Sindbad~EG File Manager
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others.
* All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __RELDATEFMT_H
#define __RELDATEFMT_H
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "unicode/udisplaycontext.h"
#include "unicode/ureldatefmt.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
#include "unicode/formattedvalue.h"
* \file
* \brief C++ API: Formats relative dates such as "1 day ago" or "tomorrow"
* Represents the unit for formatting a relative date. e.g "in 5 days"
* or "in 3 months"
* @stable ICU 53
typedef enum UDateRelativeUnit {
* Seconds
* @stable ICU 53
* Minutes
* @stable ICU 53
* Hours
* @stable ICU 53
* Days
* @stable ICU 53
* Weeks
* @stable ICU 53
* Months
* @stable ICU 53
* Years
* @stable ICU 53
* One more than the highest normal UDateRelativeUnit value.
* @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
} UDateRelativeUnit;
* Represents an absolute unit.
* @stable ICU 53
typedef enum UDateAbsoluteUnit {
// Days of week have to remain together and in order from Sunday to
// Saturday.
* Sunday
* @stable ICU 53
* Monday
* @stable ICU 53
* Tuesday
* @stable ICU 53
* Wednesday
* @stable ICU 53
* Thursday
* @stable ICU 53
* Friday
* @stable ICU 53
* Saturday
* @stable ICU 53
* Day
* @stable ICU 53
* Week
* @stable ICU 53
* Month
* @stable ICU 53
* Year
* @stable ICU 53
* Now
* @stable ICU 53
* Quarter
* @draft ICU 63
#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
* One more than the highest normal UDateAbsoluteUnit value.
* @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
} UDateAbsoluteUnit;
* Represents a direction for an absolute unit e.g "Next Tuesday"
* or "Last Tuesday"
* @stable ICU 53
typedef enum UDateDirection {
* Two before. Not fully supported in every locale.
* @stable ICU 53
* Last
* @stable ICU 53
* This
* @stable ICU 53
* Next
* @stable ICU 53
* Two after. Not fully supported in every locale.
* @stable ICU 53
* Plain, which means the absence of a qualifier.
* @stable ICU 53
* One more than the highest normal UDateDirection value.
* @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
} UDateDirection;
class BreakIterator;
class RelativeDateTimeCacheData;
class SharedNumberFormat;
class SharedPluralRules;
class SharedBreakIterator;
class NumberFormat;
class UnicodeString;
class FormattedRelativeDateTimeData;
* An immutable class containing the result of a relative datetime formatting operation.
* Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
* Not intended for public subclassing.
* @draft ICU 64
class U_I18N_API FormattedRelativeDateTime : public UMemory, public FormattedValue {
* Default constructor; makes an empty FormattedRelativeDateTime.
* @draft ICU 64
FormattedRelativeDateTime() : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR) {}
* Move constructor: Leaves the source FormattedRelativeDateTime in an undefined state.
* @draft ICU 64
FormattedRelativeDateTime(FormattedRelativeDateTime&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
* Destruct an instance of FormattedRelativeDateTime.
* @draft ICU 64
virtual ~FormattedRelativeDateTime() U_OVERRIDE;
/** Copying not supported; use move constructor instead. */
FormattedRelativeDateTime(const FormattedRelativeDateTime&) = delete;
/** Copying not supported; use move assignment instead. */
FormattedRelativeDateTime& operator=(const FormattedRelativeDateTime&) = delete;
* Move assignment: Leaves the source FormattedRelativeDateTime in an undefined state.
* @draft ICU 64
FormattedRelativeDateTime& operator=(FormattedRelativeDateTime&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
/** @copydoc FormattedValue::toString() */
UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
/** @copydoc FormattedValue::toTempString() */
UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
/** @copydoc FormattedValue::appendTo() */
Appendable &appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
/** @copydoc FormattedValue::nextPosition() */
UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
FormattedRelativeDateTimeData *fData;
UErrorCode fErrorCode;
explicit FormattedRelativeDateTime(FormattedRelativeDateTimeData *results)
: fData(results), fErrorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
explicit FormattedRelativeDateTime(UErrorCode errorCode)
: fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(errorCode) {}
friend class RelativeDateTimeFormatter;
#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
* Formats simple relative dates. There are two types of relative dates that
* it handles:
* <ul>
* <li>relative dates with a quantity e.g "in 5 days"</li>
* <li>relative dates without a quantity e.g "next Tuesday"</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* This API is very basic and is intended to be a building block for more
* fancy APIs. The caller tells it exactly what to display in a locale
* independent way. While this class automatically provides the correct plural
* forms, the grammatical form is otherwise as neutral as possible. It is the
* caller's responsibility to handle cut-off logic such as deciding between
* displaying "in 7 days" or "in 1 week." This API supports relative dates
* involving one single unit. This API does not support relative dates
* involving compound units,
* e.g "in 5 days and 4 hours" nor does it support parsing.
* <p>
* This class is mostly thread safe and immutable with the following caveats:
* 1. The assignment operator violates Immutability. It must not be used
* concurrently with other operations.
* 2. Caller must not hold onto adopted pointers.
* <p>
* This class is not intended for public subclassing.
* <p>
* Here are some examples of use:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
* UnicodeString appendTo;
* RelativeDateTimeFormatter fmt(status);
* // Appends "in 1 day"
* fmt.format(
* // Appends "in 3 days"
* fmt.format(
* // Appends "3.2 years ago"
* fmt.format(
* // Appends "last Sunday"
* fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_LAST, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_SUNDAY, appendTo, status);
* // Appends "this Sunday"
* fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_THIS, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_SUNDAY, appendTo, status);
* // Appends "next Sunday"
* fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_NEXT, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_SUNDAY, appendTo, status);
* // Appends "Sunday"
* fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_PLAIN, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_SUNDAY, appendTo, status);
* // Appends "yesterday"
* fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_LAST, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_DAY, appendTo, status);
* // Appends "today"
* fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_THIS, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_DAY, appendTo, status);
* // Appends "tomorrow"
* fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_NEXT, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_DAY, appendTo, status);
* // Appends "now"
* fmt.format(UDAT_DIRECTION_PLAIN, UDAT_ABSOLUTE_NOW, appendTo, status);
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* <p>
* In the future, we may add more forms, such as abbreviated/short forms
* (3 secs ago), and relative day periods ("yesterday afternoon"), etc.
* The RelativeDateTimeFormatter class is not intended for public subclassing.
* @stable ICU 53
class U_I18N_API RelativeDateTimeFormatter : public UObject {
* Create RelativeDateTimeFormatter with default locale.
* @stable ICU 53
RelativeDateTimeFormatter(UErrorCode& status);
* Create RelativeDateTimeFormatter with given locale.
* @stable ICU 53
RelativeDateTimeFormatter(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
* Create RelativeDateTimeFormatter with given locale and NumberFormat.
* @param locale the locale
* @param nfToAdopt Constructed object takes ownership of this pointer.
* It is an error for caller to delete this pointer or change its
* contents after calling this constructor.
* @param status Any error is returned here.
* @stable ICU 53
const Locale& locale, NumberFormat *nfToAdopt, UErrorCode& status);
* Create RelativeDateTimeFormatter with given locale, NumberFormat,
* and capitalization context.
* @param locale the locale
* @param nfToAdopt Constructed object takes ownership of this pointer.
* It is an error for caller to delete this pointer or change its
* contents after calling this constructor. Caller may pass NULL for
* this argument if they want default number format behavior.
* @param style the format style. The UDAT_RELATIVE bit field has no effect.
* @param capitalizationContext A value from UDisplayContext that pertains to
* capitalization.
* @param status Any error is returned here.
* @stable ICU 54
const Locale& locale,
NumberFormat *nfToAdopt,
UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle style,
UDisplayContext capitalizationContext,
UErrorCode& status);
* Copy constructor.
* @stable ICU 53
RelativeDateTimeFormatter(const RelativeDateTimeFormatter& other);
* Assignment operator.
* @stable ICU 53
RelativeDateTimeFormatter& operator=(
const RelativeDateTimeFormatter& other);
* Destructor.
* @stable ICU 53
virtual ~RelativeDateTimeFormatter();
* Formats a relative date with a quantity such as "in 5 days" or
* "3 months ago"
* This method returns a String. To get more information about the
* formatting result, use formatToValue().
* @param quantity The numerical amount e.g 5. This value is formatted
* according to this object's NumberFormat object.
* @param direction NEXT means a future relative date; LAST means a past
* relative date. If direction is anything else, this method sets
* @param unit the unit e.g day? month? year?
* @param appendTo The string to which the formatted result will be
* appended
* @param status ICU error code returned here.
* @return appendTo
* @stable ICU 53
UnicodeString& format(
double quantity,
UDateDirection direction,
UDateRelativeUnit unit,
UnicodeString& appendTo,
UErrorCode& status) const;
* Formats a relative date with a quantity such as "in 5 days" or
* "3 months ago"
* This method returns a FormattedRelativeDateTime, which exposes more
* information than the String returned by format().
* @param quantity The numerical amount e.g 5. This value is formatted
* according to this object's NumberFormat object.
* @param direction NEXT means a future relative date; LAST means a past
* relative date. If direction is anything else, this method sets
* @param unit the unit e.g day? month? year?
* @param status ICU error code returned here.
* @return The formatted relative datetime
* @draft ICU 64
FormattedRelativeDateTime formatToValue(
double quantity,
UDateDirection direction,
UDateRelativeUnit unit,
UErrorCode& status) const;
#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
* Formats a relative date without a quantity.
* This method returns a String. To get more information about the
* formatting result, use formatToValue().
* @param direction NEXT, LAST, THIS, etc.
* @param unit e.g SATURDAY, DAY, MONTH
* @param appendTo The string to which the formatted result will be
* appended. If the value of direction is documented as not being fully
* supported in all locales then this method leaves appendTo unchanged if
* no format string is available.
* @param status ICU error code returned here.
* @return appendTo
* @stable ICU 53
UnicodeString& format(
UDateDirection direction,
UDateAbsoluteUnit unit,
UnicodeString& appendTo,
UErrorCode& status) const;
* Formats a relative date without a quantity.
* This method returns a FormattedRelativeDateTime, which exposes more
* information than the String returned by format().
* If the string is not available in the requested locale, the return
* value will be empty (calling toString will give an empty string).
* @param direction NEXT, LAST, THIS, etc.
* @param unit e.g SATURDAY, DAY, MONTH
* @param status ICU error code returned here.
* @return The formatted relative datetime
* @draft ICU 64
FormattedRelativeDateTime formatToValue(
UDateDirection direction,
UDateAbsoluteUnit unit,
UErrorCode& status) const;
#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
* Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
* using a numeric style, e.g. "1 week ago", "in 1 week",
* "5 weeks ago", "in 5 weeks".
* This method returns a String. To get more information about the
* formatting result, use formatNumericToValue().
* @param offset The signed offset for the specified unit. This
* will be formatted according to this object's
* NumberFormat object.
* @param unit The unit to use when formatting the relative
* date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK,
* @param appendTo The string to which the formatted result will be
* appended.
* @param status ICU error code returned here.
* @return appendTo
* @stable ICU 57
UnicodeString& formatNumeric(
double offset,
URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
UnicodeString& appendTo,
UErrorCode& status) const;
* Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
* using a numeric style, e.g. "1 week ago", "in 1 week",
* "5 weeks ago", "in 5 weeks".
* This method returns a FormattedRelativeDateTime, which exposes more
* information than the String returned by formatNumeric().
* @param offset The signed offset for the specified unit. This
* will be formatted according to this object's
* NumberFormat object.
* @param unit The unit to use when formatting the relative
* date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK,
* @param status ICU error code returned here.
* @return The formatted relative datetime
* @draft ICU 64
FormattedRelativeDateTime formatNumericToValue(
double offset,
URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
UErrorCode& status) const;
#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
* Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
* using a text style if possible, e.g. "last week", "this week",
* "next week", "yesterday", "tomorrow". Falls back to numeric
* style if no appropriate text term is available for the specified
* offset in the object's locale.
* This method returns a String. To get more information about the
* formatting result, use formatToValue().
* @param offset The signed offset for the specified unit.
* @param unit The unit to use when formatting the relative
* date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK,
* @param appendTo The string to which the formatted result will be
* appended.
* @param status ICU error code returned here.
* @return appendTo
* @stable ICU 57
UnicodeString& format(
double offset,
URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
UnicodeString& appendTo,
UErrorCode& status) const;
* Format a combination of URelativeDateTimeUnit and numeric offset
* using a text style if possible, e.g. "last week", "this week",
* "next week", "yesterday", "tomorrow". Falls back to numeric
* style if no appropriate text term is available for the specified
* offset in the object's locale.
* This method returns a FormattedRelativeDateTime, which exposes more
* information than the String returned by format().
* @param offset The signed offset for the specified unit.
* @param unit The unit to use when formatting the relative
* date, e.g. UDAT_REL_UNIT_WEEK,
* @param status ICU error code returned here.
* @return The formatted relative datetime
* @draft ICU 64
FormattedRelativeDateTime formatToValue(
double offset,
URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
UErrorCode& status) const;
#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
* Combines a relative date string and a time string in this object's
* locale. This is done with the same date-time separator used for the
* default calendar in this locale.
* @param relativeDateString the relative date, e.g 'yesterday'
* @param timeString the time e.g '3:45'
* @param appendTo concatenated date and time appended here
* @param status ICU error code returned here.
* @return appendTo
* @stable ICU 53
UnicodeString& combineDateAndTime(
const UnicodeString& relativeDateString,
const UnicodeString& timeString,
UnicodeString& appendTo,
UErrorCode& status) const;
* Returns the NumberFormat this object is using.
* @stable ICU 53
const NumberFormat& getNumberFormat() const;
* Returns the capitalization context.
* @stable ICU 54
UDisplayContext getCapitalizationContext() const;
* Returns the format style.
* @stable ICU 54
UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle getFormatStyle() const;
const RelativeDateTimeCacheData* fCache;
const SharedNumberFormat *fNumberFormat;
const SharedPluralRules *fPluralRules;
UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle fStyle;
UDisplayContext fContext;
const SharedBreakIterator *fOptBreakIterator;
Locale fLocale;
void init(
NumberFormat *nfToAdopt,
BreakIterator *brkIter,
UErrorCode &status);
UnicodeString& adjustForContext(UnicodeString &) const;
UBool checkNoAdjustForContext(UErrorCode& status) const;
template<typename F, typename... Args>
UnicodeString& doFormat(
F callback,
UnicodeString& appendTo,
UErrorCode& status,
Args... args) const;
#ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API // for FormattedRelativeDateTime
template<typename F, typename... Args>
FormattedRelativeDateTime doFormatToValue(
F callback,
UErrorCode& status,
Args... args) const;
#endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
void formatImpl(
double quantity,
UDateDirection direction,
UDateRelativeUnit unit,
FormattedRelativeDateTimeData& output,
UErrorCode& status) const;
void formatAbsoluteImpl(
UDateDirection direction,
UDateAbsoluteUnit unit,
FormattedRelativeDateTimeData& output,
UErrorCode& status) const;
void formatNumericImpl(
double offset,
URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
FormattedRelativeDateTimeData& output,
UErrorCode& status) const;
void formatRelativeImpl(
double offset,
URelativeDateTimeUnit unit,
FormattedRelativeDateTimeData& output,
UErrorCode& status) const;
#endif /* __RELDATEFMT_H */
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists