Sindbad~EG File Manager
1. make DB with utf8_unicode_ci collate
2. Install without Demo Data
3. Dump the sql by command : mysqldump --routines -u root -pmysql zurmo270 > zurmo.sql
4. remove /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/
5. Create where Engine is InnoDB
6. copy /app/protected/runtime/uploads folder and its content(all images) from manual to
7. Download upgrade packages from :
8. For Upgarde
Zurmo < 2.8.5
Maintanance Mode Not Required To Upgarde
Zurmo >2.8.6 and Zurmo <3.1.0
super runPart Required to run first then Maintanance Mode
Zurmo >3.1.0
Maintanance Mode Required to run first then super runPart
10. (Keep in mind while checking)Dump of Sql is in utf8_unicode_ci and we are converting it to utf8 while running fileindex. Hence diffrence in package sql and dump sql will occur.
11. app/protected/runtime/HTML, app/protected/runtime/themes, app/protected/runtime/minScript, app/assets creates after accessing Administration>account>import>Accounts>uploads in clone
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists