Sindbad~EG File Manager
v3.10.1 2022-08-02
Add sponsorship files.
If you appreciate the time spent maintaining JSZip then I would really appreciate your sponsorship.
Consolidate metadata types and expose OnUpdateCallback #851 and #852
use const instead var in example from README.markdown #828
Switch manual download link to HTTPS #839
Replace jshint with eslint #842
Add performance tests #834
### v3.10.0 2022-05-20
- Change setimmediate dependency to more efficient one. Fixes (see [#829](
- Update types of `currentFile` metadata to include `null` (see [#826](
### v3.9.1 2022-04-06
- Fix recursive definition of `InputFileFormat` introduced in 3.9.0.
### v3.9.0 2022-04-04
- Update types JSZip#loadAsync to accept a promise for data, and remove arguments from `new JSZip()` (see [#752](
- Update types for `compressionOptions` to JSZipFileOptions and JSZipGeneratorOptions (see [#722](
- Add types for `generateInternalStream` (see [#774](
### v3.8.0 2022-03-30
- Santize filenames when files are loaded with `loadAsync`, to avoid ["zip slip" attacks]( The original filename is available on each zip entry as `unsafeOriginalName`. See the [documentation]( Many thanks to McCaulay Hudson for reporting.
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists