Sindbad~EG File Manager
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
require_once(APPPATH . 'models/tokens/Token.php');
* Token library
* Library with utilities to manage tokens
class Token_lib
private $CI;
public function __construct()
$this->CI =& get_instance();
* Expands all of the tokens found in a given text string and returns the results.
public function render($tokened_text, $tokens = array())
// Apply the transformation for the "%" tokens if any are used
if(strpos($tokened_text, '%') !== FALSE)
$tokened_text = strftime($tokened_text);
// Call scan to build an array of all of the tokens used in the text to be transformed
$token_tree = $this->scan($tokened_text);
if(strpos($tokened_text, '%') !== FALSE)
return strftime($tokened_text);
return $tokened_text;
$token_values = array();
$tokens_to_replace = array();
$this->generate($token_tree, $tokens_to_replace, $token_values, $tokens);
return str_replace($tokens_to_replace, $token_values, $tokened_text);
* Parses out the all of the tokens enclosed in braces {} and subparses on the colon : character where supplied
public function scan($text)
// Matches tokens with the following pattern: [$token:$length]
\{ # [ - pattern start
([^\s\{\}:]+) # match $token not containing whitespace : { or }
: # : - separator
([^\s\{\}:]+) # match $length not containing whitespace : { or }
\} # ] - pattern end
/x', $text, $matches);
$tokens = $matches[1];
$lengths = $matches[2];
$token_tree = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($tokens); $i++)
$token_tree[$tokens[$i]][$lengths[$i]] = $matches[0][$i];
return $token_tree;
public function generate($used_tokens, &$tokens_to_replace, &$token_values, $tokens)
foreach($used_tokens as $token_code => $token_info)
// Generate value here based on the key value
$token_value = $this->resolveToken($token_code);
foreach($token_info as $length => $token_spec)
$tokens_to_replace[] = $token_spec;
$token_values[] = str_pad($token_value, $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$token_values[] = $token_value;
return $token_values;
private function resolveToken($token_code, $tokens = array())
foreach(array_merge($tokens, Token::get_tokens()) as $token)
if($token->token_id() == $token_code)
return $token->get_value();
return '';
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists