Sindbad~EG File Manager
<?php if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Tax library
* Library with utilities to manage taxes
class Tax_lib
private $CI;
public function __construct()
$this->CI =& get_instance();
public function get_tax_types()
return array(
Tax_lib::TAX_TYPE_EXCLUDED => $this->CI->lang->line('taxes_tax_excluded'),
Tax_lib::TAX_TYPE_INCLUDED => $this->CI->lang->line('taxes_tax_included')
* Compute the tax basis and returns the tax amount
public function get_item_sales_tax($quantity, $price, $discount, $discount_type, $tax_percentage, $rounding_code)
$decimals = tax_decimals();
// The tax basis should be returned at the currency scale
$tax_basis = $this->CI->sale_lib->get_item_total($quantity, $price, $discount, $discount_type, TRUE);
return $this->get_tax_for_amount($tax_basis, $tax_percentage, $rounding_code, $decimals);
* Computes the item level sales tax amount for a given tax basis
public function get_tax_for_amount($tax_basis, $tax_percentage, $rounding_mode, $decimals)
$tax_fraction = bcdiv($tax_percentage, 100);
$tax_amount = bcmul($tax_basis, $tax_fraction);
return Rounding_mode::round_number($rounding_mode, $tax_amount, $decimals);
* Compute taxes for all items in the cart
public function get_taxes(&$cart)
$register_mode = $this->CI->sale_lib->get_mode();
$tax_decimals = tax_decimals();
$customer_id = $this->CI->sale_lib->get_customer();
$customer_info = $this->CI->Customer->get_info($customer_id);
$taxes = array();
$item_taxes = array();
// Charge sales tax if customer is not selected (walk-in) or customer is flagged as taxable
if($customer_id == -1 || $customer_info->taxable)
foreach($cart as $line => $item)
$taxed = FALSE;
// Start of current Base System tax calculations
$tax_info = $this->CI->Item_taxes->get_info($item['item_id']);
$tax_group_sequence = 0;
$cascade_level = 0;
$cascade_basis_level = 0;
foreach($tax_info as $tax)
// This computes tax for each line item and adds it to the tax type total
$tax_basis = $this->CI->sale_lib->get_item_total($item['quantity'], $item['price'], $item['discount'], TRUE);
$tax_amount = 0.0;
$tax_type = Tax_lib::TAX_TYPE_INCLUDED;
$tax_amount = $this->get_included_tax($item['quantity'], $item['price'], $item['discount'], $tax['percent'], $tax_decimals, Rounding_mode::HALF_UP);
$tax_type = Tax_lib::TAX_TYPE_EXCLUDED;
$tax_amount = $this->get_tax_for_amount($tax_basis, $tax['percent'], Rounding_mode::HALF_UP, $tax_decimals);
if($tax_amount <> 0)
$this->update_taxes($taxes, $tax_type, $tax['name'], $tax['percent'], $tax_basis, $tax_amount, $tax_group_sequence, Rounding_mode::HALF_UP, -1, $tax['name']);
$tax_group_sequence += 1;
$taxed = TRUE;
$items_taxes_detail = array();
$items_taxes_detail['item_id'] = $item['item_id'];
$items_taxes_detail['line'] = $item['line'];
$items_taxes_detail['name'] = $tax['name'];
$items_taxes_detail['percent'] = $tax['percent'];
$items_taxes_detail['tax_type'] = $tax_type;
$items_taxes_detail['rounding_code'] = Rounding_mode::HALF_UP;
$items_taxes_detail['cascade_sequence'] = 0;
$items_taxes_detail['item_tax_amount'] = $tax_amount;
$items_taxes_detail['sales_tax_code_id'] = NULL;
$items_taxes_detail['jurisdiction_id'] = NULL;
$items_taxes_detail['tax_category_id'] = NULL;
$item_taxes[] = $items_taxes_detail;
// Start of destination based tax calculations
if ($item['tax_category_id'] == NULL)
$item['tax_category_id'] = $this->CI->config->config['default_tax_category'];
$taxed = $this->apply_destination_tax($item, $customer_info->city, $customer_info->state, $customer_info->sales_tax_code_id, $register_mode, 0, $taxes, $item_taxes, $item['line']);
$cart[$line]['taxed_flag'] = $this->CI->lang->line('sales_taxed_ind');
$cart[$line]['taxed_flag'] = $this->CI->lang->line('sales_nontaxed_ind');
$tax_details = array();
$tax_details[0] = $taxes;
$tax_details[1] = $item_taxes;
return $tax_details;
public function get_included_tax($quantity, $price, $discount_percentage, $tax_percentage, $tax_decimal, $rounding_code)
$price = $this->CI->sale_lib->get_item_total($quantity, $price, $discount_percentage, TRUE);
$tax_fraction = bcadd(100, $tax_percentage);
$tax_fraction = bcdiv($tax_fraction, 100);
$price_tax_excl = bcdiv($price, $tax_fraction);
$tax_amount = bcsub($price, $price_tax_excl);
return Rounding_mode::round_number($rounding_code, $tax_amount, $tax_decimal);
* Updates the sales_tax array which is later saved to the `sales_taxes` table and used for printing taxes on receipts and invoices
public function update_taxes(&$taxes, $tax_type, $tax_group, $tax_rate, $tax_basis, $item_tax_amount, $tax_group_sequence, $rounding_code, $sale_id, $name = '', $tax_code_id = NULL, $jurisdiction_id = NULL,$tax_category_id = NULL )
$tax_group_index = $this->clean('X' . (float)$tax_rate . '% ' . $tax_group);
if(!array_key_exists($tax_group_index, $taxes))
$insertkey = $tax_group_index;
$tax = array($insertkey => array(
'sale_id' => $sale_id,
'tax_type' => $tax_type,
'tax_group' => $tax_group,
'sale_tax_basis' => $tax_basis,
'sale_tax_amount' => $item_tax_amount,
'print_sequence' => $tax_group_sequence,
'name' => $name,
'tax_rate' => $tax_rate,
'sales_tax_code_id' => $tax_code_id,
'jurisdiction_id' => $jurisdiction_id,
'tax_category_id' => $tax_category_id,
'rounding_code' => $rounding_code
//add to existing array
$taxes += $tax;
// Important ... the sales amounts are accumulated for the group at the maximum configurable scale value of 4
// but the scale will in reality be the scale specified by the tax_decimal configuration value used for sales_items_taxes
$taxes[$tax_group_index]['sale_tax_basis'] = bcadd($taxes[$tax_group_index]['sale_tax_basis'], $tax_basis, 4);
$taxes[$tax_group_index]['sale_tax_amount'] = bcadd($taxes[$tax_group_index]['sale_tax_amount'], $item_tax_amount, 4);
* If invoice taxing (as opposed to invoice_item_taxing) rules apply then recalculate the sales tax after tax group totals are final
* This is currently used ONLY for the original sales tax migration.
public function apply_invoice_taxing(&$taxes)
$sort = array();
foreach($taxes as $k => $v)
$sort['print_sequence'][$k] = $v['print_sequence'];
array_multisort($sort['print_sequence'], SORT_ASC, $taxes);
$decimals = totals_decimals();
foreach($taxes as $row_number => $tax)
$taxes[$row_number]['sale_tax_amount'] = $this->get_tax_for_amount($tax['sale_tax_basis'], $tax['tax_rate'], $tax['rounding_code'], $decimals);
* Apply rounding rules to the accumulated sales tax amounts
public function round_taxes(&$taxes)
$sort = array();
foreach($taxes as $k => $v)
$sort['print_sequence'][$k] = $v['print_sequence'];
array_multisort($sort['print_sequence'], SORT_ASC, $taxes);
// If tax included then round decimal to tax decimals, otherwise round it to currency_decimals
$decimals = tax_decimals();
$decimals = totals_decimals();
foreach($taxes as $row_number => $sales_tax)
$tax_amount = $sales_tax['sale_tax_amount'];
$rounding_code = $sales_tax['rounding_code'];
$rounded_tax_amount = $tax_amount;
if($rounding_code == Rounding_mode::HALF_UP)
$rounded_tax_amount = round($tax_amount, $decimals, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
elseif($rounding_code == Rounding_mode::HALF_DOWN)
$rounded_tax_amount = round($tax_amount, $decimals, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
elseif($rounding_code == Rounding_mode::HALF_EVEN)
$rounded_tax_amount = round($tax_amount, $decimals, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
elseif($rounding_code == Rounding_mode::HALF_ODD)
$rounded_tax_amount = round($tax_amount, $decimals, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
elseif($rounding_code == Rounding_mode::ROUND_UP)
$fig = (int)str_pad('1', $decimals, '0');
$rounded_tax_amount = (ceil($tax_amount * $fig) / $fig);
elseif($rounding_code == Rounding_mode::ROUND_DOWN)
$fig = (int)str_pad('1', $decimals, '0');
$rounded_tax_amount = (floor($tax_amount * $fig) / $fig);
elseif($rounding_code == Rounding_mode::HALF_FIVE)
$rounded_tax_amount = round($tax_amount / 5) * 5;
$taxes[$row_number]['sale_tax_amount'] = $rounded_tax_amount;
* Determine the applicable tax code and then determine the tax amount to be applied.
* If a tax amount was identified then accumulate into the sales_taxes array
public function apply_destination_tax(&$item, $city, $state, $sales_tax_code_id, $register_mode, $sale_id, &$taxes, &$item_taxes, $line)
$taxed = FALSE;
$tax_code_id = $this->get_applicable_tax_code($register_mode, $city, $state, $sales_tax_code_id);
// If tax code cannot be determined or the price is zero then skip this item
if($tax_code_id != -1 && $item['price'] != 0)
$tax_decimals = tax_decimals();
$tax_definition = $this->CI->Tax->get_taxes($tax_code_id, $item['tax_category_id']);
// The tax basis should be returned at the currency scale
$tax_basis = $this->CI->sale_lib->get_item_total($item['quantity'], $item['price'], $item['discount'], $item['discount_type'], TRUE);
$row = 0;
$last_cascade_sequence = 0;
$cascade_tax_amount = 0.0;
foreach($tax_definition as $tax)
$cascade_sequence = $tax['cascade_sequence'];
if($cascade_sequence != $last_cascade_sequence)
$last_cascade_sequence = $cascade_sequence;
$tax_basis = $tax_basis + $cascade_tax_amount;
$tax_rate = $tax['tax_rate'];
$rounding_code = $tax['tax_rounding_code'];
// This computes tax for each line item and adds it to the tax type total
$tax_type = $tax['tax_type'];
if($tax_type == Tax_lib::TAX_TYPE_INCLUDED)
$tax_amount = $this->get_included_tax($item['quantity'], $item['price'], $item['discount'], $tax_rate, $tax_decimals, $rounding_code);
$tax_amount = $this->get_tax_for_amount($tax_basis, $tax_rate, $rounding_code, $tax_decimals);
$cascade_tax_amount = $cascade_tax_amount + $tax_amount;
if($tax_amount != 0)
$taxed = TRUE;
$this->update_taxes($taxes, $tax_type, $tax['tax_group'], $tax_rate, $tax_basis, $tax_amount, $tax['tax_group_sequence'], $rounding_code, $sale_id, $tax['tax_group'], $tax_code_id, $tax['rate_jurisdiction_id'], $item['tax_category_id']);
$item_taxes_detail = array();
$item_taxes_detail['line'] = $line;
$item_taxes_detail['item_id'] = $item['item_id'];
$item_taxes_detail['name'] = $tax['tax_group'];
$item_taxes_detail['percent'] = $tax['tax_rate'];
$item_taxes_detail['tax_type'] = $tax_type;
$item_taxes_detail['rounding_code'] = $rounding_code;
$item_taxes_detail['cascade_sequence'] = $cascade_sequence;
$item_taxes_detail['item_tax_amount'] = $tax_amount;
$item_taxes_detail['sales_tax_code_id'] = $tax_code_id;
$item_taxes_detail['jurisdiction_id'] = $tax['rate_jurisdiction_id'];
$item_taxes_detail['tax_category_id'] = $tax['rate_tax_category_id'];
$item_taxes_detail['tax_group_sequence'] = $tax['tax_group_sequence'];
$item_taxes[] = $item_taxes_detail;
return $taxed;
return $taxed;
public function get_applicable_tax_code($register_mode, $city, $state, $sales_tax_code_id)
if($register_mode == "sale")
$sales_tax_code_id = $this->CI->config->config['default_tax_code']; // overrides customer assigned code
if($sales_tax_code_id == NULL || $sales_tax_code_id == 0)
$sales_tax_code_id = $this->CI->Tax_code->get_sales_tax_code($city, $state);
if($sales_tax_code_id == NULL || $sales_tax_code_id == 0) {
$sales_tax_code_id = $this->CI->config->config['default_tax_code']; // overrides customer assigned code
return $sales_tax_code_id;
public function clean($string)
$string = str_replace(' ', '-', $string); // Replaces all spaces with hyphens.
return preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $string); // Removes special chars.
public function get_tax_code_options()
$tax_codes = $this->CI->Tax_code->get_all()->result_array();
$tax_code_options = array();
$tax_code_options[''] = '';
foreach($tax_codes as $tax_code)
$a = $tax_code['tax_code_id'];
$b = $tax_code['tax_code_name'];
$tax_code_options[$a] = $b;
return $tax_code_options;
public function get_tax_jurisdiction_options()
$tax_jurisdictions = $this->CI->Tax_jurisdiction->get_all()->result_array();
$tax_jurisdiction_options = array();
$tax_jurisdiction_options[0] = '';
foreach($tax_jurisdictions as $tax_jurisdiction)
$a = $tax_jurisdiction['jurisdiction_id'];
$b = $tax_jurisdiction['jurisdiction_name'];
$tax_jurisdiction_options[$a] = $b;
return $tax_jurisdiction_options;
public function get_tax_category_options()
$tax_categories = $this->CI->Tax_category->get_all()->result_array();
$tax_category_options = array();
$tax_category_options[0] = '';
foreach($tax_categories as $tax_category)
$a = $tax_category['tax_category_id'];
$b = $tax_category['tax_category'];
$tax_category_options[$a] = $b;
return $tax_category_options;
public function get_tax_type_options($selected_tax_type)
$selected = 'selected=\"selected\" ';
$s1 = '';
$s2 = '';
if($selected_tax_type == Tax_lib::TAX_TYPE_EXCLUDED)
$s1 = $selected;
else if($selected_tax_type == Tax_lib::TAX_TYPE_INCLUDED)
$s2 = $selected;
return '<option value=\"' . Tax_lib::TAX_TYPE_EXCLUDED . '\" ' . $s1 . '> ' . $this->CI->lang->line('taxes_sales_tax')
. '</option><option value=\"' . Tax_lib::TAX_TYPE_INCLUDED . '\" ' . $s2 . '> ' . $this->CI->lang->line('taxes_vat_tax') . '</option>';
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists