Sindbad~EG File Manager
<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
## This is a sample config.php file. To use this file, copy it to
## local/config.php, then edit it for whatever customizations you want.
## Also, be sure to take a look at
## for more details on the customizations that can be added to PmWiki.
## $WikiTitle is the name that appears in the browser's title bar.
$WikiTitle = '[[sn]]';
## $ScriptUrl is the URL for accessing wiki pages with a browser.
## $PubDirUrl is the URL for the pub directory.
$ScriptUrl = '[[softurl]]/pmwiki.php';
$PubDirUrl = '[[softurl]]/pub';
## If you want to use URLs of the form .../pmwiki.php/Group/PageName
## instead of .../pmwiki.php?p=Group.PageName, try setting
## $EnablePathInfo below. Note that this doesn't work in all environments,
## it depends on your webserver and PHP configuration. You might also
## want to check more
## details about this setting and other ways to create nicer-looking urls.
# $EnablePathInfo = 1;
## $PageLogoUrl is the URL for a logo image -- you can change this
## to your own logo if you wish.
# $PageLogoUrl = "$PubDirUrl/skins/pmwiki/pmwiki-32.gif";
## If you want to have a custom skin, then set $Skin to the name
## of the directory (in pub/skins/) that contains your skin files.
## See PmWiki.Skins and Cookbook.Skins.
$Skin = 'pmwiki-responsive';
## You'll probably want to set an administrative password that you
## can use to get into password-protected pages. Also, by default
## the "attr" passwords for the PmWiki and Main groups are locked, so
## an admin password is a good way to unlock those. See PmWiki.Passwords
## and PmWiki.PasswordsAdmin.
$DefaultPasswords['admin'] = '[[admin_pass]]';
## Unicode (UTF-8) allows the display of all languages and all alphabets.
## Highly recommended for new wikis.
## When installing a new wiki, if you expect to have a large number of
## pages, per-group storage may be appropriate. For migrating existing
## wikis, see Cookbook:PerGroupSubDirectories
# $WikiDir = new PageStore('wiki.d/{$Group}/{$FullName}');
## You can enable a number of functions improving your experience
## editing and reviewing pages. This includes LocalTimes, PmSyntax,
## GUIButtons, TableOfContents and more, search the documentation
## for this variable:
# $EnableCommonEnhancements = 1;
## PmWiki comes with graphical user interface buttons for editing;
## to enable these buttons, set $EnableGUIButtons to 1.
## (included in $EnableCommonEnhancements)
# $EnableGUIButtons = 1;
## You can enable syntax highlighting for the documentation and/or
## for the edit form.
## (included in $EnableCommonEnhancements, or set to 0 to disable)
# $EnablePmSyntax = 1; # or 2, see documentation
## For a basic table of contents, see page PmWiki/TableOfContents
## (included in $EnableCommonEnhancements, or set to 0 to disable)
# $PmTOC['Enable'] = 1;
## To enable markup syntax from the Creole common wiki markup language
## (, include it here:
# $EnableCreole = 1;
## Some sites may want leading spaces on markup lines to indicate
## "preformatted text blocks", set $EnableWSPre=1 if you want to do
## this. Setting it to a higher number increases the number of
## space characters required on a line to count as "preformatted text".
# $EnableWSPre = 1; # lines beginning with space are preformatted (default)
# $EnableWSPre = 4; # lines with 4 or more spaces are preformatted
# $EnableWSPre = 0; # disabled
## If you want uploads enabled on your system, set $EnableUpload=1.
## You'll also need to set a default upload password, or else set
## passwords on individual groups and pages. For more information
## see PmWiki.UploadsAdmin.
# $EnableUpload = 1;
# $DefaultPasswords['upload'] = pmcrypt('secret');
$UploadPermAdd = 0; # Recommended for most new installations
## Setting $EnableDiag turns on the ?action=diag and ?action=phpinfo
## actions, which often helps others to remotely troubleshoot
## various configuration and execution problems.
# $EnableDiag = 1; # enable remote diagnostics
## By default, PmWiki doesn't allow browsers to cache pages. Setting
## $EnableIMSCaching=1; will re-enable browser caches in a somewhat
## smart manner. Note that you may want to have caching disabled while
## adjusting configuration files or layout templates.
# $EnableIMSCaching = 1; # allow browser caching
## Set $SpaceWikiWords if you want WikiWords to automatically
## have spaces before each sequence of capital letters.
# $SpaceWikiWords = 1; # turn on WikiWord spacing
## Set $EnableWikiWords if you want to allow WikiWord links.
## For more options with WikiWords, see scripts/wikiwords.php .
# $EnableWikiWords = 1; # enable WikiWord links
## By default, viewers are prevented from seeing the existence
## of read-protected pages in search results and page listings,
## but this can be slow as PmWiki has to check the permissions
## of each page. Setting $EnablePageListProtect to zero may
## speed things up considerably, but it will also mean that
## viewers may learn of the existence of read-protected pages.
## (It does not enable them to access the contents of the pages.)
# $EnablePageListProtect = 0;
## The refcount.php script enables ?action=refcount, which helps to
## find missing and orphaned pages. See PmWiki.RefCount.
# $EnableRefCount = 1;
## You can enable ?action=rss, ?action=atom, ?action=rdf, and ?action=dc,
## for generation of syndication feeds for Recent Changes pages.
# $EnableFeeds['rss'] = 1; # RSS 2.0
## If you're running a publicly available site and allow anyone to
## edit without requiring a password, you probably want to put some
## blocklists in place to avoid wikispam. See PmWiki.Blocklist.
# $EnableBlocklist = 1; # enable manual blocklists
# $EnableBlocklist = 10; # enable automatic blocklists
## PmWiki allows a great deal of flexibility for creating custom markup.
## To add support for '*bold*' and '~italic~' markup (the single quotes
## are part of the markup), uncomment the following lines.
## (See PmWiki.CustomMarkup and the Cookbook for details and examples.)
# Markup("'~", "<'''''", "/'~(.*?)~'/", "<i>$1</i>"); # '~italic~'
# Markup("'*", "<'''''", "/'\\*(.*?)\\*'/", "<b>$1</b>"); # '*bold*'
## If you want to have to approve links to external sites before they
## are turned into links, uncomment the line below. See PmWiki.UrlApprovals.
## Also, setting $UnapprovedLinkCountMax limits the number of unapproved
## links that are allowed in a page (useful to control wikispam).
# $EnableUrlApprove = 1;
# $UnapprovedLinkCountMax = 10;
## The following lines make additional editing buttons appear in the
## edit page for subheadings, lists, tables, etc.
# $GUIButtons['h2'] = array(400, '\\n!! ', '\\n', '$[Heading]',
# '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/h2.gif"$[Heading]"');
# $GUIButtons['h3'] = array(402, '\\n!!! ', '\\n', '$[Subheading]',
# '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/h3.gif"$[Subheading]"');
# $GUIButtons['indent'] = array(500, '\\n->', '\\n', '$[Indented text]',
# '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/indent.gif"$[Indented text]"');
# $GUIButtons['outdent'] = array(510, '\\n-<', '\\n', '$[Hanging indent]',
# '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/outdent.gif"$[Hanging indent]"');
# $GUIButtons['ol'] = array(520, '\\n# ', '\\n', '$[Ordered list]',
# '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/ol.gif"$[Ordered (numbered) list]"');
# $GUIButtons['ul'] = array(530, '\\n* ', '\\n', '$[Unordered list]',
# '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/ul.gif"$[Unordered (bullet) list]"');
# $GUIButtons['hr'] = array(540, '\\n----\\n', '', '',
# '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/hr.gif"$[Horizontal rule]"');
# $GUIButtons['table'] = array(600,
# '||border=1 width=80%\\n||!Hdr ||!Hdr ||!Hdr ||\\n|| || || ||\\n|| || || ||\\n', '', '',
# '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/table.gif"$[Table]"');
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists