Sindbad~EG File Manager
# Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
# This is just a basic proof of concept. It should later be modified to make
# better use of color, take options changing what colors are used for what
# text, and the like.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl
# Modules and declarations
package Pod::Text::Color;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Pod::Text ();
use Term::ANSIColor qw(color colored);
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
@ISA = qw(Pod::Text);
$VERSION = '4.11';
# Overrides
# Make level one headings bold.
sub cmd_head1 {
my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
local $Term::ANSIColor::EACHLINE = "\n";
$self->SUPER::cmd_head1 ($attrs, colored ($text, 'bold'));
# Make level two headings bold.
sub cmd_head2 {
my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
$self->SUPER::cmd_head2 ($attrs, colored ($text, 'bold'));
# Fix the various formatting codes.
sub cmd_b { return colored ($_[2], 'bold') }
sub cmd_f { return colored ($_[2], 'cyan') }
sub cmd_i { return colored ($_[2], 'yellow') }
# Analyze a single line and return any formatting codes in effect at the end
# of that line.
sub end_format {
my ($self, $line) = @_;
my $reset = color ('reset');
my $current;
while ($line =~ /(\e\[[\d;]+m)/g) {
my $code = $1;
if ($code eq $reset) {
undef $current;
} else {
$current .= $code;
return $current;
# Output any included code in green.
sub output_code {
my ($self, $code) = @_;
local $Term::ANSIColor::EACHLINE = "\n";
$code = colored ($code, 'green');
$self->output ($code);
# Strip all of the formatting from a provided string, returning the stripped
# version. We will eventually want to use colorstrip() from Term::ANSIColor,
# but it's fairly new so avoid the tight dependency.
sub strip_format {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text =~ s/\e\[[\d;]*m//g;
return $text;
# We unfortunately have to override the wrapping code here, since the normal
# wrapping code gets really confused by all the escape sequences.
sub wrap {
my $self = shift;
local $_ = shift;
my $output = '';
my $spaces = ' ' x $$self{MARGIN};
my $width = $$self{opt_width} - $$self{MARGIN};
# $codes matches a single special sequence. $char matches any number of
# special sequences preceding a single character other than a newline.
# $shortchar matches some sequence of $char ending in codes followed by
# whitespace or the end of the string. $longchar matches exactly $width
# $chars, used when we have to truncate and hard wrap.
# $shortchar and $longchar are created in a slightly odd way because the
# construct ${char}{0,$width} didn't do the right thing until Perl 5.8.x.
my $code = '(?:\e\[[\d;]+m)';
my $char = "(?>$code*[^\\n])";
my $shortchar = '^(' . $char . "{0,$width}(?>$code*)" . ')(?:\s+|\z)';
my $longchar = '^(' . $char . "{$width})";
while (length > $width) {
if (s/$shortchar// || s/$longchar//) {
$output .= $spaces . $1 . "\n";
} else {
$output .= $spaces . $_;
# less -R always resets terminal attributes at the end of each line, so we
# need to clear attributes at the end of lines and then set them again at
# the start of the next line. This requires a second pass through the
# wrapped string, accumulating any attributes we see, remembering them,
# and then inserting the appropriate sequences at the newline.
if ($output =~ /\n/) {
my @lines = split (/\n/, $output);
my $start_format;
for my $line (@lines) {
if ($start_format && $line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/^(\s*)(\S)/$1$start_format$2/;
$start_format = $self->end_format ($line);
if ($start_format) {
$line .= color ('reset');
$output = join ("\n", @lines);
# Fix up trailing whitespace and return the results.
$output =~ s/\s+$/\n\n/;
# Module return value and documentation
=for stopwords
=head1 NAME
Pod::Text::Color - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
use Pod::Text::Color;
my $parser = Pod::Text::Color->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);
# Read POD from STDIN and write to STDOUT.
# Read POD from file.pod and write to file.txt.
$parser->parse_from_file ('file.pod', 'file.txt');
Pod::Text::Color is a simple subclass of Pod::Text that highlights output
text using ANSI color escape sequences. Apart from the color, it in all
ways functions like Pod::Text. See L<Pod::Text> for details and available
Term::ANSIColor is used to get colors and therefore must be installed to use
this module.
=head1 BUGS
This is just a basic proof of concept. It should be seriously expanded to
support configurable coloration via options passed to the constructor, and
B<pod2text> should be taught about those.
=head1 AUTHOR
Russ Allbery <>.
Copyright 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2018 Russ Allbery
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Pod::Text>, L<Pod::Simple>
The current version of this module is always available from its web site at
L<>. It is also part of the
Perl core distribution as of 5.6.0.
# Local Variables:
# copyright-at-end-flag: t
# End:
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists