Sindbad~EG File Manager
function getCollationSetClause() {
if (hasUtf8mb4Support('utf8mb4_520')) { // MySQL 5.6+
return ' CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci';
} else if (hasUtf8mb4Support('utf8mb4')) { // MySQL 5.5.3+
return ' CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
} else {
return ' CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci';
function hasUtf8mb4Support($which = 'utf8mb4_520') {
$db_version = getVersion();
if ($db_version) { // if not set no db functions available
switch ($which) {
case 'utf8mb4':
if (isMariaDB() && version_compare($db_version, '5.5.0', '<')) {
return false;
} else if (version_compare($db_version, '5.5.3', '<')) {
return false;
$client_version = mysqli_get_client_info();
* libmysql has supported utf8mb4 since 5.5.3, same as the MySQL server.
* mysqlnd has supported utf8mb4 since 5.0.9.
if (strpos($client_version, 'mysqlnd') !== false) {
$client_version = preg_replace('/^\D+([\d.]+).*/', '$1', $client_version);
return version_compare($client_version, '5.0.9', '>=');
} else {
return version_compare($client_version, '5.5.3', '>=');
case 'utf8mb4_520':
return version_compare($db_version, '5.6', '>=');
case 'general':
return (hasUtf8mb4Support('utf8mb4') || hasUtf8mb4Support('utf8mb4_520'));
return false;
function getVersion() {
$software = getVersionComplete();
if ($software) {
if (isMariaDB()) {
preg_match("/\d+(\.\d+){2,}-MariaDB/", $software, $matches);
if ($matches) {
return str_replace('-MariaDB', '', $matches[0]);
return $software; // just in caseā¦
} else {
return $software;
return '0.0.0';
function getVersionComplete() {
global $connection;
$connection = mysqli_connect("[[softdbhost]]","[[softdbuser]]","[[softdbpass]]","[[softdb]]");
if ($connection) {
$query = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT version()"));
if ($query) {
return $query['version()'];
return null;
function isMariaDB() {
$db_version = getVersionComplete();
if ($db_version && stristr($db_version, 'mariadb')) { // version includes note if mariadb
return true;
return false;
$charset_value = getCollationSetClause();
echo '<charset_value>'.$charset_value.'</charset_value>';
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists