Sindbad~EG File Manager
#compdef module
# Zsh command-line completion for module
# Copyright (C) 2017 Xavier Delaruelle <>
_module_avail() {
local cur="${1:-}";
# skip avail call if word currently being completed is an option keyword
if [ -z "$cur" -o "${cur:0:1}" != '-' ]; then
module avail --color=never -s -t -S --no-indepth $cur 2>&1 | sed '
/^-\+/d; /^\s*$/d;
_module_savelist() {
module savelist --color=never -s -t 2>&1 | sed '
/No named collection\.$/d;
/Named collection list$/d;
_module_not_yet_loaded() {
_module_avail ${1:-} | sort | sed -E "\%^(${LOADEDMODULES//:/|})$%d"
_module_avail_mods() {
local -a avail_mods;
local suffix=' ';
avail_mods=(${$(_module_avail $cur ${1:-})})
# do not append space to word completed if it is a directory (ends with /)
for val in $avail_mods; do
if [ "${val: -1:1}" = '/' ]; then
compadd -S "$suffix" -a avail_mods && ret=0
_module_saved_colls() {
local -a saved_colls;
_describe -t saved-colls 'saved collections' saved_colls && ret=0
_module_notloaded_mods() {
local -a not_yet_loaded_mods;
local suffix=' ';
not_yet_loaded_mods=(${$(_module_not_yet_loaded ${1:-})})
# do not append space to word completed if it is a directory (ends with /)
for val in $not_yet_loaded_mods; do
if [ "${val: -1:1}" = '/' ]; then
compadd -S "$suffix" -a not_yet_loaded_mods && ret=0
_module_loaded_mods() {
local -a loaded_mods;
loaded_mods=(${=LOADEDMODULES//:/ })
_describe -t loaded-mods 'loaded modulefiles' loaded_mods && ret=0
_module_used_paths() {
local -a used_paths;
used_paths=(${=MODULEPATH//:/ })
_describe -t used-paths 'enabled modulepaths' used_paths && ret=0
_module() {
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
'(-D --debug)'{-D,--debug}'[Enable debug messages]' \
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[Enable verbose messages]' \
'(-s --silent)'{-s,--silent}'[Turn off error, warning and informational messages]' \
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Usage info]' \
'(-V --version)'{-V,--version}'[Module version]' \
'--paginate[Pipe mesg output into a pager if stream attached to terminal]' \
'--no-pager[Do not pipe message output into a pager]' \
'(--color --color=)'{--color,--color=}'[Colorize the output]' \
'(-): :->cmd' \
'(-)*:: :->arg' && ret=0
case $state in
local -a cmds; cmds=(
'add:Load modulefile(s)'
'load:Load modulefile(s)'
'rm:Remove modulefile(s)'
'remove:Remove modulefile(s)'
'del:Remove modulefile(s)'
'unload:Remove modulefile(s)'
'purge:Unload all loaded modulefiles'
'reload:Unload then load all loaded modulefiles'
'refresh:Unload then load all loaded modulefiles'
'switch:Unload mod1 and load mod2'
'swap:Unload mod1 and load mod2'
'list:List loaded modules'
'avail:List all or matching available modules'
'is-avail:Is any of the modulefile(s) available'
'is-loaded:Test if any of the modulefile(s) are loaded'
'info-loaded:Get full name of matching loaded module(s)'
'aliases:List all module aliases'
'whatis:Print whatis information of modulefile(s)'
'apropos:Search all name and whatis containing str'
'keyword:Search all name and whatis containing str'
'search:Search all name and whatis containing str'
'save:Save current module list to collection'
'restore:Restore module list from collection or file'
'saverm:Remove saved collection'
'saveshow:Display information about collection'
'savelist:List all saved collections'
'is-saved:Test if any of the collection(s) exists'
'initlist:List all modules loaded from init file'
'initadd:Add modulefile to shell init file'
'initrm:Remove modulefile from shell init file'
'initprepend:Add to beginning of list in init file'
'initswitch:Switch mod1 with mod2 from init file'
'initclear:Clear all modulefiles from init file'
'help:Print this or modulefile(s) help info'
'display:Display information about modulefile(s)'
'show:Display information about modulefile(s)'
'test:Test modulefile(s)'
'use:Add dir(s) to MODULEPATH variable'
'unuse:Remove dir(s) from MODULEPATH variable'
'is-used:Is any of the dir(s) enabled in MODULEPATH'
'path:Print modulefile path'
'paths:Print path of matching available modules'
'source:Execute scriptfile(s)'
'append-path:Append value to environment variable'
'prepend-path:Prepend value to environment variable'
'remove-path:Remove value from environment variable'
'clear:Reset Modules-specific runtime information'
'config:Display or set Modules configuration'
# show commands only with compatible options
if (( !$+opt_args[-h] && !$+opt_args[--help] \
&& !$+opt_args[-V] && !$+opt_args[--version] )); then
_describe -t cmds 'Module Sub-Commands' cmds && ret=0
local cmd="${words[1]}"
local cur="${words[CURRENT]}"
case $cmd in
_arguments \
'--auto[Enable automated module handling mode]' \
'--no-auto[Disable automated module handling mode]' \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[By-pass dependency consistency]' \
'(-i --icase)'{-i,--icase}'[Case insensitive match]' \
"*::modulefile:{_module_notloaded_mods $cur}" && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-l --long)'{-l,--long}'[Display output in long format]' \
'(-t --terse)'{-t,--terse}'[Display output in terse format]' \
'(-j --json)'{-j,--json}'[Display output in JSON format]' \
'(-d --default)'{-d,--default}'[Only show default versions available]' \
'(-L --latest)'{-L,--latest}'[Only show latest versions available]' \
'(-i --icase)'{-i,--icase}'[Case insensitive match]' \
'(-S --starts-with)'{-S,--starts-with}'[Search modules whose name begins with query string]' \
'(-C --contains)'{-C,--contains}'[Search modules whose name contains query string]' \
'--indepth[Perform recursive avail search]' \
'--no-indepth[Perform non-recursive avail search]' \
"*::modulefile:{_module_avail_mods $cur}" && ret=0
local -a opts; opts=(
'-l:Display output in long format'
'--long:Display output in long format'
'-t:Display output in terse format'
'--terse:Display output in terse format'
'-j:Display output in JSON format'
'--json:Display output in JSON format'
_describe -t opts 'Switches' opts && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[Skip confirmation dialog]' && ret=0
_alternative 'avail-colls:collections:{_module_saved_colls}' \
&& ret=0
_arguments \
'--auto[Enable automated module handling mode]' \
'--no-auto[Disable automated module handling mode]' \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[By-pass dependency consistency]' \
'(-i --icase)'{-i,--icase}'[Case insensitive match]' \
'*::modulefile:_module_loaded_mods' && ret=0
_arguments \
'--auto[Enable automated module handling mode]' \
'--no-auto[Disable automated module handling mode]' \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[By-pass dependency consistency]' \
'(-i --icase)'{-i,--icase}'[Case insensitive match]' \
'1:loaded modulefile:_module_loaded_mods' \
"2:modulefile:{_module_notloaded_mods $cur}" && ret=0
_alternative 'used-paths:modulepaths:{_module_used_paths}' \
&& ret=0
_arguments \
'(-a --append)'{-a,--append}'[Append directory to MODULEPATH]' \
'(-p --prepend)'{-p,--prepend}'[Prepend directory to MODULEPATH]' \
'*:modulepath:_files -/' && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-i --icase)'{-i,--icase}'[Case insensitive match]' \
"*::modulefile:{_module_avail_mods $cur}" && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-i --icase)'{-i,--icase}'[Case insensitive match]' \
'(-j --json)'{-j,--json}'[Display output in JSON format]' \
"*::modulefile:{_module_avail_mods $cur}" && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-j --json)'{-j,--json}'[Display output in JSON format]' \
&& ret=0
_arguments \
'(-d --delim)'{-d,--delim}'[Path element separator]' \
'--duplicates[Duplicate existing element]' \
&& ret=0
_arguments \
'(-d --delim)'{-d,--delim}'[Path element separator]' \
'--index[Remove path element with index]' \
&& ret=0
_arguments \
'--dump-state[Report each state value of current Modules execution]' \
'--reset[Unset environment variable relative to configuration key]' \
'1:configuration key:(advanced_version_spec auto_handling avail_indepth collection_pin_version collection_target color colors contact extended_default extra_siteconfig home icase implicit_default locked_configs ml pager rcfile run_quarantine search_match set_shell_startup silent_shell_debug term_background unload_match_order verbosity wa_277)' \
&& ret=0
_module "$@"
# vim:set tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3 expandtab autoindent:
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists