Sindbad~EG File Manager
## 2.4.13 (2017-07-13)
- Restores php 5.3 compat in HeaderValue.
## 2.4.12 (2017-06-19)
- Fix signature issue with AbstractContainer::offsetGet
## 2.4.11 (2016-12-19)
- Fixes ZF2016-04 vulnerability
## 2.4.10 (2016-05-09)
- Fix HeaderValue throwing an exception on legal characters
## 2.4.9 (2015-11-23)
- **ZF2015-09**: `Zend\Captcha\Word` generates a "word" for a CAPTCHA challenge
by selecting a sequence of random letters from a character set. Prior to this
vulnerability announcement, the selection was performed using PHP's internal
`array_rand()` function. This function does not generate sufficient entropy
due to its usage of `rand()` instead of more cryptographically secure methods
such as `openssl_pseudo_random_bytes()`. This could potentially lead to
information disclosure should an attacker be able to brute force the random
number generation. This release contains a patch that replaces the
`array_rand()` calls to use `Zend\Math\Rand::getInteger()`, which provides
better RNG.
- **ZF2015-10**: `Zend\Crypt\PublicKey\Rsa\PublicKey` has a call to `openssl_public_encrypt()`
which used PHP's default `$padding` argument, which specifies
`OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING`, indicating usage of PKCS1v1.5 padding. This padding
has a known vulnerability, the
[Bleichenbacher's chosen-ciphertext attack](,
which can be used to recover an RSA private key. This release contains a patch
that changes the padding argument to use `OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING`.
Users upgrading to this version may have issues decrypting previously stored
values, due to the change in padding. If this occurs, you can pass the
constant `OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING` to a new `$padding` argument in
`Zend\Crypt\PublicKey\Rsa::encrypt()` and `decrypt()` (though typically this
should only apply to the latter):
$decrypted = $rsa->decrypt($data, $key, $mode, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING);
where `$rsa` is an instance of `Zend\Crypt\PublicKey\Rsa`.
(The `$key` and `$mode` argument defaults are `null` and
`Zend\Crypt\PublicKey\Rsa::MODE_AUTO`, if you were not using them previously.)
We recommend re-encrypting any such values using the new defaults.
## 2.4.8 (2015-09-15)
- [zend-validator/25: validate against DateTimeImmutable instead of DateTimeInterface](
- [zend-validator/35: treat 0.0 as non-empty, restoring pre-2.4 behavior](
- [zend-inputfilter/26: deprecate "magic" logic for auto-attaching NonEmpty validators in favor of explicit attachment](
- [zend-inputfilter/22: ensure fallback values work as per pre-2.4 behavior](
- [zend-inputfilter/31: update the InputFilterInterface::add() docblock to match implementations](
- [zend-inputfilter/25: Fix how missing optoinal fields are validated to match pre 2.4.0 behavior](
- [zend-form/12: deprecate AllowEmpty and ContinueIfEmpty annotations, per zend-inputfilter#26](
- [zend-form/9: fix typos in aria attribute names of AbstractHelper](
- [zend-mail/26: fixes the ContentType header to properly handle encoded parameter values](
- [zend-mail/11: fixes the Sender header to allow mailbox addresses without TLDs](
- [zend-mail/24: fixes parsing of messages that contain an initial blank line before headers](
- [zend-http/23: fixes the SetCookie header to allow multiline values (as they are always encoded)](
- [zend-mvc/27: fixes DefaultRenderingStrategy errors due to controllers returning non-view model results](
- **ZF2015-07**: The filesystem storage adapter of `Zend\Cache` was creating
directories with a liberal umask that could lead to local arbitrary code
execution and/or local privilege escalation. This release contains a patch
that ensures the directories are created using permissions of 0775 and files
using 0664 (essentially umask 0002).
## 2.4.7 (2015-08-11)
- [15: validateInputs must allow ArrayAccess for $data](
## 2.4.6 (2015-08-03)
- Take fallback value into account
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists