Sindbad~EG File Manager
#vim: set sts=4 sw=4 ts=8 ai:
# IO::Socket::SSL:
# provide an interface to SSL connections similar to IO::Socket modules
# Current Code Shepherd: Steffen Ullrich <sullr at>
# Code Shepherd before: Peter Behroozi, <behrooz at>
# The original version of this module was written by
# Marko Asplund, <marko.asplund at>, who drew from
# Crypt::SSLeay (Net::SSL) by Gisle Aas.
package IO::Socket::SSL;
our $VERSION = '2.066';
use IO::Socket;
use Net::SSLeay 1.46;
use IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix;
use Exporter ();
use Carp;
use strict;
my $use_threads;
die "no support for weaken - please install Scalar::Util" if ! do {
local $SIG{__DIE__};
eval { require Scalar::Util; Scalar::Util->import("weaken"); 1 }
|| eval { require WeakRef; WeakRef->import("weaken"); 1 }
require Config;
$use_threads = $Config::Config{usethreads};
# results from commonly used constant functions from Net::SSLeay for fast access
my $Net_SSLeay_VERIFY_NONE = Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_NONE();
my $Net_SSLeay_VERIFY_PEER = Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_PEER();
use constant SSL_VERIFY_NONE => &Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_NONE;
use constant SSL_VERIFY_PEER => &Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_PEER;
# from openssl/ssl.h; should be better in Net::SSLeay
use constant SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN => 1;
use constant SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN => 2;
use constant SSL_OCSP_NO_STAPLE => 0b00001;
use constant SSL_OCSP_MUST_STAPLE => 0b00010;
use constant SSL_OCSP_FAIL_HARD => 0b00100;
use constant SSL_OCSP_FULL_CHAIN => 0b01000;
use constant SSL_OCSP_TRY_STAPLE => 0b10000;
# capabilities of underlying Net::SSLeay/openssl
my $can_client_sni; # do we support SNI on the client side
my $can_server_sni; # do we support SNI on the server side
my $can_multi_cert; # RSA and ECC certificate in same context
my $can_npn; # do we support NPN (obsolete)
my $can_alpn; # do we support ALPN
my $can_ecdh; # do we support ECDH key exchange
my $set_groups_list; # SSL_CTX_set1_groups_list || SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list || undef
my $can_ocsp; # do we support OCSP
my $can_ocsp_staple; # do we support OCSP stapling
my $can_tckt_keycb; # TLS ticket key callback
my $can_pha; # do we support PHA
my $session_upref; # SSL_SESSION_up_ref is implemented
my %sess_cb; # SSL_CTX_sess_set_(new|remove)_cb
my $check_partial_chain; # use X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN if available
my $openssl_version;
my $netssleay_version;
$openssl_version = Net::SSLeay::OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER();
$netssleay_version = do { no warnings; $Net::SSLeay::VERSION + 0.0; };
$can_client_sni = $openssl_version >= 0x10000000;
$can_server_sni = defined &Net::SSLeay::get_servername;
$can_npn = defined &Net::SSLeay::P_next_proto_negotiated &&
! Net::SSLeay::constant("LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER");
# LibreSSL 2.6.1 disabled NPN by keeping the relevant functions
# available but removed the actual functionality from these functions.
$can_alpn = defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_alpn_protos;
$can_ecdh =
($openssl_version >= 0x1010000f) ? 'auto' :
defined(&Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_ecdh_auto) ? 'can_auto' :
(defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_tmp_ecdh &&
# There is a regression with elliptic curves on 1.0.1d with 64bit
( $openssl_version != 0x1000104f
|| length(pack("P",0)) == 4 )) ? 'tmp_ecdh' :
$set_groups_list =
defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set1_groups_list ? \&Net::SSLeay::CTX_set1_groups_list :
defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set1_curves_list ? \&Net::SSLeay::CTX_set1_curves_list :
$can_multi_cert = $can_ecdh
&& $openssl_version >= 0x10002000;
$can_ocsp = defined &Net::SSLeay::OCSP_cert2ids
# OCSP got broken in 1.75..1.77
&& ($netssleay_version < 1.75 || $netssleay_version > 1.77);
$can_ocsp_staple = $can_ocsp
&& defined &Net::SSLeay::set_tlsext_status_type;
$can_tckt_keycb = defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_getkey_cb
&& $netssleay_version >= 1.80;
$can_pha = defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_post_handshake_auth;
if (defined &Net::SSLeay::SESSION_up_ref) {
$session_upref = 1;
if ($session_upref
&& defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_sess_set_new_cb
&& defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_sess_set_remove_cb) {
%sess_cb = (
new => \&Net::SSLeay::CTX_sess_set_new_cb,
remove => \&Net::SSLeay::CTX_sess_set_remove_cb,
if (my $c = defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_get0_param
&& eval { Net::SSLeay::X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN() }) {
$check_partial_chain = sub {
my $ctx = shift;
my $param = Net::SSLeay::CTX_get0_param($ctx);
Net::SSLeay::X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_flags($param, $c);
my $algo2digest = do {
my %digest;
sub {
my $digest_name = shift;
return $digest{$digest_name} ||= do {
or die "Digest algorithm $digest_name is not available";
my $CTX_tlsv1_3_new;
if ( defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_min_proto_version
and defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_max_proto_version
and my $tls13 = eval { Net::SSLeay::TLS1_3_VERSION() }
) {
$CTX_tlsv1_3_new = sub {
my $ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new();
return $ctx if Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_min_proto_version($ctx,$tls13)
&& Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_max_proto_version($ctx,$tls13);
# global defaults
SSL_check_crl => 0,
SSL_version => '',
SSL_verify_callback => undef,
SSL_verifycn_scheme => undef, # fallback cn verification
SSL_verifycn_publicsuffix => undef, # fallback default list verification
#SSL_verifycn_name => undef, # use from PeerAddr/PeerHost - do not override in set_args_filter_hack 'use_defaults'
SSL_npn_protocols => undef, # meaning depends whether on server or client side
SSL_alpn_protocols => undef, # list of protocols we'll accept/send, for example ['http/1.1','spdy/3.1']
# Use system-wide default cipher list to support use of system-wide
# crypto policy (#1076390, #1127577, CPAN RT#97816)
SSL_cipher_list => 'PROFILE=SYSTEM',
SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER,
SSL_ca_file => undef,
SSL_ca_path => undef,
# set values inside _init to work with perlcc, RT#95452
# Initialization of OpenSSL internals
# This will be called once during compilation - perlcc users might need to
# call it again by hand, see RT#95452
sub init {
# library_init returns false if the library was already initialized.
# This way we can find out if the library needs to be re-initialized
# inside code compiled with perlcc
Net::SSLeay::library_init() or return;
SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE,
SSL_honor_cipher_order => 1, # trust server to know the best cipher
SSL_dh => do {
my $bio = Net::SSLeay::BIO_new(Net::SSLeay::BIO_s_mem());
# generated with: openssl dhparam 2048
my $dh = Net::SSLeay::PEM_read_bio_DHparams($bio);
$dh or die "no DH";
$can_ecdh eq 'auto' ? () : # automatically enabled by openssl
$can_ecdh eq 'can_auto' ? (SSL_ecdh_curve => 'auto') :
$can_ecdh eq 'tmp_ecdh' ? ( SSL_ecdh_curve => 'prime256v1' ) :
# Call it once at compile time and try it at INIT.
# This should catch all cases of including the module, e.g. 'use' (INIT) or
# 'require' (compile time) and works also with perlcc
no warnings;
INIT { init() }
# global defaults which can be changed using set_defaults
# either key/value can be set or it can just be set to an external hash
# hack which is used to filter bad settings from used modules
my $FILTER_SSL_ARGS = undef;
# non-XS Versions of Scalar::Util will fail
die "You need the XS Version of Scalar::Util for dualvar() support" if !do {
local $SIG{__DIE__}; local $SIG{__WARN__}; # be silent
eval { use Scalar::Util 'dualvar'; dualvar(0,''); 1 };
# get constants for SSL_OP_NO_* now, instead calling the related functions
# every time we setup a connection
my %SSL_OP_NO;
for(qw( SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1_1 TLSv11:TLSv1_1 TLSv1_2 TLSv12:TLSv1_2
TLSv1_3 TLSv13:TLSv1_3 )) {
my ($k,$op) = m{:} ? split(m{:},$_,2) : ($_,$_);
my $sub = "Net::SSLeay::OP_NO_$op";
local $SIG{__DIE__};
$SSL_OP_NO{$k} = eval { no strict 'refs'; &$sub } || 0;
# Make SSL_CTX_clear_options accessible through SSL_CTX_ctrl unless it is
# already implemented in Net::SSLeay
if (!defined &Net::SSLeay::CTX_clear_options) {
*Net::SSLeay::CTX_clear_options = sub {
my ($ctx,$opt) = @_;
# Try to work around problems with alternative trust path by default, RT#104759
my $DEFAULT_X509_STORE_flags = 0;
local $SIG{__DIE__};
eval { $DEFAULT_X509_STORE_flags |= Net::SSLeay::X509_V_FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST() };
our $DEBUG;
use vars qw(@ISA $SSL_ERROR @EXPORT);
# These constants will be used in $! at return from SSL_connect,
# SSL_accept, _generic_(read|write), thus notifying the caller
# the usual way of problems. Like with EWOULDBLOCK, EINPROGRESS..
# these are especially important for non-blocking sockets
my $x = $Net_SSLeay_ERROR_WANT_READ;
use constant SSL_WANT_READ => dualvar( \$x, 'SSL wants a read first' );
my $y = $Net_SSLeay_ERROR_WANT_WRITE;
use constant SSL_WANT_WRITE => dualvar( \$y, 'SSL wants a write first' );
@EXPORT = qw(
my @caller_force_inet4; # in case inet4 gets forced we store here who forced it
my $family_key; # 'Domain'||'Family'
# declare @ISA depending of the installed socket class
# try to load inet_pton from Socket or Socket6 and make sure it is usable
local $SIG{__DIE__}; local $SIG{__WARN__}; # be silent
my $ip6 = eval {
require Socket;
Socket::inet_pton( AF_INET6(),'::1') && AF_INET6() or die;
Socket->import( qw/inet_pton NI_NUMERICHOST NI_NUMERICSERV/ );
# behavior different to Socket6::getnameinfo - wrap
*_getnameinfo = sub {
my ($err,$host,$port) = Socket::getnameinfo(@_) or return;
return if $err;
return ($host,$port);
} || eval {
require Socket6;
Socket6::inet_pton( AF_INET6(),'::1') && AF_INET6() or die;
Socket6->import( qw/inet_pton NI_NUMERICHOST NI_NUMERICSERV/ );
# behavior different to Socket::getnameinfo - wrap
*_getnameinfo = sub { return Socket6::getnameinfo(@_); };
} || undef;
# try IO::Socket::IP or IO::Socket::INET6 for IPv6 support
$family_key = 'Domain'; # traditional
if ($ip6) {
# if we have IO::Socket::IP >= 0.31 we will use this in preference
# because it can handle both IPv4 and IPv6
if ( eval {
require IO::Socket::IP;
}) {
@ISA = qw(IO::Socket::IP);
constant->import( CAN_IPV6 => "IO::Socket::IP" );
$family_key = 'Family';
$IOCLASS = "IO::Socket::IP";
# if we have IO::Socket::INET6 we will use this not IO::Socket::INET
# because it can handle both IPv4 and IPv6
# require at least 2.62 because of several problems before that version
} elsif( eval { require IO::Socket::INET6; IO::Socket::INET6->VERSION(2.62) } ) {
@ISA = qw(IO::Socket::INET6);
constant->import( CAN_IPV6 => "IO::Socket::INET6" );
$IOCLASS = "IO::Socket::INET6";
} else {
$ip6 = ''
# fall back to IO::Socket::INET for IPv4 only
if (!$ip6) {
@ISA = qw(IO::Socket::INET);
$IOCLASS = "IO::Socket::INET";
constant->import(CAN_IPV6 => '');
if (!defined $ip6) {
constant->import(NI_NUMERICHOST => 1);
constant->import(NI_NUMERICSERV => 2);
#Make $DEBUG another name for $Net::SSLeay::trace
*DEBUG = \$Net::SSLeay::trace;
sub DEBUG {
$DEBUG or return;
my (undef,$file,$line,$sub) = caller(1);
if ($sub =~m{^IO::Socket::SSL::(?:error|(_internal_error))$}) {
(undef,$file,$line) = caller(2) if $1;
} else {
(undef,$file,$line) = caller;
my $msg = shift;
$file = '...'.substr( $file,-17 ) if length($file)>20;
$msg = sprintf $msg,@_ if @_;
print STDERR "DEBUG: $file:$line: $msg\n";
# import some constants from Net::SSLeay or use hard-coded defaults
# if Net::SSLeay isn't recent enough to provide the constants
my %const = (
NID_CommonName => 13,
GEN_DNS => 2,
while ( my ($name,$value) = each %const ) {
no strict 'refs';
*{$name} = UNIVERSAL::can( 'Net::SSLeay', $name ) || sub { $value };
*idn_to_ascii = \&IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix::idn_to_ascii;
*idn_to_unicode = \&IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix::idn_to_unicode;
my $OPENSSL_LIST_SEPARATOR = $^O =~m{^(?:(dos|os2|mswin32|netware)|vms)$}i
? $1 ? ';' : ',' : ':';
my $CHECK_SSL_PATH = sub {
my %args = (@_ == 1) ? ('',@_) : @_;
for my $type (keys %args) {
my $path = $args{$type};
if (!$type) {
delete $args{$type};
$type = (ref($path) || -d $path) ? 'SSL_ca_path' : 'SSL_ca_file';
$args{$type} = $path;
next if ref($path) eq 'SCALAR' && ! $$path;
if ($type eq 'SSL_ca_file') {
die "SSL_ca_file $path can't be used: $!"
if ! open(my $fh,'<',$path);
} elsif ($type eq 'SSL_ca_path') {
$path = [ split($OPENSSL_LIST_SEPARATOR,$path) ] if !ref($path);
my @err;
for my $d (ref($path) ? @$path : $path) {
if (! -d $d) {
push @err, "SSL_ca_path $d does not exist";
} elsif (! opendir(my $dh,$d)) {
push @err, "SSL_ca_path $d is not accessible: $!"
} else {
@err = ();
die "@err" if @err;
return %args;
my %default_ca;
my $ca_detected; # 0: never detect, undef: need to (re)detect
my $openssldir;
sub default_ca {
if (@_) {
# user defined default CA or reset
if ( @_ > 1 ) {
%default_ca = @_;
$ca_detected = 0;
} elsif ( my $path = shift ) {
%default_ca = $CHECK_SSL_PATH->($path);
$ca_detected = 0;
} else {
$ca_detected = undef;
return %default_ca if defined $ca_detected;
# SSLEAY_DIR was 5 up to OpenSSL 1.1, then switched to 4 and got
# renamed to OPENSSL_DIR. Unfortunately it is not exported as constant
# by Net::SSLeay so we use the fixed number.
$openssldir ||=
Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_version(5) =~m{^OPENSSLDIR: "(.+)"$} ? $1 :
Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_version(4) =~m{^OPENSSLDIR: "(.+)"$} ? $1 :
# (re)detect according to openssl crypto/cryptlib.h
my $dir = $ENV{SSL_CERT_DIR}
|| ( $^O =~m{vms}i ? "SSLCERTS:":"$openssldir/certs" );
if ( opendir(my $dh,$dir)) {
FILES: for my $f ( grep { m{^[a-f\d]{8}(\.\d+)?$} } readdir($dh) ) {
open( my $fh,'<',"$dir/$f") or next;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
$line =~m{^-+BEGIN (X509 |TRUSTED |)CERTIFICATE-} or next;
$default_ca{SSL_ca_path} = $dir;
last FILES;
my $file = $ENV{SSL_CERT_FILE}
|| ( $^O =~m{vms}i ? "SSLCERTS:cert.pem":"$openssldir/cert.pem" );
if ( open(my $fh,'<',$file)) {
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
$line =~m{^-+BEGIN (X509 |TRUSTED |)CERTIFICATE-} or next;
$default_ca{SSL_ca_file} = $file;
$default_ca{SSL_ca_file} = Mozilla::CA::SSL_ca_file() if ! %default_ca && do {
local $SIG{__DIE__};
eval { require Mozilla::CA; 1 };
$ca_detected = 1;
return %default_ca;
# Export some stuff
# inet4|inet6|debug will be handled by myself, everything
# else will be handled the Exporter way
sub import {
my $class = shift;
my @export;
foreach (@_) {
if ( /^inet4$/i ) {
# explicitly fall back to inet4
@ISA = 'IO::Socket::INET';
@caller_force_inet4 = caller(); # save for warnings for 'inet6' case
} elsif ( /^inet6$/i ) {
# check if we have already ipv6 as base
if ( ! UNIVERSAL::isa( $class, 'IO::Socket::INET6')
and ! UNIVERSAL::isa( $class, 'IO::Socket::IP' )) {
# either we don't support it or we disabled it by explicitly
# loading it with 'inet4'. In this case re-enable but warn
# because this is probably an error
if ( CAN_IPV6 ) {
@ISA = ( CAN_IPV6 );
warn "IPv6 support re-enabled in __PACKAGE__, got disabled in file $caller_force_inet4[1] line $caller_force_inet4[2]";
} else {
die "INET6 is not supported, install IO::Socket::IP";
} elsif ( /^:?debug(\d+)/ ) {
} else {
push @export,$_
@_ = ( $class,@export );
goto &Exporter::import;
# all keys used internally, these should be cleaned up at end
my @all_my_keys = qw(
# we have callbacks associated with contexts, but have no way to access the
# current SSL object from these callbacks. To work around this
# CURRENT_SSL_OBJECT will be set before calling Net::SSLeay::{connect,accept}
# and reset afterwards, so we have access to it inside _internal_error.
# You might be expecting to find a new() subroutine here, but that is
# not how IO::Socket::INET works. All configuration gets performed in
# the calls to configure() and either connect() or accept().
#Call to configure occurs when a new socket is made using
#IO::Socket::INET. Returns false (empty list) on failure.
sub configure {
my ($self, $arg_hash) = @_;
return _invalid_object() unless($self);
# force initial blocking
# otherwise IO::Socket::SSL->new might return undef if the
# socket is nonblocking and it fails to connect immediately
# for real nonblocking behavior one should create a nonblocking
# socket and later call connect explicitly
my $blocking = delete $arg_hash->{Blocking};
# because Net::HTTPS simple redefines blocking() to {} (e.g.
# return undef) and IO::Socket::INET does not like this we
# set Blocking only explicitly if it was set
$arg_hash->{Blocking} = 1 if defined ($blocking);
$self->configure_SSL($arg_hash) || return;
if ($arg_hash->{$family_key} ||= $arg_hash->{Domain} || $arg_hash->{Family}) {
# Hack to work around the problem that IO::Socket::IP defaults to
# AI_ADDRCONFIG which creates problems if we have only the loopback
# interface. If we already know the family this flag is more harmful
# then useful.
$arg_hash->{GetAddrInfoFlags} = 0 if $IOCLASS eq 'IO::Socket::IP'
&& ! defined $arg_hash->{GetAddrInfoFlags};
return $self->_internal_error("@ISA configuration failed",0)
if ! $self->SUPER::configure($arg_hash);
$self->blocking(0) if defined $blocking && !$blocking;
return $self;
sub configure_SSL {
my ($self, $arg_hash) = @_;
$arg_hash->{Proto} ||= 'tcp';
my $is_server = $arg_hash->{SSL_server};
if ( ! defined $is_server ) {
$is_server = $arg_hash->{SSL_server} = $arg_hash->{Listen} || 0;
# add user defined defaults, maybe after filtering
$FILTER_SSL_ARGS->($is_server,$arg_hash) if $FILTER_SSL_ARGS;
delete @{*$self}{@all_my_keys};
${*$self}{_SSL_opened} = $is_server;
${*$self}{_SSL_arguments} = $arg_hash;
# this adds defaults to $arg_hash as a side effect!
${*$self}{'_SSL_ctx'} = IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_Context->new($arg_hash)
or return;
return $self;
sub _skip_rw_error {
my ($self,$ssl,$rv) = @_;
my $err = Net::SSLeay::get_error($ssl,$rv);
if ( $err == $Net_SSLeay_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
} elsif ( $err == $Net_SSLeay_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
} else {
return $err;
${*$self}{_SSL_last_err} = [$SSL_ERROR,4] if ref($self);
return 0;
# Call to connect occurs when a new client socket is made using IO::Socket::*
sub connect {
my $self = shift || return _invalid_object();
return $self if ${*$self}{'_SSL_opened'}; # already connected
if ( ! ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'} ) {
# call SUPER::connect if the underlying socket is not connected
# if this fails this might not be an error (e.g. if $! = EINPROGRESS
# and socket is nonblocking this is normal), so keep any error
# handling to the client
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('socket not yet connected' );
$self->SUPER::connect(@_) || return;
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('socket connected' );
# IO::Socket works around systems, which return EISCONN or similar
# on non-blocking re-connect by returning true, even if $! is set
# but it does not clear $!, so do it here
$! = undef;
# don't continue with connect_SSL if SSL_startHandshake is set to 0
my $sh = ${*$self}{_SSL_arguments}{SSL_startHandshake};
return $self if defined $sh && ! $sh;
return $self->connect_SSL;
sub connect_SSL {
my $self = shift;
my $args = @_>1 ? {@_}: $_[0]||{};
return $self if ${*$self}{'_SSL_opened'}; # already connected
my ($ssl,$ctx);
if ( ! ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'} ) {
# start ssl connection
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('ssl handshake not started' );
${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'} = 1;
my $arg_hash = ${*$self}{'_SSL_arguments'};
my $fileno = ${*$self}{'_SSL_fileno'} = fileno($self);
return $self->_internal_error("Socket has no fileno",9)
if ! defined $fileno;
$ctx = ${*$self}{'_SSL_ctx'}; # Reference to real context
$ssl = ${*$self}{'_SSL_object'} = Net::SSLeay::new($ctx->{context})
|| return $self->error("SSL structure creation failed");
$CREATED_IN_THIS_THREAD{$ssl} = 1 if $use_threads;
$SSL_OBJECT{$ssl} = [$self,0];
if ($ctx->{session_cache}) {
$arg_hash->{SSL_session_key} ||= do {
my $host = $arg_hash->{PeerAddr} || $arg_hash->{PeerHost}
|| $self->_update_peer;
my $port = $arg_hash->{PeerPort} || $arg_hash->{PeerService};
$port ? "$host:$port" : $host;
Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, $fileno)
|| return $self->error("SSL filehandle association failed");
if ( $can_client_sni ) {
my $host;
if ( exists $arg_hash->{SSL_hostname} ) {
# explicitly given
# can be set to undef/'' to not use extension
$host = $arg_hash->{SSL_hostname}
} elsif ( $host = $arg_hash->{PeerAddr} || $arg_hash->{PeerHost} ) {
# implicitly given
$host =~s{:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$}{};
# should be hostname, not IPv4/6
$host = undef if $host !~m{[a-z_]}i or $host =~m{:};
# define TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name 0
if ($host) {
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("using SNI with hostname $host");
} else {
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("not using SNI because hostname is unknown");
} elsif ( $arg_hash->{SSL_hostname} ) {
return $self->_internal_error(
"Client side SNI not supported for this openssl",9);
} else {
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("not using SNI because openssl is too old");
$arg_hash->{PeerAddr} || $arg_hash->{PeerHost} || $self->_update_peer;
if ( $ctx->{verify_name_ref} ) {
# need target name for update
my $host = $arg_hash->{SSL_verifycn_name}
|| $arg_hash->{SSL_hostname};
if ( ! defined $host ) {
if ( $host = $arg_hash->{PeerAddr} || $arg_hash->{PeerHost} ) {
$host =~s{:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$}{};
${$ctx->{verify_name_ref}} = $host;
my $ocsp = $ctx->{ocsp_mode};
if ( $ocsp & SSL_OCSP_NO_STAPLE ) {
# don't try stapling
} elsif ( ! $can_ocsp_staple ) {
croak("OCSP stapling not support") if $ocsp & SSL_OCSP_MUST_STAPLE;
# staple by default if verification enabled
${*$self}{_SSL_ocsp_verify} = undef;
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("request OCSP stapling");
if ($ctx->{session_cache} and my $session =
) {
Net::SSLeay::set_session($ssl, $session);
$ssl ||= ${*$self}{'_SSL_object'};
$SSL_ERROR = $! = undef;
my $timeout = exists $args->{Timeout}
? $args->{Timeout}
: ${*$self}{io_socket_timeout}; # from IO::Socket
if ( defined($timeout) && $timeout>0 && $self->blocking(0) ) {
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG( "set socket to non-blocking to enforce timeout=$timeout" );
# timeout was given and socket was blocking
# enforce timeout with now non-blocking socket
} else {
# timeout does not apply because invalid or socket non-blocking
$timeout = undef;
my $start = defined($timeout) && time();
$SSL_ERROR = undef;
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("call Net::SSLeay::connect" );
my $rv = Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl);
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("done Net::SSLeay::connect -> $rv" );
if ( $rv < 0 ) {
if ( my $err = $self->_skip_rw_error( $ssl,$rv )) {
$self->error("SSL connect attempt failed");
delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
${*$self}{'_SSL_opened'} = -1;
$DEBUG>=1 && DEBUG( "fatal SSL error: $SSL_ERROR" );
return $self->fatal_ssl_error();
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('ssl handshake in progress' );
# connect failed because handshake needs to be completed
# if socket was non-blocking or no timeout was given return with this error
return if ! defined($timeout);
# wait until socket is readable or writable
my $rv;
if ( $timeout>0 ) {
my $vec = '';
vec($vec,$self->fileno,1) = 1;
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG( "waiting for fd to become ready: $SSL_ERROR" );
$rv =
$SSL_ERROR == SSL_WANT_READ ? select( $vec,undef,undef,$timeout) :
$SSL_ERROR == SSL_WANT_WRITE ? select( undef,$vec,undef,$timeout) :
} else {
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("handshake failed because no more time" );
if ( ! $rv ) {
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("handshake failed because socket did not became ready" );
# failed because of timeout, return
delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
${*$self}{'_SSL_opened'} = -1;
$self->blocking(1); # was blocking before
# socket is ready, try non-blocking connect again after recomputing timeout
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("socket ready, retrying connect" );
my $now = time();
$timeout -= $now - $start;
$start = $now;
} elsif ( $rv == 0 ) {
delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("connection failed - connect returned 0" );
$self->error("SSL connect attempt failed because of handshake problems" );
${*$self}{'_SSL_opened'} = -1;
return $self->fatal_ssl_error();
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('ssl handshake done' );
# ssl connect successful
delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
if (defined($timeout)) {
$self->blocking(1); # reset back to blocking
$! = undef; # reset errors from non-blocking
$ctx ||= ${*$self}{'_SSL_ctx'};
if ( my $ocsp_result = ${*$self}{_SSL_ocsp_verify} ) {
# got result from OCSP stapling
if ( $ocsp_result->[0] > 0 ) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("got OCSP success with stapling");
# successful validated
} elsif ( $ocsp_result->[0] < 0 ) {
# Permanent problem with validation because certificate
# is either self-signed or the issuer cannot be found.
# Ignore here, because this will cause other errors too.
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("got OCSP failure with stapling: %s",
} else {
# definitely revoked
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("got OCSP revocation with stapling: %s",
return $self->fatal_ssl_error();
} elsif ( $ctx->{ocsp_mode} & SSL_OCSP_MUST_STAPLE ) {
$self->_internal_error("did not receive the required stapled OCSP response",5);
return $self->fatal_ssl_error();
if (!%sess_cb and $ctx->{session_cache}
and my $session = Net::SSLeay::get1_session($ssl)) {
tie *{$self}, "IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_HANDLE", $self;
return $self;
# called if PeerAddr is not set in ${*$self}{'_SSL_arguments'}
# this can be the case if start_SSL is called with a normal IO::Socket::INET
# so that PeerAddr|PeerPort are not set from args
# returns PeerAddr
sub _update_peer {
my $self = shift;
my $arg_hash = ${*$self}{'_SSL_arguments'};
eval {
my $sockaddr = getpeername( $self );
my $af = sockaddr_family($sockaddr);
if( CAN_IPV6 && $af == AF_INET6 ) {
my (undef, $host, $port) = _getnameinfo($sockaddr,
$arg_hash->{PeerPort} = $port;
$arg_hash->{PeerAddr} = $host;
} else {
my ($port,$addr) = sockaddr_in( $sockaddr);
$arg_hash->{PeerPort} = $port;
$arg_hash->{PeerAddr} = inet_ntoa( $addr );
#Call to accept occurs when a new client connects to a server using
sub accept {
my $self = shift || return _invalid_object();
my $class = shift || 'IO::Socket::SSL';
my $socket = ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
if ( ! $socket ) {
# underlying socket not done
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('no socket yet' );
$socket = $self->SUPER::accept($class) || return;
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('accept created normal socket '.$socket );
# don't continue with accept_SSL if SSL_startHandshake is set to 0
my $sh = ${*$self}{_SSL_arguments}{SSL_startHandshake};
if (defined $sh && ! $sh) {
${*$socket}{_SSL_ctx} = ${*$self}{_SSL_ctx};
${*$socket}{_SSL_arguments} = {
SSL_server => 0,
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('will not start SSL handshake yet');
return wantarray ? ($socket, getpeername($socket) ) : $socket
$self->accept_SSL($socket) || return;
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('accept_SSL ok' );
return wantarray ? ($socket, getpeername($socket) ) : $socket;
sub accept_SSL {
my $self = shift;
my $socket = ( @_ && UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], 'IO::Handle' )) ? shift : $self;
my $args = @_>1 ? {@_}: $_[0]||{};
my $ssl;
if ( ! ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'} ) {
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('starting sslifying' );
${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'} = $socket;
if ($socket != $self) {
${*$socket}{_SSL_ctx} = ${*$self}{_SSL_ctx};
${*$socket}{_SSL_arguments} = {
SSL_server => 0
my $fileno = ${*$socket}{'_SSL_fileno'} = fileno($socket);
return $socket->_internal_error("Socket has no fileno",9)
if ! defined $fileno;
$ssl = ${*$socket}{_SSL_object} =
|| return $socket->error("SSL structure creation failed");
$CREATED_IN_THIS_THREAD{$ssl} = 1 if $use_threads;
$SSL_OBJECT{$ssl} = [$socket,1];
Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, $fileno)
|| return $socket->error("SSL filehandle association failed");
$ssl ||= ${*$socket}{'_SSL_object'};
$SSL_ERROR = $! = undef;
#$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('calling ssleay::accept' );
my $timeout = exists $args->{Timeout}
? $args->{Timeout}
: ${*$self}{io_socket_timeout}; # from IO::Socket
if ( defined($timeout) && $timeout>0 && $socket->blocking(0) ) {
# timeout was given and socket was blocking
# enforce timeout with now non-blocking socket
} else {
# timeout does not apply because invalid or socket non-blocking
$timeout = undef;
my $start = defined($timeout) && time();
$SSL_ERROR = undef;
my $rv = Net::SSLeay::accept($ssl);
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG( "Net::SSLeay::accept -> $rv" );
if ( $rv < 0 ) {
if ( my $err = $socket->_skip_rw_error( $ssl,$rv )) {
$socket->error("SSL accept attempt failed");
delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
${*$socket}{'_SSL_opened'} = -1;
return $socket->fatal_ssl_error();
# accept failed because handshake needs to be completed
# if socket was non-blocking or no timeout was given return with this error
return if ! defined($timeout);
# wait until socket is readable or writable
my $rv;
if ( $timeout>0 ) {
my $vec = '';
vec($vec,$socket->fileno,1) = 1;
$rv =
$SSL_ERROR == SSL_WANT_READ ? select( $vec,undef,undef,$timeout) :
$SSL_ERROR == SSL_WANT_WRITE ? select( undef,$vec,undef,$timeout) :
} else {
if ( ! $rv ) {
# failed because of timeout, return
delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
${*$socket}{'_SSL_opened'} = -1;
$socket->blocking(1); # was blocking before
# socket is ready, try non-blocking accept again after recomputing timeout
my $now = time();
$timeout -= $now - $start;
$start = $now;
} elsif ( $rv == 0 ) {
$socket->error("SSL accept attempt failed because of handshake problems" );
delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
${*$socket}{'_SSL_opened'} = -1;
return $socket->fatal_ssl_error();
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG('handshake done, socket ready' );
# socket opened
delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
${*$socket}{'_SSL_opened'} = 1;
if (defined($timeout)) {
$socket->blocking(1); # reset back to blocking
$! = undef; # reset errors from non-blocking
tie *{$socket}, "IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_HANDLE", $socket;
return $socket;
####### I/O subroutines ########################
sub _generic_read {
my ($self, $read_func, undef, $length, $offset) = @_;
my $ssl = ${*$self}{_SSL_object} || return;
my $buffer=\$_[2];
$SSL_ERROR = $! = undef;
my ($data,$rwerr) = $read_func->($ssl, $length);
while ( ! defined($data)) {
if ( my $err = $self->_skip_rw_error( $ssl, defined($rwerr) ? $rwerr:-1 )) {
if ($err == $Net_SSLeay_ERROR_SYSCALL) {
# OpenSSL 1.1.0c+ : EOF can now result in SSL_read returning -1
if (not $!) {
# SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL but not errno -> treat as EOF
$data = '';
$self->error("SSL read error");
$length = length($data);
$$buffer = '' if !defined $$buffer;
$offset ||= 0;
if ($offset>length($$buffer)) {
$$buffer.="\0" x ($offset-length($$buffer)); #mimic behavior of read
substr($$buffer, $offset, length($$buffer), $data);
return $length;
sub read {
my $self = shift;
${*$self}{_SSL_object} && return _generic_read($self,
$self->blocking ? \&Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_all : \&Net::SSLeay::read,
# fall back to plain read if we are not required to use SSL yet
return $self->SUPER::read(@_);
# contrary to the behavior of read sysread can read partial data
sub sysread {
my $self = shift;
${*$self}{_SSL_object} && return _generic_read( $self,
\&Net::SSLeay::read, @_ );
# fall back to plain sysread if we are not required to use SSL yet
my $rv = $self->SUPER::sysread(@_);
return $rv;
sub peek {
my $self = shift;
${*$self}{_SSL_object} && return _generic_read( $self,
\&Net::SSLeay::peek, @_ );
# fall back to plain peek if we are not required to use SSL yet
# emulate peek with recv(...,MS_PEEK) - peek(buf,len,offset)
return if ! defined recv($self,my $buf,$_[1],MSG_PEEK);
$_[0] = $_[2] ? substr($_[0],0,$_[2]).$buf : $buf;
return length($buf);
sub _generic_write {
my ($self, $write_all, undef, $length, $offset) = @_;
my $ssl = ${*$self}{_SSL_object} || return;
my $buffer = \$_[2];
my $buf_len = length($$buffer);
$length ||= $buf_len;
$offset ||= 0;
return $self->_internal_error("Invalid offset for SSL write",9)
if $offset>$buf_len;
return 0 if ($offset == $buf_len);
$SSL_ERROR = $! = undef;
my $written;
if ( $write_all ) {
my $data = $length < $buf_len-$offset ? substr($$buffer, $offset, $length) : $$buffer;
($written, my $errs) = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, $data);
# ssl_write_all returns number of bytes written
$written = undef if ! $written && $errs;
} else {
$written = Net::SSLeay::write_partial( $ssl,$offset,$length,$$buffer );
# write_partial does SSL_write which returns -1 on error
$written = undef if $written < 0;
if ( !defined($written) ) {
if ( my $err = $self->_skip_rw_error( $ssl,-1 )) {
# if $! is not set with ERROR_SYSCALL then report as EPIPE
$! ||= EPIPE if $err == $Net_SSLeay_ERROR_SYSCALL;
$self->error("SSL write error ($err)");
return $written;
# if socket is blocking write() should return only on error or
# if all data are written
sub write {
my $self = shift;
${*$self}{_SSL_object} && return _generic_write( $self,
scalar($self->blocking),@_ );
# fall back to plain write if we are not required to use SSL yet
return $self->SUPER::write(@_);
# contrary to write syswrite() returns already if only
# a part of the data is written
sub syswrite {
my $self = shift;
${*$self}{_SSL_object} && return _generic_write($self,0,@_);
# fall back to plain syswrite if we are not required to use SSL yet
return $self->SUPER::syswrite(@_);
sub print {
my $self = shift;
my $string = join(($, or ''), @_, ($\ or ''));
return $self->write( $string );
sub printf {
my ($self,$format) = (shift,shift);
return $self->write(sprintf($format, @_));
sub getc {
my ($self, $buffer) = (shift, undef);
return $buffer if $self->read($buffer, 1, 0);
sub readline {
my $self = shift;
${*$self}{_SSL_object} or return $self->SUPER::getline;
if ( not defined $/ or wantarray) {
# read all and split
my $buf = '';
while (1) {
my $rv = $self->sysread($buf,2**16,length($buf));
if ( ! defined $rv ) {
next if $! == EINTR; # retry
last if $! == EWOULDBLOCK || $! == EAGAIN; # use everything so far
return; # return error
} elsif ( ! $rv ) {
if ( ! defined $/ ) {
return $buf
} elsif ( ref($/)) {
my $size = ${$/};
die "bad value in ref \$/: $size" unless $size>0;
return $buf=~m{\G(.{1,$size})}g;
} elsif ( $/ eq '' ) {
return $buf =~m{\G(.*\n\n+|.+)}g;
} else {
return $buf =~m{\G(.*$/|.+)}g;
# read only one line
if ( ref($/) ) {
my $size = ${$/};
# read record of $size bytes
die "bad value in ref \$/: $size" unless $size>0;
my $buf = '';
while ( $size>length($buf)) {
my $rv = $self->sysread($buf,$size-length($buf),length($buf));
if ( ! defined $rv ) {
next if $! == EINTR; # retry
last if $! == EWOULDBLOCK || $! == EAGAIN; # use everything so far
return; # return error
} elsif ( ! $rv ) {
return $buf;
my ($delim0,$delim1) = $/ eq '' ? ("\n\n","\n"):($/,'');
# find first occurrence of $delim0 followed by as much as possible $delim1
my $buf = '';
my $eod = 0; # pointer into $buf after $delim0 $delim1*
my $ssl = $self->_get_ssl_object or return;
while (1) {
# wait until we have more data or eof
my $poke = Net::SSLeay::peek($ssl,1);
if ( ! defined $poke or $poke eq '' ) {
next if $! == EINTR;
my $skip = 0;
# peek into available data w/o reading
my $pending = Net::SSLeay::pending($ssl);
if ( $pending and
( my $pb = Net::SSLeay::peek( $ssl,$pending )) ne '' ) {
$buf .= $pb
} else {
return $buf eq '' ? ():$buf;
if ( !$eod ) {
my $pos = index( $buf,$delim0 );
if ( $pos<0 ) {
$skip = $pending
} else {
$eod = $pos + length($delim0); # pos after delim0
if ( $eod ) {
if ( $delim1 ne '' ) {
# delim0 found, check for as much delim1 as possible
while ( index( $buf,$delim1,$eod ) == $eod ) {
$eod+= length($delim1);
$skip = $pending - ( length($buf) - $eod );
# remove data from $self which I already have in buf
while ( $skip>0 ) {
if ($self->sysread(my $p,$skip,0)) {
$skip -= length($p);
$! == EINTR or last;
if ( $eod and ( $delim1 eq '' or $eod < length($buf))) {
# delim0 found and there can be no more delim1 pending
return substr($buf,0,$eod);
sub close {
my $self = shift || return _invalid_object();
my $close_args = (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') ? $_[0] : {@_};
return if ! $self->stop_SSL(
SSL_fast_shutdown => 1,
_SSL_ioclass_downgrade => 0,
if ( ! $close_args->{_SSL_in_DESTROY} ) {
untie( *$self );
undef ${*$self}{_SSL_fileno};
return $self->SUPER::close;
return 1;
sub is_SSL {
my $self = pop;
return ${*$self}{_SSL_object} && 1
sub stop_SSL {
my $self = shift || return _invalid_object();
my $stop_args = (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') ? $_[0] : {@_};
$stop_args->{SSL_no_shutdown} = 1 if ! ${*$self}{_SSL_opened};
if (my $ssl = ${*$self}{'_SSL_object'}) {
if ( ! $stop_args->{SSL_no_shutdown} ) {
my $status = Net::SSLeay::get_shutdown($ssl);
my $timeout =
not($self->blocking) ? undef :
exists $stop_args->{Timeout} ? $stop_args->{Timeout} :
${*$self}{io_socket_timeout}; # from IO::Socket
if ($timeout) {
$timeout += time();
while (1) {
if ( $status & SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN and
# don't care for received if fast shutdown
|| $stop_args->{SSL_fast_shutdown}) {
# shutdown complete
if ((${*$self}{'_SSL_opened'}||0) <= 0) {
# not really open, thus don't expect shutdown to return
# something meaningful
# initiate or complete shutdown
local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
my $rv = Net::SSLeay::shutdown($ssl);
if ( $rv < 0 ) {
# non-blocking socket?
if ( ! $timeout ) {
$self->_skip_rw_error( $ssl,$rv );
# need to try again
# don't use _skip_rw_error so that existing error does
# not get cleared
my $wait = $timeout - time();
last if $wait<=0;
vec(my $vec = '',fileno($self),1) = 1;
my $err = Net::SSLeay::get_error($ssl,$rv);
if ( $err == $Net_SSLeay_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
} elsif ( $err == $Net_SSLeay_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
} else {
$status |= SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN if $rv>0;
$self->blocking(1) if $timeout;
# destroy allocated objects for SSL and untie
# do not destroy CTX unless explicitly specified
if (my $cert = delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_certificate'}) {
delete ${*$self}{_SSL_object};
${*$self}{'_SSL_opened'} = 0;
delete $SSL_OBJECT{$ssl};
if ($stop_args->{'SSL_ctx_free'}) {
my $ctx = delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_ctx'};
$ctx && $ctx->DESTROY();
if ( ! $stop_args->{_SSL_in_DESTROY} ) {
my $downgrade = $stop_args->{_SSL_ioclass_downgrade};
if ( $downgrade || ! defined $downgrade ) {
# rebless to original class from start_SSL
if ( my $orig_class = delete ${*$self}{'_SSL_ioclass_upgraded'} ) {
bless $self,$orig_class;
# FIXME: if original class was tied too we need to restore the tie
# remove all _SSL related from *$self
my @sslkeys = grep { m{^_?SSL_} } keys %{*$self};
delete @{*$self}{@sslkeys} if @sslkeys;
return 1;
sub fileno {
my $self = shift;
my $fn = ${*$self}{'_SSL_fileno'};
return defined($fn) ? $fn : $self->SUPER::fileno();
####### IO::Socket::SSL specific functions #######
# _get_ssl_object is for internal use ONLY!
sub _get_ssl_object {
my $self = shift;
return ${*$self}{'_SSL_object'} ||
IO::Socket::SSL->_internal_error("Undefined SSL object",9);
# _get_ctx_object is for internal use ONLY!
sub _get_ctx_object {
my $self = shift;
my $ctx_object = ${*$self}{_SSL_ctx};
return $ctx_object && $ctx_object->{context};
# default error for undefined arguments
sub _invalid_object {
return IO::Socket::SSL->_internal_error("Undefined IO::Socket::SSL object",9);
sub pending {
my $ssl = shift()->_get_ssl_object || return;
return Net::SSLeay::pending($ssl);
sub start_SSL {
my ($class,$socket) = (shift,shift);
return $class->_internal_error("Not a socket",9) if ! ref($socket);
my $arg_hash = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};
my %to = exists $arg_hash->{Timeout} ? ( Timeout => delete $arg_hash->{Timeout} ) :();
my $original_class = ref($socket);
if ( ! $original_class ) {
$socket = ($original_class = $ISA[0])->new_from_fd($socket,'<+')
or return $class->_internal_error(
"creating $original_class from file handle failed",9);
my $original_fileno = (UNIVERSAL::can($socket, "fileno"))
? $socket->fileno : CORE::fileno($socket);
return $class->_internal_error("Socket has no fileno",9)
if ! defined $original_fileno;
bless $socket, $class;
$socket->configure_SSL($arg_hash) or bless($socket, $original_class) && return;
${*$socket}{'_SSL_fileno'} = $original_fileno;
${*$socket}{'_SSL_ioclass_upgraded'} = $original_class
if $class ne $original_class;
my $start_handshake = $arg_hash->{SSL_startHandshake};
if ( ! defined($start_handshake) || $start_handshake ) {
# if we have no callback force blocking mode
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG( "start handshake" );
my $was_blocking = $socket->blocking(1);
my $result = ${*$socket}{'_SSL_arguments'}{SSL_server}
? $socket->accept_SSL(%to)
: $socket->connect_SSL(%to);
if ( $result ) {
$socket->blocking(0) if ! $was_blocking;
return $socket;
} else {
# upgrade to SSL failed, downgrade socket to original class
if ( $original_class ) {
$socket->blocking(0) if ! $was_blocking
&& $socket->can('blocking');
} else {
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG( "don't start handshake: $socket" );
return $socket; # just return upgraded socket
sub new_from_fd {
my ($class, $fd) = (shift,shift);
# Check for accidental inclusion of MODE in the argument list
if (length($_[0]) < 4) {
(my $mode = $_[0]) =~ tr/+<>//d;
shift unless length($mode);
my $handle = $ISA[0]->new_from_fd($fd, '+<')
|| return($class->error("Could not create socket from file descriptor."));
# Annoying workaround for Perl 5.6.1 and below:
$handle = $ISA[0]->new_from_fd($handle, '+<');
return $class->start_SSL($handle, @_);
sub dump_peer_certificate {
my $ssl = shift()->_get_ssl_object || return;
return Net::SSLeay::dump_peer_certificate($ssl);
if ( defined &Net::SSLeay::get_peer_cert_chain
&& $netssleay_version >= 1.58 ) {
*peer_certificates = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $ssl = $self->_get_ssl_object || return;
my @chain = Net::SSLeay::get_peer_cert_chain($ssl);
@chain = () if @chain && !$self->peer_certificate; # work around #96013
if ( ${*$self}{_SSL_arguments}{SSL_server} ) {
# in the client case the chain contains the peer certificate,
# in the server case not
# this one has an increased reference counter, the other not
if ( my $peer = Net::SSLeay::get_peer_certificate($ssl)) {
unshift @chain, $peer;
return @chain;
} else {
*peer_certificates = sub {
die "peer_certificates needs Net::SSLeay>=1.58";
my %dispatcher = (
issuer => sub { Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_oneline( Net::SSLeay::X509_get_issuer_name( shift )) },
subject => sub { Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_oneline( Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subject_name( shift )) },
commonName => sub {
my $cn = Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(
Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subject_name( shift ), NID_CommonName);
subjectAltNames => sub { Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subjectAltNames( shift ) },
# alternative names
$dispatcher{authority} = $dispatcher{issuer};
$dispatcher{owner} = $dispatcher{subject};
$dispatcher{cn} = $dispatcher{commonName};
sub peer_certificate {
my ($self,$field,$reload) = @_;
my $ssl = $self->_get_ssl_object or return;
Net::SSLeay::X509_free(delete ${*$self}{_SSL_certificate})
if $reload && ${*$self}{_SSL_certificate};
my $cert = ${*$self}{_SSL_certificate}
||= Net::SSLeay::get_peer_certificate($ssl)
or return $self->error("Could not retrieve peer certificate");
if ($field) {
my $sub = $dispatcher{$field} or croak
"invalid argument for peer_certificate, valid are: ".join( " ",keys %dispatcher ).
"\nMaybe you need to upgrade your Net::SSLeay";
return $sub->($cert);
} else {
return $cert
sub sock_certificate {
my ($self,$field) = @_;
my $ssl = $self->_get_ssl_object || return;
my $cert = Net::SSLeay::get_certificate( $ssl ) || return;
if ($field) {
my $sub = $dispatcher{$field} or croak
"invalid argument for sock_certificate, valid are: ".join( " ",keys %dispatcher ).
"\nMaybe you need to upgrade your Net::SSLeay";
return $sub->($cert);
} else {
return $cert
# known schemes, possible attributes are:
# - wildcards_in_alt (0, 'full_label', 'anywhere')
# - wildcards_in_cn (0, 'full_label', 'anywhere')
# - check_cn (0, 'always', 'when_only')
# unfortunately there are a lot of different schemes used, see RFC 6125 for a
# summary, which references all of the following except RFC4217/ftp
my %scheme = (
none => {}, # do not check
# default set is a superset of all the others and thus worse than a more
# specific set, but much better than not verifying name at all
default => {
wildcards_in_cn => 'anywhere',
wildcards_in_alt => 'anywhere',
check_cn => 'always',
ip_in_cn => 1,
rfc3920 xmpp
rfc4217 ftp
)) {
$scheme{$_} = {
wildcards_in_cn => 'anywhere',
wildcards_in_alt => 'anywhere',
check_cn => 'when_only',
for(qw(www http)) {
$scheme{$_} = {
wildcards_in_cn => 'anywhere',
wildcards_in_alt => 'anywhere',
check_cn => 'when_only',
ip_in_cn => 4,
rfc4513 ldap
)) {
$scheme{$_} = {
wildcards_in_cn => 0,
wildcards_in_alt => 'full_label',
check_cn => 'always',
rfc2595 smtp
rfc4642 imap pop3 acap
rfc5539 nntp
rfc5538 netconf
rfc5425 syslog
rfc5953 snmp
)) {
$scheme{$_} = {
wildcards_in_cn => 'full_label',
wildcards_in_alt => 'full_label',
check_cn => 'always'
rfc5971 gist
)) {
$scheme{$_} = {
wildcards_in_cn => 'full_label',
wildcards_in_alt => 'full_label',
check_cn => 'when_only',
rfc5922 sip
)) {
$scheme{$_} = {
wildcards_in_cn => 0,
wildcards_in_alt => 0,
check_cn => 'always',
# function to verify the hostname
# as every application protocol has its own rules to do this
# we provide some default rules as well as a user-defined
# callback
sub verify_hostname_of_cert {
my $identity = shift;
my $cert = shift;
my $scheme = shift || 'default';
my $publicsuffix = shift;
if ( ! ref($scheme) ) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG( "scheme=$scheme cert=$cert" );
$scheme = $scheme{$scheme} || croak("scheme $scheme not defined");
return 1 if ! %$scheme; # 'none'
$identity =~s{\.+$}{}; # ignore absolutism
# get data from certificate
my $commonName = $dispatcher{cn}->($cert);
my @altNames = $dispatcher{subjectAltNames}->($cert);
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("identity=$identity cn=$commonName alt=@altNames" );
if ( my $sub = $scheme->{callback} ) {
# use custom callback
return $sub->($identity,$commonName,@altNames);
# is the given hostname an IP address? Then we have to convert to network byte order [RFC791][RFC2460]
my $ipn;
if ( CAN_IPV6 and $identity =~m{:} ) {
# no IPv4 or hostname have ':' in it, try IPv6.
$identity =~m{[^\da-fA-F:\.]} and return; # invalid characters in name
$ipn = inet_pton(AF_INET6,$identity) or return; # invalid name
} elsif ( my @ip = $identity =~m{^(\d+)(?:\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)|[\d\.]*)$} ) {
# check for invalid IP/hostname
return if 4 != @ip or 4 != grep { defined($_) && $_<256 } @ip;
$ipn = pack("CCCC",@ip);
} else {
# assume hostname, check for umlauts etc
if ( $identity =~m{[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]} ) {
$identity =~m{\0} and return; # $identity has \\0 byte
$identity = idn_to_ascii($identity)
or return; # conversation to IDNA failed
$identity =~m{[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]}
and return; # still junk inside
# do the actual verification
my $check_name = sub {
my ($name,$identity,$wtyp,$publicsuffix) = @_;
$name =~s{\.+$}{}; # ignore absolutism
$name eq '' and return;
$wtyp ||= '';
my $pattern;
# We accept only a single wildcard and only for a single part of the FQDN
# e.g. * does match but not
# The RFCs are in this regard unspecific but we don't want to have to
# deal with certificates like *.com, * or even *
# see also .
# Also, we fall back to full_label matches if the identity is an IDNA
# name, see RFC6125 and the discussion at
if ( $wtyp eq 'anywhere' and $name =~m{^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\*(.+)} ) {
return if $1 ne '' and substr($identity,0,4) eq 'xn--'; # IDNA
$pattern = qr{^\Q$1\E[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\Q$2\E$}i;
} elsif ( $wtyp =~ m{^(?:full_label|leftmost)$}
and $name =~m{^\*(\..+)$} ) {
$pattern = qr{^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\Q$1\E$}i;
} else {
return lc($identity) eq lc($name);
if ( $identity =~ $pattern ) {
$publicsuffix = IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix->default
if ! defined $publicsuffix;
return 1 if $publicsuffix eq '';
my @labels = split( m{\.+}, $identity );
my $tld = $publicsuffix->public_suffix(\@labels,+1);
return 1 if @labels > ( $tld ? 0+@$tld : 1 );
my $alt_dnsNames = 0;
while (@altNames) {
my ($type, $name) = splice (@altNames, 0, 2);
if ( $ipn and $type == GEN_IPADD ) {
# exact match needed for IP
# $name is already packed format (inet_xton)
return 1 if $ipn eq $name;
} elsif ( ! $ipn and $type == GEN_DNS ) {
$name =~s/\s+$//; $name =~s/^\s+//;
and return 1;
if ( $scheme->{check_cn} eq 'always' or
$scheme->{check_cn} eq 'when_only' and !$alt_dnsNames ) {
if ( ! $ipn ) {
and return 1;
} elsif ( $scheme->{ip_in_cn} ) {
if ( $identity eq $commonName ) {
return 1 if
$scheme->{ip_in_cn} == 4 ? length($ipn) == 4 :
$scheme->{ip_in_cn} == 6 ? length($ipn) == 8 :
return 0; # no match
sub verify_hostname {
my $self = shift;
my $host = shift;
my $cert = $self->peer_certificate;
return verify_hostname_of_cert( $host,$cert,@_ );
sub get_servername {
my $self = shift;
return ${*$self}{_SSL_servername} ||= do {
my $ssl = $self->_get_ssl_object or return;
sub get_fingerprint_bin {
my ($self,$algo,$cert,$key_only) = @_;
$cert ||= $self->peer_certificate;
return $key_only
? Net::SSLeay::X509_pubkey_digest($cert, $algo2digest->($algo || 'sha256'))
: Net::SSLeay::X509_digest($cert, $algo2digest->($algo || 'sha256'));
sub get_fingerprint {
my ($self,$algo,$cert,$key_only) = @_;
$algo ||= 'sha256';
my $fp = get_fingerprint_bin($self,$algo,$cert,$key_only) or return;
return $algo.'$'.($key_only ? 'pub$':'').unpack('H*',$fp);
sub get_cipher {
my $ssl = shift()->_get_ssl_object || return;
return Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl);
sub get_sslversion {
my $ssl = shift()->_get_ssl_object || return;
my $version = Net::SSLeay::version($ssl) or return;
$version == 0x0304 ? 'TLSv1_3' :
$version == 0x0303 ? 'TLSv1_2' :
$version == 0x0302 ? 'TLSv1_1' :
$version == 0x0301 ? 'TLSv1' :
$version == 0x0300 ? 'SSLv3' :
$version == 0x0002 ? 'SSLv2' :
$version == 0xfeff ? 'DTLS1' :
sub get_sslversion_int {
my $ssl = shift()->_get_ssl_object || return;
return Net::SSLeay::version($ssl);
sub get_session_reused {
return Net::SSLeay::session_reused(
shift()->_get_ssl_object || return);
if ($can_ocsp) {
no warnings 'once';
*ocsp_resolver = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $ssl = $self->_get_ssl_object || return;
my $ctx = ${*$self}{_SSL_ctx};
return IO::Socket::SSL::OCSP_Resolver->new(
$ctx->{ocsp_cache} ||= IO::Socket::SSL::OCSP_Cache->new,
$ctx->{ocsp_mode} & SSL_OCSP_FAIL_HARD,
@_ ? \@_ :
$ctx->{ocsp_mode} & SSL_OCSP_FULL_CHAIN ? [ $self->peer_certificates ]:
[ $self->peer_certificate ]
sub errstr {
my $self = shift;
my $oe = ref($self) && ${*$self}{_SSL_last_err};
return $oe ? $oe->[0] : $SSL_ERROR || '';
sub fatal_ssl_error {
my $self = shift;
my $error_trap = ${*$self}{'_SSL_arguments'}->{'SSL_error_trap'};
$@ = $self->errstr;
if (defined $error_trap and ref($error_trap) eq 'CODE') {
$error_trap->($self, $self->errstr()."\n".$self->get_ssleay_error());
} elsif ( ${*$self}{'_SSL_ioclass_upgraded'}
|| ${*$self}{_SSL_arguments}{SSL_keepSocketOnError}) {
# downgrade only
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG('downgrading SSL only, not closing socket' );
} else {
# kill socket
sub get_ssleay_error {
#Net::SSLeay will print out the errors itself unless we explicitly
#undefine $Net::SSLeay::trace while running print_errs()
local $Net::SSLeay::trace;
return Net::SSLeay::print_errs('SSL error: ') || '';
# internal errors, e.g. unsupported features, hostname check failed etc
# _SSL_last_err contains severity so that on error chains we can decide if one
# error should replace the previous one or if this is just a less specific
# follow-up error, e.g. configuration failed because certificate failed because
# hostname check went wrong:
# 0 - fallback errors
# 4 - errors bubbled up from OpenSSL (sub error, r/w error)
# 5 - hostname or OCSP verification failed
# 9 - fatal problems, e.g. missing feature, no fileno...
# _SSL_last_err and SSL_ERROR are only replaced if the error has a higher
# severity than the previous one
sub _internal_error {
my ($self, $error, $severity) = @_;
$error = dualvar( -1, $error );
$self = $CURRENT_SSL_OBJECT if !ref($self) && $CURRENT_SSL_OBJECT;
if (ref($self)) {
my $oe = ${*$self}{_SSL_last_err};
if (!$oe || $oe->[1] <= $severity) {
${*$self}{_SSL_last_err} = [$error,$severity];
$SSL_ERROR = $error;
$DEBUG && DEBUG("local error: $error");
} else {
$DEBUG && DEBUG("ignoring less severe local error '$error', keep '$oe->[0]'");
} else {
$SSL_ERROR = $error;
$DEBUG && DEBUG("global error: $error");
# OpenSSL errors
sub error {
my ($self, $error) = @_;
my @err;
while ( my $err = Net::SSLeay::ERR_get_error()) {
push @err, Net::SSLeay::ERR_error_string($err);
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG( $error."\n".$self->get_ssleay_error());
$error .= ' '.join(' ',@err) if @err;
return $self->_internal_error($error,4) if $error;
sub can_client_sni { return $can_client_sni }
sub can_server_sni { return $can_server_sni }
sub can_multi_cert { return $can_multi_cert }
sub can_npn { return $can_npn }
sub can_alpn { return $can_alpn }
sub can_ecdh { return $can_ecdh }
sub can_ipv6 { return CAN_IPV6 }
sub can_ocsp { return $can_ocsp }
sub can_ticket_keycb { return $can_tckt_keycb }
sub can_pha { return $can_pha }
sub can_partial_chain { return $check_partial_chain && 1 }
my $self = shift or return;
if (my $ssl = ${*$self}{_SSL_object}) {
delete $SSL_OBJECT{$ssl};
if (!$use_threads or delete $CREATED_IN_THIS_THREAD{$ssl}) {
$self->close(_SSL_in_DESTROY => 1, SSL_no_shutdown => 1)
if ${*$self}{'_SSL_opened'};
delete @{*$self}{@all_my_keys};
#######Extra Backwards Compatibility Functionality#######
sub socket_to_SSL { IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL(@_); }
sub socketToSSL { IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL(@_); }
sub kill_socket { shift->close }
sub issuer_name { return(shift()->peer_certificate("issuer")) }
sub subject_name { return(shift()->peer_certificate("subject")) }
sub get_peer_certificate { return shift() }
sub context_init {
return($GLOBAL_SSL_ARGS = (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') ? $_[0] : {@_});
sub set_default_context {
$GLOBAL_SSL_ARGS->{'SSL_reuse_ctx'} = shift;
sub set_default_session_cache {
$GLOBAL_SSL_ARGS->{SSL_session_cache} = shift;
my $set_defaults = sub {
my $args = shift;
for(my $i=0;$i<@$args;$i+=2 ) {
my ($k,$v) = @{$args}[$i,$i+1];
if ( $k =~m{^SSL_} ) {
$_->{$k} = $v for(@_);
} elsif ( $k =~m{^(name|scheme)$} ) {
$_->{"SSL_verifycn_$k"} = $v for (@_);
} elsif ( $k =~m{^(callback|mode)$} ) {
$_->{"SSL_verify_$k"} = $v for(@_);
} else {
$_->{"SSL_$k"} = $v for(@_);
sub set_defaults {
my %args = @_;
{ # deprecated API
no warnings;
*set_ctx_defaults = \&set_defaults;
sub set_client_defaults {
my %args = @_;
$set_defaults->(\@_, $GLOBAL_SSL_CLIENT_ARGS );
sub set_server_defaults {
my %args = @_;
$set_defaults->(\@_, $GLOBAL_SSL_SERVER_ARGS );
sub set_args_filter_hack {
my $sub = shift;
if ( ref $sub ) {
} elsif ( $sub eq 'use_defaults' ) {
# override args with defaults
my ($is_server,$args) = @_;
%$args = ( %$args, $is_server
sub next_proto_negotiated {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_internal_error("NPN not supported in Net::SSLeay",9) if ! $can_npn;
my $ssl = $self->_get_ssl_object || return;
return Net::SSLeay::P_next_proto_negotiated($ssl);
sub alpn_selected {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_internal_error("ALPN not supported in Net::SSLeay",9) if ! $can_alpn;
my $ssl = $self->_get_ssl_object || return;
return Net::SSLeay::P_alpn_selected($ssl);
sub opened {
my $self = shift;
return IO::Handle::opened($self) && ${*$self}{'_SSL_opened'};
sub opening {
my $self = shift;
return ${*$self}{'_SSL_opening'};
sub want_read { shift->errstr == SSL_WANT_READ }
sub want_write { shift->errstr == SSL_WANT_WRITE }
#Redundant IO::Handle functionality
sub getline { return(scalar shift->readline()) }
sub getlines {
return(shift->readline()) if wantarray();
croak("Use of getlines() not allowed in scalar context");
#Useless IO::Handle functionality
sub truncate { croak("Use of truncate() not allowed with SSL") }
sub stat { croak("Use of stat() not allowed with SSL" ) }
sub setbuf { croak("Use of setbuf() not allowed with SSL" ) }
sub setvbuf { croak("Use of setvbuf() not allowed with SSL" ) }
sub fdopen { croak("Use of fdopen() not allowed with SSL" ) }
#Unsupported socket functionality
sub ungetc { croak("Use of ungetc() not implemented in IO::Socket::SSL") }
sub send { croak("Use of send() not implemented in IO::Socket::SSL; use print/printf/syswrite instead") }
sub recv { croak("Use of recv() not implemented in IO::Socket::SSL; use read/sysread instead") }
package IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_HANDLE;
use strict;
use Errno 'EBADF';
*weaken = *IO::Socket::SSL::weaken;
my ($class, $handle) = @_;
bless \$handle, $class;
sub READ { ${shift()}->sysread(@_) }
sub READLINE { ${shift()}->readline(@_) }
sub GETC { ${shift()}->getc(@_) }
sub PRINT { ${shift()}->print(@_) }
sub PRINTF { ${shift()}->printf(@_) }
sub WRITE { ${shift()}->syswrite(@_) }
sub FILENO { ${shift()}->fileno(@_) }
sub TELL { $! = EBADF; return -1 }
sub BINMODE { return 0 } # not perfect, but better than not implementing the method
sub CLOSE { #<---- Do not change this function!
my $ssl = ${$_[0]};
local @_;
package IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_Context;
use Carp;
use strict;
*DEBUG = *IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG;
use constant FILETYPE_PEM => Net::SSLeay::FILETYPE_PEM();
use constant FILETYPE_ASN1 => Net::SSLeay::FILETYPE_ASN1();
| ($can_ecdh && &Net::SSLeay::OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE);
# Note that the final object will actually be a reference to the scalar
# (C-style pointer) returned by Net::SSLeay::CTX_*_new() so that
# it can be blessed.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
#DEBUG( "$class @_" );
my $arg_hash = (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') ? $_[0] : {@_};
my $is_server = $arg_hash->{SSL_server};
my %defaults = $is_server
if ( $defaults{SSL_reuse_ctx} ) {
# ignore default context if there are args to override it
delete $defaults{SSL_reuse_ctx}
if grep { m{^SSL_(?!verifycn_name|hostname)$} } keys %$arg_hash;
%$arg_hash = ( %defaults, %$arg_hash ) if %defaults;
if (my $ctx = $arg_hash->{'SSL_reuse_ctx'}) {
if ($ctx->isa('IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_Context') and
$ctx->{context}) {
# valid context
} elsif ( $ctx = ${*$ctx}{_SSL_ctx} ) {
# reuse context from existing SSL object
return $ctx
# common problem forgetting to set SSL_use_cert
# if client cert is given by user but SSL_use_cert is undef, assume that it
# should be set
if ( ! $is_server && ! defined $arg_hash->{SSL_use_cert}
&& ( grep { $arg_hash->{$_} } qw(SSL_cert SSL_cert_file))
&& ( grep { $arg_hash->{$_} } qw(SSL_key SSL_key_file)) ) {
$arg_hash->{SSL_use_cert} = 1
# if any of SSL_ca* is set don't set the other SSL_ca*
# from defaults
if ( $arg_hash->{SSL_ca} ) {
$arg_hash->{SSL_ca_file} ||= undef
$arg_hash->{SSL_ca_path} ||= undef
} elsif ( $arg_hash->{SSL_ca_path} ) {
$arg_hash->{SSL_ca_file} ||= undef
} elsif ( $arg_hash->{SSL_ca_file} ) {
$arg_hash->{SSL_ca_path} ||= undef;
# add library defaults
$arg_hash->{SSL_use_cert} = $is_server if ! defined $arg_hash->{SSL_use_cert};
# Avoid passing undef arguments to Net::SSLeay
defined($arg_hash->{$_}) or delete($arg_hash->{$_}) for(keys %$arg_hash);
# check SSL CA, cert etc arguments
# some apps set keys '' to signal that it is not set, replace with undef
for (qw( SSL_cert SSL_cert_file SSL_key SSL_key_file
SSL_ca SSL_ca_file SSL_ca_path
SSL_fingerprint )) {
$arg_hash->{$_} = undef if defined $arg_hash->{$_}
and $arg_hash->{$_} eq '';
for(qw(SSL_cert_file SSL_key_file)) {
defined( my $file = $arg_hash->{$_} ) or next;
for my $f (ref($file) eq 'HASH' ? values(%$file):$file ) {
die "$_ $f can't be used: $!" if ! open(my $fh,'<',$f)
my $verify_mode = $arg_hash->{SSL_verify_mode} || 0;
if ( $verify_mode != $Net_SSLeay_VERIFY_NONE) {
for (qw(SSL_ca_file SSL_ca_path)) {
$CHECK_SSL_PATH->($_ => $arg_hash->{$_} || next);
} elsif ( $verify_mode ne '0' ) {
# some users use the string 'SSL_VERIFY_PEER' instead of the constant
die "SSL_verify_mode must be a number and not a string";
my $self = bless {},$class;
my $vcn_scheme = delete $arg_hash->{SSL_verifycn_scheme};
my $vcn_publicsuffix = delete $arg_hash->{SSL_verifycn_publicsuffix};
if ( ! $is_server and $verify_mode & 0x01 and
! $vcn_scheme || $vcn_scheme ne 'none' ) {
# gets updated during configure_SSL
my $verify_name;
$self->{verify_name_ref} = \$verify_name;
my $vcb = $arg_hash->{SSL_verify_callback};
$arg_hash->{SSL_verify_callback} = sub {
my ($ok,$ctx_store,$certname,$error,$cert,$depth) = @_;
$ok = $vcb->($ok,$ctx_store,$certname,$error,$cert,$depth) if $vcb;
$ok or return 0;
return $ok if $depth != 0;
my $host = $verify_name || ref($vcn_scheme) && $vcn_scheme->{callback} && 'unknown';
if ( ! $host ) {
if ( $vcn_scheme ) {
"Cannot determine peer hostname for verification",8);
return 0;
warn "Cannot determine hostname of peer for verification. ".
"Disabling default hostname verification for now. ".
"Please specify hostname with SSL_verifycn_name and better set SSL_verifycn_scheme too.\n";
return $ok;
} elsif ( ! $vcn_scheme && $host =~m{^[\d.]+$|:} ) {
# don't try to verify IP by default
return $ok;
# verify name
my $rv = IO::Socket::SSL::verify_hostname_of_cert(
$host,$cert,$vcn_scheme,$vcn_publicsuffix );
if ( ! $rv ) {
"hostname verification failed",5);
return $rv;
if ($is_server) {
if ($arg_hash->{SSL_ticket_keycb} && !$can_tckt_keycb) {
warn "Ticket Key Callback is not supported - ignoring option SSL_ticket_keycb\n";
delete $arg_hash->{SSL_ticket_keycb};
my $ssl_op = $DEFAULT_SSL_OP;
my $ver = '';
for (split(/\s*:\s*/,$arg_hash->{SSL_version})) {
or croak("invalid SSL_version specified");
my $not = $1;
( my $v = lc($2||$3) ) =~s{^(...)}{\U$1};
if ( $not ) {
$ssl_op |= $SSL_OP_NO{$v};
} else {
croak("cannot set multiple SSL protocols in SSL_version")
if $ver && $v ne $ver;
$ver = $v;
$ver =~s{/}{}; # interpret SSLv2/3 as SSLv23
$ver =~s{(TLSv1)(\d)}{$1\_$2}; # TLSv1_1
my $ctx_new_sub =
$ver eq 'TLSv1_3' ? $CTX_tlsv1_3_new :
UNIVERSAL::can( 'Net::SSLeay',
$ver eq 'SSLv2' ? 'CTX_v2_new' :
$ver eq 'SSLv3' ? 'CTX_v3_new' :
$ver eq 'TLSv1' ? 'CTX_tlsv1_new' :
$ver eq 'TLSv1_1' ? 'CTX_tlsv1_1_new' :
$ver eq 'TLSv1_2' ? 'CTX_tlsv1_2_new' :
or return IO::Socket::SSL->_internal_error("SSL Version $ver not supported",9);
# For SNI in server mode we need a separate context for each certificate.
my %ctx;
if ($is_server) {
my %sni;
for my $opt (qw(SSL_key SSL_key_file SSL_cert SSL_cert_file)) {
my $val = $arg_hash->{$opt} or next;
if ( ref($val) eq 'HASH' ) {
while ( my ($host,$v) = each %$val ) {
$sni{lc($host)}{$opt} = $v;
while (my ($host,$v) = each %sni) {
$ctx{$host} = $host =~m{%} ? $v : { %$arg_hash, %$v };
$ctx{''} = $arg_hash if ! %ctx;
for my $host (sort keys %ctx) {
my $arg_hash = delete $ctx{$host};
my $ctx;
if ($host =~m{^([^%]*)%}) {
$ctx = $ctx{$1} or return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"SSL Context init for $host failed - no config for $1");
if (my @k = grep { !m{^SSL_(?:cert|key)(?:_file)?$} }
keys %$arg_hash) {
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"invalid keys @k in configuration '$host' of additional certs");
$can_multi_cert or return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"no support for both RSA and ECC certificate in same context");
$host = $1;
goto just_configure_certs;
$ctx = $ctx_new_sub->() or return
IO::Socket::SSL->error("SSL Context init failed");
$CTX_CREATED_IN_THIS_THREAD{$ctx} = 1 if $use_threads;
$ctx{$host} = $ctx; # replace value in %ctx with real context
$ssl_op |= 0x00400000 if $arg_hash->{SSL_honor_cipher_order};
if ($ver eq 'SSLv23' && !($ssl_op & $SSL_OP_NO{SSLv3})) {
# At least LibreSSL disables SSLv3 by default in SSL_CTX_new.
# If we really want SSL3.0 we need to explicitly allow it with
# SSL_CTX_clear_options.
# enable X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN if possible (OpenSSL 1.1.0+)
$check_partial_chain && $check_partial_chain->($ctx);
# if we don't set session_id_context if client certificate is expected
# client session caching will fail
# if user does not provide explicit id just use the stringification
# of the context
if($arg_hash->{SSL_server} and my $id =
$arg_hash->{SSL_session_id_context} ||
( $arg_hash->{SSL_verify_mode} & 0x01 ) && "$ctx" ) {
# SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER makes syswrite return if at least one
# buffer was written and not block for the rest
# SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE can be necessary for non-blocking because we
# cannot guarantee, that the location of the buffer stays constant
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_mode( $ctx,
if ( my $proto_list = $arg_hash->{SSL_npn_protocols} ) {
return IO::Socket::SSL->_internal_error("NPN not supported in Net::SSLeay",9)
if ! $can_npn;
if($arg_hash->{SSL_server}) {
# on server side SSL_npn_protocols means a list of advertised protocols
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_next_protos_advertised_cb($ctx, $proto_list);
} else {
# on client side SSL_npn_protocols means a list of preferred protocols
# negotiation algorithm used is "as-openssl-implements-it"
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb($ctx, $proto_list);
if ( my $proto_list = $arg_hash->{SSL_alpn_protocols} ) {
return IO::Socket::SSL->_internal_error("ALPN not supported in Net::SSLeay",9)
if ! $can_alpn;
if($arg_hash->{SSL_server}) {
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_alpn_select_cb($ctx, $proto_list);
} else {
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_alpn_protos($ctx, $proto_list);
if ($arg_hash->{SSL_ticket_keycb}) {
my $cb = $arg_hash->{SSL_ticket_keycb};
($cb,my $arg) = ref($cb) eq 'CODE' ? ($cb):@$cb;
# Try to apply SSL_ca even if SSL_verify_mode is 0, so that they can be
# used to verify OCSP responses.
# If applying fails complain only if verify_mode != VERIFY_NONE.
if ( $arg_hash->{SSL_ca}
|| defined $arg_hash->{SSL_ca_file}
|| defined $arg_hash->{SSL_ca_path} ) {
my $file = $arg_hash->{SSL_ca_file};
$file = undef if ref($file) eq 'SCALAR' && ! $$file;
my $dir = $arg_hash->{SSL_ca_path};
$dir = undef if ref($dir) eq 'SCALAR' && ! $$dir;
if ( $arg_hash->{SSL_ca} ) {
my $store = Net::SSLeay::CTX_get_cert_store($ctx);
for (@{$arg_hash->{SSL_ca}}) {
Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE_add_cert($store,$_) or
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"Failed to add certificate to CA store");
$dir = join($OPENSSL_LIST_SEPARATOR,@$dir) if ref($dir);
if ( $file || $dir and ! Net::SSLeay::CTX_load_verify_locations(
$ctx, $file || '', $dir || '')) {
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"Invalid certificate authority locations")
if $verify_mode != $Net_SSLeay_VERIFY_NONE;
} elsif ( my %ca = IO::Socket::SSL::default_ca()) {
# no CA path given, continue with system defaults
my $dir = $ca{SSL_ca_path};
$dir = join($OPENSSL_LIST_SEPARATOR,@$dir) if ref($dir);
if (! Net::SSLeay::CTX_load_verify_locations( $ctx,
$ca{SSL_ca_file} || '',$dir || '')
&& $verify_mode != $Net_SSLeay_VERIFY_NONE) {
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"Invalid default certificate authority locations")
if ($is_server && ($verify_mode & $Net_SSLeay_VERIFY_PEER)) {
if ($arg_hash->{SSL_client_ca}) {
for (@{$arg_hash->{SSL_client_ca}}) {
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"Failed to add certificate to client CA list") if
! Net::SSLeay::CTX_add_client_CA($ctx,$_);
if ($arg_hash->{SSL_client_ca_file}) {
my $list = Net::SSLeay::load_client_CA_file(
$arg_hash->{SSL_client_ca_file}) or
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"Failed to load certificate to client CA list");
my $X509_STORE_flags = $DEFAULT_X509_STORE_flags;
if ($arg_hash->{'SSL_check_crl'}) {
$X509_STORE_flags |= Net::SSLeay::X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK();
if ($arg_hash->{'SSL_crl_file'}) {
my $bio = Net::SSLeay::BIO_new_file($arg_hash->{'SSL_crl_file'}, 'r');
my $crl = Net::SSLeay::PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL($bio);
if ( $crl ) {
Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE_add_crl(Net::SSLeay::CTX_get_cert_store($ctx), $crl);
} else {
return IO::Socket::SSL->error("Invalid certificate revocation list");
) if $X509_STORE_flags;
if $arg_hash->{SSL_passwd_cb};
my ($havekey,$havecert);
if ( my $x509 = $arg_hash->{SSL_cert} ) {
# binary, e.g. X509*
# we have either a single certificate or a list with
# a chain of certificates
my @x509 = ref($x509) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$x509: ($x509);
my $cert = shift @x509;
Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_certificate( $ctx,$cert )
|| return IO::Socket::SSL->error("Failed to use Certificate");
foreach my $ca (@x509) {
Net::SSLeay::CTX_add_extra_chain_cert( $ctx,$ca )
|| return IO::Socket::SSL->error("Failed to use Certificate");
$havecert = 'OBJ';
} elsif ( my $f = $arg_hash->{SSL_cert_file} ) {
# try to load chain from PEM or certificate from ASN1
if (Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_certificate_chain_file($ctx,$f)) {
$havecert = 'PEM';
} elsif (Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_certificate_file($ctx,$f,FILETYPE_ASN1)) {
$havecert = 'DER';
} else {
# try to load certificate, key and chain from PKCS12 file
my ($key,$cert,@chain) = Net::SSLeay::P_PKCS12_load_file($f,1);
if (!$cert and $arg_hash->{SSL_passwd_cb}
and defined( my $pw = $arg_hash->{SSL_passwd_cb}->(0))) {
($key,$cert,@chain) = Net::SSLeay::P_PKCS12_load_file($f,1,$pw);
PKCS12: while ($cert) {
Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_certificate($ctx,$cert) or last;
# Net::SSLeay::P_PKCS12_load_file is implemented using
# OpenSSL PKCS12_parse which according to the source code
# returns the chain with the last CA certificate first (i.e.
# reverse order as in the PKCS12 file). This is not
# documented but given the age of this function we'll assume
# that this will stay this way in the future.
while (my $ca = pop @chain) {
or last PKCS12;
last if $key && ! Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_PrivateKey($ctx,$key);
$havecert = 'PKCS12';
$havekey = 'PKCS12' if $key;
Net::SSLeay::X509_free($cert) if $cert;
Net::SSLeay::EVP_PKEY_free($key) if $key;
# don't free @chain, because CTX_add_extra_chain_cert
# did not duplicate the certificates
$havecert or return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"Failed to load certificate from file (no PEM, DER or PKCS12)");
if (!$havecert || $havekey) {
# skip SSL_key_*
} elsif ( my $pkey = $arg_hash->{SSL_key} ) {
# binary, e.g. EVP_PKEY*
Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_PrivateKey($ctx, $pkey)
|| return IO::Socket::SSL->error("Failed to use Private Key");
$havekey = 'MEM';
} elsif ( my $f = $arg_hash->{SSL_key_file}
|| (($havecert eq 'PEM') ? $arg_hash->{SSL_cert_file}:undef) ) {
for my $ft ( FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1 ) {
if (Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_PrivateKey_file($ctx,$f,$ft)) {
$havekey = ($ft == FILETYPE_PEM) ? 'PEM':'DER';
$havekey or return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"Failed to load key from file (no PEM or DER)");
if (!$is_server && $can_pha && $havecert && $havekey);
if ($arg_hash->{SSL_server}) {
if ( my $f = $arg_hash->{SSL_dh_file} ) {
my $bio = Net::SSLeay::BIO_new_file( $f,'r' )
|| return IO::Socket::SSL->error( "Failed to open DH file $f" );
my $dh = Net::SSLeay::PEM_read_bio_DHparams($bio);
$dh || return IO::Socket::SSL->error( "Failed to read PEM for DH from $f - wrong format?" );
my $rv;
for (values (%ctx)) {
$rv = Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_tmp_dh( $_,$dh ) or last;
Net::SSLeay::DH_free( $dh );
$rv || return IO::Socket::SSL->error( "Failed to set DH from $f" );
} elsif ( my $dh = $arg_hash->{SSL_dh} ) {
# binary, e.g. DH*
for( values %ctx ) {
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_tmp_dh( $_,$dh ) || return
IO::Socket::SSL->error( "Failed to set DH from SSL_dh" );
if ( my $curve = $arg_hash->{SSL_ecdh_curve} ) {
return IO::Socket::SSL->_internal_error(
"ECDH curve needs Net::SSLeay>=1.56 and OpenSSL>=1.0",9)
if ! $can_ecdh;
for(values %ctx) {
if ($arg_hash->{SSL_server} and $curve eq 'auto') {
if ($can_ecdh eq 'can_auto') {
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_ecdh_auto($_,1) or
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"failed to set ECDH curve context");
} elsif ($can_ecdh eq 'auto') {
# automatically enabled anyway
} else {
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto not implemented");
} elsif ($set_groups_list) {
$set_groups_list->($_,$curve) or return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"failed to set ECDH groups/curves on context");
# needed for OpenSSL 1.0.2 if ($can_ecdh eq 'can_auto') {
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_ecdh_auto($_,1) if $can_ecdh eq 'can_auto';
} elsif ($curve =~m{:}) {
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"SSL_CTX_groups_list or SSL_CTX_curves_list not implemented");
} elsif ($arg_hash->{SSL_server}) {
if ( $curve !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
# name of curve, find NID
$curve = Net::SSLeay::OBJ_txt2nid($curve)
|| return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"cannot find NID for curve name '$curve'");
my $ecdh = Net::SSLeay::EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name($curve) or
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"cannot create curve for NID $curve");
for( values %ctx ) {
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_tmp_ecdh($_,$ecdh) or
return IO::Socket::SSL->error(
"failed to set ECDH curve context");
my $verify_cb = $arg_hash->{SSL_verify_callback};
my @accept_fp;
if ( my $fp = $arg_hash->{SSL_fingerprint} ) {
for( ref($fp) ? @$fp : $fp) {
my ($algo,$pubkey,$digest) = m{^(?:([\w-]+)\$)?(pub\$)?([a-f\d:]+)$}i
or return IO::Socket::SSL->_internal_error("invalid fingerprint '$_'",9);
( $digest = lc($digest) ) =~s{:}{}g;
$algo ||=
length($digest) == 32 ? 'md5' :
length($digest) == 40 ? 'sha1' :
length($digest) == 64 ? 'sha256' :
return IO::Socket::SSL->_internal_error(
"cannot detect hash algorithem from fingerprint '$_'",9);
$algo = lc($algo);
push @accept_fp,[ $algo, $pubkey || '', pack('H*',$digest) ]
my $verify_fingerprint = @accept_fp && do {
my $fail;
sub {
my ($ok,$cert,$depth) = @_;
$fail = 1 if ! $ok;
return 1 if $depth>0; # to let us continue with verification
# Check fingerprint only from top certificate.
my %fp;
for(@accept_fp) {
my $fp = $fp{$_->[0],$_->[1]} ||= $_->[1]
? Net::SSLeay::X509_pubkey_digest($cert,$algo2digest->($_->[0]))
: Net::SSLeay::X509_digest($cert,$algo2digest->($_->[0]));
next if $fp ne $_->[2];
return 1;
return ! $fail;
my $verify_callback = ( $verify_cb || @accept_fp ) && sub {
my ($ok, $ctx_store) = @_;
my ($certname,$cert,$error,$depth);
if ($ctx_store) {
$cert = Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert($ctx_store);
$error = Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE_CTX_get_error($ctx_store);
$depth = Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth($ctx_store);
$certname =
$error &&= Net::SSLeay::ERR_error_string($error);
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG( "ok=$ok [$depth] $certname" );
$ok = $verify_cb->($ok,$ctx_store,$certname,$error,$cert,$depth) if $verify_cb;
$ok = $verify_fingerprint->($ok,$cert,$depth) if $verify_fingerprint && $cert;
return $ok;
if ( $^O eq 'darwin' ) {
# explicitly set error code to disable use of apples TEA patch
my $vcb = $verify_callback;
$verify_callback = sub {
my $rv = $vcb ? &$vcb : $_[0];
if ( $rv != 1 ) {
# 50 - X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION: application verification failure
Net::SSLeay::X509_STORE_CTX_set_error($_[1], 50);
return $rv;
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_verify($_, $verify_mode, $verify_callback)
for (values %ctx);
my $staple_callback = $arg_hash->{SSL_ocsp_staple_callback};
if ( !$is_server && $can_ocsp_staple && ! $verify_fingerprint) {
$self->{ocsp_cache} = $arg_hash->{SSL_ocsp_cache};
my $status_cb = sub {
my ($ssl,$resp) = @_;
my $iossl = $SSL_OBJECT{$ssl} or
die "no IO::Socket::SSL object found for SSL $ssl";
$iossl->[1] and do {
# we must return with 1 or it will be called again
# and because we have no SSL object we must make the error global
= "OCSP callback on server side");
return 1;
$iossl = $iossl->[0];
# if we have a callback use this
# callback must not free or copy $resp !!
if ( $staple_callback ) {
return 1;
# default callback does verification
if ( ! $resp ) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("did not get stapled OCSP response");
return 1;
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("got stapled OCSP response");
my $status = Net::SSLeay::OCSP_response_status($resp);
if ($status != Net::SSLeay::OCSP_RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL()) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("bad status of stapled OCSP response: ".
return 1;
if (!eval { Net::SSLeay::OCSP_response_verify($ssl,$resp) }) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("verify of stapled OCSP response failed");
return 1;
my (@results,$hard_error);
my @chain = $iossl->peer_certificates;
for my $cert (@chain) {
my $certid = eval { Net::SSLeay::OCSP_cert2ids($ssl,$cert) };
if (!$certid) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("cannot create OCSP_CERTID: $@");
push @results,[-1,$@];
($status) = Net::SSLeay::OCSP_response_results($resp,$certid);
if ($status && $status->[2]) {
my $cache = ${*$iossl}{_SSL_ctx}{ocsp_cache};
if (!$status->[1]) {
push @results,[1,$status->[2]{nextUpdate}];
$cache && $cache->put($certid,$status->[2]);
} elsif ( $status->[2]{statusType} ==
push @results,[1,$status->[2]{nextUpdate}];
$cache && $cache->put($certid,{
expire => time()+120,
soft_error => $status->[1],
} else {
push @results,($hard_error = [0,$status->[1]]);
$cache && $cache->put($certid,{
hard_error => $status->[1],
# return result of lead certificate, this should be in chain[0] and
# thus result[0], but we better check. But if we had any hard_error
# return this instead
if ($hard_error) {
${*$iossl}{_SSL_ocsp_verify} = $hard_error;
} elsif (@results and $chain[0] == $iossl->peer_certificate) {
${*$iossl}{_SSL_ocsp_verify} = $results[0];
return 1;
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_tlsext_status_cb($_,$status_cb) for (values %ctx);
if ( my $cl = $arg_hash->{SSL_cipher_list} ) {
for (keys %ctx) {
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_cipher_list($ctx{$_}, ref($cl)
? $cl->{$_} || $cl->{''} || $DEFAULT_SSL_ARGS{SSL_cipher_list} || next
: $cl
) || return IO::Socket::SSL->error("Failed to set SSL cipher list");
# Main context is default context or any other if no default context.
my $ctx = $ctx{''} || (values %ctx)[0];
if (keys(%ctx) > 1 || ! exists $ctx{''}) {
$can_server_sni or return IO::Socket::SSL->_internal_error(
"Server side SNI not supported for this openssl/Net::SSLeay",9);
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback($ctx, sub {
my $ssl = shift;
my $host = Net::SSLeay::get_servername($ssl);
$host = '' if ! defined $host;
my $snictx = $ctx{lc($host)} || $ctx{''} or do {
"cannot get context from servername '$host'");
return 0;
$DEBUG>1 and DEBUG("set context from servername $host");
Net::SSLeay::set_SSL_CTX($ssl,$snictx) if $snictx != $ctx;
return 1;
if ( my $cb = $arg_hash->{SSL_create_ctx_callback} ) {
$cb->($_) for values (%ctx);
$self->{context} = $ctx;
$self->{verify_mode} = $arg_hash->{SSL_verify_mode};
$self->{ocsp_mode} =
defined($arg_hash->{SSL_ocsp_mode}) ? $arg_hash->{SSL_ocsp_mode} :
$self->{verify_mode} ? IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_OCSP_TRY_STAPLE() :
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG( "new ctx $ctx" );
if ( my $cache = $arg_hash->{SSL_session_cache} ) {
# use predefined cache
$self->{session_cache} = $cache
} elsif ( my $size = $arg_hash->{SSL_session_cache_size}) {
$self->{session_cache} = IO::Socket::SSL::Session_Cache->new( $size );
if ($self->{session_cache} and %sess_cb) {
my $cache = $self->{session_cache};
$sess_cb{new}($ctx, sub {
my ($ssl,$session) = @_;
my $self = ($SSL_OBJECT{$ssl} || do {
warn "callback session new: no known SSL object for $ssl";
my $args = ${*$self}{_SSL_arguments};
my $key = $args->{SSL_session_key} or do {
warn "callback session new: no known SSL_session_key for $ssl";
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("callback session new <$key> $session");
$sess_cb{remove}($ctx, sub {
my ($ctx,$session) = @_;
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("callback session remove $session");
return $self;
sub has_session_cache {
return defined shift->{session_cache};
my $self = shift;
if ( my $ctx = $self->{context} ) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("free ctx $ctx open=".join( " ",keys %CTX_CREATED_IN_THIS_THREAD ));
if (!$use_threads or delete $CTX_CREATED_IN_THIS_THREAD{$ctx} ) {
# remove any verify callback for this context
if ( $self->{verify_mode}) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("free ctx $ctx callback" );
Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_verify($ctx, 0,undef);
if ( $self->{ocsp_error_ref}) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("free ctx $ctx tlsext_status_cb" );
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("OK free ctx $ctx" );
package IO::Socket::SSL::Session_Cache;
*DEBUG = *IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG;
use constant {
KEY => 1,
GNEXT => 2,
GPREV => 3,
SNEXT => 4,
SPREV => 5,
sub new {
my ($class, $size) = @_;
$size>0 or return;
return bless {
room => $size,
ghead => undef,
shead => {},
}, $class;
sub add_session {
my ($self, $key, $session) = @_;
# create new
my $v = [];
$v->[SESSION] = $session;
$v->[KEY] = $key;
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("add_session($key,$session)");
sub replace_session {
my ($self, $key, $session) = @_;
$self->add_session($key, $session);
sub del_session {
my ($self, $key, $session) = @_;
my ($head,$inext) = $key
? ($self->{shead}{$key},SNEXT) : ($self->{ghead},GNEXT);
my $v = $head;
my @del;
while ($v) {
if (!$session) {
push @del,$v
} elsif ($v->[SESSION] == $session) {
push @del, $v;
$v = $v->[$inext];
last if $v == $head;
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("del_session("
. ($key ? $key : "undef")
. ($session ? ",$session) -> " : ") -> ")
. (~~@del || 'none'));
for (@del) {
Net::SSLeay::SESSION_free($_->[SESSION]) if $_->[SESSION];
return ~~@del;
sub get_session {
my ($self, $key, $session) = @_;
my $v = $self->{shead}{$key};
if ($session) {
my $shead = $v;
while ($v) {
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("check $session - $v->[SESSION]");
last if $v->[SESSION] == $session;
$v = $v->[SNEXT];
$v = undef if $v == $shead; # session not found
if ($v) {
_del_entry($self, $v); # remove
_add_entry($self, $v); # and add back on top
$DEBUG>=3 && DEBUG("get_session($key"
. ( $session ? ",$session) -> " : ") -> ")
. ($v? $v->[SESSION]:"none"));
return $v && $v->[SESSION];
sub _add_entry {
my ($self,$v) = @_;
[ SNEXT, SPREV, \$self->{shead}{$v->[KEY]} ],
[ GNEXT, GPREV, \$self->{ghead} ],
) {
my ($inext,$iprev,$rhead) = @$_;
if ($$rhead) {
$v->[$inext] = $$rhead;
$v->[$iprev] = ${$rhead}->[$iprev];
${$rhead}->[$iprev][$inext] = $v;
${$rhead}->[$iprev] = $v;
} else {
$v->[$inext] = $v->[$iprev] = $v;
$$rhead = $v;
# drop old entries if necessary
if ($self->{room}<0) {
my $l = $self->{ghead}[GPREV];
Net::SSLeay::SESSION_free($l->[SESSION]) if $l->[SESSION];
sub _del_entry {
my ($self,$v) = @_;
[ SNEXT, SPREV, \$self->{shead}{$v->[KEY]} ],
[ GNEXT, GPREV, \$self->{ghead} ],
) {
my ($inext,$iprev,$rhead) = @$_;
$$rhead or return;
$v->[$inext][$iprev] = $v->[$iprev];
$v->[$iprev][$inext] = $v->[$inext];
if ($v != $$rhead) {
# not removed from top of list
} elsif ($v->[$inext] == $v) {
# was only element on list, drop list
if ($inext == SNEXT) {
delete $self->{shead}{$v->[KEY]};
} else {
$$rhead = undef;
} else {
# was top element, keep others
$$rhead = $v->[$inext];
sub _dump {
my $self = shift;
my %v2i;
my $v = $self->{ghead};
while ($v) {
exists $v2i{$v} and die;
$v2i{$v} = int(keys %v2i);
$v = $v->[GNEXT];
last if $v == $self->{ghead};
my $out = "room: $self->{room}\nghead:\n";
$v = $self->{ghead};
while ($v) {
$out .= sprintf(" - [%d] <%d,%d> '%s' <%s>\n",
$v2i{$v}, $v2i{$v->[GPREV]}, $v2i{$v->[GNEXT]},
$v->[KEY], $v->[SESSION]);
$v = $v->[GNEXT];
last if $v == $self->{ghead};
$out .= "shead:\n";
for my $key (sort keys %{$self->{shead}}) {
$out .= " - '$key'\n";
my $shead = $self->{shead}{$key};
my $v = $shead;
while ($v) {
$out .= sprintf(" - [%d] <%d,%d> '%s' <%s>\n",
$v2i{$v}, $v2i{$v->[SPREV]}, $v2i{$v->[SNEXT]},
$v->[KEY], $v->[SESSION]);
$v = $v->[SNEXT];
last if $v == $shead;
return $out;
my $self = shift;
delete $self->{shead};
my $v = delete $self->{ghead};
while ($v) {
Net::SSLeay::SESSION_free($v->[SESSION]) if $v->[SESSION];
my $next = $v->[GNEXT];
@$v = ();
$v = $next;
package IO::Socket::SSL::OCSP_Cache;
sub new {
my ($class,$size) = @_;
return bless {
'' => { _lru => 0, size => $size || 100 }
sub get {
my ($self,$id) = @_;
my $e = $self->{$id} or return;
$e->{_lru} = $self->{''}{_lru}++;
if ( $e->{expire} && time()<$e->{expire}) {
delete $self->{$id};
if ( $e->{nextUpdate} && time()<$e->{nextUpdate} ) {
delete $self->{$id};
return $e;
sub put {
my ($self,$id,$e) = @_;
$self->{$id} = $e;
$e->{_lru} = $self->{''}{_lru}++;
my $del = keys(%$self) - $self->{''}{size};
if ($del>0) {
my @k = sort { $self->{$a}{_lru} <=> $self->{$b}{_lru} } keys %$self;
delete @{$self}{ splice(@k,0,$del) };
return $e;
package IO::Socket::SSL::OCSP_Resolver;
*DEBUG = *IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG;
# create a new resolver
# $ssl - the ssl object
# $cache - OCSP_Cache object (put,get)
# $failhard - flag if we should fail hard on OCSP problems
# $certs - list of certs to verify
sub new {
my ($class,$ssl,$cache,$failhard,$certs) = @_;
my (%todo,$done,$hard_error,@soft_error);
for my $cert (@$certs) {
# skip entries which have no OCSP uri or where we cannot get a certid
# (e.g. self-signed or where we don't have the issuer)
my $subj = Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_oneline(Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subject_name($cert));
my $uri = Net::SSLeay::P_X509_get_ocsp_uri($cert) or do {
$DEBUG>2 && DEBUG("no URI for certificate $subj");
push @soft_error,"no ocsp_uri for $subj";
my $certid = eval { Net::SSLeay::OCSP_cert2ids($ssl,$cert) } or do {
$DEBUG>2 && DEBUG("no OCSP_CERTID for certificate $subj: $@");
push @soft_error,"no certid for $subj: $@";
if (!($done = $cache->get($certid))) {
push @{ $todo{$uri}{ids} }, $certid;
push @{ $todo{$uri}{subj} }, $subj;
} elsif ( $done->{hard_error} ) {
# one error is enough to fail validation
$hard_error = $done->{hard_error};
%todo = ();
} elsif ( $done->{soft_error} ) {
push @soft_error,$done->{soft_error};
while ( my($uri,$v) = each %todo) {
my $ids = $v->{ids};
$v->{req} = Net::SSLeay::i2d_OCSP_REQUEST(
$hard_error ||= '' if ! %todo;
return bless {
ssl => $ssl,
cache => $cache,
failhard => $failhard,
hard_error => $hard_error,
soft_error => @soft_error ? join("; ",@soft_error) : undef,
todo => \%todo,
# return current result, e.g. '' for no error, else error
# if undef we have no final result yet
sub hard_error { return shift->{hard_error} }
sub soft_error { return shift->{soft_error} }
# return hash with uri => ocsp_request_data for open requests
sub requests {
my $todo = shift()->{todo};
return map { ($_,$todo->{$_}{req}) } keys %$todo;
# add new response
sub add_response {
my ($self,$uri,$resp) = @_;
my $todo = delete $self->{todo}{$uri};
return $self->{error} if ! $todo || $self->{error};
my ($req,@soft_error,@hard_error);
# do we have a response
if (!$resp) {
@soft_error = "http request for OCSP failed; subject: ".
join("; ",@{$todo->{subj}});
# is it a valid OCSP_RESPONSE
} elsif ( ! eval { $resp = Net::SSLeay::d2i_OCSP_RESPONSE($resp) }) {
@soft_error = "invalid response (no OCSP_RESPONSE); subject: ".
join("; ",@{$todo->{subj}});
# hopefully short-time error
soft_error => "@soft_error",
expire => time()+10,
}) for (@{$todo->{ids}});
# is the OCSP response status success
} elsif (
( my $status = Net::SSLeay::OCSP_response_status($resp))
@soft_error = "OCSP response failed: ".
"; subject: ".join("; ",@{$todo->{subj}});
# hopefully short-time error
soft_error => "@soft_error",
expire => time()+10,
}) for (@{$todo->{ids}});
# does nonce match the request and can the signature be verified
} elsif ( ! eval {
$req = Net::SSLeay::d2i_OCSP_REQUEST($todo->{req});
}) {
if ($@) {
@soft_error = $@
} else {
my @err;
while ( my $err = Net::SSLeay::ERR_get_error()) {
push @soft_error, Net::SSLeay::ERR_error_string($err);
@soft_error = 'failed to verify OCSP response; subject: '.
join("; ",@{$todo->{subj}}) if ! @soft_error;
# configuration problem or we don't know the signer
soft_error => "@soft_error",
expire => time()+120,
}) for (@{$todo->{ids}});
# extract results from response
} elsif ( my @result =
Net::SSLeay::OCSP_response_results($resp,@{$todo->{ids}})) {
my (@found,@miss);
for my $rv (@result) {
if ($rv->[2]) {
push @found,$rv->[0];
if (!$rv->[1]) {
# no error
} elsif ( $rv->[2]{statusType} ==
# soft error, like response after nextUpdate
push @soft_error,$rv->[1]."; subject: ".
join("; ",@{$todo->{subj}});
soft_error => "@soft_error",
expire => time()+120,
} else {
# hard error
push @hard_error, $rv->[1]."; subject: ".
join("; ",@{$todo->{subj}});
} else {
push @miss,$rv->[0];
if (@miss && @found) {
# we sent multiple responses, but server answered only to one
# try again
$self->{todo}{$uri} = $todo;
$todo->{ids} = \@miss;
$todo->{req} = Net::SSLeay::i2d_OCSP_REQUEST(
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("$uri just answered ".@found." of ".(@found+@miss)." requests");
} else {
@soft_error = "no data in response; subject: ".
join("; ",@{$todo->{subj}});
# probably configuration problem
soft_error => "@soft_error",
expire => time()+120,
}) for (@{$todo->{ids}});
Net::SSLeay::OCSP_REQUEST_free($req) if $req;
if ($self->{failhard}) {
push @hard_error,@soft_error;
@soft_error = ();
if (@soft_error) {
$self->{soft_error} .= "; " if $self->{soft_error};
$self->{soft_error} .= "$uri: ".join('; ',@soft_error);
if (@hard_error) {
$self->{hard_error} = "$uri: ".join('; ',@hard_error);
%{$self->{todo}} = ();
} elsif ( ! %{$self->{todo}} ) {
$self->{hard_error} = ''
return $self->{hard_error};
# make all necessary requests to get OCSP responses blocking
sub resolve_blocking {
my ($self,%args) = @_;
while ( my %todo = $self->requests ) {
eval { require HTTP::Tiny } or die "need HTTP::Tiny installed";
# OCSP responses have their own signature, so we don't need SSL verification
my $ua = HTTP::Tiny->new(verify_SSL => 0,%args);
while (my ($uri,$reqdata) = each %todo) {
$DEBUG && DEBUG("sending OCSP request to $uri");
my $resp = $ua->request('POST',$uri, {
headers => { 'Content-type' => 'application/ocsp-request' },
content => $reqdata
$DEBUG && DEBUG("got OCSP response from $uri code=$resp->{status}");
defined ($self->add_response($uri,
$resp->{success} && $resp->{content}))
&& last;
$DEBUG>=2 && DEBUG("no more open OCSP requests");
return $self->{hard_error};
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists