Sindbad~EG File Manager
* ProjectSend personal configuration file
* This file contains the database connection information, the language
* definition, the maximum allowed filesize for uploads and the encoding
* that will be used on the sent e-mails (for new client, new user and
* new file).
* It must be renamed to sys.config.php for ProjectSend to recognize
* it, and the database information must be completed before installing
* the software.
* The filesize value and the character encoding can be changed at anytime.
* When downloading a new ProjectSend version, this file will not be
* overwritten, as the version included by default is named
* sys.config.sample.php
* @package ProjectSend
* Enter your database connection information here
* If you have doubts about this values, consult your web hosting provider.
* Database driver to use with PDO.
* Possible options: mysql, mssql
define('DB_DRIVER', 'mysql');
/** Database name */
define('DB_NAME', '[[softdb]]');
/** Database host (in most cases it's localhost) */
define('DB_HOST', '[[softdbhost]]');
/** Database username (must be assigned to the database) */
define('DB_USER', '[[softdbuser]]');
/** Database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', '[[softdbpass]]');
* Prefix for the tables. Set to something other than tbl_ for increased
* security onr in case you want more than 1 installations on the same database.
define('TABLES_PREFIX', 'tbl_');
* Global site language definition
* For this setting to work on the back-end (log-in, administration,
* and the installation pages, and the e-mails sent by the system), a file named
* (where x is the value that you define here) must exist on the folder
* /lang.
* The uploader language strings are loaded from the file (see above) that
* is located on the folder /includes/plupload/js/i18n/
* If you want to apply this setting to the client's file lists, you must
* have a file named (see above) on your selected template folder
* (eg: /templates/default/lang).
* English language files are included by default.
* This setting can be changed at anytime and the language will be applied
* immediately.
* Define a maximum size (in mb.) that is allowed on each file to be uploaded.
* Encoding to use on the e-mails sent to new clients, users, files, etc.
define('EMAIL_ENCODING', 'utf-8');
* DEBUG constant effects:
* - Changes the error_reporting php value
define('DEBUG', false);
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists