Sindbad~EG File Manager
package Template::App::ttree;
# Template::App::ttre
# Script for processing all directory trees containing templates.
# Template files are processed and the output directed to the
# relvant file in an output tree. The timestamps of the source and
# destination files can then be examined for future invocations
# to process only those files that have changed. In other words,
# it's a lot like 'make' for templates.
# Andy Wardley <>
# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
# This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Template::Base';
our $VERSION = '2.91';
use Template;
use AppConfig qw( :expand );
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
use Text::ParseWords qw(quotewords);
use constant DEFAULT_TTMODULE => 'Template';
use constant DEFAULT_HOME => $ENV{ HOME } || '';
sub emit_warn {
my $self = shift;
my $msg = shift;
warn $msg;
sub emit_log {
my $self = shift;
print @_
sub _get_myname {
my $self = shift;
(split /[:]{2}/, __PACKAGE__)[-1];
sub _get_rc_file {
my $self = shift;
my $NAME = $self->_get_myname();
return $ENV{"\U${NAME}rc"} || DEFAULT_HOME . "/.${NAME}rc";
sub offer_create_a_sample_config_file {
my $self = shift;
my $RCFILE = $self->_get_rc_file();
# offer create a sample config file if it doesn't exist, unless a '-f'
# has been specified on the command line
unless (-f $RCFILE or grep(/^(-f|-h|--help)$/, @ARGV) ) {
$self->emit_log("Do you want me to create a sample '.ttreerc' file for you?\n",
"(file: $RCFILE) [y/n]: ");
my $y = <STDIN>;
if ($y =~ /^y(es)?/i) {
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my $NAME = $self->_get_myname();
# configuration options
# read configuration file and command line arguments - I need to remember
# to fix varlist() and varhash() in AppConfig to make this nicer...
my $config = $self->read_config( $self->_get_rc_file() );
my $dryrun = $config->nothing;
my $verbose = $config->verbose || $dryrun;
my $colour = $config->colour;
my $summary = $config->summary;
my $recurse = $config->recurse;
my $preserve = $config->preserve;
my $all = $config->all;
my $libdir = $config->lib;
my $ignore = $config->ignore;
my $copy = $config->copy;
my $link = $config->link;
my $accept = $config->accept;
my $absolute = $config->absolute;
my $relative = $config->relative;
my $suffix = $config->suffix;
my $binmode = $config->binmode;
my $depends = $config->depend;
my $depsfile = $config->depend_file;
my $copy_dir = $config->copy_dir;
my ($n_proc, $n_unmod, $n_skip, $n_copy, $n_link, $n_mkdir) = (0) x 6;
my $srcdir = $config->src
|| die "Source directory not set (-s)\n";
my $destdir = $config->dest
|| die "Destination directory not set (-d)\n";
die "Source and destination directories may not be the same:\n $srcdir\n"
if $srcdir eq $destdir;
# unshift any perl5lib directories onto front of INC
unshift(@INC, @{ $config->perl5lib });
# get all template_* options from the config and fold keys to UPPER CASE
my %ttopts = $config->varlist('^template_', 1);
my $ttmodule = delete($ttopts{ module });
my $ucttopts = {
map { my $v = $ttopts{ $_ }; defined $v ? (uc $_, $v) : () }
keys %ttopts,
# get all template variable definitions
my $replace = $config->get('define');
# now create complete parameter hash for creating template processor
my $ttopts = {
RELATIVE => $relative,
ABSOLUTE => $absolute,
INCLUDE_PATH => [ $srcdir, @$libdir ],
OUTPUT_PATH => $destdir,
# load custom template module
if ($ttmodule) {
my $ttpkg = $ttmodule;
$ttpkg =~ s[::][/]g;
$ttpkg .= '.pm';
require $ttpkg;
else {
# inter-file dependencies
if ($depsfile or $depends) {
$depends = $self->dependencies($depsfile, $depends);
else {
$depends = { };
my $global_deps = $depends->{'*'} || [ ];
# add any PRE_PROCESS, etc., templates as global dependencies
my $deps = $ucttopts->{ $ttopt } || next;
my @deps = ref $deps eq 'ARRAY' ? (@$deps) : ($deps);
next unless @deps;
push(@$global_deps, @deps);
# remove any duplicates
$global_deps = { map { ($_ => 1) } @$global_deps };
$global_deps = [ keys %$global_deps ];
# update $depends hash or delete it if there are no dependencies
if (@$global_deps) {
$depends->{'*'} = $global_deps;
else {
delete $depends->{'*'};
$global_deps = undef;
$depends = undef
unless keys %$depends;
my $DEP_DEBUG = $config->depend_debug();
# pre-amble
if ($colour) {
no strict 'refs';
*red = \&_red;
*green = \&_green;
*yellow = \&_yellow;
*blue = \&_blue;
else {
no strict 'refs';
*red = \&_white;
*green = \&_white;
*yellow = \&_white;
*blue = \&_white;
if ($verbose) {
local $" = ', ';
$self->emit_log( "$NAME $VERSION (Template Toolkit version $Template::VERSION)\n\n" );
my $sfx = join(', ', map { "$_ => $suffix->{$_}" } keys %$suffix);
$self->emit_log(" Source: $srcdir\n",
" Destination: $destdir\n",
"Include Path: [ @$libdir ]\n",
" Ignore: [ @$ignore ]\n",
" Copy: [ @$copy ]\n",
" Link: [ @$link ]\n",
" Copy_Dir: [ @$copy_dir ]\n",
" Accept: [ @$accept ]\n",
" Suffix: [ $sfx ]\n");
$self->emit_log(" Module: $ttmodule ", $ttmodule->module_version(), "\n")
unless $ttmodule eq DEFAULT_TTMODULE;
if ($depends && $DEP_DEBUG) {
foreach my $key ('*', grep { !/\*/ } keys %$depends) {
$self->emit_log( sprintf( " %-16s %s\n", $key,
join(', ', @{ $depends->{ $key } }) ) )
if defined $depends->{ $key };
$self->emit_log( "\n" ) if $verbose > 1;
$self->emit_log( red("NOTE: dry run, doing nothing...\n") )
if $dryrun;
# main processing loop
my $template = $ttmodule->new($ttopts)
|| die $ttmodule->error();
my $running_conf = {
accept => $accept,
all => $all,
binmode => $binmode,
config => $config,
copy => $copy,
copy_dir => $copy_dir,
depends => $depends,
destdir => $destdir,
dryrun => $dryrun,
ignore => $ignore,
libdir => $libdir,
link => $link,
n_copy => $n_copy,
n_link => $n_link,
n_mkdir => $n_mkdir,
n_proc => $n_proc,
n_skip => $n_skip,
n_unmod => $n_unmod,
preserve => $preserve,
recurse => $recurse,
replace => $replace,
srcdir => $srcdir,
suffix => $suffix,
template => $template,
verbose => $verbose,
if (@ARGV) {
# explicitly process files specified on command lines
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
my $path = $srcdir ? File::Spec->catfile($srcdir, $file) : $file;
if ( -d $path ) {
$self->process_tree($file, $running_conf);
else {
$self->process_file($file, $path, $running_conf, force => 1);
else {
# implicitly process all file in source directory
$self->process_tree(undef, $running_conf);
if ($summary || $verbose) {
my $format = "%13d %s %s\n";
$self->emit_log( "\n" ) if $verbose > 1;
" Summary: ",
$dryrun ? red("This was a dry run. Nothing was actually done\n") : "\n",
green(sprintf($format, $n_proc, $n_proc == 1 ? 'file' : 'files', 'processed')),
green(sprintf($format, $n_copy, $n_copy == 1 ? 'file' : 'files', 'copied')),
green(sprintf($format, $n_link, $n_link == 1 ? 'file' : 'files', 'linked')),
green(sprintf($format, $n_mkdir, $n_mkdir == 1 ? 'directory' : 'directories', 'created')),
yellow(sprintf($format, $n_unmod, $n_unmod == 1 ? 'file' : 'files', 'skipped (not modified)')),
yellow(sprintf($format, $n_skip, $n_skip == 1 ? 'file' : 'files', 'skipped (ignored)'))
# $self->process_tree($dir)
# Walks the directory tree starting at $dir or the current directory
# if unspecified, processing files as found.
sub process_tree {
my $self = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $running_conf = shift;
) = @{ $running_conf }{ qw(
my ($file, $path, $abspath, $check);
my $target;
local *DIR;
my $absdir = join('/', $srcdir ? $srcdir : (), defined $dir ? $dir : ());
$absdir ||= '.';
opendir(DIR, $absdir) || do { $self->emit_warn("$absdir: $!\n"); return undef; };
FILE: while (defined ($file = readdir(DIR))) {
next if $file eq '.' || $file eq '..';
$path = defined $dir ? "$dir/$file" : $file;
$abspath = "$absdir/$file";
next unless -e $abspath;
# check against ignore list
foreach $check (@$ignore) {
if ($path =~ /$check/) {
$self->emit_log( yellow(sprintf " - %-32s (ignored, matches /$check/)\n", $path ) )
if $verbose > 1;
next FILE;
if (-d $abspath) {
if ($recurse) {
my ($uid, $gid, $mode);
(undef, undef, $mode, undef, $uid, $gid, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef) = stat($abspath);
# create target directory if required
$target = "$destdir/$path";
unless (-d $target || $dryrun) {
mkpath($target, $verbose, $mode) or
die red("Could not mkpath ($target): $!\n");
# commented out by abw on 2000/12/04 - seems to raise a warning?
# chown($uid, $gid, $target) || warn "chown($target): $!\n";
$self->emit_log( green( sprintf " + %-32s (created target directory)\n", $path ) )
if $verbose;
# recurse into directory
$self->process_tree($path, $running_conf);
else {
$self->emit_log( yellow(sprintf " - %-32s (directory, not recursing)\n", $path ) )
if $verbose > 1;
else {
$self->process_file($path, $abspath, $running_conf);
# $self->process_file()
# File filtering and processing sub-routine called by $self->process_tree()
sub process_file {
my $self = shift;
my ($file, $absfile, $running_conf, %options) = @_;
) = @{ $running_conf }{ qw(
my ($dest, $destfile, $filename, $check,
$srctime, $desttime, $mode, $uid, $gid);
my ($old_suffix, $new_suffix);
my $is_dep = 0;
my $copy_file = 0;
my $link_file = 0;
$absfile ||= $file;
$filename = basename($file);
$destfile = $file;
# look for any relevant suffix mapping
if (%$suffix) {
if ($filename =~ m/\.(.+)$/) {
$old_suffix = $1;
if ($new_suffix = $suffix->{ $old_suffix }) {
$destfile =~ s/$old_suffix$/$new_suffix/;
$dest = $destdir ? "$destdir/$destfile" : $destfile;
# $self->emit_log( "proc $file => $dest\n" );
unless ($link_file) {
# check against link list
foreach my $link_pattern (@$link) {
if ($filename =~ /$link_pattern/) {
$link_file = $copy_file = 1;
$check = "/$link_pattern/";
unless ($link_file) {
foreach my $prefix (@$copy_dir) {
if ( index($file, "$prefix/") == 0 ) {
$copy_file = 1;
$check = "copy_dir: $prefix";
unless ($copy_file) {
# check against copy list
foreach my $copy_pattern (@$copy) {
if ($filename =~ /$copy_pattern/) {
$copy_file = 1;
$check = "/$copy_pattern/";
# check against acceptance list
if (not $copy_file and @$accept) {
unless (grep { $filename =~ /$_/ } @$accept) {
$self->emit_log( yellow( sprintf " - %-32s (not accepted)\n", $file ) )
if $verbose > 1;
# stat the source file unconditionally, so we can preserve
# mode and ownership
( undef, undef, $mode, undef, $uid, $gid, undef,
undef, undef, $srctime, undef, undef, undef ) = stat($absfile);
# test modification time of existing destination file
if (! $all && ! $options{ force } && -f $dest) {
$desttime = ( stat($dest) )[9];
if (defined $depends and not $copy_file) {
my $deptime = $self->depend_time($file, $depends, $config, $libdir, $srcdir);
if (defined $deptime && ($srctime < $deptime)) {
$srctime = $deptime;
$is_dep = 1;
if ($desttime >= $srctime) {
$self->emit_log( yellow( sprintf " - %-32s (not modified)\n", $file ) )
if $verbose > 1;
# check against link list
if ($link_file) {
unless ($dryrun) {
if (link($absfile, $dest) == 1) {
$copy_file = 0;
else {
$self->emit_warn( red("Could not link ($absfile to $dest) : $!\n") );
unless ($copy_file) {
$self->emit_log( green( sprintf " > %-32s (linked, matches $check)\n", $file ) )
if $verbose;
# check against copy list
if ($copy_file) {
unless ($dryrun) {
copy($absfile, $dest) or die red("Could not copy ($absfile to $dest) : $!\n");
if ($preserve) {
chown($uid, $gid, $dest) || $self->emit_warn( red("chown($dest): $!\n") );
chmod($mode, $dest) || $self->emit_warn( red("chmod($dest): $!\n") );
$self->emit_log( green( sprintf " > %-32s (copied, matches $check)\n", $file ) )
if $verbose;
if ($verbose) {
$self->emit_log( green( sprintf " + %-32s", $file) );
$self->emit_log( green( sprintf " (changed suffix to $new_suffix)") ) if $new_suffix;
$self->emit_log( "\n" );
# process file
unless ($dryrun) {
$template->process($file, $replace, $destfile,
$binmode ? {binmode => $binmode} : {})
|| $self->emit_log(red(" ! "), $template->error(), "\n");
if ($preserve) {
chown($uid, $gid, $dest) || $self->emit_warn( red("chown($dest): $!\n") );
chmod($mode, $dest) || $self->emit_warn( red("chmod($dest): $!\n") );
# $self->dependencies($file, $depends)
# Read the dependencies from $file, if defined, and merge in with
# those passed in as the hash array $depends, if defined.
sub dependencies {
my $self = shift;
my ($file, $depend) = @_;
my %depends = ();
if (defined $file) {
my ($fh, $text, $line);
open $fh, $file or die "Can't open $file, $!";
local $/ = undef;
$text = <$fh>;
$text =~ s[\\\n][]mg;
foreach $line (split("\n", $text)) {
next if $line =~ /^\s*(#|$)/;
chomp $line;
my ($file, @files) = quotewords('\s*:\s*', 0, $line);
$file =~ s/^\s+//;
@files = grep(defined, quotewords('(,|\s)\s*', 0, @files));
$depends{$file} = \@files;
if (defined $depend) {
foreach my $key (keys %$depend) {
$depends{$key} = [ quotewords(',', 0, $depend->{$key}) ];
return \%depends;
# $self->depend_time($file, \%depends)
# Returns the mtime of the most recent in @files.
sub depend_time {
my $self = shift;
my ($file, $depends, $config, $libdir, $srcdir) = @_;
my ($deps, $absfile, $modtime);
my $maxtime = 0;
my @pending = ($file);
my @files;
my %seen;
my $DEP_DEBUG = $config->depend_debug();
# push any global dependencies onto the pending list
if ($deps = $depends->{'*'}) {
push(@pending, @$deps);
$self->emit_log( " # checking dependencies for $file...\n" )
# iterate through the list of pending files
while (@pending) {
$file = shift @pending;
next if $seen{ $file }++;
if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($file) && -f $file) {
$modtime = (stat($file))[9];
$self->emit_log( " # $file [$modtime]\n" )
else {
$modtime = 0;
foreach my $dir ($srcdir, @$libdir) {
$absfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file);
if (-f $absfile) {
$modtime = (stat($absfile))[9];
$self->emit_log( " # $absfile [$modtime]\n" )
$maxtime = $modtime
if $modtime > $maxtime;
if ($deps = $depends->{ $file }) {
push(@pending, @$deps);
$self->emit_log( " # depends on ", join(', ', @$deps), "\n" )
return $maxtime;
# read_config($file)
# Handles reading of config file and/or command line arguments.
sub read_config {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $NAME = $self->_get_myname();
my $verbose = 0;
my $verbinc = sub {
my ($state, $var, $value) = @_;
$state->{ VARIABLE }->{ verbose } = $value ? ++$verbose : --$verbose;
my $config = AppConfig->new(
ERROR => sub { die(@_, "\ntry `$NAME --help'\n") }
'help|h' => { ACTION => sub { $self->help } },
'src|s=s' => { EXPAND => EXPAND_ALL },
'dest|d=s' => { EXPAND => EXPAND_ALL },
'lib|l=s@' => { EXPAND => EXPAND_ALL },
'cfg|c=s' => { EXPAND => EXPAND_ALL, DEFAULT => '.' },
'verbose|v' => { DEFAULT => 0, ACTION => $verbinc },
'recurse|r' => { DEFAULT => 0 },
'nothing|n' => { DEFAULT => 0 },
'preserve|p' => { DEFAULT => 0 },
'absolute' => { DEFAULT => 0 },
'relative' => { DEFAULT => 0 },
'colour|color'=> { DEFAULT => 0 },
'summary' => { DEFAULT => 0 },
'all|a' => { DEFAULT => 0 },
'depend_file|depfile=s' => { EXPAND => EXPAND_ALL },
'template_compile_dir|compile_dir=s' => { EXPAND => EXPAND_ALL },
'template_plugin_base|plugin_base|pluginbase=s@' => { EXPAND => EXPAND_ALL },
'perl5lib|perllib=s@' => { EXPAND => EXPAND_ALL },
# add the 'file' option now that we have a $config object that we
# can reference in a closure
'file|f=s@' => {
ACTION => sub {
my ($state, $item, $file) = @_;
$file = $state->cfg . "/$file"
unless $file =~ /^[\.\/]|(?:\w:)/;
$config->file($file) }
# process main config file, then command line args
$config->file($file) if -f $file;
sub ANSI_escape {
my $attr = shift;
my $text = join('', @_);
return join("\n",
map {
# look for an existing escape start sequence and add new
# attribute to it, otherwise add escape start/end sequences
s/ \e \[ ([1-9][\d;]*) m/\e[$1;${attr}m/gx
? $_
: "\e[${attr}m" . $_ . "\e[0m";
split(/\n/, $text, -1) # -1 prevents it from ignoring trailing fields
sub _red(@) { ANSI_escape(31, @_) }
sub _green(@) { ANSI_escape(32, @_) }
sub _yellow(@) { ANSI_escape(33, @_) }
sub _blue(@) { ANSI_escape(34, @_) }
sub _white(@) { @_ } # nullop
# $self->write_config($file)
# Writes a sample configuration file to the filename specified.
sub write_config {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $NAME = $self->_get_myname();
open(CONFIG, ">", $file) || die "failed to create $file: $!\n";
# sample .ttreerc file created automatically by $NAME version $VERSION
# This file originally written to $file
# For more information on the contents of this configuration file, see
# perldoc ttree
# ttree -h
# The most flexible way to use ttree is to create a separate directory
# for configuration files and simply use the .ttreerc to tell ttree where
# it is.
# cfg = /path/to/ttree/config/directory
# print summary of what's going on
# recurse into any sub-directories and process files
# regexen of things that aren't templates and should be ignored
ignore = \\b(CVS|RCS)\\b
ignore = ^#
# ditto for things that should be copied rather than processed.
copy = \\.png\$
copy = \\.gif\$
# ditto for things that should be linked rather than copied / processed.
# link = \\.flv\$
# by default, everything not ignored or copied is accepted; add 'accept'
# lines if you want to filter further. e.g.
# accept = \\.html\$
# accept = \\.tt2\$
# options to rewrite files suffixes (htm => html, tt2 => html)
# suffix htm=html
# suffix tt2=html
# options to define dependencies between templates
# depend *=header,footer,menu
# depend index.html=mainpage,sidebar
# depend menu=menuitem,menubar
# The following options usually relate to a particular project so
# you'll probably want to put them in a separate configuration file
# in the directory specified by the 'cfg' option and then invoke tree
# using '-f' to tell it which configuration you want to use.
# However, there's nothing to stop you from adding default 'src',
# 'dest' or 'lib' options in the .ttreerc. The 'src' and 'dest' options
# can be re-defined in another configuration file, but be aware that 'lib'
# options accumulate so any 'lib' options defined in the .ttreerc will
# be applied every time you run ttree.
# # directory containing source page templates
# src = /path/to/your/source/page/templates
# # directory where output files should be written
# dest = /path/to/your/html/output/directory
# # additional directories of library templates
# lib = /first/path/to/your/library/templates
# lib = /second/path/to/your/library/templates
$self->emit_log( "$file created. Please edit accordingly and re-run $NAME\n" );
# help()
# Prints help message and exits.
sub help {
my $self = shift;
my $NAME = $self->_get_myname();
$NAME $VERSION (Template Toolkit version $Template::VERSION)
usage: $NAME [options] [files]
-a (--all) Process all files, regardless of modification
-r (--recurse) Recurse into sub-directories
-p (--preserve) Preserve file ownership and permission
-n (--nothing) Do nothing, just print summary (enables -v)
-v (--verbose) Verbose mode. Use twice for more verbosity: -v -v
-h (--help) This help
-s DIR (--src=DIR) Source directory
-d DIR (--dest=DIR) Destination directory
-c DIR (--cfg=DIR) Location of configuration files
-l DIR (--lib=DIR) Library directory (INCLUDE_PATH) (multiple)
-f FILE (--file=FILE) Read named configuration file (multiple)
Display options:
--colour / --color Enable colo(u)rful verbose output.
--summary Show processing summary.
File search specifications (all may appear multiple times):
--ignore=REGEX Ignore files matching REGEX
--copy=REGEX Copy files matching REGEX
--link=REGEX Link files matching REGEX
--copy_dir=DIR Copy files in dir DIR (recursive)
--accept=REGEX Process only files matching REGEX
File Dependencies Options:
--depend foo=bar,baz Specify that 'foo' depends on 'bar' and 'baz'.
--depend_file FILE Read file dependancies from FILE.
--depend_debug Enable debugging for dependencies
File suffix rewriting (may appear multiple times)
--suffix old=new Change any '.old' suffix to '.new'
File encoding options
--binmode=value Set binary mode of output files
--encoding=value Set encoding of input files
Additional options to set Template Toolkit configuration items:
--define var=value Define template variable
--interpolate Interpolate '\$var' references in text
--anycase Accept directive keywords in any case.
--pre_chomp Chomp leading whitespace
--post_chomp Chomp trailing whitespace
--trim Trim blank lines around template blocks
--eval_perl Evaluate [% PERL %] ... [% END %] code blocks
--load_perl Load regular Perl modules via USE directive
--absolute Enable the ABSOLUTE option
--relative Enable the RELATIVE option
--pre_process=TEMPLATE Process TEMPLATE before each main template
--post_process=TEMPLATE Process TEMPLATE after each main template
--process=TEMPLATE Process TEMPLATE instead of main template
--wrapper=TEMPLATE Process TEMPLATE wrapper around main template
--default=TEMPLATE Use TEMPLATE as default
--error=TEMPLATE Use TEMPLATE to handle errors
--debug=STRING Set TT DEBUG option to STRING
--start_tag=STRING STRING defines start of directive tag
--end_tag=STRING STRING defined end of directive tag
--tag_style=STYLE Use pre-defined tag STYLE
--plugin_base=PACKAGE Base PACKAGE for plugins
--compile_ext=STRING File extension for compiled template files
--compile_dir=DIR Directory for compiled template files
--perl5lib=DIR Specify additional Perl library directories
--template_module=MODULE Specify alternate Template module
See 'perldoc ttree' for further information.
=head1 NAME
Template::App::ttree - Backend of ttree
See L<Template::Tools::ttree|ttree>.
See L<Template::Tools::ttree|ttree>.
=head1 AUTHORS
Andy Wardley E<lt>abw@wardley.orgE<gt>
With contributions from Dylan William Hardison (support for
dependencies), Bryce Harrington (C<absolute> and C<relative> options),
Mark Anderson (C<suffix> and C<debug> options), Harald Joerg and Leon
Brocard who gets everywhere, it seems.
Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists