Sindbad~EG File Manager
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Generates the header content for the import_items.csv file
* @return string Comma separated headers for the CSV file
function generate_import_items_csv($stock_locations,$attributes)
$csv_headers = pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf); //Encode the Byte-Order Mark (BOM) so that UTF-8 File headers display properly in Microsoft Excel
$csv_headers .= 'Barcode,"Item Name",Category,"Supplier ID","Cost Price","Unit Price","Tax 1 Name","Tax 1 Percent","Tax 2 Name","Tax 2 Percent","Reorder Level",Description,"Allow Alt Description","Item has Serial Number",item_image,HSN';
$csv_headers .= generate_stock_location_headers($stock_locations);
$csv_headers .= generate_attribute_headers($attributes);
return $csv_headers;
* Generates a list of stock location names as a string
* @return string Comma-separated list of stock location names
function generate_stock_location_headers($locations)
$location_headers = "";
foreach($locations as $location_id => $location_name)
$location_headers .= ',"location_' . $location_name . '"';
return $location_headers;
* Generates a list of attribute names as a string
* @return string Comma-separated list of attribute names
function generate_attribute_headers($attribute_names)
$attribute_headers = "";
foreach($attribute_names as $attribute_name)
$attribute_headers .= ',"attribute_' . $attribute_name . '"';
return $attribute_headers;
* Read the contents of a given CSV formatted file into a two-dimensional array
* @param string $file_name Name of the file to read.
* @return boolean|array[][] two-dimensional array with the file contents or FALSE on failure.
function get_csv_file($file_name)
ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", true);
if(($csv_file = fopen($file_name,'r')) !== FALSE)
//Skip Byte-Order Mark
if(bom_exists($csv_file) === TRUE)
fseek($csv_file, 3);
while (($data = fgetcsv($csv_file)) !== FALSE)
$line_array[] = $data;
return FALSE;
return $line_array;
* Checks the first three characters of a file for the Byte-Order Mark then returns the file position to the first character.
* @param object $file_handle File handle to check
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the BOM exists and FALSE otherwise.
function bom_exists(&$file_handle)
$str = fread($file_handle,3);
$bom = pack("CCC", 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf);
if (0 === strncmp($str, $bom, 3))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists