Sindbad~EG File Manager
* OpenExpedio ("xPDO") is an ultra-light, PHP 5.2+ compatible ORB (Object-
* Relational Bridge) library based around PDO (
* Copyright 2010-2014 by MODX, LLC.
* This file is part of xPDO.
* xPDO is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* xPDO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* xPDO; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
* Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* This is the main file to include in your scripts to use xPDO.
* @author Jason Coward <>
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Jason Coward
* @license GNU Public License v2
* @package xpdo
if (!defined('XPDO_PHP_VERSION')) {
* Defines the PHP version string xPDO is running under.
define('XPDO_PHP_VERSION', phpversion());
if (!defined('XPDO_CLI_MODE')) {
if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
* This constant defines if xPDO is operating from the CLI.
define('XPDO_CLI_MODE', true);
} else {
/** @ignore */
define('XPDO_CLI_MODE', false);
if (!defined('XPDO_CORE_PATH')) {
* @internal This global variable is only used to set the {@link
* XPDO_CORE_PATH} value upon initial include of this file. Not meant for
* external use.
* @var string
* @access private
$xpdo_core_path= strtr(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)), '\\', '/') . '/';
* @var string The full path to the xPDO root directory.
* Use of this constant is recommended for use when building any path in
* your xPDO code.
* @access public
define('XPDO_CORE_PATH', $xpdo_core_path);
if (!class_exists('PDO')) {
//@todo Handle PDO configuration errors here.
* A wrapper for PDO that powers an object-relational data model.
* xPDO provides centralized data access via a simple object-oriented API, to
* a defined data structure. It provides the de facto methods for connecting
* to a data source, getting persistence metadata for any class extended from
* the {@link xPDOObject} class (core or custom), loading data source managers
* when needed to manage table structures, and retrieving instances (or rows) of
* any object in the model.
* Through various extensions, you can also reverse and forward engineer classes
* and metadata maps for xPDO, have classes, models, and properties maintain
* their own containers (databases, tables, columns, etc.) or changes to them,
* and much more.
* @package xpdo
class xPDO {
* Constants
const OPT_AUTO_CREATE_TABLES = 'auto_create_tables';
const OPT_BASE_CLASSES = 'base_classes';
const OPT_BASE_PACKAGES = 'base_packages';
const OPT_CACHE_COMPRESS = 'cache_compress';
const OPT_CACHE_DB = 'cache_db';
const OPT_CACHE_DB_COLLECTIONS = 'cache_db_collections';
const OPT_CACHE_DB_OBJECTS_BY_PK = 'cache_db_objects_by_pk';
const OPT_CACHE_DB_EXPIRES = 'cache_db_expires';
const OPT_CACHE_DB_HANDLER = 'cache_db_handler';
const OPT_CACHE_DB_SIG_CLASS = 'cache_db_sig_class';
const OPT_CACHE_DB_SIG_GRAPH = 'cache_db_sig_graph';
const OPT_CACHE_EXPIRES = 'cache_expires';
const OPT_CACHE_FORMAT = 'cache_format';
const OPT_CACHE_HANDLER = 'cache_handler';
const OPT_CACHE_KEY = 'cache_key';
const OPT_CACHE_PATH = 'cache_path';
const OPT_CACHE_PREFIX = 'cache_prefix';
const OPT_CACHE_ATTEMPTS = 'cache_attempts';
const OPT_CACHE_ATTEMPT_DELAY = 'cache_attempt_delay';
const OPT_CALLBACK_ON_REMOVE = 'callback_on_remove';
const OPT_CALLBACK_ON_SAVE = 'callback_on_save';
const OPT_CONNECTIONS = 'connections';
const OPT_CONN_INIT = 'connection_init';
const OPT_CONN_MUTABLE = 'connection_mutable';
const OPT_HYDRATE_FIELDS = 'hydrate_fields';
const OPT_HYDRATE_ADHOC_FIELDS = 'hydrate_adhoc_fields';
const OPT_HYDRATE_RELATED_OBJECTS = 'hydrate_related_objects';
const OPT_LOCKFILE_EXTENSION = 'lockfile_extension';
const OPT_USE_FLOCK = 'use_flock';
* @deprecated
* @see call()
const OPT_LOADER_CLASSES = 'loader_classes';
const OPT_ON_SET_STRIPSLASHES = 'on_set_stripslashes';
const OPT_SETUP = 'setup';
const OPT_TABLE_PREFIX = 'table_prefix';
const OPT_VALIDATE_ON_SAVE = 'validate_on_save';
const OPT_VALIDATOR_CLASS = 'validator_class';
const LOG_LEVEL_FATAL = 0;
const LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 1;
const LOG_LEVEL_WARN = 2;
const LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 3;
const LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 4;
const SCHEMA_VERSION = '1.1';
* @var PDO A reference to the PDO instance used by the current xPDOConnection.
public $pdo= null;
* @var array Configuration options for the xPDO instance.
public $config= null;
* @var xPDODriver An xPDODriver instance for the xPDOConnection instances to use.
public $driver= null;
* A map of data source meta data for all loaded classes.
* @var array
* @access public
public $map= array ();
* A default package for specifying classes by name.
* @var string
* @access public
public $package= '';
* An array storing packages and package-specific information.
* @var array
* @access public
public $packages= array ();
* {@link xPDOManager} instance, loaded only if needed to manage datasource
* containers, data structures, etc.
* @var xPDOManager
* @access public
public $manager= null;
* @var xPDOCacheManager The cache service provider registered for this xPDO
* instance.
public $cacheManager= null;
* @var string A root path for file-based caching services to use.
private $cachePath= null;
* @var array An array of supplemental service classes for this xPDO instance.
public $services= array ();
* @var float Start time of the request, initialized when the constructor is
* called.
public $startTime= 0;
* @var int The number of direct DB queries executed during a request.
public $executedQueries= 0;
* @var int The amount of request handling time spent with DB queries.
public $queryTime= 0;
public $classMap = array();
* @var xPDOConnection The current xPDOConnection for this xPDO instance.
public $connection = null;
* @var array PDO connections managed by this xPDO instance.
private $_connections = array();
* @var integer The logging level for the xPDO instance.
protected $logLevel= xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL;
* @var string The default logging target for the xPDO instance.
protected $logTarget= 'ECHO';
* Indicates the debug state of this instance.
* @var boolean Default is false.
* @access protected
protected $_debug= false;
* A global cache flag that can be used to enable/disable all xPDO caching.
* @var boolean All caching is disabled by default.
* @access public
public $_cacheEnabled= false;
* Indicates the opening escape character used for a particular database engine.
* @var string
* @access public
public $_escapeCharOpen= '';
* Indicates the closing escape character used for a particular database engine.
* @var string
* @access public
public $_escapeCharClose= '';
* Represents the character used for quoting strings for a particular driver.
* @var string
public $_quoteChar= "'";
* @var array A static collection of xPDO instances.
protected static $instances = array();
* Create, retrieve, or update specific xPDO instances.
* @static
* @param string|int|null $id An optional identifier for the instance. If not set
* a uniqid will be generated and used as the key for the instance.
* @param array|null $config An optional array of config data for the instance.
* @param bool $forceNew If true a new instance will be created even if an instance
* with the provided $id already exists in xPDO::$instances.
* @throws xPDOException If a valid instance is not retrieved.
* @return xPDO An instance of xPDO.
public static function getInstance($id = null, $config = null, $forceNew = false) {
$instances =& self::$instances;
if (is_null($id)) {
if (!is_null($config) || $forceNew || empty($instances)) {
$id = uniqid(__CLASS__);
} else {
$id = key($instances);
if ($forceNew || !array_key_exists($id, $instances) || !($instances[$id] instanceof xPDO)) {
$instances[$id] = new xPDO(null, null, null, $config);
} elseif ($instances[$id] instanceof xPDO && is_array($config)) {
$instances[$id]->config = array_merge($instances[$id]->config, $config);
if (!($instances[$id] instanceof xPDO)) {
throw new xPDOException("Error getting " . __CLASS__ . " instance, id = {$id}");
return $instances[$id];
* The xPDO Constructor.
* This method is used to create a new xPDO object with a connection to a
* specific database container.
* @param mixed $dsn A valid DSN connection string.
* @param string $username The database username with proper permissions.
* @param string $password The password for the database user.
* @param array|string $options An array of xPDO options. For compatibility with previous
* releases, this can also be a single string representing a prefix to be applied to all
* database container (i. e. table) names, to isolate multiple installations or conflicting
* table names that might need to coexist in a single database container. It is preferrable to
* include the table_prefix option in the array for future compatibility.
* @param array|null $driverOptions Driver-specific PDO options.
* @throws xPDOException If an error occurs creating the instance.
* @return xPDO A unique xPDO instance.
public function __construct($dsn, $username= '', $password= '', $options= array(), $driverOptions= null) {
try {
$this->config = $this->initConfig($options);
$this->setLogLevel($this->getOption('log_level', null, xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, true));
$this->setLogTarget($this->getOption('log_target', null, XPDO_CLI_MODE ? 'ECHO' : 'HTML', true));
if (!empty($dsn)) {
$this->addConnection($dsn, $username, $password, $this->config, $driverOptions);
if (isset($this->config[xPDO::OPT_CONNECTIONS])) {
$connections = $this->config[xPDO::OPT_CONNECTIONS];
if (is_string($connections)) {
$connections = $this->fromJSON($connections);
if (is_array($connections)) {
foreach ($connections as $connection) {
$initOptions = $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CONN_INIT, null, array());
$this->config = array_merge($this->config, $this->getConnection($initOptions)->config);
$this->setPackage('om', XPDO_CORE_PATH, $this->config[xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX]);
if (isset($this->config[xPDO::OPT_BASE_PACKAGES]) && !empty($this->config[xPDO::OPT_BASE_PACKAGES])) {
$basePackages= explode(',', $this->config[xPDO::OPT_BASE_PACKAGES]);
foreach ($basePackages as $basePackage) {
$exploded= explode(':', $basePackage, 2);
if ($exploded) {
$path= $exploded[1];
$prefix= null;
if (strpos($path, ';')) {
$details= explode(';', $path);
if ($details && count($details) == 2) {
$path= $details[0];
$prefix = $details[1];
$this->addPackage($exploded[0], $path, $prefix);
if (isset($this->config[xPDO::OPT_BASE_CLASSES])) {
foreach (array_keys($this->config[xPDO::OPT_BASE_CLASSES]) as $baseClass) {
if (isset($this->config[xPDO::OPT_CACHE_PATH])) {
$this->cachePath = $this->config[xPDO::OPT_CACHE_PATH];
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new xPDOException("Could not instantiate xPDO: " . $e->getMessage());
* Initialize an xPDO config array.
* @param string|array $data The config input source. Currently accepts a PHP array,
* or a PHP string representing xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX (deprecated).
* @return array An array of xPDO config data.
protected function initConfig($data) {
if (is_string($data)) {
$data= array(xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX => $data);
} elseif (!is_array($data)) {
$data= array(xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX => '');
return $data;
* Add an xPDOConnection instance to the xPDO connection pool.
* @param string $dsn A PDO DSN representing the connection details.
* @param string $username The username credentials for the connection.
* @param string $password The password credentials for the connection.
* @param array $options An array of options for the connection.
* @param null $driverOptions An array of PDO driver options for the connection.
* @return boolean True if a valid connection was added.
public function addConnection($dsn, $username= '', $password= '', array $options= array(), $driverOptions= null) {
$added = false;
$connection= new xPDOConnection($this, $dsn, $username, $password, $options, $driverOptions);
if ($connection instanceof xPDOConnection) {
$this->_connections[]= $connection;
$added= true;
return $added;
* Get an xPDOConnection from the xPDO connection pool.
* @param array $options An array of options for getting the connection.
* @return xPDOConnection|null An xPDOConnection instance or null if no connection could be retrieved.
public function &getConnection(array $options = array()) {
$conn =& $this->connection;
$mutable = $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE, $options, null);
if (!($conn instanceof xPDOConnection) || ($mutable !== null && (($mutable == true && !$conn->isMutable()) || ($mutable == false && $conn->isMutable())))) {
if (!empty($this->_connections)) {
$conn = reset($this->_connections);
while ($conn) {
if ($mutable !== null && (($mutable == true && !$conn->isMutable()) || ($mutable == false && $conn->isMutable()))) {
$conn = next($this->_connections);
$this->connection =& $conn;
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not get a valid xPDOConnection", '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return $this->connection;
* Get or create a PDO connection to a database specified in the configuration.
* @param array $driverOptions An optional array of driver options to use
* when creating the connection.
* @param array $options An array of xPDO options for the connection.
* @return boolean Returns true if the PDO connection was created successfully.
public function connect($driverOptions= array (), array $options= array()) {
$connected = false;
if ($this->connection instanceof xPDOConnection) {
$connected = $this->connection->connect($driverOptions);
if ($connected) {
$this->pdo =& $this->connection->pdo;
return $connected;
* Sets a specific model package to use when looking up classes.
* This package is of the form package.subpackage.subsubpackage and will be
* added to the beginning of every xPDOObject class that is referenced in
* xPDO methods such as {@link xPDO::loadClass()}, {@link xPDO::getObject()},
* {@link xPDO::getCollection()}, {@link xPDOObject::getOne()}, {@link
* xPDOObject::addOne()}, etc.
* @param string $pkg A package name to use when looking up classes in xPDO.
* @param string $path The root path for looking up classes in this package.
* @param string|null $prefix Provide a string to define a package-specific table_prefix.
* @return bool
public function setPackage($pkg= '', $path= '', $prefix= null) {
if (empty($path) && isset($this->packages[$pkg])) {
$path= $this->packages[$pkg]['path'];
$prefix= !is_string($prefix) && array_key_exists('prefix', $this->packages[$pkg]) ? $this->packages[$pkg]['prefix'] : $prefix;
$set= $this->addPackage($pkg, $path, $prefix);
$this->package= $set == true ? $pkg : $this->package;
if ($set && is_string($prefix)) $this->config[xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX]= $prefix;
return $set;
* Adds a model package and base class path for including classes and/or maps from.
* @param string $pkg A package name to use when looking up classes/maps in xPDO.
* @param string $path The root path for looking up classes in this package.
* @param string|null $prefix Provide a string to define a package-specific table_prefix.
* @return bool
public function addPackage($pkg= '', $path= '', $prefix= null) {
$added= false;
if (is_string($pkg) && !empty($pkg)) {
if (!is_string($path) || empty($path)) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Invalid path specified for package: {$pkg}; using default xpdo model path: " . XPDO_CORE_PATH . 'om/');
$path= XPDO_CORE_PATH . 'om/';
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Path specified for package {$pkg} is not a valid or accessible directory: {$path}");
} else {
$prefix= !is_string($prefix) ? $this->config[xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX] : $prefix;
if (!array_key_exists($pkg, $this->packages) || $this->packages[$pkg]['path'] !== $path || $this->packages[$pkg]['prefix'] !== $prefix) {
$this->packages[$pkg]= array('path' => $path, 'prefix' => $prefix);
$this->setPackageMeta($pkg, $path);
$added= true;
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'addPackage called with an invalid package name.');
return $added;
* Adds metadata information about a package and loads the xPDO::$classMap.
* @param string $pkg A package name to use when looking up classes/maps in xPDO.
* @param string $path The root path for looking up classes in this package.
* @return bool
public function setPackageMeta($pkg, $path = '') {
$set = false;
if (is_string($pkg) && !empty($pkg)) {
$pkgPath = str_replace('.', '/', $pkg);
$mapFile = $path . $pkgPath . '/metadata.' . $this->config['dbtype'] . '.php';
if (file_exists($mapFile)) {
$xpdo_meta_map = '';
include $mapFile;
if (!empty($xpdo_meta_map)) {
foreach ($xpdo_meta_map as $className => $extends) {
if (!isset($this->classMap[$className])) {
$this->classMap[$className] = array();
$this->classMap[$className] = array_unique(array_merge($this->classMap[$className],$extends));
$set = true;
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "Could not load package metadata for package {$pkg}.");
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'setPackageMeta called with an invalid package name.');
return $set;
* Gets a list of derivative classes for the specified className.
* The specified className must be xPDOObject or a derivative class.
* @param string $className The name of the class to retrieve derivatives for.
* @return array An array of derivative classes or an empty array.
public function getDescendants($className) {
$descendants = array();
if (isset($this->classMap[$className])) {
$descendants = $this->classMap[$className];
if ($descendants) {
foreach ($descendants as $descendant) {
$descendants = array_merge($descendants, $this->getDescendants($descendant));
return $descendants;
* Load a class by fully qualified name.
* The $fqn should in the format:
* dir_a.dir_b.dir_c.classname
* which will translate to:
* XPDO_CORE_PATH/om/dir_a/dir_b/dir_c/dbtype/classname.class.php
* @param string $fqn The fully-qualified name of the class to load.
* @param string $path An optional path to start the search from.
* @param bool $ignorePkg True if currently loaded packages should be ignored.
* @param bool $transient True if the class is not a persistent table class.
* @return string|boolean The actual classname if successful, or false if
* not.
public function loadClass($fqn, $path= '', $ignorePkg= false, $transient= false) {
if (empty($fqn)) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "No class specified for loadClass");
return false;
if (!$transient) {
$typePos= strrpos($fqn, '_' . $this->config['dbtype']);
if ($typePos !== false) {
$fqn= substr($fqn, 0, $typePos);
$pos= strrpos($fqn, '.');
if ($pos === false) {
$class= $fqn;
if ($transient) {
$fqn= strtolower($class);
} else {
$fqn= $this->config['dbtype'] . '.' . strtolower($class);
} else {
$class= substr($fqn, $pos +1);
if ($transient) {
$fqn= substr($fqn, 0, $pos) . '.' . strtolower($class);
} else {
$fqn= substr($fqn, 0, $pos) . '.' . $this->config['dbtype'] . '.' . strtolower($class);
// check if class exists
if (!$transient && isset ($this->map[$class])) return $class;
$included= class_exists($class, false);
if ($included) {
if ($transient || (!$transient && isset ($this->map[$class]))) {
return $class;
$classname= $class;
if (!empty($path) || $ignorePkg) {
$class= $this->_loadClass($class, $fqn, $included, $path, $transient);
} elseif (isset ($this->packages[$this->package])) {
$pqn= $this->package . '.' . $fqn;
if (!$pkgClass= $this->_loadClass($class, $pqn, $included, $this->packages[$this->package]['path'], $transient)) {
foreach ($this->packages as $pkg => $pkgDef) {
if ($pkg === $this->package) continue;
$pqn= $pkg . '.' . $fqn;
if ($pkgClass= $this->_loadClass($class, $pqn, $included, $pkgDef['path'], $transient)) {
$class= $pkgClass;
} else {
$class= false;
if ($class === false) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not load class: {$classname} from {$fqn}.");
return $class;
protected function _loadClass($class, $fqn, $included= false, $path= '', $transient= false) {
if (empty($path)) $path= XPDO_CORE_PATH;
if (!$included) {
/* turn to filesystem path and enforce all lower-case paths and filenames */
$fqcn= str_replace('.', '/', $fqn) . '.class.php';
/* include class */
if (!file_exists($path . $fqcn)) return false;
if (!$rt= include_once ($path . $fqcn)) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "Could not load class: {$class} from {$path}{$fqcn}");
$class= false;
if ($class && !$transient && !isset ($this->map[$class])) {
$mapfile= strtr($fqn, '.', '/') . '';
if (file_exists($path . $mapfile)) {
$xpdo_meta_map= & $this->map;
$rt= include ($path . $mapfile);
if (!$rt || !isset($this->map[$class])) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "Could not load metadata map {$mapfile} for class {$class} from {$fqn}");
} else {
if (!array_key_exists('fieldAliases', $this->map[$class])) {
$this->map[$class]['fieldAliases'] = array();
return $class;
* Get an xPDO configuration option value by key.
* @param string $key The option key.
* @param array $options A set of options to override those from xPDO.
* @param mixed $default An optional default value to return if no value is found.
* @return mixed The configuration option value.
public function getOption($key, $options = null, $default = null, $skipEmpty = false) {
$option= $default;
if (is_array($key)) {
if (!is_array($option)) {
$default= $option;
$option= array();
foreach ($key as $k) {
$option[$k]= $this->getOption($k, $options, $default);
} elseif (is_string($key) && !empty($key)) {
if (is_array($options) && !empty($options) && array_key_exists($key, $options) && (!$skipEmpty || ($skipEmpty && $options[$key] !== ''))) {
$option= $options[$key];
} elseif (is_array($this->config) && !empty($this->config) && array_key_exists($key, $this->config) && (!$skipEmpty || ($skipEmpty && $this->config[$key] !== ''))) {
$option= $this->config[$key];
return $option;
* Sets an xPDO configuration option value.
* @param string $key The option key.
* @param mixed $value A value to set for the given option key.
public function setOption($key, $value) {
$this->config[$key]= $value;
* Call a static method from a valid package class with arguments.
* Will always search for database-specific class files first.
* @param string $class The name of a class to to get the static method from.
* @param string $method The name of the method you want to call.
* @param array $args An array of arguments for the method.
* @param boolean $transient Indicates if the class has dbtype derivatives. Set to true if you
* want to use on classes not derived from xPDOObject.
* @return mixed|null The callback method's return value or null if no valid method is found.
public function call($class, $method, array $args = array(), $transient = false) {
$return = null;
$callback = '';
if ($transient) {
$className = $this->loadClass($class, '', false, true);
if ($className) {
$callback = array($className, $method);
} else {
$className = $this->loadClass($class);
if ($className) {
$className .= '_' . $this->getOption('dbtype');
$callback = array($className, $method);
if (!empty($callback) && is_callable($callback)) {
try {
$return = call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "An exception occurred calling {$className}::{$method}() - " . $e->getMessage());
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "{$class}::{$method}() is not a valid static method.");
return $return;
* Creates a new instance of a specified class.
* All new objects created with this method are transient until {@link
* xPDOObject::save()} is called the first time and is reflected by the
* {@link xPDOObject::$_new} property.
* @param string $className Name of the class to get a new instance of.
* @param array $fields An associated array of field names/values to
* populate the object with.
* @return object|null A new instance of the specified class, or null if a
* new object could not be instantiated.
public function newObject($className, $fields= array ()) {
$instance= null;
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
$className .= '_' . $this->config['dbtype'];
if ($instance= new $className ($this)) {
if (is_array($fields) && !empty ($fields)) {
return $instance;
* Finds the class responsible for loading instances of the specified class.
* @deprecated Use call() instead.
* @param string $className The name of the class to find a loader for.
* @param string $method Indicates the specific loader method to use,
* loadCollection or loadObject (or other public static methods).
* @return callable A callable loader function.
public function getObjectLoader($className, $method) {
$loader = false;
if (isset($this->config[xPDO::OPT_LOADER_CLASSES]) && is_array($this->config[xPDO::OPT_LOADER_CLASSES])) {
if ($ancestry = $this->getAncestry($className, true)) {
if ($callbacks = array_intersect($ancestry, $this->config[xPDO::OPT_LOADER_CLASSES])) {
if ($loaderClass = reset($callbacks)) {
$loader = array($loaderClass, $method);
while (!is_callable($loader) && $loaderClass = next($callbacks)) {
$loader = array($loaderClass, $method);
if (!is_callable($loader)) {
$loader = array('xPDOObject', $method);
return $loader;
* Retrieves a single object instance by the specified criteria.
* The criteria can be a primary key value, and array of primary key values
* (for multiple primary key objects) or an {@link xPDOCriteria} object. If
* no $criteria parameter is specified, no class is found, or an object
* cannot be located by the supplied criteria, null is returned.
* @uses xPDOObject::load()
* @param string $className Name of the class to get an instance of.
* @param mixed $criteria Primary key of the record or a xPDOCriteria object.
* @param mixed $cacheFlag If an integer value is provided, this specifies
* the time to live in the object cache; if cacheFlag === false, caching is
* ignored for the object and if cacheFlag === true, the object will live in
* cache indefinitely.
* @return object|null An instance of the class, or null if it could not be
* instantiated.
public function getObject($className, $criteria= null, $cacheFlag= true) {
$instance= null;
if ($criteria !== null) {
$instance = $this->call($className, 'load', array(& $this, $className, $criteria, $cacheFlag));
return $instance;
* Retrieves a collection of xPDOObjects by the specified xPDOCriteria.
* @uses xPDOObject::loadCollection()
* @param string $className Name of the class to search for instances of.
* @param object|array|string $criteria An xPDOCriteria object or an array
* search expression.
* @param mixed $cacheFlag If an integer value is provided, this specifies
* the time to live in the result set cache; if cacheFlag === false, caching
* is ignored for the collection and if cacheFlag === true, the objects will
* live in cache until flushed by another process.
* @return array|null An array of class instances retrieved.
public function getCollection($className, $criteria= null, $cacheFlag= true) {
return $this->call($className, 'loadCollection', array(& $this, $className, $criteria, $cacheFlag));
* Retrieves an iterable representation of a collection of xPDOObjects.
* @param string $className Name of the class to search for instances of.
* @param mixed $criteria An xPDOCriteria object or representation.
* @param bool $cacheFlag If an integer value is provided, this specifies
* the time to live in the result set cache; if cacheFlag === false, caching
* is ignored for the collection and if cacheFlag === true, the objects will
* live in cache until flushed by another process.
* @return xPDOIterator An iterable representation of a collection.
public function getIterator($className, $criteria= null, $cacheFlag= true) {
return new xPDOIterator($this, array('class' => $className, 'criteria' => $criteria, 'cacheFlag' => $cacheFlag));
* Update field values across a collection of xPDOObjects.
* @param string $className Name of the class to update fields of.
* @param array $set An associative array of field/value pairs representing the updates to make.
* @param mixed $criteria An xPDOCriteria object or representation.
* @return bool|int The number of instances affected by the update or false on failure.
public function updateCollection($className, array $set, $criteria= null) {
$affected = false;
if ($this->getConnection(array(xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE => true))) {
$query = $this->newQuery($className);
if ($query && !empty($set)) {
if (!empty($criteria)) $query->where($criteria);
if ($query->prepare()) {
$affected = $this->exec($query->toSQL());
if ($affected === false) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error updating {$className} instances using query " . $query->toSQL(), '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
if ($this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB)) {
$relatedClasses = array($query->getTableClass());
$related = array_merge($this->getAggregates($className), $this->getComposites($className));
foreach ($related as $relatedAlias => $relatedMeta) {
$relatedClasses[] = $relatedMeta['class'];
$relatedClasses = array_unique($relatedClasses);
foreach ($relatedClasses as $relatedClass) {
$this->cacheManager->delete($relatedClass, array(
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_KEY => $this->getOption('cache_db_key', null, 'db'),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_HANDLER => $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_HANDLER, null, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_HANDLER, null, 'cache.xPDOFileCache')),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_FORMAT => (integer) $this->getOption('cache_db_format', null, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_FORMAT, null, xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_PHP)),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_PREFIX => $this->getOption('cache_db_prefix', null, xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR),
'multiple_object_delete' => true
$callback = $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CALLBACK_ON_SAVE);
if ($callback && is_callable($callback)) {
call_user_func($callback, array('className' => $className, 'criteria' => $query, 'object' => null));
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not get connection for writing data", '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return $affected;
* Remove an instance of the specified className by a supplied criteria.
* @param string $className The name of the class to remove an instance of.
* @param mixed $criteria Valid xPDO criteria for selecting an instance.
* @return boolean True if the instance is successfully removed.
public function removeObject($className, $criteria) {
$removed= false;
if ($this->getConnection(array(xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE => true))) {
if ($this->getCount($className, $criteria) === 1) {
if ($query= $this->newQuery($className)) {
if ($query->prepare()) {
if ($this->exec($query->toSQL()) !== 1) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "xPDO->removeObject - Error deleting {$className} instance using query " . $query->toSQL());
} else {
$removed= true;
if ($this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB)) {
$this->cacheManager->delete(xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR . $query->getAlias(), array('multiple_object_delete' => true));
$callback = $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CALLBACK_ON_REMOVE);
if ($callback && is_callable($callback)) {
call_user_func($callback, array('className' => $className, 'criteria' => $query));
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "xPDO->removeObject - {$className} instance to remove not found!");
if ($this->getDebug() === true) $this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "xPDO->removeObject - {$className} instance to remove not found using criteria " . print_r($criteria, true));
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not get connection for writing data", '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return $removed;
* Remove a collection of instances by the supplied className and criteria.
* @param string $className The name of the class to remove a collection of.
* @param mixed $criteria Valid xPDO criteria for selecting a collection.
* @return boolean|integer False if the remove encounters an error, otherwise an integer value
* representing the number of rows that were removed.
public function removeCollection($className, $criteria) {
$removed= false;
if ($this->getConnection(array(xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE => true))) {
if ($query= $this->newQuery($className)) {
if ($query->prepare()) {
$removed= $this->exec($query->toSQL());
if ($removed === false) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "xPDO->removeCollection - Error deleting {$className} instances using query " . $query->toSQL());
} else {
if ($this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB)) {
$this->cacheManager->delete(xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR . $query->getAlias(), array('multiple_object_delete' => true));
$callback = $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CALLBACK_ON_REMOVE);
if ($callback && is_callable($callback)) {
call_user_func($callback, array('className' => $className, 'criteria' => $query));
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "xPDO->removeCollection - Error preparing statement to delete {$className} instances using query: {$query->toSQL()}");
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not get connection for writing data", '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return $removed;
* Retrieves a count of xPDOObjects by the specified xPDOCriteria.
* @param string $className Class of xPDOObject to count instances of.
* @param mixed $criteria Any valid xPDOCriteria object or expression.
* @return integer The number of instances found by the criteria.
public function getCount($className, $criteria = null) {
$count = 0;
if ($query = $this->newQuery($className, $criteria)) {
$stmt = null;
$expr = '*';
if ($pk = $this->getPK($className)) {
if (!is_array($pk)) {
$pk = array($pk);
$expr = $this->getSelectColumns($className, $query->getAlias(), '', $pk);
if (isset($query->query['columns'])) {
$query->query['columns'] = array();
if (!empty($query->query['groupby']) || !empty($query->query['having'])) {
if ($query->prepare()) {
$countQuery = new xPDOCriteria($this, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ({$query->toSQL(false)}) cq", $query->bindings, $query->cacheFlag);
$stmt = $countQuery->prepare();
} else {
$query->select(array("COUNT(DISTINCT {$expr})"));
$stmt = $query->prepare();
if ($stmt && $stmt->execute()) {
$count = intval($stmt->fetchColumn());
return $count;
* Retrieves an xPDOObject instance with specified related objects.
* @uses xPDO::getCollectionGraph()
* @param string $className The name of the class to return an instance of.
* @param string|array $graph A related object graph in array or JSON
* format, e.g. array('relationAlias'=>array('subRelationAlias'=>array()))
* or {"relationAlias":{"subRelationAlias":{}}}. Note that the empty arrays
* are necessary in order for the relation to be recognized.
* @param mixed $criteria A valid xPDOCriteria instance or expression.
* @param boolean|integer $cacheFlag Indicates if the result set should be
* cached, and optionally for how many seconds.
* @return object The object instance with related objects from the graph
* hydrated, or null if no instance can be located by the criteria.
public function getObjectGraph($className, $graph, $criteria= null, $cacheFlag= true) {
$object= null;
if ($collection= $this->getCollectionGraph($className, $graph, $criteria, $cacheFlag)) {
if (!count($collection) === 1) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, 'getObjectGraph criteria returned more than one instance.');
$object= reset($collection);
return $object;
* Retrieves a collection of xPDOObject instances with related objects.
* @uses xPDOQuery::bindGraph()
* @param string $className The name of the class to return a collection of.
* @param string|array $graph A related object graph in array or JSON
* format, e.g. array('relationAlias'=>array('subRelationAlias'=>array()))
* or {"relationAlias":{"subRelationAlias":{}}}. Note that the empty arrays
* are necessary in order for the relation to be recognized.
* @param mixed $criteria A valid xPDOCriteria instance or condition string.
* @param boolean $cacheFlag Indicates if the result set should be cached.
* @return array An array of instances matching the criteria with related
* objects from the graph hydrated. An empty array is returned when no
* matches are found.
public function getCollectionGraph($className, $graph, $criteria= null, $cacheFlag= true) {
return $this->call($className, 'loadCollectionGraph', array(& $this, $className, $graph, $criteria, $cacheFlag));
* Execute a PDOStatement and get a single column value from the first row of the result set.
* @param PDOStatement $stmt A prepared PDOStatement object ready to be executed.
* @param null|integer $column 0-indexed number of the column you wish to retrieve from the row. If
* null or no value is supplied, it fetches the first column.
* @return mixed The value of the specified column from the first row of the result set, or null.
public function getValue($stmt, $column= null) {
$value = null;
if (is_object($stmt) && $stmt instanceof PDOStatement) {
$tstart = microtime(true);
if ($stmt->execute()) {
$this->queryTime += microtime(true) - $tstart;
$value= $stmt->fetchColumn($column);
} else {
$this->queryTime += microtime(true) - $tstart;
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error " . $stmt->errorCode() . " executing statement: \n" . print_r($stmt->errorInfo(), true), '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "No valid PDOStatement provided to getValue", '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return $value;
* Convert any valid criteria into an xPDOQuery instance.
* @todo Get criteria pre-defined in an {@link xPDOObject} class metadata
* definition by name.
* @todo Define callback functions as an alternative to retreiving criteria
* sql and/or bindings from the metadata.
* @param string $className The class to get predefined criteria for.
* @param string $type The type of criteria to get (you can define any
* type you want, but 'object' and 'collection' are the typical criteria
* for retrieving single and multiple instances of an object).
* @param boolean|integer $cacheFlag Indicates if the result is cached and
* optionally for how many seconds.
* @return xPDOCriteria A criteria object or null if not found.
public function getCriteria($className, $type= null, $cacheFlag= true) {
return $this->newQuery($className, $type, $cacheFlag);
* Validate and return the type of a specified criteria variable.
* @param mixed $criteria An xPDOCriteria instance or any valid criteria variable.
* @return string|null The type of valid criteria passed, or null if the criteria is not valid.
public function getCriteriaType($criteria) {
$type = gettype($criteria);
if ($type === 'object') {
$type = get_class($criteria);
if (!$criteria instanceof xPDOCriteria) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "Invalid criteria object of class {$type} encountered.", '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$type = null;
return $type;
* Add criteria when requesting a derivative class row automatically.
* This applies class_key filtering for single-table inheritance queries and may
* provide a convenient location for similar features in the future.
* @param string $className A valid xPDOObject derivative table class.
* @param xPDOQuery $criteria A valid xPDOQuery instance.
* @return xPDOQuery The xPDOQuery instance with derivative criteria added.
public function addDerivativeCriteria($className, $criteria) {
if ($criteria instanceof xPDOQuery && !isset($this->map[$className]['table'])) {
if (isset($this->map[$className]['fields']['class_key']) && !empty($this->map[$className]['fields']['class_key'])) {
$criteria->where(array('class_key' => $this->map[$className]['fields']['class_key']));
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "#1: Automatically adding class_key criteria for derivative query of class {$className}");
} else {
foreach ($this->getAncestry($className, false) as $ancestor) {
if (isset($this->map[$ancestor]['table']) && isset($this->map[$ancestor]['fields']['class_key'])) {
$criteria->where(array('class_key' => $className));
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "#2: Automatically adding class_key criteria for derivative query of class {$className} from base table class {$ancestor}");
return $criteria;
* Gets the package name from a specified class name.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup the package for.
* @return string The package the class belongs to.
public function getPackage($className) {
$package= '';
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if (isset($this->map[$className]['package'])) {
$package= $this->map[$className]['package'];
if (!$package && $ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className, false)) {
foreach ($ancestry as $ancestor) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestor]['package']) && ($package= $this->map[$ancestor]['package'])) {
return $package;
* Load and return a named service class instance.
* @param string $name The variable name of the instance.
* @param string $class The service class name.
* @param string $path An optional root path to search for the class.
* @param array $params An array of optional params to pass to the service
* class constructor.
* @return object|null A reference to the service class instance or null if
* it could not be loaded.
public function &getService($name, $class= '', $path= '', $params= array ()) {
$service= null;
if (!isset ($this->services[$name]) || !is_object($this->services[$name])) {
if (empty ($class) && isset ($this->config[$name . '.class'])) {
$class= $this->config[$name . '.class'];
} elseif (empty ($class)) {
$class= $name;
$className= $this->loadClass($class, $path, false, true);
if (!empty($className)) {
$service = new $className ($this, $params);
if ($service) {
$this->services[$name]=& $service;
$this->$name= & $this->services[$name];
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->services)) {
$service= & $this->services[$name];
} else {
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Problem getting service {$name}, instance of class {$class}, from path {$path}, with params " . print_r($params, true));
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Problem getting service {$name}, instance of class {$class}, from path {$path}");
return $service;
* Gets the actual run-time table name from a specified class name.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup a table name
* for.
* @param boolean $includeDb Qualify the table name with the database name.
* @return string The table name for the class, or null if unsuccessful.
public function getTableName($className, $includeDb= false) {
$table= null;
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if (isset ($this->map[$className]['table'])) {
$table= $this->map[$className]['table'];
if (isset($this->map[$className]['package']) && isset($this->packages[$this->map[$className]['package']]['prefix'])) {
$table= $this->packages[$this->map[$className]['package']]['prefix'] . $table;
} else {
$table= $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX, null, '') . $table;
if (!$table && $ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className, false)) {
foreach ($ancestry as $ancestor) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestor]['table']) && $table= $this->map[$ancestor]['table']) {
if (isset($this->map[$ancestor]['package']) && isset($this->packages[$this->map[$ancestor]['package']]['prefix'])) {
$table= $this->packages[$this->map[$ancestor]['package']]['prefix'] . $table;
} else {
$table= $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX, null, '') . $table;
if ($table) {
$table= $this->_getFullTableName($table, $includeDb);
if ($this->getDebug() === true) $this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 'Returning table name: ' . $table . ' for class: ' . $className);
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not get table name for class: ' . $className);
return $table;
* Get the class which defines the table for a specified className.
* @param string $className The name of a class to determine the table class from.
* @return null|string The name of a class defining the table for the specified className; null if not found.
public function getTableClass($className) {
$tableClass= null;
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if (isset ($this->map[$className]['table'])) {
$tableClass= $className;
if (!$tableClass && $ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className, false)) {
foreach ($ancestry as $ancestor) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestor]['table'])) {
$tableClass= $ancestor;
if ($tableClass) {
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 'Returning table class: ' . $tableClass . ' for class: ' . $className);
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not get table class for class: ' . $className);
return $tableClass;
* Gets the actual run-time table metadata from a specified class name.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup a table name
* for.
* @return string The table meta data for the class, or null if
* unsuccessful.
public function getTableMeta($className) {
$tableMeta= null;
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if (isset ($this->map[$className]['tableMeta'])) {
$tableMeta= $this->map[$className]['tableMeta'];
if (!$tableMeta && $ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className)) {
foreach ($ancestry as $ancestor) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestor]['tableMeta'])) {
if ($tableMeta= $this->map[$ancestor]['tableMeta']) {
return $tableMeta;
* Indicates the inheritance model for the xPDOObject class specified.
* @param string $className The class to determine the table inherit type from.
* @return string single, multiple, or none
public function getInherit($className) {
$inherit= false;
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if (isset ($this->map[$className]['inherit'])) {
$inherit= $this->map[$className]['inherit'];
if (!$inherit && $ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className, false)) {
foreach ($ancestry as $ancestor) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestor]['inherit'])) {
$inherit= $this->map[$ancestor]['inherit'];
if (!empty($inherit)) {
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 'Returning inherit: ' . $inherit . ' for class: ' . $className);
} else {
$inherit= 'none';
return $inherit;
* Gets a list of fields (or columns) for an object by class name.
* This includes default values for each field and is used by the objects
* themselves to build their initial attributes based on class inheritence.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup fields for.
* @return array An array featuring field names as the array keys, and
* default field values as the array values; empty array is returned if
* unsuccessful.
public function getFields($className) {
$fields= array ();
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if ($ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className)) {
for ($i= count($ancestry) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['fields'])) {
$fields= array_merge($fields, $this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['fields']);
if ($this->getInherit($className) === 'single') {
$descendants= $this->getDescendants($className);
if ($descendants) {
foreach ($descendants as $descendant) {
$descendantClass= $this->loadClass($descendant);
if ($descendantClass && isset($this->map[$descendantClass]['fields'])) {
$fields= array_merge($fields, array_diff_key($this->map[$descendantClass]['fields'], $fields));
return $fields;
* Gets a list of field (or column) definitions for an object by class name.
* These definitions are used by the objects themselves to build their
* own meta data based on class inheritance.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup fields meta data
* for.
* @param boolean $includeExtended If true, include meta from all derivative
* classes in loaded packages.
* @return array An array featuring field names as the array keys, and
* arrays of metadata information as the array values; empty array is
* returned if unsuccessful.
public function getFieldMeta($className, $includeExtended = false) {
$fieldMeta= array ();
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if ($ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className)) {
for ($i= count($ancestry) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['fieldMeta'])) {
$fieldMeta= array_merge($fieldMeta, $this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['fieldMeta']);
if ($includeExtended && $this->getInherit($className) === 'single') {
$descendants= $this->getDescendants($className);
if ($descendants) {
foreach ($descendants as $descendant) {
$descendantClass= $this->loadClass($descendant);
if ($descendantClass && isset($this->map[$descendantClass]['fieldMeta'])) {
$fieldMeta= array_merge($fieldMeta, array_diff_key($this->map[$descendantClass]['fieldMeta'], $fieldMeta));
return $fieldMeta;
* Gets a collection of field aliases for an object by class name.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup field aliases for.
* @return array An array of field aliases with aliases as keys and actual field names as values.
public function getFieldAliases($className) {
$fieldAliases= array ();
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if ($ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className)) {
for ($i= count($ancestry) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['fieldAliases'])) {
$fieldAliases= array_merge($fieldAliases, $this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['fieldAliases']);
if ($this->getInherit($className) === 'single') {
$descendants= $this->getDescendants($className);
if ($descendants) {
foreach ($descendants as $descendant) {
$descendantClass= $this->loadClass($descendant);
if ($descendantClass && isset($this->map[$descendantClass]['fieldAliases'])) {
$fieldAliases= array_merge($fieldAliases, array_diff_key($this->map[$descendantClass]['fieldAliases'], $fieldAliases));
return $fieldAliases;
* Gets a set of validation rules defined for an object by class name.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup validation rules
* for.
* @return array An array featuring field names as the array keys, and
* arrays of validation rule information as the array values; empty array is
* returned if unsuccessful.
public function getValidationRules($className) {
$rules= array();
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if ($ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className)) {
for ($i= count($ancestry) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (isset($this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['validation']['rules'])) {
$rules= array_merge($rules, $this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['validation']['rules']);
if ($this->getInherit($className) === 'single') {
$descendants= $this->getDescendants($className);
if ($descendants) {
foreach ($descendants as $descendant) {
$descendantClass= $this->loadClass($descendant);
if ($descendantClass && isset($this->map[$descendantClass]['validation']['rules'])) {
$rules= array_merge($rules, array_diff_key($this->map[$descendantClass]['validation']['rules'], $rules));
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Returning validation rules: " . print_r($rules, true));
return $rules;
* Get indices defined for a table class.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup indices for.
* @return array An array of indices and their details for the specified class.
public function getIndexMeta($className) {
$indices= array();
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if ($ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className)) {
for ($i= count($ancestry) -1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (isset($this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['indexes'])) {
$indices= array_merge($indices, $this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['indexes']);
if ($this->getInherit($className) === 'single') {
$descendants= $this->getDescendants($className);
if ($descendants) {
foreach ($descendants as $descendant) {
$descendantClass= $this->loadClass($descendant);
if ($descendantClass && isset($this->map[$descendantClass]['indexes'])) {
$indices= array_merge($indices, array_diff_key($this->map[$descendantClass]['indexes'], $indices));
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Returning indices: " . print_r($indices, true));
return $indices;
* Gets the primary key field(s) for a class.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup the primary key
* for.
* @return mixed The name of the field representing a class instance primary
* key, an array of key names for compound primary keys, or null if no
* primary key is found or defined for the class.
public function getPK($className) {
$pk= null;
if (strcasecmp($className, 'xPDOObject') !== 0) {
if ($actualClassName= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if (isset ($this->map[$actualClassName]['indexes'])) {
foreach ($this->map[$actualClassName]['indexes'] as $k => $v) {
if (isset ($this->map[$actualClassName]['fieldMeta'][$k]['phptype'])) {
if (isset ($v['primary']) && $v['primary'] == true) {
$pk[$k]= $k;
if (isset ($this->map[$actualClassName]['fieldMeta'])) {
foreach ($this->map[$actualClassName]['fieldMeta'] as $k => $v) {
if (isset ($v['index']) && isset ($v['phptype']) && $v['index'] == 'pk') {
$pk[$k]= $k;
if ($ancestry= $this->getAncestry($actualClassName)) {
foreach ($ancestry as $ancestor) {
if ($ancestorClassName= $this->loadClass($ancestor)) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestorClassName]['indexes'])) {
foreach ($this->map[$ancestorClassName]['indexes'] as $k => $v) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestorClassName]['fieldMeta'][$k]['phptype'])) {
if (isset ($v['primary']) && $v['primary'] == true) {
$pk[$k]= $k;
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestorClassName]['fieldMeta'])) {
foreach ($this->map[$ancestorClassName]['fieldMeta'] as $k => $v) {
if (isset ($v['index']) && isset ($v['phptype']) && $v['index'] == 'pk') {
$pk[$k]= $k;
if ($pk && count($pk) === 1) {
$pk= current($pk);
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not load class {$className}");
return $pk;
* Gets the type of primary key field for a class.
* @param string $className The name of the class to lookup the primary key
* type for.
* @param mixed $pk Optional specific PK column or columns to get type(s) for.
* @return string The type of the field representing a class instance primary
* key, or null if no primary key is found or defined for the class.
public function getPKType($className, $pk= false) {
$pktype= null;
if ($actualClassName= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if (!$pk)
$pk= $this->getPK($actualClassName);
if (!is_array($pk))
$pk= array($pk);
$ancestry= $this->getAncestry($actualClassName, true);
foreach ($pk as $_pk) {
foreach ($ancestry as $parentClass) {
if (isset ($this->map[$parentClass]['fieldMeta'][$_pk]['phptype'])) {
$pktype[$_pk]= $this->map[$parentClass]['fieldMeta'][$_pk]['phptype'];
if (is_array($pktype) && count($pktype) == 1) {
$pktype= reset($pktype);
elseif (empty($pktype)) {
$pktype= null;
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not load class {$className}!");
return $pktype;
* Gets a collection of aggregate foreign key relationship definitions.
* @param string $className The fully-qualified name of the class.
* @return array An array of aggregate foreign key relationship definitions.
public function getAggregates($className) {
$aggregates= array ();
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if ($ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className)) {
for ($i= count($ancestry) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['aggregates'])) {
$aggregates= array_merge($aggregates, $this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['aggregates']);
if ($this->getInherit($className) === 'single') {
$descendants= $this->getDescendants($className);
if ($descendants) {
foreach ($descendants as $descendant) {
$descendantClass= $this->loadClass($descendant);
if ($descendantClass && isset($this->map[$descendantClass]['aggregates'])) {
$aggregates= array_merge($aggregates, array_diff_key($this->map[$descendantClass]['aggregates'], $aggregates));
return $aggregates;
* Gets a collection of composite foreign key relationship definitions.
* @param string $className The fully-qualified name of the class.
* @return array An array of composite foreign key relationship definitions.
public function getComposites($className) {
$composites= array ();
if ($className= $this->loadClass($className)) {
if ($ancestry= $this->getAncestry($className)) {
for ($i= count($ancestry) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if (isset ($this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['composites'])) {
$composites= array_merge($composites, $this->map[$ancestry[$i]]['composites']);
if ($this->getInherit($className) === 'single') {
$descendants= $this->getDescendants($className);
if ($descendants) {
foreach ($descendants as $descendant) {
$descendantClass= $this->loadClass($descendant);
if ($descendantClass && isset($this->map[$descendantClass]['composites'])) {
$composites= array_merge($composites, array_diff_key($this->map[$descendantClass]['composites'], $composites));
return $composites;
* Get a complete relation graph for an xPDOObject class.
* @param string $className A fully-qualified xPDOObject class name.
* @param int $depth The depth to retrieve relations for the graph, defaults to 3.
* @param array &$parents An array of parent classes to avoid traversing circular dependencies.
* @param array &$visited An array of already visited classes to avoid traversing circular dependencies.
* @return array An xPDOObject relation graph, or an empty array if no graph can be constructed.
public function getGraph($className, $depth= 3, &$parents = array(), &$visited = array()) {
$graph = array();
$className = $this->loadClass($className);
if ($className && $depth > 0) {
$parents = array_merge($parents, $this->getAncestry($className));
$parentsNested = array_unique($parents);
$visitNested = array_merge($visited, array($className));
$relations = array_merge($this->getAggregates($className), $this->getComposites($className));
foreach ($relations as $alias => $relation) {
if (in_array($relation['class'], $visited)) {
$childGraph = array();
if ($depth > 0 && !in_array($relation['class'], $parents)) {
$childGraph = $this->getGraph($relation['class'], $depth, $parentsNested, $visitNested);
$graph[$alias] = $childGraph;
$visited[] = $className;
return $graph;
* Retrieves the complete ancestry for a class.
* @param string $className The name of the class.
* @param bool $includeSelf Determines if the specified class should be
* included in the resulting array.
* @return array An array of string class names representing the class
* hierarchy, or an empty array if unsuccessful.
public function getAncestry($className, $includeSelf= true) {
$ancestry= array ();
if ($actualClassName= $this->loadClass($className)) {
$ancestor= $actualClassName;
if ($includeSelf) {
$ancestry[]= $actualClassName;
while ($ancestor= get_parent_class($ancestor)) {
$ancestry[]= $ancestor;
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Returning ancestry for {$className}: " . print_r($ancestry, 1));
return $ancestry;
* Gets select columns from a specific class for building a query.
* @uses xPDOObject::getSelectColumns()
* @param string $className The name of the class to build the column list
* from.
* @param string $tableAlias An optional alias for the class table, to be
* used in complex queries with multiple tables.
* @param string $columnPrefix An optional string with which to prefix the
* columns returned, to avoid name collisions in return columns.
* @param array $columns An optional array of columns to include.
* @param boolean $exclude If true, will exclude columns in the previous
* parameter, instead of including them.
* @return string A valid SQL string of column names for a SELECT statement.
public function getSelectColumns($className, $tableAlias= '', $columnPrefix= '', $columns= array (), $exclude= false) {
return $this->call($className, 'getSelectColumns', array(&$this, $className, $tableAlias, $columnPrefix, $columns, $exclude));
* Gets an aggregate or composite relation definition from a class.
* @param string $parentClass The class from which the relation is defined.
* @param string $alias The alias identifying the related class.
* @return array The aggregate or composite definition details in an array
* or null if no definition is found.
function getFKDefinition($parentClass, $alias) {
$def= null;
$parentClass= $this->loadClass($parentClass);
if ($parentClass && $alias) {
if ($aggregates= $this->getAggregates($parentClass)) {
if (isset ($aggregates[$alias])) {
$def= $aggregates[$alias];
$def['type']= 'aggregate';
if ($composites= $this->getComposites($parentClass)) {
if (isset ($composites[$alias])) {
$def= $composites[$alias];
$def['type']= 'composite';
if ($def === null) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'No foreign key definition for parentClass: ' . $parentClass . ' using relation alias: ' . $alias);
return $def;
* Gets the version string of the schema the specified class was generated from.
* @param string $className The name of the class to get the model version from.
* @return string The version string for the schema model the class was generated from.
public function getModelVersion($className) {
$version = '1.0';
$className= $this->loadClass($className);
if ($className && isset($this->map[$className]['version'])) {
$version= $this->map[$className]['version'];
return $version;
* Gets the manager class for this xPDO connection.
* The manager class can perform operations such as creating or altering
* table structures, creating data containers, generating custom persistence
* classes, and other advanced operations that do not need to be loaded
* frequently.
* @return xPDOManager|null An xPDOManager instance for the xPDO connection, or null
* if a manager class can not be instantiated.
public function getManager() {
if ($this->manager === null || !$this->manager instanceof xPDOManager) {
$loaded= include_once(XPDO_CORE_PATH . 'om/' . $this->config['dbtype'] . '/xpdomanager.class.php');
if ($loaded) {
$managerClass = 'xPDOManager_' . $this->config['dbtype'];
$this->manager= new $managerClass ($this);
if (!$this->manager) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not load xPDOManager class.");
return $this->manager;
* Gets the driver class for this xPDO connection.
* The driver class provides baseline data and operations for a specific database driver.
* @return xPDODriver|null An xPDODriver instance for the xPDO connection, or null
* if a driver class can not be instantiated.
public function getDriver() {
if ($this->driver === null || !$this->driver instanceof xPDODriver) {
$loaded= include_once(XPDO_CORE_PATH . 'om/' . $this->config['dbtype'] . '/xpdodriver.class.php');
if ($loaded) {
$driverClass = 'xPDODriver_' . $this->config['dbtype'];
$this->driver= new $driverClass ($this);
if (!$this->driver) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Could not load xPDODriver class for the {$this->config['dbtype']} PDO driver. " . print_r($this->config, true));
return $this->driver;
* Gets the absolute path to the cache directory.
* @return string The full cache directory path.
public function getCachePath() {
if (!$this->cachePath) {
if ($this->getCacheManager()) {
$this->cachePath= $this->cacheManager->getCachePath();
return $this->cachePath;
* Gets an xPDOCacheManager instance.
* This class is responsible for handling all types of caching operations for the xPDO core.
* @param string $class Optional name of a derivative xPDOCacheManager class.
* @param array $options An array of options for the cache manager instance; valid options include:
* - path = Optional root path for looking up the $class.
* - ignorePkg = If false and you do not specify a path, you can look up custom xPDOCacheManager
* derivatives in declared packages.
* @return xPDOCacheManager The xPDOCacheManager for this xPDO instance.
public function getCacheManager($class= 'cache.xPDOCacheManager', $options = array('path' => XPDO_CORE_PATH, 'ignorePkg' => true)) {
$actualClass = $this->loadClass($class, $options['path'], $options['ignorePkg'], true);
if ($this->cacheManager === null || !is_object($this->cacheManager) || !($this->cacheManager instanceof $actualClass)) {
if ($this->cacheManager= new $actualClass($this, $options)) {
$this->_cacheEnabled= true;
return $this->cacheManager;
* Returns the debug state for the xPDO instance.
* @return boolean The current debug state for the instance, true for on,
* false for off.
public function getDebug() {
return $this->_debug;
* Sets the debug state for the xPDO instance.
* @param boolean|integer $v The debug status, true for on, false for off, or a valid
* error_reporting level for PHP.
public function setDebug($v= true) {
$this->_debug= $v;
* Sets the logging level state for the xPDO instance.
* @param integer $level The logging level to switch to.
* @return integer The previous log level.
public function setLogLevel($level= xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL) {
$oldLevel = $this->logLevel;
$this->logLevel= intval($level);
return $oldLevel;
* @return integer The current log level.
public function getLogLevel() {
return $this->logLevel;
* Sets the log target for xPDO::_log() calls.
* Valid target values include:
* <ul>
* <li>'ECHO': Returns output to the STDOUT.</li>
* <li>'HTML': Returns output to the STDOUT with HTML formatting.</li>
* <li>'FILE': Sends output to a log file.</li>
* <li>An array with at least one element with key 'target' matching
* one of the valid log targets listed above. For 'target' => 'FILE'
* you can specify a second element with key 'options' with another
* associative array with one or both of the elements 'filename' and
* 'filepath'</li>
* </ul>
* @param string $target An identifier indicating the target of the logging.
* @return mixed The previous log target.
public function setLogTarget($target= 'ECHO') {
$oldTarget = $this->logTarget;
$this->logTarget= $target;
return $oldTarget;
* @return integer The current log level.
public function getLogTarget() {
return $this->logTarget;
* Log a message with details about where and when an event occurs.
* @param integer $level The level of the logged message.
* @param string $msg The message to log.
* @param string $target The logging target.
* @param string $def The name of a defining structure (such as a class) to
* help identify the message source.
* @param string $file A filename in which the log event occured.
* @param string $line A line number to help locate the source of the event
* within the indicated file.
public function log($level, $msg, $target= '', $def= '', $file= '', $line= '') {
$this->_log($level, $msg, $target, $def, $file, $line);
* Log a message as appropriate for the level and target.
* @param integer $level The level of the logged message.
* @param string $msg The message to log.
* @param string $target The logging target.
* @param string $def The name of a defining structure (such as a class) to
* help identify the log event source.
* @param string $file A filename in which the log event occured.
* @param string $line A line number to help locate the source of the event
* within the indicated file.
protected function _log($level, $msg, $target= '', $def= '', $file= '', $line= '') {
if (empty ($target)) {
$target = $this->logTarget;
$targetOptions = array();
if (is_array($target)) {
if (isset($target['options'])) $targetOptions =& $target['options'];
$target = isset($target['target']) ? $target['target'] : 'ECHO';
if (empty($file) && isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
if ($level === xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_FATAL) {
while (ob_get_level() && @ob_end_flush()) {}
exit ('[' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . '] (' . $this->_getLogLevel($level) . $def . $file . $line . ') ' . $msg . "\n" . ($this->getDebug() === true ? '<pre>' . "\n" . print_r(debug_backtrace(), true) . "\n" . '</pre>' : ''));
if ($this->_debug === true || $level <= $this->logLevel) {
if (!empty ($def)) {
$def= " in {$def}";
if (!empty ($file)) {
$file= " @ {$file}";
if (!empty ($line)) {
$line= " : {$line}";
switch ($target) {
case 'HTML' :
echo '<h5>[' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . '] (' . $this->_getLogLevel($level) . $def . $file . $line . ')</h5><pre>' . $msg . '</pre>' . "\n";
default :
echo '[' . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . '] (' . $this->_getLogLevel($level) . $def . $file . $line . ') ' . $msg . "\n";
$content= @ob_get_contents();
if ($target=='FILE' && $this->getCacheManager()) {
$filename = isset($targetOptions['filename']) ? $targetOptions['filename'] : 'error.log';
$filepath = isset($targetOptions['filepath']) ? $targetOptions['filepath'] : $this->getCachePath() . xPDOCacheManager::LOG_DIR;
$this->cacheManager->writeFile($filepath . $filename, $content, 'a');
} elseif ($target=='ARRAY' && isset($targetOptions['var']) && is_array($targetOptions['var'])) {
$targetOptions['var'][] = $content;
} else {
echo $content;
* Returns an abbreviated backtrace of debugging information.
* This function returns just the fields returned via xPDOObject::toArray()
* on xPDOObject instances, and simply the classname for other objects, to
* reduce the amount of unnecessary information returned.
* @return array The abbreviated backtrace.
public function getDebugBacktrace() {
$backtrace= array ();
foreach (debug_backtrace() as $levelKey => $levelElement) {
foreach ($levelElement as $traceKey => $traceElement) {
if ($traceKey == 'object' && $traceElement instanceof xPDOObject) {
$backtrace[$levelKey][$traceKey]= $traceElement->toArray('', true);
} elseif ($traceKey == 'object') {
$backtrace[$levelKey][$traceKey]= get_class($traceElement);
} else {
$backtrace[$levelKey][$traceKey]= $traceElement;
return $backtrace;
* Gets a logging level as a string representation.
* @param integer $level The logging level to retrieve a string for.
* @return string The string representation of a valid logging level.
protected function _getLogLevel($level) {
switch ($level) {
$levelText= 'DEBUG';
$levelText= 'INFO';
$levelText= 'WARN';
$levelText= 'ERROR';
default :
$levelText= 'FATAL';
return $levelText;
* Escapes the provided string using the platform-specific escape character.
* Different database engines escape string literals in SQL using different characters. For example, this is used to
* escape column names that might match a reserved string for that SQL interpreter. To write database agnostic
* queries with xPDO, it is highly recommend to escape any database or column names in any native SQL strings used.
* @param string $string A string to escape using the platform-specific escape characters.
* @return string The string escaped with the platform-specific escape characters.
public function escape($string) {
$string = trim($string, $this->_escapeCharOpen . $this->_escapeCharClose);
return $this->_escapeCharOpen . $string . $this->_escapeCharClose;
* Use to insert a literal string into a SQL query without escaping or quoting.
* @param string $string A string to return as a literal, unescaped and unquoted.
* @return string The string with any escape or quote characters trimmed.
public function literal($string) {
$string = trim($string, $this->_escapeCharOpen . $this->_escapeCharClose . $this->_quoteChar);
return $string;
* Adds the table prefix, and optionally database name, to a given table.
* @param string $baseTableName The table name as specified in the object
* model.
* @param boolean $includeDb Qualify the table name with the database name.
* @return string The fully-qualified and quoted table name for the
private function _getFullTableName($baseTableName, $includeDb= false) {
$fqn= '';
if (!empty ($baseTableName)) {
if ($includeDb) {
$fqn .= $this->escape($this->config['dbname']) . '.';
$fqn .= $this->escape($baseTableName);
return $fqn;
* Parses a DSN and returns an array of the connection details.
* @static
* @param string $string The DSN to parse.
* @return array An array of connection details from the DSN.
* @todo Have this method handle all methods of DSN specification as handled
* by latest native PDO implementation.
public static function parseDSN($string) {
$result= array ();
$pos= strpos($string, ':');
$result['dbtype']= strtolower(substr($string, 0, $pos));
$parameters= explode(';', substr($string, ($pos +1)));
for ($a= 0, $b= count($parameters); $a < $b; $a++) {
$tmp= explode('=', $parameters[$a]);
if (count($tmp) == 2) {
$result[strtolower(trim($tmp[0]))]= trim($tmp[1]);
} else {
$result['dbname']= trim($parameters[$a]);
if (!isset($result['dbname']) && isset($result['database'])) {
$result['dbname'] = $result['database'];
if (!isset($result['host']) && isset($result['server'])) {
$result['host'] = $result['server'];
return $result;
* Retrieves a result array from the object cache.
* @param string|xPDOCriteria $signature A unique string or xPDOCriteria object
* that represents the query identifying the result set.
* @param string $class An optional classname the result represents.
* @param array $options Various cache options.
* @return array|string|null A PHP array or JSON object representing the
* result set, or null if no cache representation is found.
public function fromCache($signature, $class= '', $options= array()) {
$result= null;
if ($this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB, $options)) {
if ($signature && $this->getCacheManager()) {
$sig= '';
$sigKey= array();
$sigHash= '';
$sigClass= empty($class) || !is_string($class) ? '' : $class;
if (is_object($signature)) {
if ($signature instanceof xPDOCriteria) {
if ($signature instanceof xPDOQuery) {
if (empty($sigClass)) $sigClass= $signature->getTableClass();
$sigKey= array ($signature->sql, $signature->bindings);
elseif (is_string($signature)) {
if ($exploded= explode('_', $signature)) {
$class= reset($exploded);
if (empty($sigClass) || $sigClass !== $class) {
$sigClass= $class;
if (empty($sigKey)) {
while ($key= next($exploded)) {
$sigKey[]= $key;
if (empty($sigClass)) $sigClass= '__sqlResult';
if ($sigClass && $sigKey) {
$sigHash= md5($this->toJSON($sigKey));
$sig= implode('/', array ($sigClass, $sigHash));
if (is_string($sig) && !empty($sig)) {
$result= $this->cacheManager->get($sig, array(
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_KEY => $this->getOption('cache_db_key', $options, 'db'),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_HANDLER => $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_HANDLER, $options, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_HANDLER, $options, 'cache.xPDOFileCache')),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_FORMAT => (integer) $this->getOption('cache_db_format', null, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_FORMAT, null, xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_PHP)),
'cache_prefix' => $this->getOption('cache_db_prefix', $options, xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR),
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
if (!$result) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 'No cache item found for class ' . $sigClass . ' with signature ' . xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR . $sig);
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, 'Loaded cache item for class ' . $sigClass . ' with signature ' . xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR . $sig);
return $result;
* Places a result set in the object cache.
* @param string|xPDOCriteria $signature A unique string or xPDOCriteria object
* representing the object.
* @param object $object An object to place a representation of in the cache.
* @param integer $lifetime An optional number of seconds the cached result
* will remain valid, with 0 meaning it will remain valid until replaced or
* removed.
* @param array $options Various cache options.
* @return boolean Indicates if the object was successfully cached.
public function toCache($signature, $object, $lifetime= 0, $options = array()) {
$result= false;
if ($this->getCacheManager()) {
if ($this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB, $options)) {
if ($lifetime === true) {
$lifetime = 0;
elseif (!$lifetime && $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_EXPIRES, $options, 0)) {
$lifetime= intval($this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_EXPIRES, $options, 0));
$sigKey= array();
$sigClass= '';
$sigGraph= $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_SIG_GRAPH, $options, array());
if (is_object($signature)) {
if ($signature instanceof xPDOCriteria) {
if ($signature instanceof xPDOQuery) {
if (empty($sigClass)) $sigClass = $signature->getTableClass();
$sigKey= array($signature->sql, $signature->bindings);
elseif (is_string($signature)) {
$exploded= explode('_', $signature);
if ($exploded && count($exploded) >= 2) {
$class= reset($exploded);
if (empty($sigClass) || $sigClass !== $class) {
$sigClass= $class;
if (empty($sigKey)) {
while ($key= next($exploded)) {
$sigKey[]= $key;
if (empty($sigClass)) {
if ($object instanceof xPDOObject) {
$sigClass= $object->_class;
} else {
$sigClass= $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_SIG_CLASS, $options, '__sqlResult');
if (empty($sigKey) && is_string($signature)) $sigKey= $signature;
if (empty($sigKey) && $object instanceof xPDOObject) $sigKey= $object->getPrimaryKey();
if ($sigClass && $sigKey) {
$sigHash= md5($this->toJSON(is_array($sigKey) ? $sigKey : array($sigKey)));
$sig= implode('/', array ($sigClass, $sigHash));
if (is_string($sig)) {
if ($this->getOption('modified', $options, false)) {
if (empty($sigGraph) && $object instanceof xPDOObject) {
$sigGraph = array_merge(array($object->_class => array('class' => $object->_class)), $object->_aggregates, $object->_composites);
if (!empty($sigGraph)) {
foreach ($sigGraph as $gAlias => $gMeta) {
$gClass = $gMeta['class'];
$removed= $this->cacheManager->delete($gClass, array_merge($options, array(
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_KEY => $this->getOption('cache_db_key', $options, 'db'),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_HANDLER => $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_HANDLER, $options, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_HANDLER, $options, 'cache.xPDOFileCache')),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_FORMAT => (integer) $this->getOption('cache_db_format', $options, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_FORMAT, $options, xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_PHP)),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_EXPIRES => (integer) $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_EXPIRES, null, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_EXPIRES, null, 0)),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_PREFIX => $this->getOption('cache_db_prefix', $options, xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR),
'multiple_object_delete' => true
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Removing all cache objects of class {$gClass}: " . ($removed ? 'successful' : 'failed'));
$cacheOptions = array_merge($options, array(
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_KEY => $this->getOption('cache_db_key', $options, 'db'),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_HANDLER => $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_HANDLER, $options, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_HANDLER, $options, 'cache.xPDOFileCache')),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_FORMAT => (integer) $this->getOption('cache_db_format', $options, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_FORMAT, $options, xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_PHP)),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_EXPIRES => (integer) $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_DB_EXPIRES, null, $this->getOption(xPDO::OPT_CACHE_EXPIRES, null, 0)),
xPDO::OPT_CACHE_PREFIX => $this->getOption('cache_db_prefix', $options, xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR)
$result= $this->cacheManager->set($sig, $object, $lifetime, $cacheOptions);
if ($result && $object instanceof xPDOObject) {
if ($this->getDebug() === true) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "xPDO->toCache() successfully cached object with signature " . xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR . $sig);
if (!$result) {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "xPDO->toCache() could not cache object with signature " . xPDOCacheManager::CACHE_DIR . $sig);
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Object sent toCache() has an invalid signature.");
} else {
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Attempt to send a non-object to toCache().");
return $result;
* Converts a PHP array into a JSON encoded string.
* @param array $array The PHP array to convert.
* @return string The JSON representation of the source array.
public function toJSON($array) {
$encoded= '';
if (is_array ($array)) {
if (!function_exists('json_encode')) {
if (@ include_once (XPDO_CORE_PATH . 'json/JSON.php')) {
$json = new Services_JSON();
$encoded= $json->encode($array);
} else {
$encoded= json_encode($array);
return $encoded;
* Converts a JSON source string into an equivalent PHP representation.
* @param string $src A JSON source string.
* @param boolean $asArray Indicates if the result should treat objects as
* associative arrays; since all JSON associative arrays are objects, the default
* is true. Set to false to have JSON objects returned as PHP objects.
* @return mixed The PHP representation of the JSON source.
public function fromJSON($src, $asArray= true) {
$decoded= '';
if ($src) {
if (!function_exists('json_decode')) {
if (@ include_once (XPDO_CORE_PATH . 'json/JSON.php')) {
if ($asArray) {
$json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE);
} else {
$json = new Services_JSON();
$decoded= $json->decode($src);
} else {
$decoded= json_decode($src, $asArray);
return $decoded;
* @see
public function beginTransaction() {
if (!$this->connect(null, array(xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE => true))) {
return false;
return $this->pdo->beginTransaction();
* @see
public function commit() {
if (!$this->connect(null, array(xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE => true))) {
return false;
return $this->pdo->commit();
* @see
public function exec($query) {
if (!$this->connect(null, array(xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE => true))) {
return false;
$tstart= microtime(true);
$return= $this->pdo->exec($query);
$this->queryTime += microtime(true) - $tstart;
return $return;
* @see
public function errorCode() {
if (!$this->connect()) {
return false;
return $this->pdo->errorCode();
* @see
public function errorInfo() {
if (!$this->connect()) {
return false;
return $this->pdo->errorInfo();
* @see
public function getAttribute($attribute) {
if (!$this->connect()) {
return false;
return $this->pdo->getAttribute($attribute);
* @see
public function lastInsertId() {
if (!$this->connect()) {
return false;
return $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
* @see
public function prepare($statement, $driver_options= array ()) {
if (!$this->connect()) {
return false;
return $this->pdo->prepare($statement, $driver_options);
* @see
public function query($query) {
if (!$this->connect()) {
return false;
$tstart= microtime(true);
$return= $this->pdo->query($query);
$this->queryTime += microtime(true) - $tstart;
return $return;
* @see
public function quote($string, $parameter_type= PDO::PARAM_STR) {
if (!$this->connect()) {
return false;
$quoted = $this->pdo->quote($string, $parameter_type);
switch ($parameter_type) {
$quoted = trim($quoted);
$quoted = trim($quoted);
$quoted = (integer) trim($quoted, "'");
return $quoted;
* @see
public function rollBack() {
if (!$this->connect(null, array(xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE => true))) {
return false;
return $this->pdo->rollBack();
* @see
public function setAttribute($attribute, $value) {
if (!$this->connect()) {
return false;
return $this->pdo->setAttribute($attribute, $value);
* Creates an new xPDOQuery for a specified xPDOObject class.
* @param string $class The class to create the xPDOQuery for.
* @param mixed $criteria Any valid xPDO criteria expression.
* @param boolean|integer $cacheFlag Indicates if the result should be cached
* and optionally for how many seconds (if passed an integer greater than 0).
* @return xPDOQuery The resulting xPDOQuery instance or false if unsuccessful.
public function newQuery($class, $criteria= null, $cacheFlag= true) {
$query= false;
if ($this->loadClass($this->config['dbtype'] . '.xPDOQuery', '', false, true)) {
$xpdoQueryClass= 'xPDOQuery_' . $this->config['dbtype'];
if (!class_exists($xpdoQueryClass, false))
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/om/' . $this->config['dbtype'] . '/xpdoquery.class.php';
if ($query= new $xpdoQueryClass($this, $class, $criteria)) {
$query->cacheFlag= $cacheFlag;
return $query;
* Splits a string on a specified character, ignoring escaped content.
* @static
* @param string $char A character to split the tag content on.
* @param string $str The string to operate on.
* @param string $escToken A character used to surround escaped content; all
* content within a pair of these tokens will be ignored by the split
* operation.
* @param integer $limit Limit the number of results. Default is 0 which is
* no limit. Note that setting the limit to 1 will only return the content
* up to the first instance of the split character and will discard the
* remainder of the string.
* @return array An array of results from the split operation, or an empty
* array.
public static function escSplit($char, $str, $escToken = '`', $limit = 0) {
$split= array();
$charPos = strpos($str, $char);
if ($charPos !== false) {
if ($charPos === 0) {
$searchPos = 1;
$startPos = 1;
} else {
$searchPos = 0;
$startPos = 0;
$escOpen = false;
$strlen = strlen($str);
for ($i = $startPos; $i <= $strlen; $i++) {
if ($i == $strlen) {
$tmp= trim(substr($str, $searchPos));
if (!empty($tmp)) $split[]= $tmp;
if ($str[$i] == $escToken) {
$escOpen = $escOpen == true ? false : true;
if (!$escOpen && $str[$i] == $char) {
$tmp= trim(substr($str, $searchPos, $i - $searchPos));
if (!empty($tmp)) {
$split[]= $tmp;
if ($limit > 0 && count($split) >= $limit) {
$searchPos = $i + 1;
} else {
$split[]= trim($str);
return $split;
* Parses parameter bindings in SQL prepared statements.
* @param string $sql A SQL prepared statement to parse bindings in.
* @param array $bindings An array of parameter bindings to use for the replacements.
* @return string The SQL with the binding placeholders replaced.
public function parseBindings($sql, $bindings) {
if (!empty($sql) && !empty($bindings)) {
$bound = array();
while (list ($k, $param)= each($bindings)) {
if (!is_array($param)) {
$v= $param;
$type= $this->getPDOType($param);
$bindings[$k]= array(
'value' => $v,
'type' => $type
} else {
$v= $param['value'];
$type= $param['type'];
if (!$v) {
switch ($type) {
$v= '0';
$v= '0';
if ($type > 0) {
$v= $this->quote($v, $type);
} else {
$v= 'NULL';
if (!is_int($k) || substr($k, 0, 1) === ':') {
$pattern= '/' . $k . '\b/';
$bound[$pattern] = str_replace(array('\\', '$'), array('\\\\', '\$'), $v);
} else {
$pattern = '/(\?)(\b)?/';
$sql = preg_replace($pattern, ':' . $k . '$2', $sql, 1);
$bound['/:' . $k . '\b/'] = str_replace(array('\\', '$'), array('\\\\', '\$'), $v);
$this->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "{$sql}\n" . print_r($bound, true));
if (!empty($bound)) {
$sql= preg_replace(array_keys($bound), array_values($bound), $sql);
return $sql;
* Get the appropriate PDO::PARAM_ type constant from a PHP value.
* @param mixed $value Any PHP scalar or null value
* @return int|null
public function getPDOType($value) {
$type= null;
if (is_null($value)) $type= PDO::PARAM_NULL;
elseif (is_scalar($value)) {
if (is_int($value)) $type= PDO::PARAM_INT;
else $type= PDO::PARAM_STR;
return $type;
* Encapsulates a SQL query into a PDOStatement with a set of bindings.
* @package xpdo
class xPDOCriteria {
public $sql= '';
public $stmt= null;
public $bindings= array ();
public $cacheFlag= false;
* The constructor for a new xPDOCriteria instance.
* The constructor optionally prepares provided SQL and/or parameter
* bindings. Setting the bindings via the constructor or with the {@link
* xPDOCriteria::bind()} function allows you to make use of the data object
* caching layer.
* The statement will not be prepared immediately if the cacheFlag value is
* true or a positive integer, in order to allow the result to be found in
* the cache before being queried from an actual database connection.
* @param xPDO &$xpdo An xPDO instance that will control this criteria.
* @param string $sql The SQL statement.
* @param array $bindings Bindings to bind to the criteria.
* @param boolean|integer $cacheFlag Indicates if the result set from the
* criteria is to be cached (true|false) or optionally a TTL in seconds.
* @return xPDOCriteria
public function __construct(& $xpdo, $sql= '', $bindings= array (), $cacheFlag= false) {
$this->xpdo= & $xpdo;
$this->cacheFlag= $cacheFlag;
if (is_string($sql) && !empty ($sql)) {
$this->sql= $sql;
if ($cacheFlag === false || $cacheFlag < 0) {
$this->stmt= $xpdo->prepare($sql);
if (!empty ($bindings)) {
$this->bind($bindings, true, $cacheFlag);
* Binds an array of key/value pairs to the xPDOCriteria prepared statement.
* Use this method to bind parameters in a way that makes it possible to
* cache results of previous executions of the criteria or compare the
* criteria to other individual or collections of criteria.
* @param array $bindings Bindings to merge with any existing bindings
* defined for this xPDOCriteria instance. Bindings can be simple
* associative array of key-value pairs or the value for each key can
* contain elements titled value, type, and length corresponding to the
* appropriate parameters in the PDOStatement::bindValue() and
* PDOStatement::bindParam() functions.
* @param boolean $byValue Determines if the $bindings are to be bound as
* parameters (by variable reference, the default behavior) or by direct
* value (if true).
* @param boolean|integer $cacheFlag The cacheFlag indicates the cache state
* of the xPDOCriteria object and can be absolutely off (false), absolutely
* on (true), or an integer indicating the number of seconds the result will
* live in the cache.
public function bind($bindings= array (), $byValue= true, $cacheFlag= false) {
if (!empty ($bindings)) {
$this->bindings= array_merge($this->bindings, $bindings);
if (is_object($this->stmt) && $this->stmt && !empty ($this->bindings)) {
while (list ($key, $val)= each($this->bindings)) {
if (is_array($val)) {
$type= isset ($val['type']) ? $val['type'] : PDO::PARAM_STR;
$length= isset ($val['length']) ? $val['length'] : 0;
$value= & $val['value'];
} else {
$value= & $val;
$type= PDO::PARAM_STR;
$length= 0;
if (is_int($key)) $key= $key + 1;
if ($byValue) {
$this->stmt->bindValue($key, $value, $type);
} else {
$this->stmt->bindParam($key, $value, $type, $length);
$this->cacheFlag= $cacheFlag === null ? $this->cacheFlag : $cacheFlag;
* Compares to see if two xPDOCriteria instances are the same.
* @param object $obj A xPDOCriteria object to compare to this one.
* @return boolean true if they are both equal is SQL and bindings, otherwise
* false.
public function equals($obj) {
return (is_object($obj) && $obj instanceof xPDOCriteria && $this->sql === $obj->sql && !array_diff_assoc($this->bindings, $obj->bindings));
* Prepares the sql and bindings of this instance into a PDOStatement.
* The {@link xPDOCriteria::$sql} attribute must be set in order to prepare
* the statement. You can also pass bindings directly to this function and
* they will be run through {@link xPDOCriteria::bind()} if the statement
* is successfully prepared.
* If the {@link xPDOCriteria::$stmt} already exists, it is simply returned.
* @param array $bindings Bindings to merge with any existing bindings
* defined for this xPDOCriteria instance. Bindings can be simple
* associative array of key-value pairs or the value for each key can
* contain elements titled value, type, and length corresponding to the
* appropriate parameters in the PDOStatement::bindValue() and
* PDOStatement::bindParam() functions.
* @param boolean $byValue Determines if the $bindings are to be bound as
* parameters (by variable reference, the default behavior) or by direct
* value (if true).
* @param boolean|integer $cacheFlag The cacheFlag indicates the cache state
* of the xPDOCriteria object and can be absolutely off (false), absolutely
* on (true), or an integer indicating the number of seconds the result will
* live in the cache.
* @return PDOStatement The prepared statement, ready to execute.
public function prepare($bindings= array (), $byValue= true, $cacheFlag= null) {
if ($this->stmt === null || !is_object($this->stmt)) {
if (!empty ($this->sql) && $stmt= $this->xpdo->prepare($this->sql)) {
$this->stmt= & $stmt;
$this->bind($bindings, $byValue, $cacheFlag);
return $this->stmt;
* Converts the current xPDOQuery to parsed SQL.
* @param bool $parseBindings If true, bindings are parsed locally; otherwise
* they are left in place.
* @return string The parsed SQL query.
public function toSQL($parseBindings = true) {
$sql = $this->sql;
if ($parseBindings && !empty($this->bindings)) {
$sql = $this->xpdo->parseBindings($sql, $this->bindings);
return $sql;
* An iteratable representation of an xPDOObject result set.
* Use an xPDOIterator to loop over large result sets and work with one instance
* at a time. This greatly reduces memory usage over loading the entire collection
* of objects into memory at one time. It is also slightly faster.
* @package xpdo
class xPDOIterator implements Iterator {
private $xpdo = null;
private $index = 0;
private $current = null;
/** @var null|PDOStatement */
private $stmt = null;
private $class = null;
private $alias = null;
/** @var null|int|str|array|xPDOQuery */
private $criteria = null;
private $criteriaType = 'xPDOQuery';
private $cacheFlag = false;
* Construct a new xPDOIterator instance (do not call directly).
* @see xPDO::getIterator()
* @param xPDO &$xpdo A reference to a valid xPDO instance.
* @param array $options An array of options for the iterator.
* @return xPDOIterator An xPDOIterator instance.
function __construct(& $xpdo, array $options= array()) {
$this->xpdo =& $xpdo;
if (isset($options['class'])) {
$this->class = $this->xpdo->loadClass($options['class']);
if (isset($options['alias'])) {
$this->alias = $options['alias'];
} else {
$this->alias = $this->class;
if (isset($options['cacheFlag'])) {
$this->cacheFlag = $options['cacheFlag'];
if (array_key_exists('criteria', $options) && is_object($options['criteria'])) {
$this->criteria = $options['criteria'];
} elseif (!empty($this->class)) {
$criteria = array_key_exists('criteria', $options) ? $options['criteria'] : null;
$this->criteria = $this->xpdo->getCriteria($this->class, $criteria, $this->cacheFlag);
if (!empty($this->criteria)) {
$this->criteriaType = $this->xpdo->getCriteriaType($this->criteria);
if ($this->criteriaType === 'xPDOQuery') {
$this->class = $this->criteria->getClass();
$this->alias = $this->criteria->getAlias();
public function rewind() {
$this->index = 0;
if (!empty($this->stmt)) {
$this->stmt = $this->criteria->prepare();
$tstart = microtime(true);
if ($this->stmt && $this->stmt->execute()) {
$this->xpdo->queryTime += microtime(true) - $tstart;
} elseif ($this->stmt) {
$this->xpdo->queryTime += microtime(true) - $tstart;
public function current() {
return $this->current;
public function key() {
return $this->index;
public function next() {
if (!$this->valid()) {
$this->index = null;
} else {
return $this->current();
public function valid() {
return ($this->current !== null);
* Fetch the next row from the result set and set it as current.
* Calls the _loadInstance() method for the specified class, so it properly
* inherits behavior from xPDOObject derivatives.
protected function fetch() {
$row = $this->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (is_array($row) && !empty($row)) {
$this->current = $this->xpdo->call($this->class, '_loadInstance', array(& $this->xpdo, $this->class, $this->alias, $row));
} else {
$this->current = null;
* Represents a unique PDO connection managed by xPDO.
* @package xpdo
class xPDOConnection {
* @var xPDO A reference to a valid xPDO instance.
public $xpdo = null;
* @var array An array of configuration options for this connection.
public $config = array();
* @var PDO The PDO object represented by the xPDOConnection instance.
public $pdo = null;
* @var boolean Indicates if this connection can be written to.
private $_mutable = true;
* Construct a new xPDOConnection instance.
* @param xPDO $xpdo A reference to a valid xPDO instance to attach to.
* @param string $dsn A string representing the DSN connection string.
* @param string $username The database username credentials.
* @param string $password The database password credentials.
* @param array $options An array of xPDO options for the connection.
* @param array $driverOptions An array of PDO driver options for the connection.
public function __construct(xPDO &$xpdo, $dsn, $username= '', $password= '', $options= array(), $driverOptions= array()) {
$this->xpdo =& $xpdo;
if (is_array($this->xpdo->config)) $options= array_merge($this->xpdo->config, $options);
if (!isset($options[xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX])) $options[xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX]= '';
$this->config= array_merge($options, xPDO::parseDSN($dsn));
$this->config['dsn']= $dsn;
$this->config['username']= $username;
$this->config['password']= $password;
$driverOptions = is_array($driverOptions) ? $driverOptions : array();
if (array_key_exists('driverOptions', $this->config) && is_array($this->config['driverOptions'])) {
$driverOptions = array_merge($this->config['driverOptions'], $driverOptions);
$this->config['driverOptions']= $driverOptions;
if (array_key_exists(xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE, $this->config)) {
$this->_mutable= (boolean) $this->config[xPDO::OPT_CONN_MUTABLE];
* Indicates if the connection can be written to, e.g. INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE.
* @return bool True if the connection can be written to.
public function isMutable() {
return $this->_mutable;
* Actually make a connection for this instance via PDO.
* @param array $driverOptions An array of PDO driver options for the connection.
* @return bool True if a successful connection is made.
public function connect($driverOptions = array()) {
if ($this->pdo === null) {
if (is_array($driverOptions) && !empty($driverOptions)) {
$this->config['driverOptions']= array_merge($this->config['driverOptions'], $driverOptions);
try {
$this->pdo= new PDO($this->config['dsn'], $this->config['username'], $this->config['password'], $this->config['driverOptions']);
} catch (PDOException $xe) {
$this->xpdo->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $xe->getMessage(), '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->xpdo->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $e->getMessage(), '', __METHOD__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return false;
$connected= (is_object($this->pdo));
if ($connected) {
$connectFile = XPDO_CORE_PATH . 'om/' . $this->config['dbtype'] . '/';
if (!empty($this->config['connect_file']) && file_exists($this->config['connect_file'])) {
$connectFile = $this->config['connect_file'];
if (file_exists($connectFile)) include ($connectFile);
if (!$connected) {
$this->pdo= null;
$connected= is_object($this->pdo);
return $connected;
* Get an option set for this xPDOConnection instance.
* @param string $key The option key to get a value for.
* @param array|null $options An optional array of options to consider.
* @param mixed $default A default value to use if the option is not found.
* @return mixed The option value.
public function getOption($key, $options = null, $default = null) {
if (is_array($options)) {
$options = array_merge($this->config, $options);
} else {
$options = $this->config;
return $this->xpdo->getOption($key, $options, $default);
* A basic class for xPDO Exceptions.
class xPDOException extends Exception {}
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists