Sindbad~EG File Manager
Version 3.7.0: ( November 7, 2023 )
UPDATES: ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The previously "pro/unbranded" option that was released in 2017 has now been included as a
selectable config option to remove the powered by sales syntax link directly from the installation rather
then needing to download and install a special version of files. You can now select to not
show the powered by links by selecting that option in the generate html or department settings.
+ Changed all PHP calls to each() which is a depreciated in php 8 to foreach():
// changed this code which will error out in php 8:
while (list($key, $val) = each($what)) { }
// to this code which works:
foreach ($what as $key => $val) { }
+ added missing 3rd parameter of response code to the function header() calls and lower cased the
function name from Header() to header() as of php 8 it is required.
+ added default values for undefined variables as a result of no result sql statements that
because of no results never populated a results associative array and thus caused errors in php 8.
+ added if condition to check for ghost sessions upon loading the user info if the user has not been
inserted yet to prevent null value array errors.
+ added default value for global value of $hide to be "N" to prevent undefined error also referenced
script defined array since in php 8 you can not change global values of $_GET array.
+ changed the browser_info class to the more updated Browser class. replaced class/browser_info.php
with new class class/Browser.php+ the hour parameter is required now as of php 8 and must be cast as
a int so updated all mktime() calls.+ the CTabBox class was throwing errors when trying to include
files so moved the include file statements to data.php file.+ the generate HTML function on the live
help department was referencing the rows of the department by an associative array instead of ordered
array so the references was throwing undefined errors. this is fixed.
FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------
DATABASE ALTERATIONS:------------------------------------------------------------------
Version 3.6.2: (Released: February 17, 2017 )
+ Fixed SQL injection vulerabilty with variables $aftertime
and $typeof. replace all >'$aftertime' WITH >'".intval($aftertime)."'
added if statment at time that if $typeof != "writediv" ) then $typeof="";
+ Fixed window size problem with template bubble_window
+ Fixed issue with chat sound not playing when someone is requesting a chat
setup.php, iphone/functions.php, functions.php, livehelp_js.php
admin_users_refresh.php, admin_users_xmlhttp.php,
themes/bubble_window/windowsize.php, themes/bubble_window/chat_window.php
, themes/bubble_window/chat_windowlarge.php, departments.php,
Version 3.6.1: (Released: June 21, 2016 )
+ Added new leads tab to keep track of generated leads.
+ Added ability to send layer invites when offline to pro-actively gather
lead information from visitors even when operators are offline.
setup.php, autolead.php, functions.php, autoinvite.php, navigation.php
send.php, sendemail.php, createemail.php, leads.php, admin.php,
layer_invites/layer-Help_buttonoffline.txt, layer_invites/layer-Help_buttonoffline.gif
Version 3.5.4: (Released: May 28, 2016 )
+ updated graphics to include new logo of Sales Syntax.
+ Added tab for linking user database for CRM management.
+ Added ability for support tickets.
+ added tab for lead management and added wall for operators to
see posts.
setup.php, config_cslh.php, class/mysql_db.php, class/mysqli_db.php,
mobile/mysql_db.php, mobile/mysqli_db.php, images/logo.jpg.
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists