Sindbad~EG File Manager
Most important News CMSimple 5.15 => 5.16 (2024-07-22):
Login revised
Bugfix Pluginloader index.php (in case no plugin is installed)
Mail form improved: From:, Reply-To:, mailbody
Filebrowser: Linklist for dialog "internal links" in Editorbrowser improved
New functions from CMSimple Basic added (for compatibility)
p: and f: possible for function calls (instead of plugin: and function:)
fatal error with link button in Editorbrowser fixed
"cmsimpleDataFileStored" renamed 3x to "cmsimpleDataStored" due to possible ModSecurity conflict
Most important News CMSimple 5.14 => 5.15 (2024-03-25):
The drag&drop functionality of the pagemanager has been significantly improved
./cmsimple/defaultconfig.php: $cf['use']['h1only_pagesplitting'] empty again, is better when converting contents of old versions
The routine for switching to h1only pagesplitting has been improved.
Most important News CMSimple 5.12 => 5.14 (2024-01-04):
Most referencing now no longer occurs from the domain root, but relatively from the site root ($sn replaced by ./).
Image format .webp added to allowed filetypes
CSRF protection disabled by default
h1only_pagesplitting now activated also in defaultconfig.php
meta_tags and page_params design independent of the template
Fixed CMSimpleDebug.txt copy bug for updating the CoAuthors page
CoAuthors plugin: updated to 3.0
Filebrowser admin.php: XHFB_PATH => CMSIMPLE_FB_PATH
./2author, ./2lang, ./2site, ./2site2lang: in setup.php $setup_timeOut increased to 600s (syncronised with login.php)
_cmsimpleAdmin.php and _disabled_plugins.txt moved to folder ./content/
readme.php replaced by README.txt and README.txt
Standard template slightly revised
Standard content (content.php and pagedata.php) revised, also in the folders ./2author, ./2lang, ./2site, ./2site2lang
Most important News CMSimple 5.11 => 5.12 (2023-07-21):
Bugfix for php 8.2: CMS configuration was not possible when the editor was deactivated (white screen)
2 new constants introduced: CMSIMPLE_SITEURL and CMSIMPLE_ROOTURL
meta_tags and page_params: tag() functions replaced
Login as lightbox overlay
Function pagename() - warning under php 8.2 removed
Most important News CMSimple 5.10 => 5.11 (2023-02-06):
No separate download for updates anymore
convert_h1split/index.php: improved direct access prevention
filebrowser_view.php revised for php 8.2 ($_SESSION['fb_view'])
editorbrowser.php: Nopexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx => Nope wink
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists