Sindbad~EG File Manager
Changes since 3.3.14-RC1
[PHPBB-17421] - Rename section for not installed extensions to not installed
Changes since 3.3.13
[PHPBB-17181] - If statement to highlight Reported PMS on the view message page doesn't work.
[PHPBB-17383] - HELO/EHLO error while using gethostbyaddr()
[PHPBB-17384] - Passing E_USER_ERROR to trigger_error() is deprecated in PHP 8.4
[PHPBB-17385] - Version check without SSL flag for CDB extensions fails
[PHPBB-17386] - Incorrect trace result while tracing user-based permissions
[PHPBB-17387] - PHP warnings in search results
[PHPBB-17390] - Missing buttons for approval of new messages
[PHPBB-17391] - PHP warnings on attempt to create user group having name already in use
[PHPBB-17398] - Ajax error on deleting cookies
[PHPBB-17405] - Function phpbb_gmgetdate() returns incorrect result for edge cases
[PHPBB-17410] - UCP tabs do not work when testing out another user's permissions
[PHPBB-16852] - Addition of a new PHP event concerning bump topics
[PHPBB-17359] - Distinct disabled and not installed extensions in the list
[PHPBB-17376] - Link reference to quote post is a poor accessibility experience
[PHPBB-17382] - Incorrect grammar on FAQ page regarding searching for members
[PHPBB-17388] - Add php event to bump_topic_allowed function
[PHPBB-17394] - Check mergeability of PR on GitHub Actions
[PHPBB-17396] - Automatically handle merges of 3.3.x into master
[PHPBB-17397] - Add event for forum_data query in viewforum
[PHPBB-17402] - Add possibility to force reparsing BBCode via CLI
[PHPBB-17407] - Limit mergeability check to single comment
[PHPBB-17411] - Add core event to search.php
Changes since 3.3.13-RC1
[PHPBB-17377] - MSSQL builds on GitHub actions broken
Changes since 3.3.12
[PHPBB-13916] - Cancelling save draft removes previous notify setting on posting page
[PHPBB-14454] - Accessing ACP modules while testing user permissions returns a General Error
[PHPBB-15043] - Searching no longer working in 3.2.0
[PHPBB-15576] - PM subject truncated to shorter length than maxlength
[PHPBB-16213] - vendor and phpbb folders should have .htaccess files
[PHPBB-16907] - "phpbb" value in "hiddenSegments" blocks client requests for extensions in IIS
[PHPBB-17109] - Users without the "Can use signature" permission should not see checkboxes for signature
[PHPBB-17175] - Breadcrumbs show wrong forum and topic when using 'email topic'
[PHPBB-17301] - Wrong length parameter for fread in phpbb/cache/driver/file.php can lead to unusable forum
[PHPBB-17327] - Fix linting issue in console user add command
[PHPBB-17332] - New permission copied from existing permission ignores permission set options
[PHPBB-17337] - Transaction begin is missing from mysqli driver
[PHPBB-17338] - Incorrect members list sorting by user_last_visit
[PHPBB-17351] - phpBB2 password hashes incorrectly handled during rehash cron
[PHPBB-17352] - Long rank titles push other profile details below
[PHPBB-17353] - Gravatar avatar src is not image src
[PHPBB-17356] - Errors hidden by at are being displayed in PHP 8 or newer
[PHPBB-17358] - Redis cache never expires with the TTL of 0
[PHPBB-17362] - Missing declaration of property in extension manager
[PHPBB-17365] - Enforce the search word limit on queries containing operators without white space
[PHPBB-17366] - Captcha disappears on error message from registration & posting
[PHPBB-17369] - Permanently deleting soft-deleted topics returns incorrect forum in redirect link
[PHPBB-17370] - Deleting Cookies on FAQ/other pages
[PHPBB-17374] - ACP - Maintenance - Logs: Deleting Error / Bug
[PHPBB-17375] - User lastvisit gets updated too often in session garbage collection
[PHPBB-16553] - Disapproving a reported post causes a "Module not accessible" error
[PHPBB-17308] - Rename tracker project key to PHPBB-
[PHPBB-17315] - Add new template events to group
[PHPBB-17316] - Add template events to ucp_groups_manage
[PHPBB-17317] - Update button text and make it more readable
[PHPBB-17325] - Show explicit message for "Re-Check version" if installed version is still up to date
[PHPBB-17340] - Update composer to 2.7.7
[PHPBB-17342] - Add PHP 8.4-dev tests to GitHub Actions
[PHPBB-17347] - Support deleting users by ID via console
[PHPBB-17350] - Add user IP address to log when installing extensions on fresh installs
[PHPBB-17355] - Update gravatar hash to sha256
[PHPBB-13933] - Update tokens' definitions in acp_bbcodes
[PHPBB-16890] - Edit the config sample files and web.config to deny access to the "config" directory
Changes since 3.3.12-RC1
[PHPBB3-17312] - User last visit gets updated too often
[PHPBB3-17324] - Add template event to notification_dropdown.html
[SECURITY-276] - Prevent resending activation email too often
[SECURITY-278] - Always release cron lock, even invalid task is passed
Changes since 3.3.11
[PHPBB3-14047] - Jabber discards messages when stream gets closed without waiting for acknowledgement
[PHPBB3-15325] - Global moderator permissions shown in forum moderator permissions
[PHPBB3-16470] - Memberlist bug - sorting by Last active date is incorrect
[PHPBB3-17077] - Multiple posts at once, even if the user shouldn't ignore the flood interval
[PHPBB3-17117] - Deactivated notification method leads to crash
[PHPBB3-17130] - Text reparser changes magic URL state in posts
[PHPBB3-17187] - Unread Topic URL Link Not Working On MCP View Forum Topic List
[PHPBB3-17200] - Color Parse Error In viewonline.php Legend
[PHPBB3-17201] - Redirect to installer might be invalid when accessing subfolder
[PHPBB3-17202] - The bidi.css File Is Loaded When Viewing LTR Topic Print View Page
[PHPBB3-17203] - Group Description With BBCode Ordered List Breaks Layout
[PHPBB3-17207] - Extensions are unable to use PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH
[PHPBB3-17208] - Update Error YouTube Profilfeld
[PHPBB3-17212] - Who is online incorrectly reports page when posting with only post URL parameter
[PHPBB3-17237] - QUICKMOD_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED uses " instead of '
[PHPBB3-17286] - Non-existent urls to be written down to session_page
[PHPBB3-17292] - Link to no longer valid
[PHPBB3-17296] - mod_security false positive denies access to ACP
[PHPBB3-17302] - Password reset function does not update all necessary data
[PHPBB3-17306] - Wrong declaration of function input values
[PHPBB3-17230] - Update doctum for PHP 8.1 support
[PHPBB3-17232] - Improve MySQL error messages in PHP 8.1+
[PHPBB3-17233] - Add PHP 8.3 tests to the 3.3.x branch
[PHPBB3-17235] - Missing autocomplete for username & password
[PHPBB3-17236] - Update symfony dependencies to improve PHP 8.3 compatibility
[PHPBB3-17277] - Add template events to UCP
[PHPBB3-17284] - Add event to add content after the online users list in viewtopic
[PHPBB3-17293] - Update composer and dependencies to latest versions
[PHPBB3-17299] - Allow core event to modify variables while sending email
[PHPBB3-17303] - Update jQuery to 3.7+
[PHPBB3-17305] - Improve queries for unanswered topics and posts
[PHPBB3-17310] - Update GitHub actions workflows to Node.js 20
[PHPBB3-17204] - Update composer and node dependencies
[PHPBB3-17280] - Fallback to branch name on branches without ticket ID
Changes since 3.3.10
[PHPBB3-8777] - Users can be removed from all groups leaving no default group
[PHPBB3-11184] - ACP purports to allow editing of Founder admin permissions
[PHPBB3-12785] - Redirection of URI are calculated using PHP_SELF
[PHPBB3-13364] - Index Subject not updated after moderation
[PHPBB3-15129] - Wrong Installation guide link
[PHPBB3-16796] - misalignment on index and viewforum for topics and posts titles
[PHPBB3-16877] - OAuth account linking throws a PHP error - PHP 8
[PHPBB3-17004] - Pagination doesn't not show up in UCP > Front Page
[PHPBB3-17040] - bidi.css is loaded when viewing LTR print view pages
[PHPBB3-17041] - RTL Pagination Dropdown Arrow Faces The Wrong Way
[PHPBB3-17042] - Group Description With BBCode List Breaks Layout
[PHPBB3-17043] - Remove Duplicate CP Rule From bidi.css
[PHPBB3-17045] - UCP attachments list page top and bottom pagination counts language strings and font size are different
[PHPBB3-17046] - IE tweaks in simple_header should be included the same as in overall_header
[PHPBB3-17053] - sql_freeresult not working for mysqli & PHP 8
[PHPBB3-17076] - Signature length limit bug
[PHPBB3-17086] - phpBB / Codespaces support
[PHPBB3-17089] - Warning users without post causes PHP warning
[PHPBB3-17097] - PHP 8.2 Deprecations
[PHPBB3-17098] - body class {S_CONTENT_DIRECTION} is missing in ucp_pm_viewmessage_print.html
[PHPBB3-17107] - Who is online incorectly reports Forum location when replying/quoting
[PHPBB3-17115] - PHP warning with native search backend if query ends with a space followed by hyphen
[PHPBB3-17126] - Filename in instructions about running all tests does not exist
[PHPBB3-17127] - Guest users stats got purged when resetting password
[PHPBB3-17129] - Youtube profile field not up to date in new installations
[PHPBB3-17132] - Missing language variable leads to PHP error in convertor
[PHPBB3-17137] - Attachments can be deleted after end of post editing or deletion time
[PHPBB3-17139] - PHP fatal error while updating with advanced update package
[PHPBB3-17140] - Required parameter phpbb_root_path missing in local_url_bbcode migration
[PHPBB3-17141] - Empty referrer may result in PHP error in get_web_root_path()
[PHPBB3-17142] - Installation errors when using MSSQL+ IIS + PHP 8.2
[PHPBB3-17145] - Field 'pf_phpbb_occupation' doesn't have a default value
[PHPBB3-17146] - Undefined array key in notifications code
[PHPBB3-17148] - phpBB3.3.10 Setup does not support PostgreSQL 8.3
[PHPBB3-17150] - Forum Image Breaks Layout If Big Image Used - (Forum List Forum Image)
[PHPBB3-17160] - Missing 'Mark' Column Header On MCP Front Page
[PHPBB3-17171] - Remove non functional responsive placeholder text rules in responsive.css
[PHPBB3-17172] - Hovering over a forum link / subforum link shows 'No unread posts' on the tooltip
[PHPBB3-17189] - Installer permission handling on PHP 8.2
[PHPBB3-17194] - Php version in vagrant configuration is not set correctly
[PHPBB3-17198] - Gravatar requires https by default
[PHPBB3-8071] - DBAL function "sql_nextid" - name is misleading
[PHPBB3-11765] - short_ipv6() doesn't expect IPv4 embedded IPv6 addresses
[PHPBB3-12904] - Required custom profile fields and asterisk
[PHPBB3-13399] - Problem with plurals - 'CHARACTERS'
[PHPBB3-15973] - Canonical for the index page
[PHPBB3-16913] - Add Search Index Progress Bar with Stats
[PHPBB3-17025] - Move post destination topic field should not be populated with a zero
[PHPBB3-17125] - Message Editor layout Broken in Latest Safari
[PHPBB3-17128] - Link to PHP date() function
[PHPBB3-17152] - Add template event to viewtopic_body.html
[PHPBB3-17188] - Condition to check if a utf8 string is malformed is wrong
[PHPBB3-17116] - Useless duplicate conditions in ucp_pm_history.html
[PHPBB3-17149] - Update authors and pull request template
[PHPBB3-17154] - Update composer and dependencies to latest versions
[SECURITY-132] - Limit CAPTCHA attempts at registration for single session
[SECURITY-279] - Escape smilies URL and prevent paths in .pak filename
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists