Sindbad~EG File Manager
# This is a simple tool to enable the object allocation tracer.
# When you have an object of unknown provenance, you can use this
# to investigate where the object in question is created.
# = Important notice
# This is only for debugging purpose. Do not use this in production.
# Require'ing this file immediately starts tracing the object allocation,
# which brings a large performance overhead.
# = Usage
# 1. Add `require "objspace/trace"` into your code (or add `-robjspace/trace` into the command line)
# 2. `p obj` will show the allocation site of `obj`
# Note: This redefines `Kernel#p` method, but not `Object#inspect`.
# = Examples
# 1: require "objspace/trace"
# 2:
# 3: obj = "str"
# 4:
# 5: p obj #=> "str" @ test.rb:3
require ''
module Kernel
remove_method :p
define_method(:p) do |*objs|
objs.each do |obj|
file = ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile(obj)
line = ObjectSpace.allocation_sourceline(obj)
if file
puts "#{ obj.inspect } @ #{ file }:#{ line }"
puts obj.inspect
warn "objspace/trace is enabled"
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists