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Current File : //proc/thread-self/cwd/application/models/Sale.php

<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

define('COMPLETED', 0);
define('SUSPENDED', 1);
define('CANCELED', 2);

define('SALE_TYPE_POS', 0);
define('SALE_TYPE_INVOICE', 1);
define('SALE_TYPE_WORK_ORDER', 2);
define('SALE_TYPE_QUOTE', 3);
define('SALE_TYPE_RETURN', 4);

define('PERCENT', 0);
define('FIXED', 1);
 * Sale class

class Sale extends CI_Model
	 * Get sale info
	public function get_info($sale_id)
		// NOTE: temporary tables are created to speed up searches due to the fact that they are ortogonal to the main query
		// create a temporary table to contain all the payments per sale
		$this->db->query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_payments_temp') .
			' (PRIMARY KEY(sale_id), INDEX(sale_id))
				SELECT payments.sale_id AS sale_id,
					IFNULL(SUM(payments.payment_amount), 0) AS sale_payment_amount,
					GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(payments.payment_type, " ", (payments.payment_amount - payments.cash_refund)) SEPARATOR ", ") AS payment_type
				FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_payments') . ' AS payments
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales') . ' AS sales
					ON sales.sale_id = payments.sale_id
				WHERE sales.sale_id = ' . $this->db->escape($sale_id) . '
				GROUP BY sale_id

		$decimals = totals_decimals();

		$sale_price = 'CASE WHEN sales_items.discount_type = ' . PERCENT . ' THEN sales_items.item_unit_price * sales_items.quantity_purchased * (1 - / 100) ELSE sales_items.item_unit_price * sales_items.quantity_purchased - END';
		$tax = 'ROUND(IFNULL(SUM(, 0), ' . $decimals . ')';

			$sale_total = 'ROUND(SUM(' . $sale_price . '),' . $decimals . ')';
			$sale_subtotal = $sale_total . ' - ' . $tax;
			$sale_subtotal = 'ROUND(SUM(' . $sale_price . '),' . $decimals . ')';
			$sale_total = $sale_subtotal . ' + ' . $tax;

		// create a temporary table to contain all the sum of taxes per sale item
		$this->db->query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items_taxes_temp') .
			' (INDEX(sale_id), INDEX(item_id)) ENGINE=MEMORY
				SELECT sales_items_taxes.sale_id AS sale_id,
					sales_items_taxes.item_id AS item_id,
					sales_items_taxes.line AS line,
					SUM(sales_items_taxes.item_tax_amount) AS tax
				FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items_taxes') . ' AS sales_items_taxes
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales') . ' AS sales
					ON sales.sale_id = sales_items_taxes.sale_id
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items') . ' AS sales_items
					ON sales_items.sale_id = sales_items_taxes.sale_id AND sales_items.line = sales_items_taxes.line
				WHERE sales.sale_id = ' . $this->db->escape($sale_id) . '
				GROUP BY sale_id, item_id, line

				sales.sale_id AS sale_id,
				MAX(DATE(sales.sale_time)) AS sale_date,
				MAX(sales.sale_time) AS sale_time,
				MAX(sales.comment) AS comment,
				MAX(sales.sale_status) AS sale_status,
				MAX(sales.invoice_number) AS invoice_number,
				MAX(sales.quote_number) AS quote_number,
				MAX(sales.employee_id) AS employee_id,
				MAX(sales.customer_id) AS customer_id,
				MAX(CONCAT(customer_p.first_name, " ", customer_p.last_name)) AS customer_name,
				MAX(customer_p.first_name) AS first_name,
				MAX(customer_p.last_name) AS last_name,
				MAX( AS email,
				MAX(customer_p.comments) AS comments,
				' . "
				IFNULL($sale_total, $sale_subtotal) AS amount_due,
				IFNULL(MAX(payments.sale_payment_amount), 0) AS amount_tendered,
				IFNULL(MAX(payments.sale_payment_amount) - IFNULL($sale_total, $sale_subtotal),0) AS change_due,
				" . '
				MAX(payments.payment_type) AS payment_type

		$this->db->from('sales_items AS sales_items');
		$this->db->join('sales AS sales', 'sales_items.sale_id = sales.sale_id', 'inner');
		$this->db->join('people AS customer_p', 'sales.customer_id = customer_p.person_id', 'LEFT');
		$this->db->join('customers AS customer', 'sales.customer_id = customer.person_id', 'LEFT');
		$this->db->join('sales_payments_temp AS payments', 'sales.sale_id = payments.sale_id', 'LEFT OUTER');
		$this->db->join('sales_items_taxes_temp AS sales_items_taxes',
			'sales_items.sale_id = sales_items_taxes.sale_id AND sales_items.item_id = sales_items_taxes.item_id AND sales_items.line = sales_items_taxes.line',

		$this->db->where('sales.sale_id', $sale_id);

		$this->db->order_by('sale_time', 'asc');

		return $this->db->get();

	 * Get number of rows for the takings (sales/manage) view
	public function get_found_rows($search, $filters)
		return $this->search($search, $filters, 0, 0, 'sales.sale_time', 'desc', TRUE);

	 * Get the sales data for the takings (sales/manage) view
	public function search($search, $filters, $rows = 0, $limit_from = 0, $sort = 'sales.sale_time', $order = 'desc', $count_only = FALSE)
		// Pick up only non-suspended records
		$where = 'sales.sale_status = 0 AND ';

			$where .= 'DATE(sales.sale_time) BETWEEN ' . $this->db->escape($filters['start_date']) . ' AND ' . $this->db->escape($filters['end_date']);
			$where .= 'sales.sale_time BETWEEN ' . $this->db->escape(rawurldecode($filters['start_date'])) . ' AND ' . $this->db->escape(rawurldecode($filters['end_date']));

		// NOTE: temporary tables are created to speed up searches due to the fact that they are ortogonal to the main query
		// create a temporary table to contain all the payments per sale item
		$this->db->query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_payments_temp') .
			' (PRIMARY KEY(sale_id), INDEX(sale_id))
				SELECT payments.sale_id AS sale_id,
					IFNULL(SUM(payments.payment_amount), 0) AS sale_payment_amount,
					GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(payments.payment_type, " ", (payments.payment_amount - payments.cash_refund)) SEPARATOR ", ") AS payment_type
				FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_payments') . ' AS payments
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales') . ' AS sales
					ON sales.sale_id = payments.sale_id
				WHERE ' . $where . '
				GROUP BY sale_id

		$decimals = totals_decimals();

		$sale_price = 'CASE WHEN sales_items.discount_type = ' . PERCENT . ' THEN sales_items.item_unit_price * sales_items.quantity_purchased * (1 - / 100) ELSE sales_items.item_unit_price * sales_items.quantity_purchased - END';
		$sale_cost = 'SUM(sales_items.item_cost_price * sales_items.quantity_purchased)';
		$tax = 'IFNULL(SUM(, 0)';

			$sale_total = 'ROUND(SUM(' . $sale_price . '), ' . $decimals . ')';
			$sale_subtotal = $sale_total . ' - ' . $tax;
			$sale_subtotal = 'ROUND(SUM(' . $sale_price . '), ' . $decimals . ')';
			$sale_total = $sale_subtotal . ' + ' . $tax;

		// create a temporary table to contain all the sum of taxes per sale item
		$this->db->query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items_taxes_temp') .
			' (INDEX(sale_id), INDEX(item_id)) ENGINE=MEMORY
				SELECT sales_items_taxes.sale_id AS sale_id,
					sales_items_taxes.item_id AS item_id,
					sales_items_taxes.line AS line,
					SUM(sales_items_taxes.item_tax_amount) AS tax
				FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items_taxes') . ' AS sales_items_taxes
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales') . ' AS sales
					ON sales.sale_id = sales_items_taxes.sale_id
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items') . ' AS sales_items
					ON sales_items.sale_id = sales_items_taxes.sale_id AND sales_items.line = sales_items_taxes.line
				WHERE ' . $where . '
				GROUP BY sale_id, item_id, line

		// get_found_rows case
		if($count_only == TRUE)
			$this->db->select('COUNT(DISTINCT sales.sale_id) AS count');
					sales.sale_id AS sale_id,
					MAX(DATE(sales.sale_time)) AS sale_date,
					MAX(sales.sale_time) AS sale_time,
					MAX(sales.invoice_number) AS invoice_number,
					MAX(sales.quote_number) AS quote_number,
					SUM(sales_items.quantity_purchased) AS items_purchased,
					MAX(CONCAT(customer_p.first_name, " ", customer_p.last_name)) AS customer_name,
					MAX(customer.company_name) AS company_name,
					' . "
					IFNULL($sale_subtotal, $sale_total) AS subtotal,
					$tax AS tax,
					IFNULL($sale_total, $sale_subtotal) AS total,
					$sale_cost AS cost,
					(IFNULL($sale_subtotal, $sale_total) - $sale_cost) AS profit,
					IFNULL($sale_total, $sale_subtotal) AS amount_due,
					MAX(payments.sale_payment_amount) AS amount_tendered,
					(MAX(payments.sale_payment_amount) - IFNULL($sale_total, $sale_subtotal)) AS change_due,
					" . '
					MAX(payments.payment_type) AS payment_type

		$this->db->from('sales_items AS sales_items');
		$this->db->join('sales AS sales', 'sales_items.sale_id = sales.sale_id', 'inner');
		$this->db->join('people AS customer_p', 'sales.customer_id = customer_p.person_id', 'LEFT');
		$this->db->join('customers AS customer', 'sales.customer_id = customer.person_id', 'LEFT');
		$this->db->join('sales_payments_temp AS payments', 'sales.sale_id = payments.sale_id', 'LEFT OUTER');
		$this->db->join('sales_items_taxes_temp AS sales_items_taxes',
			'sales_items.sale_id = sales_items_taxes.sale_id AND sales_items.item_id = sales_items_taxes.item_id AND sales_items.line = sales_items_taxes.line',


			if($filters['is_valid_receipt'] != FALSE)
				$pieces = explode(' ', $search);
				$this->db->where('sales.sale_id', $pieces[1]);
					// customer last name
					$this->db->like('customer_p.last_name', $search);
					// customer first name
					$this->db->or_like('customer_p.first_name', $search);
					// customer first and last name
					$this->db->or_like('CONCAT(customer_p.first_name, " ", customer_p.last_name)', $search);
					// customer company name
					$this->db->or_like('customer.company_name', $search);

		if($filters['location_id'] != 'all')
			$this->db->where('sales_items.item_location', $filters['location_id']);

		if($filters['only_invoices'] != FALSE)
			$this->db->where('sales.invoice_number IS NOT NULL');

		if($filters['only_cash'] != FALSE)
				$this->db->like('payments.payment_type', $this->lang->line('sales_cash'));
				$this->db->or_where('payments.payment_type IS NULL');

		if($filters['only_due'] != FALSE)
			$this->db->like('payments.payment_type', $this->lang->line('sales_due'));

		if($filters['only_check'] != FALSE)
			$this->db->like('payments.payment_type', $this->lang->line('sales_check'));

		// get_found_rows case
		if($count_only == TRUE)
			return $this->db->get()->row()->count;


		// order by sale time by default
		$this->db->order_by($sort, $order);

		if($rows > 0)
			$this->db->limit($rows, $limit_from);

		return $this->db->get();

	 * Get the payment summary for the takings (sales/manage) view
	public function get_payments_summary($search, $filters)
		// get payment summary
		$this->db->select('payment_type, COUNT(payment_amount) AS count, SUM(payment_amount) AS payment_amount');
		$this->db->from('sales AS sales');
		$this->db->join('sales_payments', 'sales_payments.sale_id = sales.sale_id');
		$this->db->join('people AS customer_p', 'sales.customer_id = customer_p.person_id', 'LEFT');
		$this->db->join('customers AS customer', 'sales.customer_id = customer.person_id', 'LEFT');

			$this->db->where('DATE(sales.sale_time) BETWEEN ' . $this->db->escape($filters['start_date']) . ' AND ' . $this->db->escape($filters['end_date']));
			$this->db->where('sales.sale_time BETWEEN ' . $this->db->escape(rawurldecode($filters['start_date'])) . ' AND ' . $this->db->escape(rawurldecode($filters['end_date'])));

			if($filters['is_valid_receipt'] != FALSE)
				$pieces = explode(' ',$search);
				$this->db->where('sales.sale_id', $pieces[1]);
					// customer last name
					$this->db->like('customer_p.last_name', $search);
					// customer first name
					$this->db->or_like('customer_p.first_name', $search);
					// customer first and last name
					$this->db->or_like('CONCAT(customer_p.first_name, " ", customer_p.last_name)', $search);
					// customer company name
					$this->db->or_like('customer.company_name', $search);

		if($filters['sale_type'] == 'sales')
			$this->db->where('sales.sale_status = ' . COMPLETED . ' AND payment_amount > 0');
		elseif($filters['sale_type'] == 'quotes')
			$this->db->where('sales.sale_status = ' . SUSPENDED . ' AND sales.quote_number IS NOT NULL');
		elseif($filters['sale_type'] == 'returns')
			$this->db->where('sales.sale_status = ' . COMPLETED . ' AND payment_amount < 0');
		elseif($filters['sale_type'] == 'all')
			$this->db->where('sales.sale_status = ' . COMPLETED);

		if($filters['only_invoices'] != FALSE)
			$this->db->where('invoice_number IS NOT NULL');

		if($filters['only_cash'] != FALSE)
			$this->db->like('payment_type', $this->lang->line('sales_cash'));

		if($filters['only_due'] != FALSE)
			$this->db->like('payment_type', $this->lang->line('sales_due'));

		if($filters['only_check'] != FALSE)
			$this->db->like('payment_type', $this->lang->line('sales_check'));


		$payments = $this->db->get()->result_array();

		// consider Gift Card as only one type of payment and do not show "Gift Card: 1, Gift Card: 2, etc." in the total
		$gift_card_count = 0;
		$gift_card_amount = 0;
		foreach($payments as $key=>$payment)
			if(strstr($payment['payment_type'], $this->lang->line('sales_giftcard')) != FALSE)
				$gift_card_count  += $payment['count'];
				$gift_card_amount += $payment['payment_amount'];

				// remove the "Gift Card: 1", "Gift Card: 2", etc. payment string

		if($gift_card_count > 0)
			$payments[] = array('payment_type' => $this->lang->line('sales_giftcard'), 'count' => $gift_card_count, 'payment_amount' => $gift_card_amount);

		return $payments;

	 * Gets total of rows
	public function get_total_rows()

		return $this->db->count_all_results();

	 * Gets search suggestions
	public function get_search_suggestions($search, $limit = 25)
		$suggestions = array();

			$this->db->select('first_name, last_name');
			$this->db->join('people', 'people.person_id = sales.customer_id');
			$this->db->like('last_name', $search);
			$this->db->or_like('first_name', $search);
			$this->db->or_like('CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name)', $search);
			$this->db->or_like('company_name', $search);
			$this->db->order_by('last_name', 'asc');

			foreach($this->db->get()->result_array() as $result)
				$suggestions[] = array('label' => $result['first_name'] . ' ' . $result['last_name']);
			$suggestions[] = array('label' => $search);

		return $suggestions;

	 * Gets total of invoice rows
	public function get_invoice_count()
		$this->db->where('invoice_number IS NOT NULL');

		return $this->db->count_all_results();

	 * Gets sale by invoice number
	public function get_sale_by_invoice_number($invoice_number)
		$this->db->where('invoice_number', $invoice_number);

		return $this->db->get();

	 * Gets invoice number by year
	public function get_invoice_number_for_year($year = '', $start_from = 0)
		$year = $year == '' ? date('Y') : $year;
		$this->db->select('COUNT( 1 ) AS invoice_number_year');
		$this->db->where('DATE_FORMAT(sale_time, "%Y" ) = ', $year);
		$this->db->where('invoice_number IS NOT NULL');
		$result = $this->db->get()->row_array();

		return ($start_from + $result['invoice_number_year']);

	 * Checks if valid receipt
	public function is_valid_receipt(&$receipt_sale_id)
			//POS #
			$pieces = explode(' ', $receipt_sale_id);

			if(count($pieces) == 2 && preg_match('/(POS)/i', $pieces[0]))
				return $this->exists($pieces[1]);
			elseif($this->config->item('invoice_enable') == TRUE)
				$sale_info = $this->get_sale_by_invoice_number($receipt_sale_id);
				if($sale_info->num_rows() > 0)
					$receipt_sale_id = 'POS ' . $sale_info->row()->sale_id;

					return TRUE;

		return FALSE;

	 * Checks if sale exists
	public function exists($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		return ($this->db->get()->num_rows()==1);

	 * Update sale
	public function update($sale_id, $sale_data, $payments)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);
		$success = $this->db->update('sales', $sale_data);

		// touch payment only if update sale is successful and there is a payments object otherwise the result would be to delete all the payments associated to the sale
		if($success && !empty($payments))
			//Run these queries as a transaction, we want to make sure we do all or nothing

			// add new payments
			foreach($payments as $payment)
				$payment_id = $payment['payment_id'];
				$payment_type = $payment['payment_type'];
				$payment_amount = $payment['payment_amount'];
				$cash_refund = $payment['cash_refund'];
				$employee_id = $payment['employee_id'];

				if($payment_id == - 1 && $payment_amount > 0)
					// Add a new payment transaction
					$sales_payments_data = array(
						'sale_id' => $sale_id,
						'payment_type' => $payment_type,
						'payment_amount' => $payment_amount,
						'cash_refund' => $cash_refund,
						'employee_id' => $employee_id
					$success = $this->db->insert('sales_payments', $sales_payments_data);

				if($payment_id != - 1)
					if($payment_amount > 0)
						// Update existing payment transactions (payment_type only)
						$sales_payments_data = array(
							'payment_type' => $payment_type
						$success = $this->db->update('sales_payments', $sales_payments_data);
						// Remove existing payment transactions  with a payment amount of zero
						$success = $this->db->delete('sales_payments', array('payment_id' => $payment_id));


			$success &= $this->db->trans_status();

		return $success;

	 * Save the sale information after the sales is complete but before the final document is printed
	 * The sales_taxes variable needs to be initialized to an empty array before calling
	public function save($sale_id, &$sale_status, &$items, $customer_id, $employee_id, $comment, $invoice_number,
							$work_order_number, $quote_number, $sale_type, $payments, $dinner_table, &$sales_taxes)
		if($sale_id != -1)

		$tax_decimals = tax_decimals();

		if(count($items) == 0)
			return -1;

		$sales_data = array(
			'sale_time'			=> date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
			'customer_id'		=> $this->Customer->exists($customer_id) ? $customer_id : NULL,
			'employee_id'		=> $employee_id,
			'comment'			=> $comment,
			'sale_status'		=> $sale_status,
			'invoice_number'	=> $invoice_number,
			'quote_number'		=> $quote_number,
			'work_order_number'	=> $work_order_number,
			'dinner_table_id'	=> $dinner_table,
			'sale_status'		=> $sale_status,
			'sale_type'			=> $sale_type

		// Run these queries as a transaction, we want to make sure we do all or nothing

		if($sale_id == -1)
			$this->db->insert('sales', $sales_data);
			$sale_id = $this->db->insert_id();
			$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);
			$this->db->update('sales', $sales_data);
		$total_amount = 0;
		$total_amount_used = 0;
		foreach($payments as $payment_id=>$payment)
			if( substr( $payment['payment_type'], 0, strlen( $this->lang->line('sales_giftcard') ) ) == $this->lang->line('sales_giftcard') )
				// We have a gift card and we have to deduct the used value from the total value of the card.
				$splitpayment = explode( ':', $payment['payment_type'] );
				$cur_giftcard_value = $this->Giftcard->get_giftcard_value( $splitpayment[1] );
				$this->Giftcard->update_giftcard_value( $splitpayment[1], $cur_giftcard_value - $payment['payment_amount'] );

			if( substr( $payment['payment_type'], 0, strlen( $this->lang->line('sales_rewards') ) ) == $this->lang->line('sales_rewards') )

				$cur_rewards_value = $this->Customer->get_info($customer_id)->points;
				$this->Customer->update_reward_points_value($customer_id, $cur_rewards_value - $payment['payment_amount'] );
				$total_amount_used = floatval($total_amount_used) + floatval($payment['payment_amount']);

			$sales_payments_data = array(
				'sale_id'		 => $sale_id,
				'payment_type'	 => $payment['payment_type'],
				'payment_amount' => $payment['payment_amount'],
				'cash_refund'    => $payment['cash_refund'],
				'employee_id'	 => $employee_id

			$this->db->insert('sales_payments', $sales_payments_data);

			$total_amount = floatval($total_amount) + floatval($payment['payment_amount']);

		$this->save_customer_rewards($customer_id, $sale_id, $total_amount, $total_amount_used);

		$customer = $this->Customer->get_info($customer_id);

		foreach($items as $line=>$item)
			$cur_item_info = $this->Item->get_info($item['item_id']);

			if($item['price'] == 0.00)
				$item['discount'] = 0.00;

			$sales_items_data = array(
				'sale_id'			=> $sale_id,
				'item_id'			=> $item['item_id'],
				'line'				=> $item['line'],
				'description'		=> character_limiter($item['description'], 255),
				'serialnumber'		=> character_limiter($item['serialnumber'], 30),
				'quantity_purchased'=> $item['quantity'],
				'discount'			=> $item['discount'],
				'discount_type'		=> $item['discount_type'],
				'item_cost_price'	=> $item['cost_price'],
				'item_unit_price'	=> $item['price'],
				'item_location'		=> $item['item_location'],
				'print_option'		=> $item['print_option']

			$this->db->insert('sales_items', $sales_items_data);

			if($cur_item_info->stock_type == HAS_STOCK && $sale_status == COMPLETED)
				// Update stock quantity if item type is a standard stock item and the sale is a standard sale
				$item_quantity = $this->Item_quantity->get_item_quantity($item['item_id'], $item['item_location']);
				$this->Item_quantity->save(array('quantity'	=> $item_quantity->quantity - $item['quantity'],
					'item_id'		=> $item['item_id'],
					'location_id'	=> $item['item_location']), $item['item_id'], $item['item_location']);

				// if an items was deleted but later returned it's restored with this rule

				if($item['quantity'] < 0)

				// Inventory Count Details
				$sale_remarks = 'POS '.$sale_id;
				$inv_data = array(
					'trans_date'		=> date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
					'trans_items'		=> $item['item_id'],
					'trans_user'		=> $employee_id,
					'trans_location'	=> $item['item_location'],
					'trans_comment'		=> $sale_remarks,
					'trans_inventory'	=> -$item['quantity']

			$this->Attribute->copy_attribute_links($item['item_id'], 'sale_id', $sale_id);

		if($customer_id == -1 || $customer->taxable)
			$this->save_sales_tax($sale_id, $sales_taxes[0]);
			$this->save_sales_items_taxes($sale_id, $sales_taxes[1]);

		if($this->config->item('dinner_table_enable') == TRUE)
			if($sale_status == COMPLETED)


		if($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
			return -1;

		return $sale_id;

	 * Saves sale tax
	public function save_sales_tax($sale_id, $sales_taxes)
		foreach($sales_taxes as $line=>$sales_tax)
			$sales_tax['sale_id'] = $sale_id;
			$this->db->insert('sales_taxes', $sales_tax);

	 * Apply customer sales tax if the customer sales tax is enabledl
	 * The original tax is still supported if the user configures it,
	 * but it won't make sense unless it's used exclusively for the purpose
	 * of VAT tax which becomes a price component.  VAT taxes must still be reported
	 * as a separate tax entry on the invoice.
	public function save_sales_items_taxes($sale_id, $sales_item_taxes)
		foreach($sales_item_taxes as $line => $tax_item)
			$sales_items_taxes = array(
				'sale_id' => $sale_id,
				'item_id' => $tax_item['item_id'],
				'line' => $tax_item['line'],
				'name' => $tax_item['name'],
				'percent' => $tax_item['percent'],
				'tax_type' => $tax_item['tax_type'],
				'rounding_code' => $tax_item['rounding_code'],
				'cascade_sequence' => $tax_item['cascade_sequence'],
				'item_tax_amount' => $tax_item['item_tax_amount'],
				'sales_tax_code_id' => $tax_item['sales_tax_code_id'],
				'tax_category_id' => $tax_item['tax_category_id'],
				'jurisdiction_id' => $tax_item['jurisdiction_id'],
				'tax_category_id' => $tax_item['tax_category_id']

			$this->db->insert('sales_items_taxes', $sales_items_taxes);

	 * Return the taxes that were charged
	public function get_sales_taxes($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);
		$this->db->order_by('print_sequence', 'asc');

		$query = $this->db->get();

		return $query->result_array();

	 * Deletes list of sales
	public function delete_list($sale_ids, $employee_id, $update_inventory = TRUE)
		$result = TRUE;

		foreach($sale_ids as $sale_id)
			$result &= $this->delete($sale_id, $employee_id, $update_inventory);

		return $result;

	 * Restores list of sales
	public function restore_list($sale_ids, $employee_id, $update_inventory = TRUE)
		foreach($sale_ids as $sale_id)
			$this->update_sale_status($sale_id, SUSPENDED);

		return TRUE;

	 * Delete sale.  Hard deletes are not supported for sales transactions.
	 * When a sale is "deleted" it is simply changed to a status of canceled.
	 * However, if applicable the inventory still needs to be updated
	public function delete($sale_id, $employee_id, $update_inventory = TRUE)
		// start a transaction to assure data integrity

		$sale_status = $this->get_sale_status($sale_id);

		if($update_inventory && $sale_status == COMPLETED)
			// defect, not all item deletions will be undone??
			// get array with all the items involved in the sale to update the inventory tracking
			$items = $this->get_sale_items($sale_id)->result_array();
			foreach($items as $item)
				$cur_item_info = $this->Item->get_info($item['item_id']);

				if($cur_item_info->stock_type == HAS_STOCK)
					// create query to update inventory tracking
					$inv_data = array(
						'trans_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
						'trans_items' => $item['item_id'],
						'trans_user' => $employee_id,
						'trans_comment' => 'Deleting sale ' . $sale_id,
						'trans_location' => $item['item_location'],
						'trans_inventory' => $item['quantity_purchased']
					// update inventory

					// update quantities
					$this->Item_quantity->change_quantity($item['item_id'], $item['item_location'], $item['quantity_purchased']);

		$this->update_sale_status($sale_id, CANCELED);

		// execute transaction

		return $this->db->trans_status();

	 * Gets sale item
	public function get_sale_items($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		return $this->db->get();

	 * Used by the invoice and receipt programs
	public function get_sale_items_ordered($sale_id)
			' . $this->Item->get_item_name('name') . ',
		$this->db->from('sales_items AS sales_items');
		$this->db->join('items AS items', 'sales_items.item_id = items.item_id');
		$this->db->where('sales_items.sale_id', $sale_id);

		// Entry sequence (this will render kits in the expected sequence)
		if($this->config->item('line_sequence') == '0')
			$this->db->order_by('line', 'asc');
		// Group by Stock Type (nonstock first - type 1, stock next - type 0)
		elseif($this->config->item('line_sequence') == '1')
			$this->db->order_by('stock_type', 'desc');
			$this->db->order_by('sales_items.description', 'asc');
			$this->db->order_by('', 'asc');
			$this->db->order_by('items.qty_per_pack', 'asc');
		// Group by Item Category
		elseif($this->config->item('line_sequence') == '2')
			$this->db->order_by('category', 'asc');
			$this->db->order_by('sales_items.description', 'asc');
			$this->db->order_by('', 'asc');
			$this->db->order_by('items.qty_per_pack', 'asc');
		// Group by entry sequence in descending sequence (the Standard)
			$this->db->order_by('line', 'desc');

		return $this->db->get();

	 * Gets sale payments
	public function get_sale_payments($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		return $this->db->get();

	 * Gets sale payment options
	public function get_payment_options($giftcard = TRUE, $reward_points = FALSE)
		$payments = get_payment_options();

		if($giftcard == TRUE)
			$payments[$this->lang->line('sales_giftcard')] = $this->lang->line('sales_giftcard');

		if($reward_points == TRUE)
			$payments[$this->lang->line('sales_rewards')] = $this->lang->line('sales_rewards');

		if($this->sale_lib->get_mode() == 'sale_work_order')
			$payments[$this->lang->line('sales_cash_deposit')] = $this->lang->line('sales_cash_deposit');
			$payments[$this->lang->line('sales_credit_deposit')] = $this->lang->line('sales_credit_deposit');

		return $payments;

	 * Gets sale customer name
	public function get_customer($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		return $this->Customer->get_info($this->db->get()->row()->customer_id);

	 * Gets sale employee name
	public function get_employee($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		return $this->Employee->get_info($this->db->get()->row()->employee_id);

	 * Checks if quote number exists
	// TODO change to use new quote_number field
	public function check_quote_number_exists($quote_number, $sale_id = '')
		$this->db->where('quote_number', $quote_number);
			$this->db->where('sale_id !=', $sale_id);

		return ($this->db->get()->num_rows() == 1);

	 * Checks if invoice number exists
	public function check_invoice_number_exists($invoice_number, $sale_id = '')
		$this->db->where('invoice_number', $invoice_number);
			$this->db->where('sale_id !=', $sale_id);

		return ($this->db->get()->num_rows() == 1);

	 * Checks if work order number exists
	public function check_work_order_number_exists($work_order_number, $sale_id = '')
		$this->db->where('invoice_number', $work_order_number);
			$this->db->where('sale_id !=', $sale_id);

		return ($this->db->get()->num_rows() == 1);

	 * Gets Giftcard value
	public function get_giftcard_value($giftcardNumber)
			return 0;

		$this->db->where('giftcard_number', $giftcardNumber);

		return $this->db->get()->row()->value;

	 * Creates sales temporary dimentional table
	 * We create a temp table that allows us to do easy report/sales queries
	public function create_temp_table(array $inputs)
				$where = 'DATE(sales.sale_time) BETWEEN ' . $this->db->escape($inputs['start_date']) . ' AND ' . $this->db->escape($inputs['end_date']);
				$where = 'sales.sale_time BETWEEN ' . $this->db->escape(rawurldecode($inputs['start_date'])) . ' AND ' . $this->db->escape(rawurldecode($inputs['end_date']));
			$where = 'sales.sale_id = ' . $this->db->escape($inputs['sale_id']);

		$decimals = totals_decimals();

		$sale_price = 'CASE WHEN sales_items.discount_type = ' . PERCENT . ' THEN sales_items.item_unit_price * sales_items.quantity_purchased * (1 - / 100) ELSE sales_items.item_unit_price * sales_items.quantity_purchased - END';
		$sale_cost = 'SUM(sales_items.item_cost_price * sales_items.quantity_purchased)';
		$tax = 'IFNULL(SUM(, 0)';

			$sale_total = 'ROUND(SUM(' . $sale_price . '), ' . $decimals . ')';
			$sale_subtotal = $sale_total . ' - ' . $tax;
			$sale_subtotal = 'ROUND(SUM(' . $sale_price . '), ' . $decimals . ')';
			$sale_total = $sale_subtotal . ' + ' . $tax;

		// create a temporary table to contain all the sum of taxes per sale item
		$this->db->query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items_taxes_temp') .
			' (INDEX(sale_id), INDEX(item_id)) ENGINE=MEMORY
				SELECT sales_items_taxes.sale_id AS sale_id,
					sales_items_taxes.item_id AS item_id,
					sales_items_taxes.line AS line,
					SUM(sales_items_taxes.item_tax_amount) AS tax
				FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items_taxes') . ' AS sales_items_taxes
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales') . ' AS sales
					ON sales.sale_id = sales_items_taxes.sale_id
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items') . ' AS sales_items
					ON sales_items.sale_id = sales_items_taxes.sale_id AND sales_items.line = sales_items_taxes.line
				WHERE ' . $where . '
				GROUP BY sale_id, item_id, line

		// create a temporary table to contain all the payment types and amount
		$this->db->query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_payments_temp') .
			' (PRIMARY KEY(sale_id), INDEX(sale_id))
				SELECT payments.sale_id AS sale_id,
					IFNULL(SUM(payments.payment_amount), 0) AS sale_payment_amount,
					GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(payments.payment_type, " ", (payments.payment_amount - payments.cash_refund)) SEPARATOR ", ") AS payment_type
				FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_payments') . ' AS payments
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales') . ' AS sales
					ON sales.sale_id = payments.sale_id
				WHERE ' . $where . '
				GROUP BY payments.sale_id

		$this->db->query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items_temp') .
			' (INDEX(sale_date), INDEX(sale_time), INDEX(sale_id))
					MAX(DATE(sales.sale_time)) AS sale_date,
					MAX(sales.sale_time) AS sale_time,
					sales.sale_id AS sale_id,
					MAX(sales.sale_status) AS sale_status,
					MAX(sales.sale_type) AS sale_type,
					MAX(sales.comment) AS comment,
					MAX(sales.invoice_number) AS invoice_number,
					MAX(sales.quote_number) AS quote_number,
					MAX(sales.customer_id) AS customer_id,
					MAX(CONCAT(customer_p.first_name, " ", customer_p.last_name)) AS customer_name,
					MAX(customer_p.first_name) AS customer_first_name,
					MAX(customer_p.last_name) AS customer_last_name,
					MAX( AS customer_email,
					MAX(customer_p.comments) AS customer_comments,
					MAX(customer.company_name) AS customer_company_name,
					MAX(sales.employee_id) AS employee_id,
					MAX(CONCAT(employee.first_name, " ", employee.last_name)) AS employee_name,
					items.item_id AS item_id,
					MAX(' . $this->Item->get_item_name() . ') AS name,
					MAX(items.item_number) AS item_number,
					MAX(items.category) AS category,
					MAX(items.supplier_id) AS supplier_id,
					MAX(sales_items.quantity_purchased) AS quantity_purchased,
					MAX(sales_items.item_cost_price) AS item_cost_price,
					MAX(sales_items.item_unit_price) AS item_unit_price,
					MAX( AS discount,
					sales_items.discount_type AS discount_type,
					sales_items.line AS line,
					MAX(sales_items.serialnumber) AS serialnumber,
					MAX(sales_items.item_location) AS item_location,
					MAX(sales_items.description) AS description,
					MAX(payments.payment_type) AS payment_type,
					MAX(payments.sale_payment_amount) AS sale_payment_amount,
					' . "
					IFNULL($sale_subtotal, $sale_total) AS subtotal,
					$tax AS tax,
					IFNULL($sale_total, $sale_subtotal) AS total,
					$sale_cost AS cost,
					(IFNULL($sale_subtotal, $sale_total) - $sale_cost) AS profit
					" . '
				FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items') . ' AS sales_items
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales') . ' AS sales
					ON sales_items.sale_id = sales.sale_id
				INNER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('items') . ' AS items
					ON sales_items.item_id = items.item_id
				LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_payments_temp') . ' AS payments
					ON sales_items.sale_id = payments.sale_id
				LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('suppliers') . ' AS supplier
					ON items.supplier_id = supplier.person_id
				LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('people') . ' AS customer_p
					ON sales.customer_id = customer_p.person_id
				LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('customers') . ' AS customer
					ON sales.customer_id = customer.person_id
				LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('people') . ' AS employee
					ON sales.employee_id = employee.person_id
				LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items_taxes_temp') . ' AS sales_items_taxes
					ON sales_items.sale_id = sales_items_taxes.sale_id AND sales_items.item_id = sales_items_taxes.item_id AND sales_items.line = sales_items_taxes.line
				WHERE ' . $where . '
				GROUP BY sale_id, item_id, line

		// drop the temporary table to contain memory consumption as it's no longer required
		$this->db->query('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_payments_temp'));
		$this->db->query('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_items_taxes_temp'));

	 * Retrieves all sales that are in a suspended state
	public function get_all_suspended($customer_id = NULL)
		if($customer_id == -1)
			$query = $this->db->query("select sale_id, case when sale_type = '".SALE_TYPE_QUOTE."' then quote_number when sale_type = '".SALE_TYPE_WORK_ORDER."' then work_order_number else sale_id end as doc_id, sale_id as suspended_sale_id, sale_status, sale_time, dinner_table_id, customer_id, comment from "
				. $this->db->dbprefix('sales') . ' where sale_status = ' . SUSPENDED);
			$query = $this->db->query("select sale_id, case when sale_type = '".SALE_TYPE_QUOTE."' then quote_number when sale_type = '".SALE_TYPE_WORK_ORDER."' then work_order_number else sale_id end as doc_id, sale_status, sale_time, dinner_table_id, customer_id, comment from "
				. $this->db->dbprefix('sales') . ' where sale_status = '. SUSPENDED .' AND customer_id = ' . $customer_id);

		return $query->result_array();


	 * Gets the dinner table for the selected sale
	public function get_dinner_table($sale_id)
		if($sale_id == -1)
			return NULL;
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		return $this->db->get()->row()->dinner_table_id;

	 * Gets the sale type for the selected sale
	public function get_sale_type($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		return $this->db->get()->row()->sale_type;

	 * Gets the sale status for the selected sale
	public function get_sale_status($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		return $this->db->get()->row()->sale_status;

	public function update_sale_status($sale_id, $sale_status)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);
		$this->db->update('sales', array('sale_status'=>$sale_status));

	 * Gets the quote_number for the selected sale
	public function get_quote_number($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		$row = $this->db->get()->row();

		if($row != NULL)
			return $row->quote_number;

		return NULL;

	 * Gets the work order number for the selected sale
	public function get_work_order_number($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		$row = $this->db->get()->row();

		if($row != NULL)
			return $row->work_order_number;

		return NULL;

	 * Gets the quote_number for the selected sale
	public function get_comment($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);

		$row = $this->db->get()->row();

		if($row != NULL)
			return $row->comment;

		return NULL;

	 * Gets total of suspended invoices rows
	public function get_suspended_invoice_count()
		$this->db->where('invoice_number IS NOT NULL');
		$this->db->where('sale_status', SUSPENDED);

		return $this->db->count_all_results();

	 * Removes a selected sale from the sales table.
	 * This function should only be called for suspended sales that are being restored to the current cart
	public function delete_suspended_sale($sale_id)
		//Run these queries as a transaction, we want to make sure we do all or nothing

		if($this->config->item('dinner_table_enable') == TRUE)
			$dinner_table = $this->get_dinner_table($sale_id);

		$this->update_sale_status($sale_id, CANCELED);


		return $this->db->trans_status();

	 * This clears the sales detail for a given sale_id before the detail is resaved.
	 * This allows us to reuse the same sale_id
	public function clear_suspended_sale_detail($sale_id)

		if($this->config->item('dinner_table_enable') == TRUE)
			$dinner_table = $this->get_dinner_table($sale_id);

		$this->db->delete('sales_payments', array('sale_id' => $sale_id));
		$this->db->delete('sales_items_taxes', array('sale_id' => $sale_id));
		$this->db->delete('sales_items', array('sale_id' => $sale_id));
		$this->db->delete('sales_taxes', array('sale_id' => $sale_id));


		return $this->db->trans_status();
	 * Gets suspended sale info
	public function get_suspended_sale_info($sale_id)
		$this->db->where('sale_id', $sale_id);
		$this->db->join('people', 'people.person_id = sales.customer_id', 'LEFT');
		$this->db-where('sale_status', SUSPENDED);

		return $this->db->get();

	 * @param $customer_id
	 * @param $sale_id
	 * @param $total_amount
	 * @param $total_amount_used
	private function save_customer_rewards($customer_id, $sale_id, $total_amount, $total_amount_used)
		if(!empty($customer_id) && $this->config->item('customer_reward_enable') == TRUE)
			$package_id = $this->Customer->get_info($customer_id)->package_id;

				$points_percent = $this->Customer_rewards->get_points_percent($package_id);
				$points = $this->Customer->get_info($customer_id)->points;
				$points = ($points == NULL ? 0 : $points);
				$points_percent = ($points_percent == NULL ? 0 : $points_percent);
				$total_amount_earned = ($total_amount * $points_percent / 100);
				$points = $points + $total_amount_earned;
				$this->Customer->update_reward_points_value($customer_id, $points);
				$rewards_data = array('sale_id' => $sale_id, 'earned' => $total_amount_earned, 'used' => $total_amount_used);


Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists