Sindbad~EG File Manager
* Configuration
* @package Cotonti
* @copyright (c) Cotonti Team
* @license
defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL');
// ========================
// MySQL database parameters. Change to fit your host.
// ========================
$cfg['mysqlhost'] = '[[softdbhost]]'; // Database host URL
$cfg['mysqlport'] = ''; // Database port, if non-default
$cfg['mysqluser'] = '[[softdbuser]]'; // Database user
$cfg['mysqlpassword'] = '[[softdbpass]]'; // Database password
$cfg['mysqldb'] = '[[softdb]]'; // Database name
// MySQL database charset and collate. Very useful when MySQL server uses different charset rather than site
// See the list of valid values here:
$cfg['mysqlcharset'] = 'utf8mb4';
$cfg['mysqlcollate'] = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
// ========================
// Main site URL without trailing slash.
// ========================
$cfg['mainurl'] = '[[softurl]]';
// Set to TRUE if 'https' is not recognized automatically and it should always use https
$cfg['force_https'] = false;
$cfg['site_id'] = '[[site_id]]';
$cfg['secret_key'] = '[[secret_key]]';
$cfg['multihost'] = false; // Allow multiple host names for this site
* Email address for the 'From' header for cot_mail() function
* Default value is 'mail_sender@domain', where domain is taken from $cfg['mainurl']
* Uncomment it if you need to set a custom 'From' email address
* Note: 'Reply-To' address can be set here:
// $cfg['email_from_address'] = 'mail_sender@[[domhost]]';
// ========================
// Default theme, color scheme and default language
// ========================
$cfg['defaulttheme'] = 'nemesis'; // Default theme code. Be SURE it's pointing to a valid folder in ./themes/... !!
$cfg['defaultscheme'] = 'default'; // Default color scheme, only name, not like themename.css. Be SURE it's pointing to a valid folder in ./themes/defaulttheme/... !!
$cfg['defaulticons'] = 'default'; // Default icon pack
$cfg['defaultlang'] = 'en'; // Default language code
$cfg['enablecustomhf'] = false; // To enable header.$location.tpl and footer.$location.tpl
$cfg['admintheme'] = ''; // Put custom administration theme name here
// ========================
// Performance-related settings
// ========================
$cfg['cache'] = false; // Enable data caching
$cfg['cache_drv'] = ''; // Cache driver name to use on your server (if available)
// Possible values: APC, Memcache, Xcache
$cfg['cache_drv_host'] = '[[softdbhost]]';
$cfg['cache_drv_port'] = '';
$cfg['xtpl_cache'] = false; // Enable XTemplate structure disk cache. Should be TRUE on production sites
$cfg['html_cleanup'] = false; // Wipe extra spaces and breaks from HTML to get smaller footprint
$cfg['cache_index'] = false; // Static site page cache for guests on index
$cfg['cache_page'] = false; // Static site page cache for guests on pages and page lists
$cfg['cache_forums'] = false; // Static site page cache for guests on forums
// ========================
// More settings
// Should work fine in most of cases.
// If you don't know, don't change.
// TRUE = enabled / FALSE = disabled
// ========================
$cfg['check_updates'] = true; // Automatically check for updates, set it TRUE to enable
$cfg['display_errors'] = true; // Display error messages. Switch it FALSE on production sites
$cfg['redirmode'] = false; //Set to TRUE if you cannot successfully log in (IIS servers)
$cfg['xmlclient'] = false; // For testing-purposes only, else keep it off.
$cfg['ipcheck'] = false; // Will kill the logged-in session if the IP has changed
$cfg['authcache'] = true; // Auth cache in SQL tables. Set it FALSE if your huge database
// goes down because of that
$cfg['customfuncs'] = false; // Includes file named functions.custom.php
$cfg['new_install'] = false; // This setting denotes a new install step and redirects you to the install page
// If you already have Cotonti installed then set it to FALSE or remove it
$cfg['useremailduplicate'] = false; // Allow users to register new accounts with duplicate email.
// DO NOT ENABLE this setting unless you know for sure that you need it or it may
// make your database inconsistent.
* Turn on/off hook (event) handler file. 'On' by default.
* Uncomment it on production site to improve performance a bit
// $cfg['checkHookFileExistence'] = false;
// ========================
// Directory paths
// Set it to custom if you want to share
// folders among different hosts.
// ========================
$cfg['avatars_dir'] = 'datas/avatars';
$cfg['cache_dir'] = 'datas/cache';
$cfg['lang_dir'] = 'lang';
$cfg['modules_dir'] = 'modules';
$cfg['pfs_dir'] = 'datas/users';
$cfg['photos_dir'] = 'datas/photos';
$cfg['plugins_dir'] = 'plugins';
$cfg['system_dir'] = 'system';
$cfg['thumbs_dir'] = 'datas/thumbs';
$cfg['themes_dir'] = 'themes';
$cfg['extrafield_files_dir'] = 'datas/exflds';
$cfg['icons_dir'] = 'images/icons';
// ========================
// Directory and file permissions for uploaded files
// and files created with scripts.
// You can set it to values which deliver highest
// security and comfort on your host.
// ========================
$cfg['dir_perms'] = 0775;
$cfg['file_perms'] = 0664;
// ========================
// Important constant switches
// ========================
* Defines whether to display debugging information on critical errors.
* Set it TRUE when you experiment with something new.
* Set it FALSE on production sites.
$cfg['debug_mode'] = false;
* Path to debug log files used by functions which dump debug data into it.
* This file MUST NOT be available to strangers (e.g. via HTTP) or it can
* compromise your website security. Protect it with .htaccess or use some
* path accessible to you only via FTP.
$cfg['debug_logpath'] = 'datas/tmp';
* The shield is disabled for administrators by default. But if you are testing
* it with your admin account, you can enable it by setting this TRUE.
$cfg['shield_force'] = false;
* Turn on/off deprecated features that has not yet been removed.
* In particular, it turns on/off deprecated template engine tags for ease of development.
$cfg['legacyMode'] = false;
// ========================
// Names for MySQL tables
// Only change if you'd like to
// make 2 separated installs in the same database.
// or you'd like to share some tables between 2 sites.
// Else do not change.
// ========================
$db_x = '[[dbprefix]]'; // Default: cot_, prefix for extra fields' table(s)
// Examples:
// $db_auth = 'my_custom_auth';
// $db_cache = 'my_custom_cache';
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists