Sindbad~EG File Manager

Current Path : /home/atdotid/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/atdotid/


$lang["giftcards_add_minus"] = "Inventory to add or subtract.";
$lang["giftcards_allow_alt_description"] = "Allow Alternate Description";
$lang["giftcards_bulk_edit"] = "Bulk Edit";
$lang["giftcards_cannot_be_deleted"] = "Could not delete selected Gift Card(s), one or more of the selected Gift Cards has sales.";
$lang["giftcards_cannot_find_giftcard"] = "Gift Card not found.";
$lang["giftcards_cannot_use"] = "Gift Card %1 cannot be used for this sale: invalid Customer.";
$lang["giftcards_card_value"] = "Value";
$lang["giftcards_category"] = "Category";
$lang["giftcards_change_all_to_allow_alt_desc"] = "Allow alternate description for all.";
$lang["giftcards_change_all_to_not_allow_allow_desc"] = "Do not allow alternate description for all.";
$lang["giftcards_change_all_to_serialized"] = "Change All To Serialized";
$lang["giftcards_change_all_to_unserialized"] = "Change All To Unserialized";
$lang["giftcards_confirm_bulk_edit"] = "Are you sure you want to edit the selected Gift Card(s)?";
$lang["giftcards_confirm_delete"] = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected Gift Card(s)?";
$lang["giftcards_confirm_restore"] = "";
$lang["giftcards_cost_price"] = "Wholesale Price";
$lang["giftcards_count"] = "Update Inventory";
$lang["giftcards_current_quantity"] = "Current Quantity";
$lang["giftcards_description"] = "Description";
$lang["giftcards_details_count"] = "Inventory Count Details";
$lang["giftcards_do_nothing"] = "Do Nothing";
$lang["giftcards_edit_fields_you_want_to_update"] = "Edit desired fields for selected Gift Card(s).";
$lang["giftcards_edit_multiple_giftcards"] = "Edit Multiple Gift Cards.";
$lang["giftcards_error_adding_updating"] = "Gift Card add or update failed.";
$lang["giftcards_error_updating_multiple"] = "Gift Card(s) update failed.";
$lang["giftcards_csv_import_failed"] = "CSV import failed.";
$lang["giftcards_generate_barcodes"] = "Generate Barcodes";
$lang["giftcards_giftcard"] = "Gift Card";
$lang["giftcards_giftcard_number"] = "Gift Card Number";
$lang["giftcards_info_provided_by"] = "Info provided by";
$lang["giftcards_inventory_comments"] = "Comments";
$lang["giftcards_is_serialized"] = "Gift Card has Serial Number";
$lang["giftcards_low_inventory_giftcards"] = "Low Inventory Gift Cards";
$lang["giftcards_manually_editing_of_quantity"] = "Manual Edit of Quantity";
$lang["giftcards_must_select_giftcard_for_barcode"] = "You must select at least one (1) Gift Card to generate barcodes.";
$lang["giftcards_new"] = "New Gift Card";
$lang["giftcards_no_description_giftcards"] = "No Description Gift Cards";
$lang["giftcards_no_giftcards_to_display"] = "No Gift Cards to display.";
$lang["giftcards_none"] = "None";
$lang["giftcards_none_selected"] = "No Gift Card(s) selected to edit.";
$lang["giftcards_number"] = "Gift Card Number must be a number.";
$lang["giftcards_number_information"] = "Gift Card Number";
$lang["giftcards_number_required"] = "Gift Card Number is a required field.";
$lang["giftcards_one_or_multiple"] = "Gift Card(s)";
$lang["giftcards_person_id"] = "Customer";
$lang["giftcards_quantity"] = "Quantity";
$lang["giftcards_quantity_required"] = "Quantity is a required field. Please close (X) to cancel.";
$lang["giftcards_remaining_balance"] = "Gift Card %1 remaining value is %2!";
$lang["giftcards_reorder_level"] = "Reorder Level";
$lang["giftcards_retrive_giftcard_info"] = "Retrieve Gift Card Info";
$lang["giftcards_sales_tax_1"] = "Sales Tax";
$lang["giftcards_sales_tax_2"] = "Sales Tax 2";
$lang["giftcards_serialized_giftcards"] = "Serialized Gift Cards";
$lang["giftcards_successful_adding"] = "You have successfully added Gift Card";
$lang["giftcards_successful_bulk_edit"] = "You have successfully updated the selected Gift Card(s)";
$lang["giftcards_successful_deleted"] = "You have successfully deleted";
$lang["giftcards_successful_updating"] = "You have successfully updated Gift Card";
$lang["giftcards_supplier"] = "Supplier";
$lang["giftcards_tax_1"] = "Tax 1";
$lang["giftcards_tax_2"] = "Tax 2";
$lang["giftcards_tax_percent"] = "Tax Percent";
$lang["giftcards_tax_percents"] = "Tax Percent(s)";
$lang["giftcards_unit_price"] = "Retail Value";
$lang["giftcards_upc_database"] = "Barcode Database";
$lang["giftcards_update"] = "Update Gift Card";
$lang["giftcards_use_inventory_menu"] = "Use Inventory Menu";
$lang["giftcards_value"] = "Gift Card Value must be a number.";
$lang["giftcards_value_required"] = "Gift Card Value is a required field.";

Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists