Sindbad~EG File Manager
WYSIWYG editing of Markdown
Enhanced timeline
Formatting style guide
New Status Type "in Development"
Convert Ticket Listing to Vue.js
Convert ticket details to Alpine
Improve front-end
New search UI
New project switcher
Roadmap UI refresh
Better ticket history
Ticket templates with new markdown editor
Implement mailer library
Fix incorrect integer value
Fix errors with PHP 8.1
Unsubscribe link in notification emails
Move default theme CSS to new asset system
Fix select field background
Comments not stripped from install SQL
Changes in Traq v3.7.3
Backport PHP 7/8 fixes from 3.8 to 3.7
Changes in Traq v3.7.2
Some models are broken on PHP 7+
Private tickets
Admin permissions are missing
PHP Error during install
Changes in Traq v3.7.1
Invalid min/max length values
Unable to create Milestones
Undefined index on Timeline
Unable to create Wiki pages
Changes in Traq v3.7.0
Ticket time management
Password migration prompt
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists