Sindbad~EG File Manager
Milestone 1.5.11 (2018-12-29)
bug #1054: The bbcode2email() function has no localization
bug #1057: Add CSRF protection to promote user action
bug #1081: openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() is not cryptographically secure
bug #1087: LIKE and '_'
bug #1095: Radium and Cobalt have unreadable alert on admin index
bug #1098: Don't use local aware format for sprintf
bug #1124: Where is the start transaction in the db_update.php?
enhancement #1089: Time formatting in profile.php
enhancement #1097: We need a ban on references in the titles
enhancement #1101: SMTP Password field on admin_options page too short
enhancement #1103: Ban mail/domain dosent check for duplicates
enhancement #1108: Incorrect answer for search results with short text
enhancement #1115: Need 503 status for maintenance and error pages
enhancement #1121: Require more characters for password
Milestone 1.5.10 (2016-06-16)
bug #792: Profile and signature img
bug #1012: Incorrect coding login.php
bug #1017: fix CSS
bug #1056: Invalidate only feed caches
bug #1058: hash_equals(): Expected known_string to be a string, null given
bug #1059: No csrf_token in unsubscibe link of subscription email
bug #1062: Edit.php and checkboxes
bug #1068: Wrong description for BBCode
bug #1072: The DB class for SQLite doesn't maintain string values by default?
bug #1075: Empty PHP_SELF somewhere
bug #1078: InnoDB check failed
bug #1082: Custom title overrides "Banned"
enhancement #1019: Refactor/move forum_list_plugins to common_admin.php
enhancement #1025: Display error message inline with login form
enhancement #1027: Change htmlspecialchars to pun_htmlspecialchars
enhancement #1064: error() function, PUN_DEBUG and security
enhancement #1066: For long nicknames
Milestone 1.5.9
bug #1011: No automatic redirection to install.php
bug #1016: Does not work glob()
bug #1032: No notifications for users w/ language set to an inexistent language
bug #1033: Make it easier to configure frame options header
bug #1039: Parser error message no have name tag
bug #1040: PHP 7 compatibility
bug #1041: Fatal error mysqli_free_result
bug #1043: Prevent timing attack
bug #1046: Exclude newlines when parsing username in quote tag
bug #1049: CSRF attack allows to stick, lock, etc.
enhancement #1029: db_update.php: Inline script trips over content security policy
Milestone 1.5.8 (2015-01-23)
bug #925: Scrollbar in chrome fluxbb1.5.5
bug #949: Use \r\n for SMTP, FORUM_EOL for others
bug #951: [url][img] patch doesn't work.
bug #963: Add rel="prev", rel="next" and rel="canonical"
bug #969: New TLDs not allowed as valid URLs
bug #996: Prevent clickjacking attacks
bug #998: Bug in validate_redirect() function
bug #1001: Remove setting of values in quickpostform
bug #1006: [HTB23246] File Inclusion in install.php
enhancement #57: Making a new forum is a 2 step process
enhancement #810: Improve unread forums tracking
enhancement #935: Auto-promotion improvements
enhancement #936: Add new group permission to allow moderators to promote users
enhancement #941: Remove obsolete global variables
enhancement #944: Remove "page 1" when thread or forum has just one page
enhancement #947: Improve Air/Earth/Fire design
enhancement #948: Require passwords with at least 6 characters
enhancement #959: Quick actions from registration email
enhancement #965: Avoid double redirect when no new posts are found
enhancement #976: [PATCH] Invalidate updated cache files from PHP's Opcache
enhancement #992: Drop IE6 support
enhancement #997: Make random passwords longer
enhancement #1007: Antispam hooks
enhancement #1008: Please delete your install.php file
task #942: Remove obsolete language strings
task #966: Optimize images in FluxBB core
Milestone 1.5.7 (2014-10-20)
bug #961: Open Redirection Vulnerability
bug #990: SQL injection in profile.php
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists