Sindbad~EG File Manager
* This file is part of the Eventum (Issue Tracking System) package.
* @copyright (c) Eventum Team
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 or later (GPL-2+)
* For the full copyright and license information,
* please see the COPYING and AUTHORS files
* that were distributed with this source code.
// This is an template config file for the eventum setup.
// Setup will process this and save as config/config.php.
// You can remove this comment :)
// Contains constants defined for this specific eventum installation.
// This file will not be overwritten when upgrading Eventum
define('APP_NAME', 'Eventum');
define('APP_SHORT_NAME', APP_NAME); // used in the subject of notification emails
define('APP_HOSTNAME', '[[domhost]]');
define('APP_RELATIVE_URL', '[[relativeurl]]/htdocs/');
define('APP_BASE_URL', '[[protocol]]://' . APP_HOSTNAME . APP_RELATIVE_URL);
define('APP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', null);
define('APP_COOKIE', 'eventum');
define('APP_COOKIE_EXPIRE', time() + (60 * 60 * 8));
define('APP_PROJECT_COOKIE', 'eventum_project');
define('APP_PROJECT_COOKIE_EXPIRE', time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); // 30 days
define('APP_DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE', 5); // in minutes
// new users will use these for default preferences
// if the user will receive an email when an issue is assigned to him
// if the user will receive an email when ANY issue is created
define('APP_DEFAULT_NEW_EMAILS', false);
// locale used for localized messages
define('APP_DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'en_US');
// timezone for displayed times in web and emails
define('APP_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE', 'America/New_York');
// default day of week start: 0 = sunday; 1 = monday
// application charset, there is no good reason to use anything else than utf8,
// unless you use really old mysql which doesn't support charsets
define('APP_CHARSET', 'UTF-8');
// define colors used by eventum
define('APP_INTERNAL_COLOR', '#9C494B');
// define the user_id of system user
define('APP_SYSTEM_USER_ID', 1);
// if full text searching is enabled
define('APP_ENABLE_FULLTEXT', true);
define('APP_FULLTEXT_SEARCH_CLASS', 'mysql_fulltext_search');
// 'native' or 'php'. Try native first, if you experience strange issues
// such as language switching randomly, try php
define('APP_GETTEXT_MODE', 'native');
// directory where to save routed drafts/notes/emails. use NULL or '' to disable.
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists