Sindbad~EG File Manager
require 5;
package Pod::Simple::HTML;
use strict;
use Pod::Simple::PullParser ();
use vars qw(
@ISA %Tagmap $Computerese $LamePad $Linearization_Limit $VERSION
$Perldoc_URL_Prefix $Perldoc_URL_Postfix $Man_URL_Prefix $Man_URL_Postfix
$Title_Prefix $Title_Postfix $HTML_EXTENSION %ToIndex
$Doctype_decl $Content_decl
@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::PullParser');
$VERSION = '3.35';
if(defined &DEBUG) { } # no-op
elsif( defined &Pod::Simple::DEBUG ) { *DEBUG = \&Pod::Simple::DEBUG }
else { *DEBUG = sub () {0}; }
$Doctype_decl ||= ''; # No. Just No. Don't even ask me for it.
# qq{<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
# "">\n};
$Content_decl ||=
q{<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" >};
$HTML_EXTENSION = '.html' unless defined $HTML_EXTENSION;
$Computerese = "" unless defined $Computerese;
$LamePad = '' unless defined $LamePad;
$Linearization_Limit = 120 unless defined $Linearization_Limit;
# headings/items longer than that won't get an <a name="...">
$Perldoc_URL_Prefix = ''
unless defined $Perldoc_URL_Prefix;
$Perldoc_URL_Postfix = ''
unless defined $Perldoc_URL_Postfix;
$Man_URL_Prefix = '';
$Man_URL_Postfix = '';
$Title_Prefix = '' unless defined $Title_Prefix;
$Title_Postfix = '' unless defined $Title_Postfix;
%ToIndex = map {; $_ => 1 } qw(head1 head2 head3 head4 ); # item-text
# 'item-text' stuff in the index doesn't quite work, and may
# not be a good idea anyhow.
# In turning L<Foo::Bar> into http://whatever/Foo%3a%3aBar, what
# to put before the "Foo%3a%3aBar".
# (for singleton mode only?)
# what to put after "Foo%3a%3aBar" in the URL. Normally "".
# In turning L<crontab(5)> into http://whatever/man/1/crontab, what
# to put before the "1/crontab".
# what to put after the "1/crontab" in the URL. Normally "".
'batch_mode', # whether we're in batch mode
# When in batch mode, how deep the current module is: 1 for "LWP",
# 2 for "LWP::Procotol", 3 for "LWP::Protocol::GHTTP", etc
'title_prefix', 'title_postfix',
# What to put before and after the title in the head.
# Should already be &-escaped
'index', # whether to add an index at the top of each page
# (actually it's a table-of-contents, but we'll call it an index,
# out of apparently longstanding habit)
'html_css', # URL of CSS file to point to
'html_javascript', # URL of Javascript file to point to
'force_title', # should already be &-escaped
'default_title', # should already be &-escaped
my @_to_accept;
%Tagmap = (
'Verbatim' => "\n<pre$Computerese>",
'/Verbatim' => "</pre>\n",
'VerbatimFormatted' => "\n<pre$Computerese>",
'/VerbatimFormatted' => "</pre>\n",
'VerbatimB' => "<b>",
'/VerbatimB' => "</b>",
'VerbatimI' => "<i>",
'/VerbatimI' => "</i>",
'VerbatimBI' => "<b><i>",
'/VerbatimBI' => "</i></b>",
'Data' => "\n",
'/Data' => "\n",
'head1' => "\n<h1>", # And also stick in an <a name="...">
'head2' => "\n<h2>", # ''
'head3' => "\n<h3>", # ''
'head4' => "\n<h4>", # ''
'/head1' => "</a></h1>\n",
'/head2' => "</a></h2>\n",
'/head3' => "</a></h3>\n",
'/head4' => "</a></h4>\n",
'X' => "<!--\n\tINDEX: ",
'/X' => "\n-->",
B=b I=i
map {; m/^([-a-z]+)/s && push @_to_accept, $1; $_ }
] # no point in providing a way to get <q>...</q>, I think
'/item-bullet' => "</li>$LamePad\n",
'/item-number' => "</li>$LamePad\n",
'/item-text' => "</a></dt>$LamePad\n",
'item-body' => "\n<dd>",
'/item-body' => "</dd>\n",
'B' => "<b>", '/B' => "</b>",
'I' => "<i>", '/I' => "</i>",
'F' => "<em$Computerese>", '/F' => "</em>",
'C' => "<code$Computerese>", '/C' => "</code>",
'L' => "<a href='YOU_SHOULD_NEVER_SEE_THIS'>", # ideally never used!
'/L' => "</a>",
sub changes {
return map {; m/^([-_:0-9a-zA-Z]+)=([-_:0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/s
? ( $1, => "\n<$2>", "/$1", => "</$2>\n" ) : die "Funky $_"
} @_;
sub changes2 {
return map {; m/^([-_:0-9a-zA-Z]+)=([-_:0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/s
? ( $1, => "<$2>", "/$1", => "</$2>" ) : die "Funky $_"
} @_;
sub go { Pod::Simple::HTML->parse_from_file(@ARGV); exit 0 }
# Just so we can run from the command line. No options.
# For that, use perldoc!
sub new {
my $new = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
$new->accept_targets( 'html', 'HTML' );
DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "To accept: ", join(' ',@_to_accept), "\n";
$new->perldoc_url_prefix( $Perldoc_URL_Prefix );
$new->perldoc_url_postfix( $Perldoc_URL_Postfix );
$new->man_url_prefix( $Man_URL_Prefix );
$new->man_url_postfix( $Man_URL_Postfix );
$new->title_prefix( $Title_Prefix );
$new->title_postfix( $Title_Postfix );
$new->html_header_after_title( join "\n" =>
"</head>\n<body class='pod'>",
"<!-- start doc -->\n",
$new->html_footer( qq[\n<!-- end doc -->\n\n</body></html>\n] );
$new->top_anchor( "<a name='___top' class='dummyTopAnchor' ></a>\n" );
$new->{'Tagmap'} = {%Tagmap};
return $new;
sub __adjust_html_h_levels {
my ($self) = @_;
my $Tagmap = $self->{'Tagmap'};
my $add = $self->html_h_level;
return unless defined $add;
return if ($self->{'Adjusted_html_h_levels'}||0) == $add;
$add -= 1;
for (1 .. 4) {
$Tagmap->{"head$_"} =~ s/$_/$_ + $add/e;
$Tagmap->{"/head$_"} =~ s/$_/$_ + $add/e;
sub batch_mode_page_object_init {
my($self, $batchconvobj, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth) = @_;
DEBUG and print STDERR "Initting $self\n for $module\n",
" in $infile\n out $outfile\n depth $depth\n";
return $self;
sub run {
my $self = $_[0];
return $self->do_middle if $self->bare_output;
$self->do_beginning && $self->do_middle && $self->do_end;
sub do_beginning {
my $self = $_[0];
my $title;
if(defined $self->force_title) {
$title = $self->force_title;
DEBUG and print STDERR "Forcing title to be $title\n";
} else {
# Actually try looking for the title in the document:
$title = $self->get_short_title();
unless($self->content_seen) {
DEBUG and print STDERR "No content seen in search for title.\n";
$self->{'Title'} = $title;
if(defined $title and $title =~ m/\S/) {
$title = $self->title_prefix . esc($title) . $self->title_postfix;
} else {
$title = $self->default_title;
$title = '' unless defined $title;
DEBUG and print STDERR "Title defaults to $title\n";
my $after = $self->html_header_after_title || '';
if($self->html_css) {
my $link =
$self->html_css =~ m/</
? $self->html_css # It's a big blob of markup, let's drop it in
: sprintf( # It's just a URL, so let's wrap it up
qq[<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="pod_stylesheet" href="%s">\n],
$after =~ s{(</head>)}{$link\n$1}i; # otherwise nevermind
if($self->html_javascript) {
my $link =
$self->html_javascript =~ m/</
? $self->html_javascript # It's a big blob of markup, let's drop it in
: sprintf( # It's just a URL, so let's wrap it up
qq[<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>\n],
$after =~ s{(</head>)}{$link\n$1}i; # otherwise nevermind
print {$self->{'output_fh'}}
$self->html_header_before_title || '',
$title, # already escaped
DEBUG and print STDERR "Returning from do_beginning...\n";
return 1;
sub _add_top_anchor {
my($self, $text_r) = @_;
unless($$text_r and $$text_r =~ m/name=['"]___top['"]/) { # a hack
$$text_r .= $self->top_anchor || '';
sub version_tag_comment {
my $self = shift;
return sprintf
"<!--\n generated by %s v%s,\n using %s v%s,\n under Perl v%s at %s GMT.\n\n %s\n\n-->\n",
ref($self), $self->VERSION(), $ISA[0], $ISA[0]->VERSION(),
$], scalar(gmtime),
), $self->_modnote(),
sub _modnote {
my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
return join "\n " => grep m/\S/, split "\n",
If you want to change this HTML document, you probably shouldn't do that
by changing it directly. Instead, see about changing the calling options
to $class, and/or subclassing $class,
then reconverting this document from the Pod source.
When in doubt, email the author of $class for advice.
See 'perldoc $class' for more info.
sub do_end {
my $self = $_[0];
print {$self->{'output_fh'}} $self->html_footer || '';
return 1;
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Normally this would just be a call to _do_middle_main_loop -- but we
# have to do some elaborate things to emit all the content and then
# summarize it and output it /before/ the content that it's a summary of.
sub do_middle {
my $self = $_[0];
return $self->_do_middle_main_loop unless $self->index;
if( $self->output_string ) {
# An efficiency hack
my $out = $self->output_string; #it's a reference to it
my $sneakytag = "\f\f\e\e\b\bIndex Here\e\e\b\b\f\f\n";
$$out .= $sneakytag;
$sneakytag = quotemeta($sneakytag);
my $index = $self->index_as_html();
if( $$out =~ s/$sneakytag/$index/s ) {
# Expected case
DEBUG and print STDERR "Inserted ", length($index), " bytes of index HTML into $out.\n";
} else {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Odd, couldn't find where to insert the index in the output!\n";
# I don't think this should ever happen.
return 1;
unless( $self->output_fh ) {
require Carp;
Carp::confess("Parser object \$p doesn't seem to have any output object! I don't know how to deal with that.");
# If we get here, we're outputting to a FH. So we need to do some magic.
# Namely, divert all content to a string, which we output after the index.
my $fh = $self->output_fh;
my $content = '';
# Our horrible bait and switch:
$self->output_string( \$content );
print $fh $self->index_as_html();
print $fh $content;
return 1;
sub index_as_html {
my $self = $_[0];
# This is meant to be called AFTER the input document has been parsed!
my $points = $self->{'PSHTML_index_points'} || [];
@$points > 1 or return qq[<div class='indexgroupEmpty'></div>\n];
# There's no point in having a 0-item or 1-item index, I dare say.
my(@out) = qq{\n<div class='indexgroup'>};
my $level = 0;
my( $target_level, $previous_tagname, $tagname, $text, $anchorname, $indent);
foreach my $p (@$points, ['head0', '(end)']) {
($tagname, $text) = @$p;
$anchorname = $self->section_escape($text);
if( $tagname =~ m{^head(\d+)$} ) {
$target_level = 0 + $1;
} else { # must be some kinda list item
if($previous_tagname =~ m{^head\d+$} ) {
$target_level = $level + 1;
} else {
$target_level = $level; # no change needed
# Get to target_level by opening or closing ULs
while($level > $target_level)
{ --$level; push @out, (" " x $level) . "</ul>"; }
while($level < $target_level)
{ ++$level; push @out, (" " x ($level-1))
. "<ul class='indexList indexList$level'>"; }
$previous_tagname = $tagname;
next unless $level;
$indent = ' ' x $level;
push @out, sprintf
"%s<li class='indexItem indexItem%s'><a href='#%s'>%s</a>",
$indent, $level, esc($anchorname), esc($text)
push @out, "</div>\n";
return join "\n", @out;
sub _do_middle_main_loop {
my $self = $_[0];
my $fh = $self->{'output_fh'};
my $tagmap = $self->{'Tagmap'};
my($token, $type, $tagname, $linkto, $linktype);
my @stack;
my $dont_wrap = 0;
while($token = $self->get_token) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if( ($type = $token->type) eq 'start' ) {
if(($tagname = $token->tagname) eq 'L') {
$linktype = $token->attr('type') || 'insane';
$linkto = $self->do_link($token);
if(defined $linkto and length $linkto) {
# (Yes, SGML-escaping applies on top of %-escaping!
# But it's rarely noticeable in practice.)
print $fh qq{<a href="$linkto" class="podlink$linktype"\n>};
} else {
print $fh "<a>"; # Yes, an 'a' element with no attributes!
} elsif ($tagname eq 'item-text' or $tagname =~ m/^head\d$/s) {
print $fh $tagmap->{$tagname} || next;
my @to_unget;
while(1) {
push @to_unget, $self->get_token;
last if $to_unget[-1]->is_end
and $to_unget[-1]->tagname eq $tagname;
# TODO: support for X<...>'s found in here? (maybe hack into linearize_tokens)
my $name = $self->linearize_tokens(@to_unget);
$name = $self->do_section($name, $token) if defined $name;
print $fh "<a ";
if ($tagname =~ m/^head\d$/s) {
print $fh "class='u'", $self->index
? " href='#___top' title='click to go to top of document'\n"
: "\n";
if(defined $name) {
my $esc = esc( $self->section_name_tidy( $name ) );
print $fh qq[name="$esc"];
DEBUG and print STDERR "Linearized ", scalar(@to_unget),
" tokens as \"$name\".\n";
push @{ $self->{'PSHTML_index_points'} }, [$tagname, $name]
if $ToIndex{ $tagname };
# Obviously, this discards all formatting codes (saving
# just their content), but ahwell.
} else { # ludicrously long, so nevermind
DEBUG and print STDERR "Linearized ", scalar(@to_unget),
" tokens, but it was too long, so nevermind.\n";
print $fh "\n>";
} elsif ($tagname eq 'Data') {
my $next = $self->get_token;
next unless defined $next;
unless( $next->type eq 'text' ) {
DEBUG and print STDERR " raw text ", $next->text, "\n";
# The parser sometimes preserves newlines and sometimes doesn't!
(my $text = $next->text) =~ s/\n\z//;
print $fh $text, "\n";
} else {
if( $tagname =~ m/^over-/s ) {
push @stack, '';
} elsif( $tagname =~ m/^item-/s and @stack and $stack[-1] ) {
print $fh $stack[-1];
$stack[-1] = '';
print $fh $tagmap->{$tagname} || next;
++$dont_wrap if $tagname eq 'Verbatim' or $tagname eq "VerbatimFormatted"
or $tagname eq 'X';
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
} elsif( $type eq 'end' ) {
if( ($tagname = $token->tagname) =~ m/^over-/s ) {
if( my $end = pop @stack ) {
print $fh $end;
} elsif( $tagname =~ m/^item-/s and @stack) {
$stack[-1] = $tagmap->{"/$tagname"};
if( $tagname eq 'item-text' and defined(my $next = $self->get_token) ) {
if( $next->type eq 'start' ) {
print $fh $tagmap->{"/item-text"},$tagmap->{"item-body"};
$stack[-1] = $tagmap->{"/item-body"};
print $fh $tagmap->{"/$tagname"} || next;
--$dont_wrap if $tagname eq 'Verbatim' or $tagname eq 'X';
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
} elsif( $type eq 'text' ) {
esc($type = $token->text); # reuse $type, why not
$type =~ s/([\?\!\"\'\.\,]) /$1\n/g unless $dont_wrap;
print $fh $type;
return 1;
sub do_section {
my($self, $name, $token) = @_;
return $name;
sub do_link {
my($self, $token) = @_;
my $type = $token->attr('type');
if(!defined $type) {
$self->whine("Typeless L!?", $token->attr('start_line'));
} elsif( $type eq 'pod') { return $self->do_pod_link($token);
} elsif( $type eq 'url') { return $self->do_url_link($token);
} elsif( $type eq 'man') { return $self->do_man_link($token);
} else {
$self->whine("L of unknown type $type!?", $token->attr('start_line'));
return 'FNORG'; # should never get called
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sub do_url_link { return $_[1]->attr('to') }
sub do_man_link {
my ($self, $link) = @_;
my $to = $link->attr('to');
my $frag = $link->attr('section');
return undef unless defined $to and length $to; # should never happen
$frag = $self->section_escape($frag)
if defined $frag and length($frag .= ''); # (stringify)
DEBUG and print STDERR "Resolving \"$to/$frag\"\n\n";
return $self->resolve_man_page_link($to, $frag);
sub do_pod_link {
# And now things get really messy...
my($self, $link) = @_;
my $to = $link->attr('to');
my $section = $link->attr('section');
return undef unless( # should never happen
(defined $to and length $to) or
(defined $section and length $section)
$section = $self->section_escape($section)
if defined $section and length($section .= ''); # (stringify)
DEBUG and printf STDERR "Resolving \"%s\" \"%s\"...\n",
$to || "(nil)", $section || "(nil)";
# An early hack:
my $complete_url = $self->resolve_pod_link_by_table($to, $section);
if( $complete_url ) {
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "resolve_pod_link_by_table(T,S) gives ",
$complete_url, "\n (Returning that.)\n";
return $complete_url;
} else {
DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR " resolve_pod_link_by_table(T,S)",
" didn't return anything interesting.\n";
if(defined $to and length $to) {
# Give this routine first hack again
my $there = $self->resolve_pod_link_by_table($to);
if(defined $there and length $there) {
and print STDERR "resolve_pod_link_by_table(T) gives $there\n";
} else {
$there =
$self->resolve_pod_page_link($to, $section);
# (I pass it the section value, but I don't see a
# particular reason it'd use it.)
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "resolve_pod_page_link gives ", $there || "(nil)", "\n";
unless( defined $there and length $there ) {
DEBUG and print STDERR "Can't resolve $to\n";
return undef;
# resolve_pod_page_link returning undef is how it
# can signal that it gives up on making a link
$to = $there;
#DEBUG and print STDERR "So far [", $to||'nil', "] [", $section||'nil', "]\n";
my $out = (defined $to and length $to) ? $to : '';
$out .= "#" . $section if defined $section and length $section;
unless(length $out) { # sanity check
DEBUG and printf STDERR "Oddly, couldn't resolve \"%s\" \"%s\"...\n",
$to || "(nil)", $section || "(nil)";
return undef;
DEBUG and print STDERR "Resolved to $out\n";
return $out;
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sub section_escape {
my($self, $section) = @_;
return $self->section_url_escape(
sub section_name_tidy {
my($self, $section) = @_;
$section =~ s/^\s+//;
$section =~ s/\s+$//;
$section =~ tr/ /_/;
if ($] ge 5.006) {
$section =~ s/[[:cntrl:][:^ascii:]]//g; # drop crazy characters
} elsif ('A' eq chr(65)) { # But not on early EBCDIC
$section =~ tr/\x00-\x1F\x80-\x9F//d;
$section = $self->unicode_escape_url($section);
$section = '_' unless length $section;
return $section;
sub section_url_escape { shift->general_url_escape(@_) }
sub pagepath_url_escape { shift->general_url_escape(@_) }
sub manpage_url_escape { shift->general_url_escape(@_) }
sub general_url_escape {
my($self, $string) = @_;
$string =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/join '', map sprintf('%%%02X',$_), unpack 'C*', $1/eg;
# express Unicode things as urlencode(utf(orig)).
# A pretty conservative escaping, behoovey even for query components
# of a URL (see RFC 2396)
if ($] ge 5.007_003) {
$string =~ s/([^-_\.!~*()abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/sprintf('%%%02X',utf8::native_to_unicode(ord($1)))/eg;
} else { # Is broken for non-ASCII platforms on early perls
$string =~ s/([^-_\.!~*()abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/sprintf('%%%02X',ord($1))/eg;
# Yes, stipulate the list without a range, so that this can work right on
# all charsets that this module happens to run under.
return $string;
# Oh look, a yawning portal to Hell! Let's play touch football right by it!
sub resolve_pod_page_link {
# resolve_pod_page_link must return a properly escaped URL
my $self = shift;
return $self->batch_mode()
? $self->resolve_pod_page_link_batch_mode(@_)
: $self->resolve_pod_page_link_singleton_mode(@_)
sub resolve_pod_page_link_singleton_mode {
my($self, $it) = @_;
return undef unless defined $it and length $it;
my $url = $self->pagepath_url_escape($it);
$url =~ s{::$}{}s; # probably never comes up anyway
$url =~ s{::}{/}g unless $self->perldoc_url_prefix =~ m/\?/s; # sane DWIM?
return undef unless length $url;
return $self->perldoc_url_prefix . $url . $self->perldoc_url_postfix;
sub resolve_pod_page_link_batch_mode {
my($self, $to) = @_;
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " During batch mode, resolving $to ...\n";
my @path = grep length($_), split m/::/s, $to, -1;
unless( @path ) { # sanity
DEBUG and print STDERR "Very odd! Splitting $to gives (nil)!\n";
return undef;
my $out = join('/', map $self->pagepath_url_escape($_), @path)
DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " => $out\n";
return $out;
sub batch_mode_rectify_path {
my($self, $pathbits) = @_;
my $level = $self->batch_mode_current_level;
$level--; # how many levels up to go to get to the root
if($level < 1) {
unshift @$pathbits, '.'; # just to be pretty
} else {
unshift @$pathbits, ('..') x $level;
sub resolve_man_page_link {
my ($self, $to, $frag) = @_;
my ($page, $section) = $to =~ /^([^(]+)(?:[(](\d+)[)])?$/;
return undef unless defined $page and length $page;
$section ||= 1;
return $self->man_url_prefix . "$section/"
. $self->manpage_url_escape($page)
. $self->man_url_postfix;
sub resolve_pod_link_by_table {
# A crazy hack to allow specifying custom L<foo> => URL mappings
return unless $_[0]->{'podhtml_LOT'}; # An optimizy shortcut
my($self, $to, $section) = @_;
# TODO: add a method that actually populates podhtml_LOT from a file?
if(defined $section) {
$to = '' unless defined $to and length $to;
return $self->{'podhtml_LOT'}{"$to#$section"}; # quite possibly undef!
} else {
return $self->{'podhtml_LOT'}{$to}; # quite possibly undef!
sub linearize_tokens { # self, tokens
my $self = shift;
my $out = '';
my $t;
while($t = shift @_) {
if(!ref $t or !UNIVERSAL::can($t, 'is_text')) {
$out .= $t; # a string, or some insane thing
} elsif($t->is_text) {
$out .= $t->text;
} elsif($t->is_start and $t->tag eq 'X') {
# Ignore until the end of this X<...> sequence:
my $x_open = 1;
while($x_open) {
next if( ($t = shift @_)->is_text );
if( $t->is_start and $t->tag eq 'X') { ++$x_open }
elsif($t->is_end and $t->tag eq 'X') { --$x_open }
return undef if length $out > $Linearization_Limit;
return $out;
sub unicode_escape_url {
my($self, $string) = @_;
$string =~ s/([^\x00-\xFF])/'('.ord($1).')'/eg;
# Turn char 1234 into "(1234)"
return $string;
sub esc { # a function.
if(defined wantarray) {
if(wantarray) {
@_ = splice @_; # break aliasing
} else {
my $x = shift;
if ($] ge 5.007_003) {
$x =~ s/([^-\n\t !\#\$\%\(\)\*\+,\.\~\/\:\;=\?\@\[\\\]\^_\`\{\|\}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/'&#'.(utf8::native_to_unicode(ord($1))).';'/eg;
} else { # Is broken for non-ASCII platforms on early perls
$x =~ s/([^-\n\t !\#\$\%\(\)\*\+,\.\~\/\:\;=\?\@\[\\\]\^_\`\{\|\}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/'&#'.(ord($1)).';'/eg;
return $x;
foreach my $x (@_) {
# Escape things very cautiously:
if (defined $x) {
if ($] ge 5.007_003) {
$x =~ s/([^-\n\t !\#\$\%\(\)\*\+,\.\~\/\:\;=\?\@\[\\\]\^_\`\{\|\}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/'&#'.(utf8::native_to_unicode(ord($1))).';'/eg
} else { # Is broken for non-ASCII platforms on early perls
$x =~ s/([^-\n\t !\#\$\%\(\)\*\+,\.\~\/\:\;=\?\@\[\\\]\^_\`\{\|\}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789])/'&#'.(ord($1)).';'/eg
# Leave out "- so that "--" won't make it thru in X-generated comments
# with text in them.
# Yes, stipulate the list without a range, so that this can work right on
# all charsets that this module happens to run under.
return @_;
=head1 NAME
Pod::Simple::HTML - convert Pod to HTML
perl -MPod::Simple::HTML -e Pod::Simple::HTML::go thingy.pod
This class is for making an HTML rendering of a Pod document.
This is a subclass of L<Pod::Simple::PullParser> and inherits all its
methods (and options).
Note that if you want to do a batch conversion of a lot of Pod
documents to HTML, you should see the module L<Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch>.
perl -MPod::Simple::HTML -e Pod::Simple::HTML::go Thing.pod Thing.html
=head2 Minimal code
use Pod::Simple::HTML;
my $p = Pod::Simple::HTML->new;
$p->output_string(\my $html);
open my $out, '>', 'out.html' or die "Cannot open 'out.html': $!\n";
print $out $html;
=head2 More detailed example
use Pod::Simple::HTML;
Set the content type:
$Pod::Simple::HTML::Content_decl = q{<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >};
my $p = Pod::Simple::HTML->new;
Include a single javascript source:
Or insert multiple javascript source in the header
(or for that matter include anything, thought this is not recommended)
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>');
Include a single css source in the header:
or insert multiple css sources:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="pod_stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="pod_stylesheet" href="/style.css">');
Tell the parser where should the output go. In this case it will be placed in the $html variable:
my $html;
Parse and process a file with pod in it:
=head1 METHODS
all (most?) accessorized methods
The following variables need to be set B<before> the call to the ->new constructor.
Set the string that is included before the opening <html> tag:
$Pod::Simple::HTML::Doctype_decl = qq{<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
Set the content-type in the HTML head: (defaults to ISO-8859-1)
$Pod::Simple::HTML::Content_decl = q{<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >};
Set the value that will be embedded in the opening tags of F, C tags and verbatim text.
F maps to <em>, C maps to <code>, Verbatim text maps to <pre> (Computerese defaults to "")
$Pod::Simple::HTML::Computerese = ' class="some_class_name';
=head2 html_css
=head2 html_javascript
=head2 title_prefix
=head2 title_postfix
=head2 html_header_before_title
This includes everything before the <title> opening tag including the Document type
and including the opening <title> tag. The following call will set it to be a simple HTML
=head2 top_anchor
By default Pod::Simple::HTML adds a dummy anchor at the top of the HTML.
You can change it by calling
$p->top_anchor('<a name="zz" >');
=head2 html_h_level
Normally =head1 will become <h1>, =head2 will become <h2> etc.
Using the html_h_level method will change these levels setting the h level
of =head1 tags:
Will make sure that =head1 will become <h3> and =head2 will become <h4> etc...
=head2 index
Set it to some true value if you want to have an index (in reality a table of contents)
to be added at the top of the generated HTML.
=head2 html_header_after_title
Includes the closing tag of </title> and through the rest of the head
till the opening of the body
$p->html_header_after_title('</title>...</head><body id="my_id">');
=head2 html_footer
The very end of the document:
$p->html_footer( qq[\n<!-- end doc -->\n\n</body></html>\n] );
Can use any of the methods described above but for further customization
one needs to override some of the methods:
package My::Pod;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Pod::Simple::HTML';
# needs to return a URL string such
# #anchor_in_the_same_file
# /internal/ref.html
sub do_pod_link {
# My::Pod object and Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken object
my ($self, $link) = @_;
say $link->tagname; # will be L for links
say $link->attr('to'); #
say $link->attr('type'); # will be 'pod' always
say $link->attr('section');
# Links local to our web site
if ($link->tagname eq 'L' and $link->attr('type') eq 'pod') {
my $to = $link->attr('to');
if ($to =~ /^Padre::/) {
$to =~ s{::}{/}g;
return "/docs/Padre/$to.html";
# all other links are generated by the parent class
my $ret = $self->SUPER::do_pod_link($link);
return $ret;
Meanwhile in
use My::Pod;
my $p = My::Pod->new;
my $html;
open my $out, '>', 'out.html' or die;
print $out $html;
maybe override do_beginning do_end
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch>
TODO: a corpus of sample Pod input and HTML output? Or common
=head1 SUPPORT
Questions or discussion about POD and Pod::Simple should be sent to the mail list. Send an empty email to to subscribe.
This module is managed in an open GitHub repository,
L<>. Feel free to fork and contribute, or
to clone L<git://> and send patches!
Patches against Pod::Simple are welcome. Please send bug reports to
Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Sean M. Burke.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Thanks to L<Hurricane Electric|> for permission to use its
L<Linux man pages online|> site for man page links.
Thanks to L<|> for permission to use the
site for Perl module links.
=head1 AUTHOR
Pod::Simple was created by Sean M. Burke <>.
But don't bother him, he's retired.
Pod::Simple is maintained by:
=item * Allison Randal C<>
=item * Hans Dieter Pearcey C<>
=item * David E. Wheeler C<>
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists