Sindbad~EG File Manager
# This file contains all the various exceptions and other errors that are used
# inside of RubyGems.
# DOC: Confirm _all_
module Gem
# Raised when RubyGems is unable to load or activate a gem. Contains the
# name and version requirements of the gem that either conflicts with
# already activated gems or that RubyGems is otherwise unable to activate.
class LoadError < ::LoadError
# Name of gem
attr_accessor :name
# Version requirement of gem
attr_accessor :requirement
# FIX: does this need to exist? The subclass is the only other reference
# I can find.
class ErrorReason; end
# Generated when trying to lookup a gem to indicate that the gem
# was found, but that it isn't usable on the current platform.
# fetch and install read these and report them to the user to aid
# in figuring out why a gem couldn't be installed.
class PlatformMismatch < ErrorReason
# the name of the gem
attr_reader :name
# the version
attr_reader :version
# The platforms that are mismatched
attr_reader :platforms
def initialize(name, version)
@name = name
@version = version
@platforms = []
# append a platform to the list of mismatched platforms.
# Platforms are added via this instead of injected via the constructor
# so that we can loop over a list of mismatches and just add them rather
# than perform some kind of calculation mismatch summary before creation.
def add_platform(platform)
@platforms << platform
# A wordy description of the error.
def wordy
"Found %s (%s), but was for platform%s %s" %
@platforms.size == 1 ? '' : 's',
@platforms.join(' ,')]
# An error that indicates we weren't able to fetch some
# data from a source
class SourceFetchProblem < ErrorReason
def initialize(source, error)
@source = source
@error = error
attr_reader :source, :error
def wordy
"Unable to download data from #{@source.uri} - #{@error.message}"
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists