to make sure they work. We still want to avoid using
# too much memory, though, but we do that noisily.
maxsize = 5147
self.assertFalse(maxsize * memuse + overhead > 20 * _1M)
maxsize = int((max_memuse - overhead) / memuse)
if maxsize < minsize:
# Really ought to print 'test skipped' or something
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write("Skipping %s because of memory "
"constraint\n" % (f.__name__,))
# Try to keep some breathing room in memory use
maxsize = max(maxsize - 50 * _1M, minsize)
return f(self, maxsize)
wrapper.minsize = minsize
wrapper.memuse = memuse
wrapper.overhead = overhead
return wrapper
return decorator
def precisionbigmemtest(size, memuse, overhead=5*_1M, dry_run=True):
def decorator(f):
def wrapper(self):
if not real_max_memuse:
maxsize = 5147
maxsize = size
if ((real_max_memuse or not dry_run)
and real_max_memuse < maxsize * memuse):
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write("Skipping %s because of memory "
"constraint\n" % (f.__name__,))
return f(self, maxsize)
wrapper.size = size
wrapper.memuse = memuse
wrapper.overhead = overhead
return wrapper
return decorator
def bigaddrspacetest(f):
"""Decorator for tests that fill the address space."""
def wrapper(self):
if max_memuse < MAX_Py_ssize_t:
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write("Skipping %s because of memory "
"constraint\n" % (f.__name__,))
return f(self)
return wrapper
# unittest integration.
class BasicTestRunner:
def run(self, test):
result = unittest.TestResult()
return result
def _id(obj):
return obj
def requires_resource(resource):
if resource == 'gui' and not _is_gui_available():
return unittest.skip(_is_gui_available.reason)
if is_resource_enabled(resource):
return _id
return unittest.skip("resource {0!r} is not enabled".format(resource))
def cpython_only(test):
Decorator for tests only applicable on CPython.
return impl_detail(cpython=True)(test)
def impl_detail(msg=None, **guards):
if check_impl_detail(**guards):
return _id
if msg is None:
guardnames, default = _parse_guards(guards)
if default:
msg = "implementation detail not available on {0}"
msg = "implementation detail specific to {0}"
guardnames = sorted(guardnames.keys())
msg = msg.format(' or '.join(guardnames))
return unittest.skip(msg)
def _parse_guards(guards):
# Returns a tuple ({platform_name: run_me}, default_value)
if not guards:
return ({'cpython': True}, False)
is_true = guards.values()[0]
assert guards.values() == [is_true] * len(guards) # all True or all False
return (guards, not is_true)
# Use the following check to guard CPython's implementation-specific tests --
# or to run them only on the implementation(s) guarded by the arguments.
def check_impl_detail(**guards):
"""This function returns True or False depending on the host platform.
if check_impl_detail(): # only on CPython (default)
if check_impl_detail(jython=True): # only on Jython
if check_impl_detail(cpython=False): # everywhere except on CPython
guards, default = _parse_guards(guards)
return guards.get(platform.python_implementation().lower(), default)
def _filter_suite(suite, pred):
"""Recursively filter test cases in a suite based on a predicate."""
newtests = []
for test in suite._tests:
if isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite):
_filter_suite(test, pred)
if pred(test):
suite._tests = newtests
def _run_suite(suite):
"""Run tests from a unittest.TestSuite-derived class."""
if verbose:
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2,
runner = BasicTestRunner()
result =
if not result.testsRun and not result.skipped:
raise TestDidNotRun
if not result.wasSuccessful():
if len(result.errors) == 1 and not result.failures:
err = result.errors[0][1]
elif len(result.failures) == 1 and not result.errors:
err = result.failures[0][1]
err = "multiple errors occurred"
if not verbose:
err += "; run in verbose mode for details"
raise TestFailed(err)
# By default, don't filter tests
_match_test_func = None
_match_test_patterns = None
def match_test(test):
# Function used by support.run_unittest() and regrtest --list-cases
if _match_test_func is None:
return True
return _match_test_func(
def _is_full_match_test(pattern):
# If a pattern contains at least one dot, it's considered
# as a full test identifier.
# Example: 'test.test_os.FileTests.test_access'.
# Reject patterns which contain fnmatch patterns: '*', '?', '[...]'
# or '[!...]'. For example, reject 'test_access*'.
return ('.' in pattern) and (not'[?*\[\]]', pattern))
def set_match_tests(patterns):
global _match_test_func, _match_test_patterns
if patterns == _match_test_patterns:
# No change: no need to recompile patterns.
if not patterns:
func = None
# set_match_tests(None) behaves as set_match_tests(())
patterns = ()
elif all(map(_is_full_match_test, patterns)):
# Simple case: all patterns are full test identifier.
# The test.bisect utility only uses such full test identifiers.
func = set(patterns).__contains__
regex = '|'.join(map(fnmatch.translate, patterns))
# The search *is* case sensitive on purpose:
# don't use flags=re.IGNORECASE
regex_match = re.compile(regex).match
def match_test_regex(test_id):
if regex_match(test_id):
# The regex matchs the whole identifier like
# 'test.test_os.FileTests.test_access'
return True
# Try to match parts of the test identifier.
# For example, split 'test.test_os.FileTests.test_access'
# into: 'test', 'test_os', 'FileTests' and 'test_access'.
return any(map(regex_match, test_id.split(".")))
func = match_test_regex
# Create a copy since patterns can be mutable and so modified later
_match_test_patterns = tuple(patterns)
_match_test_func = func
def run_unittest(*classes):
"""Run tests from unittest.TestCase-derived classes."""
valid_types = (unittest.TestSuite, unittest.TestCase)
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for cls in classes:
if isinstance(cls, str):
if cls in sys.modules:
raise ValueError("str arguments must be keys in sys.modules")
elif isinstance(cls, valid_types):
_filter_suite(suite, match_test)
# Check for the presence of docstrings.
HAVE_DOCSTRINGS = (check_impl_detail(cpython=False) or
sys.platform == 'win32' or
requires_docstrings = unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_DOCSTRINGS,
"test requires docstrings")
# doctest driver.
def run_doctest(module, verbosity=None):
"""Run doctest on the given module. Return (#failures, #tests).
If optional argument verbosity is not specified (or is None), pass's belief about verbosity on to doctest. Else doctest's
usual behavior is used (it searches sys.argv for -v).
import doctest
if verbosity is None:
verbosity = verbose
verbosity = None
# Direct doctest output (normally just errors) to real stdout; doctest
# output shouldn't be compared by regrtest.
save_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = get_original_stdout()
f, t = doctest.testmod(module, verbose=verbosity)
if f:
raise TestFailed("%d of %d doctests failed" % (f, t))
sys.stdout = save_stdout
if verbose:
print 'doctest (%s) ... %d tests with zero failures' % (module.__name__, t)
return f, t
# Threading support to prevent reporting refleaks when running -R
# Flag used by saved_test_environment of test.libregrtest.save_env,
# to check if a test modified the environment. The flag should be set to False
# before running a new test.
# For example, threading_cleanup() sets the flag is the function fails
# to cleanup threads.
environment_altered = False
# NOTE: we use thread._count() rather than threading.enumerate() (or the
# moral equivalent thereof) because a threading.Thread object is still alive
# until its __bootstrap() method has returned, even after it has been
# unregistered from the threading module.
# thread._count(), on the other hand, only gets decremented *after* the
# __bootstrap() method has returned, which gives us reliable reference counts
# at the end of a test run.
def threading_setup():
if thread:
return thread._count(),
return 1,
def threading_cleanup(nb_threads):
if not thread:
for count in range(_MAX_COUNT):
n = thread._count()
if n == nb_threads:
# XXX print a warning in case of failure?
def reap_threads(func):
"""Use this function when threads are being used. This will
ensure that the threads are cleaned up even when the test fails.
If threading is unavailable this function does nothing.
if not thread:
return func
def decorator(*args):
key = threading_setup()
return func(*args)
return decorator
def wait_threads_exit(timeout=60.0):
bpo-31234: Context manager to wait until all threads created in the with
statement exit.
Use thread.count() to check if threads exited. Indirectly, wait until
threads exit the internal t_bootstrap() C function of the thread module.
threading_setup() and threading_cleanup() are designed to emit a warning
if a test leaves running threads in the background. This context manager
is designed to cleanup threads started by the thread.start_new_thread()
which doesn't allow to wait for thread exit, whereas thread.Thread has a
join() method.
old_count = thread._count()
start_time = time.time()
deadline = start_time + timeout
while True:
count = thread._count()
if count <= old_count:
if time.time() > deadline:
dt = time.time() - start_time
msg = ("wait_threads() failed to cleanup %s "
"threads after %.1f seconds "
"(count: %s, old count: %s)"
% (count - old_count, dt, count, old_count))
raise AssertionError(msg)
def reap_children():
"""Use this function at the end of test_main() whenever sub-processes
are started. This will help ensure that no extra children (zombies)
stick around to hog resources and create problems when looking
for refleaks.
# Reap all our dead child processes so we don't leave zombies around.
# These hog resources and might be causing some of the buildbots to die.
if hasattr(os, 'waitpid'):
any_process = -1
while True:
# This will raise an exception on Windows. That's ok.
pid, status = os.waitpid(any_process, os.WNOHANG)
if pid == 0:
def start_threads(threads, unlock=None):
threads = list(threads)
started = []
for t in threads:
if verbose:
print("Can't start %d threads, only %d threads started" %
(len(threads), len(started)))
if unlock:
endtime = starttime = time.time()
for timeout in range(1, 16):
endtime += 60
for t in started:
t.join(max(endtime - time.time(), 0.01))
started = [t for t in started if t.isAlive()]
if not started:
if verbose:
print('Unable to join %d threads during a period of '
'%d minutes' % (len(started), timeout))
started = [t for t in started if t.isAlive()]
if started:
raise AssertionError('Unable to join %d threads' % len(started))
def swap_attr(obj, attr, new_val):
"""Temporary swap out an attribute with a new object.
with swap_attr(obj, "attr", 5):
This will set obj.attr to 5 for the duration of the with: block,
restoring the old value at the end of the block. If `attr` doesn't
exist on `obj`, it will be created and then deleted at the end of the
The old value (or None if it doesn't exist) will be assigned to the
target of the "as" clause, if there is one.
if hasattr(obj, attr):
real_val = getattr(obj, attr)
setattr(obj, attr, new_val)
yield real_val
setattr(obj, attr, real_val)
setattr(obj, attr, new_val)
if hasattr(obj, attr):
delattr(obj, attr)
def swap_item(obj, item, new_val):
"""Temporary swap out an item with a new object.
with swap_item(obj, "item", 5):
This will set obj["item"] to 5 for the duration of the with: block,
restoring the old value at the end of the block. If `item` doesn't
exist on `obj`, it will be created and then deleted at the end of the
The old value (or None if it doesn't exist) will be assigned to the
target of the "as" clause, if there is one.
if item in obj:
real_val = obj[item]
obj[item] = new_val
yield real_val
obj[item] = real_val
obj[item] = new_val
if item in obj:
del obj[item]
def py3k_bytes(b):
"""Emulate the py3k bytes() constructor.
NOTE: This is only a best effort function.
# memoryview?
return b.tobytes()
except AttributeError:
# iterable of ints?
return b"".join(chr(x) for x in b)
except TypeError:
return bytes(b)
requires_type_collecting = unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'getcounts'),
'types are immortal if COUNT_ALLOCS is defined')
def args_from_interpreter_flags():
"""Return a list of command-line arguments reproducing the current
settings in sys.flags."""
import subprocess
return subprocess._args_from_interpreter_flags()
def strip_python_stderr(stderr):
"""Strip the stderr of a Python process from potential debug output
emitted by the interpreter.
This will typically be run on the result of the communicate() method
of a subprocess.Popen object.
stderr = re.sub(br"\[\d+ refs\]\r?\n?$", b"", stderr).strip()
return stderr
def check_free_after_iterating(test, iter, cls, args=()):
class A(cls):
def __del__(self):
done[0] = True
except StopIteration:
done = [False]
it = iter(A(*args))
# Issue 26494: Shouldn't crash
test.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, it)
# The sequence should be deallocated just after the end of iterating
def disable_gc():
have_gc = gc.isenabled()
if have_gc:
def python_is_optimized():
"""Find if Python was built with optimizations."""
cflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('PY_CFLAGS') or ''
final_opt = ""
for opt in cflags.split():
if opt.startswith('-O'):
final_opt = opt
return final_opt not in ('', '-O0', '-Og')
class SuppressCrashReport:
"""Try to prevent a crash report from popping up.
On Windows, don't display the Windows Error Reporting dialog. On UNIX,
disable the creation of coredump file.
old_value = None
old_modes = None
def __enter__(self):
"""On Windows, disable Windows Error Reporting dialogs using
On UNIX, try to save the previous core file size limit, then set
soft limit to 0.
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
# see
# GetErrorMode is not available on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003,
# but SetErrorMode returns the previous value, so we can use that
import ctypes
self._k32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
self.old_value = self._k32.SetErrorMode(SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX)
self._k32.SetErrorMode(self.old_value | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX)
# Suppress assert dialogs in debug builds
# (see
import _testcapi
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
# no _testcapi or a release build
self.old_modes = {}
for report_type in [_testcapi.CRT_WARN,
old_mode = _testcapi.CrtSetReportMode(report_type,
old_file = _testcapi.CrtSetReportFile(report_type,
self.old_modes[report_type] = old_mode, old_file
import resource
except ImportError:
resource = None
if resource is not None:
self.old_value = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE)
(0, self.old_value[1]))
except (ValueError, OSError):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# Check if the 'Crash Reporter' on OSX was configured
# in 'Developer' mode and warn that it will get triggered
# when it is.
# This assumes that this context manager is used in tests
# that might trigger the next manager.
import subprocess
cmd = ['/usr/bin/defaults', 'read',
'', 'DialogType']
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
stdout = proc.communicate()[0]
if stdout.strip() == b'developer':
sys.stdout.write("this test triggers the Crash Reporter, "
"that is intentional")
return self
def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
"""Restore Windows ErrorMode or core file behavior to initial value."""
if self.old_value is None:
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
if self.old_modes:
import _testcapi
for report_type, (old_mode, old_file) in self.old_modes.items():
_testcapi.CrtSetReportMode(report_type, old_mode)
_testcapi.CrtSetReportFile(report_type, old_file)
import resource
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, self.old_value)
except (ValueError, OSError):
def _crash_python():
"""Deliberate crash of Python.
Python can be killed by a segmentation fault (SIGSEGV), a bus error
(SIGBUS), or a different error depending on the platform.
Use SuppressCrashReport() to prevent a crash report from popping up.
import _testcapi
with SuppressCrashReport():
def fd_count():
"""Count the number of open file descriptors.
if sys.platform.startswith(('linux', 'freebsd')):
names = os.listdir("/proc/self/fd")
# Substract one because listdir() opens internally a file
# descriptor to list the content of the /proc/self/fd/ directory.
return len(names) - 1
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
MAXFD = 256
if hasattr(os, 'sysconf'):
MAXFD = os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX")
except OSError:
old_modes = None
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# bpo-25306, bpo-31009: Call CrtSetReportMode() to not kill the process
# on invalid file descriptor if Python is compiled in debug mode
import msvcrt
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
# no msvcrt or a release build
old_modes = {}
for report_type in (msvcrt.CRT_WARN,
old_modes[report_type] = msvcrt.CrtSetReportMode(report_type, 0)
count = 0
for fd in range(MAXFD):
# Prefer dup() over fstat(). fstat() can require input/output
# whereas dup() doesn't.
fd2 = os.dup(fd)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EBADF:
count += 1
if old_modes is not None:
for report_type in (msvcrt.CRT_WARN,
msvcrt.CrtSetReportMode(report_type, old_modes[report_type])
return count
class SaveSignals:
Save an restore signal handlers.
This class is only able to save/restore signal handlers registered
by the Python signal module: see bpo-13285 for "external" signal
def __init__(self):
import signal
self.signal = signal
self.signals = list(range(1, signal.NSIG))
# SIGKILL and SIGSTOP signals cannot be ignored nor catched
for signame in ('SIGKILL', 'SIGSTOP'):
signum = getattr(signal, signame)
except AttributeError:
self.handlers = {}
def save(self):
for signum in self.signals:
handler = self.signal.getsignal(signum)
if handler is None:
# getsignal() returns None if a signal handler was not
# registered by the Python signal module,
# and the handler is not SIG_DFL nor SIG_IGN.
# Ignore the signal: we cannot restore the handler.
self.handlers[signum] = handler
def restore(self):
for signum, handler in self.handlers.items():
self.signal.signal(signum, handler)
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists