Sindbad~EG File Manager
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Migration_IndiaGST extends CI_Migration
public function __construct()
public function up()
if (!$this->db->field_exists('sales_tax_code', 'customers'))
// If number of entries is greater than zero then the tax data needs to be migrated
execute_script(APPPATH . 'migrations/sqlscripts/3.3.0_indiagst.sql');
error_log('Migrating tax configuration');
$count_of_tax_codes = $this->get_count_of_tax_code_entries();
if($count_of_tax_codes > 0)
$count_of_rate_entries = $this->get_count_of_rate_entries();
if($count_of_rate_entries > 0)
$count_of_sales_taxes_entries = $this->get_count_of_sales_taxes_entries();
if($count_of_sales_taxes_entries > 0)
error_log('Migrating tax configuration completed');
public function down()
private function get_count_of_tax_code_entries()
$this->db->select('COUNT(*) as count');
return $this->db->get()->row()->count;
private function get_count_of_sales_taxes_entries()
$this->db->select('COUNT(*) as count');
return $this->db->get()->row()->count;
private function get_count_of_rate_entries()
$this->db->select('COUNT(*) as count');
return $this->db->get()->row()->count;
* This copies the old tax code configuration into the new tax code configuration
* assigning a tax_code_id id to the entry This only needs to be done if there are
* tax codes in the table.
private function migrate_tax_code_data()
$this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_codes') . ' (tax_code, tax_code_name, city, state)
SELECT tax_code, tax_code_name, city, state FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_codes_backup'));
* The previous upgrade script added the new column to the customers table.
* This will assign a tax code id using the tax code field that was left in place on the customer table.
* After it is complete then it will drop the old customer tax code.
* This MUST run so that the old tax code is dropped
private function migrate_customer_tax_codes()
$this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->dbprefix('customers') . ' AS fa SET fa.sales_tax_code_id = (
SELECT tax_code_id FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_codes') . ' AS fb where fa.sales_tax_code = fb.tax_code)');
$this->db->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->db->dbprefix('customers') . ' DROP COLUMN sales_tax_code');
* The sales taxes table is undergoing a significant primary key change
* The new table assumes that sales taxes are associated with a jurisdiction
* For base taxes and the older tax system the tax jurisdiction code table will be
* initialized with an entry that is used to represent a dummy or consolidated jurisdiction.
* If there is only one tax jurisdiction then it can be renamed and life moves on.
* If the user wants to start reporting taxes by jurisdiction then the new jurisdictions need
* to be created and defined manually AFTER the upgrade.
private function migrate_sales_taxes_data()
$this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_taxes')
. ' (sale_id, jurisdiction_id, tax_category_id, tax_type, tax_group, sale_tax_basis, sale_tax_amount, print_sequence, '
. '`name`, tax_rate, sales_tax_code_id, rounding_code) '
. 'select sale_id, rate_jurisdiction_id, rate_tax_category_id, tax_type, tax_group, sale_tax_basis, sale_tax_amount, '
. 'print_sequence, `name`, A.tax_rate, tax_code_id, rounding_code '
. 'from ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_taxes_backup') . ' AS A '
. 'left outer join ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_codes') . ' AS B on sales_tax_code = tax_code '
. 'left outer join ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_rates') . ' AS C on tax_code_id = rate_tax_code_id and A.tax_rate = C.tax_rate '
. 'order by sale_id');
private function migrate_tax_rates()
// create a dummy jurisdiction record and retrieve the jurisdiction rate id
$this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_jurisdictions') . ' (jurisdiction_name, tax_group, tax_type, reporting_authority, '
. "tax_group_sequence, cascade_sequence, deleted) VALUES ('Jurisdiction1','TaxGroup1','1','Authority1',1,0,'0')");
$jurisdiction_id = $this->db->query('SELECT jurisdiction_id FROM ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_jurisdictions') . " WHERE jurisdiction_name = 'Jurisdiction1'")->row()->jurisdiction_id;
// Insert old tax_code rates data into the new tax rates table
$this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_rates')
. ' (rate_tax_category_id, rate_jurisdiction_id, rate_tax_code_id, tax_rate, tax_rounding_code) '
. 'SELECT rate_tax_category_id, ' . $jurisdiction_id . ', tax_code_id, tax_rate, rounding_code FROM '
. $this->db->dbprefix('tax_code_rates_backup') . ' JOIN ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_codes')
. ' ON tax_code = rate_tax_code');
private function drop_backups()
$this->db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_codes_backup'));
$this->db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('sales_taxes_backup'));
$this->db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->db->dbprefix('tax_code_rates_backup'));
Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists