Sindbad~EG File Manager
1. Rename "site-Default" to "site" for making (manual also)(Deprecated). From 3.02.00 onwards please rename site-blank to site for making Do the same in manual install as well.
2. Select TimeZone : America/New_York
3. Copy /site/assets/files/ folder and its content from manual installation for making (No need from 3.02.00)
4. Keep $config->chmodDir = '755'; and $config->chmodFile = '644'; in config file.
5. Min requirement for upgrading is kept 2.8 because it is identical to 3.x in terms of features.
5. Replace htaccess.txt to .htaccess if there is any change in htaccess.txt for upgrade, also maintain a backup for the same.
6. PHP REQUIREMENT LINK : and also check composer.json
7. Release date :
8. No need to copy the file /site/assets/files/README.txt which is made in manual, as it is written in the file "You may delete this file".
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists