Sindbad~EG File Manager
AbanteCart, Ideal OpenSource Ecommerce Solution
Copyright © 2011-2024 Belavier Commerce LLC
Released under the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
const SERVER_NAME = '[[domhost]]';
// Admin Section Configuration. You can change this value to any name. Will use ?s=name to access the admin
const ADMIN_PATH = '[[admin_realname]]';
// Database Configuration
const DB_DRIVER = 'amysqli';
const DB_HOSTNAME = '[[softdbhost]]';
const DB_USERNAME = '[[softdbuser]]';
const DB_PASSWORD = '[[softdbpass]]';
const DB_DATABASE = '[[softdb]]';
const DB_PREFIX = '[[dbprefix]]';
const CACHE_DRIVER = 'file';
// Unique AbanteCart store ID
const UNIQUE_ID = '[[UNIQUE_ID]]';
// Encryption key for protecting sensitive information. NOTE: Change of this key will cause a loss of all existing encrypted information!
// details about allowed DSN settings
const MAILER = [
//'dsn' => null,
// OR
'protocol' => 'smtp', // or ses+smtp, gmail+smtp, mandrill+smtp, mailgun+smtp, mailjet+smtp, postmark+smtp, sendgrid+smtp, sendinblue+smtp, ohmysmtp+smtp
//we use "username" also as ID, KEY, API_TOKEN, ACCESS_KEY
'username' => '',
'password' => '****super-secret-password****',
'host' => 'your-hostname',
'port' => 465 //or 587 etc
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists